Interesting observation. The anonymous posters operate from the comfort and safety of the shadows, and are ususally the first to complain about the tendency of others to treat them with a certain impersonal and understandably suspicious air...
So strange...
Clearly there are many folk who read anonlymously and of course that is entirly O.K.
People unwiliing to own their words ought not to be taken too serously in my view...

Maybe a bit of a blanket statement eh??
In my annonymous days I was protecting my "precious". That was of greater value than revealing my identity, but I owned every word I posted. There are some who remain annonymous for good reasons, but make a good commentary eh??
You guys are so uncaring. Poor scared and WillPray. They are just looking for support and now they have been driven from posting here. Cold water is supposed to be served in a glass.
This is depressing, I've got to go shopping now. Please pray for me.
Seriously, though, many complain of this BB, yet it has been the vehicle to bring us out of assembly bondage. Critical thinking skills were sharpened here. Contacts were renewed here. Family ties were renewed and strengthened. Despite what the support group crowd say, it has brought healing to many.
On the other hand, I don't think the answer is in "social Darwsinism" (if someone doesn't work he starves).
There's always the job option of giving "spiritual" advice and then throwing verses like "Don't muzzle the ox while it is threshing...". A good way to get others to support you eh??
Marcia (my real name)