Thanks for the input. I guess I have a tendency when thinking of the "protestors" at the clinics to think of media
clips I have seen of people shouting "sinner!!" or "baby killer!!" at women entering, and at the doctors especially.
It just doesn't jive with how Jesus treated the "woman caught in adultery". I have seen people holding the signs with grotesque pictures on them and chanting in front of hospitals at times and wondered how "wacky" this appears to non-christians, and what kind of testimony it really is.
But a genuine concern and loving approach at these places, as you say, could really do some good.
As far as "boycotts" go I would have to agree with you that they just don't seem to do much good. They might make the person participating feel they are doing what is "right", and God is on their side, but in the actual statistical realm
they fall short almost every time.
The only boycott I ever got involved in was the "Universal Studios Boycott" after the "Last Temptation of Christ" came out. It lasted about a month, then some great movie came out. I thought(as did hundreds of others) "I'll watch just this one movie then I'll go back to boycotting Universal again". Well, you know how that goes, it's about as effective as being on a diet and saying "just this one chocolate shake and then back to the diet again".
Oh, speaking of chocolate shakes, I do habitually boycott exercise Gyms. They are horrendous places where people talk about giving up fattening foods. And I know that the Bible teaches we should eat ALL THINGS with gladness of heart, and call nothing unclean. Any place that would try to force a distaste for fatty foods, or chocolate cake is teaching heresy and should be avoided like the plague.
I also boycott weight scale manufacturers because they try to distort the facts. But besides that I'm boycott free.
Oh well, take care Tom and God bless you, Joe