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Author Topic: I'm done sticking my neck out.  (Read 43735 times)

« Reply #45 on: March 04, 2004, 04:40:00 am »

I read this a few days ago:

Proverbs 29:12
If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.

This seems like advice on recognizing corruption in government.  A ruler has resources to find out about things, so his wrong decisions are based on feigned ignorance.
Joe Sperling

« Reply #46 on: March 04, 2004, 06:49:39 am »


That's very true. I saw the "Passion of Christ" on Saturday, and was amazed once again how Pilate, thinking that by washing his hands, was innocent of any crime. I think this speaks of that feigned ignorance you are describing.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2004, 06:50:44 am by Joe Sperling » Logged
« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2004, 04:31:04 pm »

I just finished reading the article.  Wow is that incredibly insightful!
It made me rethink what I am to this day, even though I've been out a few years.  I think the evil's effect still hasn't worn completely off.  I can see where my thinking has completely changed from what it was before I entered the group.  I'm way more proud in a really bad way. Sad

So evil isn't a piece of dark matter in the microwave (Time Bandits).  It was right up there at the pulpit in Fullerton and SLO while I was in the room listening.  It was right there in the houses in which I lived.  All the while it posioned my mind.  It's like I was irradiated with evil radiation.  I think I need to rethink some things.  I need a detox.

Things are getting clearer now.  I had some ananswered questions about issues in my life to which this helps shed a bit of light. I'm very glad for the article, thanks Steve and Margaret.


« Reply #48 on: March 07, 2004, 05:10:27 pm »

I read this a few days ago:

Proverbs 29:12
If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.

This seems like advice on recognizing corruption in government.  A ruler has resources to find out about things, so his wrong decisions are based on feigned ignorance.
this is the opposite of what I was taught in fellowship: follow the leaders, even if they are wrong, God will honor you and God will honor them even when they're wrong, because they are God's leadership.  Excellent safeguard in this thinking for the leaders themselves.  Thus, there was an easy trade for many leaders: check your conscience at the door and take up your crown, yardstick,  and authority.

correct me if this was not representative of the power holders in other assemblies.

« Reply #49 on: March 08, 2004, 12:08:12 am »

Things are getting clearer now.  I had some ananswered questions about issues in my life to which this helps shed a bit of light. I'm very glad for the article, thanks Steve and Margaret.


Puts it all into words......
Mark C.

« Reply #50 on: March 08, 2004, 02:47:03 am »

Hi Everyone!

  Great article that Arthur and Moonflower have commented on! (follow Arthur's link or go to Assembly Reflections site)
   I have sometimes wondered if my belief that GG was "evil" may have been too strong a word and that I should possibly temper my language in this regard, but after reading this article I see that I have been right on the money!
   Please notice that the author is a Harvard trained psychologist, and yet uses the term "evil".  This demonstrates that there are those trained in this science who bring moral issues into their understanding of the human condition.  The point I'm trying to make here is that not all psychology is totally "worldly" or anti-Christian.
   If the pscyologist/psychiatrist has a foundational belief rooted in Biblical faith there can be an enormous amount of good that this person can do.  This is demonstrated in Arthur's testimony to the insights provided him by clearly understanding what was going on in GG's mind and how it affected us.
   A key to recovery from our Assembly past is to understand the toxic nature of what we daily received, and once identified, how to "detox" (as Arthur stated) from the poisonous affects of evil.  I would like to recommend the book "Toxic Faith" as helpful in this regard.
   For those who still think that psychology and Christianity can not mix, please consider the man Dr. James Dobson who founded, "Focus On The Family."  He is a child psychologist and thoroughly committed to the Christian faith.  He has given his life to serve humanity through a combination of understanding that the reception of the Gospel is the greatest need for an individual, but uses his understanding of our humanity and life struggles as a means to communicate that message.
   Understanding the Gospel without understanding our own soul leads to a shallow experience of what God has for us therein.  Understanding our soul without the Gospel leads to despair.  Growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ must include an honest assessment of our inner life within the joyful knowledge that God's acceptance of me is not based on my ability to produce holiness in my life.
   It seems to me that the above is the cure to toxic faith and the knowledge of a faith that is more than an antidote; it actually becomes a fount of health springing up unto eternal life! Smiley Smiley
                             God Bless,   Mark C.

« Reply #51 on: March 08, 2004, 06:35:51 am »

Hi, all-
For me, these articles highlighted the confusion that long association with evil people causes.  For example, in the assemblies we called evil (g & b), good, and good (other ministries), evil.
A person visiting the assembly for some months once suggested a video series from Focus on the Family instead of another Geo. seminar.  Leadership scornfully looked down on him for even suggesting such a thing, poor man, no vision!
My point is, we didn't know any better.
You can have all the good intentions in the world and still be woefully inadequate to be in any sort of spiritual leadership if your main example, for upwards of 20 years, has been an evil person.  And you held him up as godly.  And you gave your life to serve in his ministry, to the exclusion of all others, and you called it "serving the Lord".  And when you found out he was a fraud, you continued in all he taught.

Now, do we, personally, look at our former leaders as our enemies, or evil in themselves?  Not at all. But they were fooled like we were, maybe to an even much greater extent, and a clear and humble repentance on their part would do wonders for their souls.  IMHO.
Deliver us all from evil, and the resulting confusion that association with it brings.  
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