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Author Topic: Who can be saved?  (Read 10746 times)

« on: January 21, 2003, 05:42:31 am »

This post is for H, and the tangent discussion that was started in the "IS IT TRUE!!" posting.  As I said it should be moved to this part of the BB sincce it fit better here.

H, I have this one thing to say having read the article for us to start changing the meaning of words in the bible according to dictionary words is a very scarcy thing, if the brother would have broke out some greek, aramaic, etc his argument would have then been intersting to say the least.  Example he bring up the word love, well the word in that instance as you know is agape (i.e. It seeks the welfare of all, and works no ill).

Lord Bless,
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2003, 10:33:52 pm »

Hold the phone, here.  That's a typical assembly tatic, and I'm gonna call you on it because it ain't right and I hate it.  When you say,

"In the meantime, I would suggest reading the following with a humble, teachable, prayerful attitude:"

What you really are saying is, "You are wrong and I'm right. You need to read the passage again and see it my way." And you couch it in flowery words such as "humble, teachable, prayerful."  And then you top it off by quoting another passage of the Bible about being meek in order to be taught, implying that we are not meek now, but if we would be willing to be so, then we'd finally be able to be taught to see it as you see it, which, of course, is the right way.  That's what I really hate.  You are using the scriptures to support or coerce others to see your opinion.  Stop that.

Look, we all see things differently.  No doubt you are entirely convinced that the way you see it is the right way.  You wonder at how other people could be so mistaken as to see it differently.
Don't you understand that I or any other individual may see it a different way and be equally convinced of the surety of that view?  
Why not rather say, well, we don't know for sure, but this is how I see it, here are the reasons why.  I respect that you have a different opinon, I'd like to hear your reasons.  Ok, now that we've heard the evidence, this is my decision on what I believe about the matter.

Don't be a phony.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2003, 10:37:36 pm by Arthur » Logged

« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2003, 10:53:49 pm »

Arthur, down boy, down!  Undecided  

I rejoice that your are being protective of the others on this BB, since 99.9% of us do not hold the view that H does, but Arthur still is our brother.

Now H, Arthur is right, you can post that same article 500 times, and use the same hanful of verses (which by the way do not even flow with the context of SCRIPTURE in general, yet in the passages they are in).

I am jumping out of this disscusion (unless it gets super ugly).

1.  Again the people on the board are saved, so no need to get in this discussion here, now if this was a BB dedicated to preaching the gospel and how to reach the lost, I could see a need for this to go on.

2.  In reference to number one, the pressing issues now for this board to focus on are reconcilation, recovery,  relationships healed and brought back together, and a things along those lines.

Lord Bless,
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2003, 11:19:27 pm »

Heh, you think I got a little carried away?    
You know, it is of little concern to me that someone has a strange or opposing view.  I think that's fine, because I know I'm a human too and don't have infinite knowledge so as to fully understand anything.  I was concerned, and therefore addressed, the issue of misuse of the scripture and the misuse of the practise of spiritual admonishment for the purpose of coercion.  

« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2003, 09:17:21 am »

Calvinism? This is a ball and chain, brother. We are free! Don't get entangled again!


« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2003, 11:24:51 am »

I will ask you, who translated your bible.  Have you ever wondered why is it that we have so many translations?  It is because the different groups held different stances and views.  In a discussion, particaulary one based in theology or biblical themes, one must understand exactly what they are arguing.  Looking up the originial word and seeing its definition will help tremendously with this, if not needed as needed of an excercise as opening your eyes to thread a needle.

It might be common place in the assembly, but it is in one way an exclusivly "assembly tactic".  If you studied the writings of goldy men such as Lewis, Bonhoeffer, Chambers, and Luther, you will see they each found the value of a lexicon in understanding exactly what the Word of God states on any given subject.

But, if you are offended by such insightful actions as knowing what one is speaking of, by all means, title such men the term of "phony"

Hold the phone, here.  That's a typical assembly tatic, and I'm gonna call you on it because it ain't right and I hate it.  

Don't be a phony.
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