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Author Topic: Please pray for me  (Read 19576 times)

« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2005, 08:34:42 am »


Anyone who would give such a tale of woe and then end it with, "I'm off to lunch and shopping" either has to be a complete sociopath or a total chain-yanker, or both.

Matt Sciaini

Ding Ding Ding   Grin
« Last Edit: August 03, 2005, 01:19:52 am by moonflower » Logged
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2005, 05:29:47 pm »


they are cowards.  If someone can't post using his or her real name, that is the only way I can describe them.  Of course, if they trying to play people on the board for fools, why would they identify themselves? 

Matt Sciaini

Interesting observation. The anonymous posters operate from the comfort and safety of the shadows, and are ususally the first to complain about the tendency of others to treat them with a certain impersonal and understandably suspicious air...
So strange... 
Clearly there are many folk who read anonlymously and of course that is entirly O.K.
People unwiliing to own their words ought not to be taken too serously  in my view... Smiley
« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 05:36:15 pm by VerneCarty » Logged

« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2005, 05:48:08 pm »

I'm still betting on chain-yanker for this thread.  Some thoughts:

1.  I haven't decided whether this parody is a parody poking fun at people on welfare or if it is poking fun at the the way folks sterotype all people who receive assistance.
2.  "Will Pray" decries the fact that folks on this board are opinionated.  This reminds me of the old joke where you walk up to someone and say, "Oh my God!  You got hair on your head!" and watch their reaction.  Everyone who is living has opinions.  Everything we write is our opinion.  What is the point?
3.  I grew up in Inglewood where the government tried to turn my neighborhood into a project.  I personally felt "hitting me upside my head" the results of families on welfare without dads.  For years the "experts" tried to solve the problem by addressing racism and feeling that the problem was econimic.  They tried bussing and throwing money at the problem.  This turned all of Inglewood into a ghetto.  Johnson's war on poverty failed.  Unrestrained welfare only creates a welfare society.  Dan Quail (as well as John Singleton in his movie "Boyz in the Hood") was right. They needed dads in the home modeling responsibility.
4.  On the other hand, I don't think the answer is in "social Darwsinism" (if someone doesn't work he starves).  There are folks who indeed have genuine mental/physical/spiritual problems that are legitimate.  Further, tough stance only works on folks who understand cause and effect.  In our warped society, if people starve by their own choice, the blame would go on those who withheld the food, not on those who chose to be lazy.  In some ways, rightfully so.  After all, most of us would pull a dog out of the rain even if the dog was choosing not to go into the dog house simply because we understand that the dog doesn't know better.
5.  Places like the Union Rescue Mission model the concept of "compassionate conservatism".  Anyone who wants to get off the streets, get off alcohol and drugs, and get a job can do so guarenteed - if they simply go through the program and obey the rules.  It is a graduated system full of baby steps.  For example, if someone wants to sleep in a bed instead of the chairs, all they have to do is go to the window at a certain time and request one.  Those who avail themselves of the opportunity get one.  Those who don't aren't thrown out into the cold, but they have to sleep on a plastic chair.  If they want to be trained in the mission, cleaned up, given a PO box, and given job leads, they simply have to sign up and attend a program that lasts several weeks.  Those who do, get on their feet.  Those who don't don't get thrown out in the cold.  They get to sleep on plastic chairs.  The lesson taught is the lesson of America.  There are opportunities here.  If you avail yourself of the opportunities, you can move forward.  Those who don't get to work at Wendys for nine dollars an hour.
6.  In my discussion here, I am not speaking of someone who has a legitimate physical or mental ailment and honestly cannot work.  This is an obvious weakspot because who defines "legitimate"?
7.  Families need to take a greater role in helping their own get back on their feet.
8.  Someone who is intentionally trying to "work the system" as "spared" is attempting to do is abanding God's call of vocation.  She is exchanging America as a land of opportunity to America, the land of entitlement.  I am not a "chapter and verse" type of person any more, but I doubt seriously that historical Christian theology would encourage anyone to give up a life of meaningful labor for the good of society for a life of personal interest while being supported by that society.  Unless Spared has a legitimate physical or mental ailment preventing her from fulfilling her vocational call, it is her kind of thinking that keeps folks sleeping on plastic chairs at the Union Rescue mission.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 05:51:32 pm by Dave Sable » Logged
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2005, 06:15:21 pm »

Interesting observation. The anonymous posters operate from the comfort and safety of the shadows, and are ususally the first to complain about the tendency of others to treat them with a certain impersonal and understandably suspicious air...
So strange... 
Clearly there are many folk who read anonlymously and of course that is entirly O.K.
People unwiliing to own their words ought not to be taken too serously  in my view... Smiley

Maybe a bit of a blanket statement eh??
In my annonymous days I was protecting my "precious".  That was of greater value than revealing my identity, but I owned every word I posted.  There are some who remain annonymous for good reasons, but make a good commentary eh??

You guys are so uncaring.  Poor scared and WillPray.  They are just looking for support and now they have been driven from posting here. Cold water is supposed to be served in a glass.
This is depressing, I've got to go shopping now.  Please pray for me.

Seriously, though, many complain of this BB, yet it has been the vehicle to bring us out of assembly bondage.  Critical thinking skills were sharpened here.  Contacts were renewed here.  Family ties were renewed and strengthened.  Despite what the support group crowd say, it has brought healing to many.

On the other hand, I don't think the answer is in "social Darwsinism" (if someone doesn't work he starves).

There's always the job option of giving "spiritual" advice and then throwing verses like "Don't muzzle the ox while it is threshing...".  A good way to get others to support you eh??

Marcia (my real name)
« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 06:25:21 pm by Marcia » Logged
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2005, 06:51:09 pm »

Maybe a bit of a blanket statement eh??
In my annonymous days I was protecting my "precious".  That was of greater value than revealing my identity, but I owned every word I posted. 
Marcia (my real name)

True.  You however, were a rare exception Marcia (are you sure that is your real name?)  Smiley.
The tendency of most anonymous posters is to take pot shots wth anticipated immunity.

p.s I fully agree with your assessment of the BB's impact, the things you cite certainly being true in my own case.
One thing I sadly learned on the BB is how much of assembly influence ramained with me, my own contrary opinion notwithstanding. This is sobering in view of the fact that I departed in 1989.
Recovery will probably be life-long...and I was one of the fortunate ones... God is faithful.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 07:56:07 pm by VerneCarty » Logged
grown up
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2005, 05:46:49 am »

Initially I wasn't going to give "will pray" and "spared" the time of day when I first saw the comments they made. It's taken me a couple of days to settle down cuz my first response wasn't kind. Thank You everyone for communicating what I was thinking (guess I can go back to being a lurker now) Cool Anyway this BB has been very valuable for me in my walk with Christ. I don't judge people, I pray as I am confident the Christians on this board do also so for an anonomous person to call myself and the members of this board the things mentioned has gotta be a joke.... Maybe we could come up with a way for the names of people who come up with "things" like this to have their real identity edited in  Wink sorry just a little humor  Roll Eyes

Will Pray

« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2005, 05:32:51 am »

Hmm...making fun of people...being judgemental...sounds little a bunch of little GG's!  Or else a bunch of middle-aged losers who have nothing better to do with their time than to post on a bulletin board.  Either way you're all screwed! 

With the Last Laugh (LOL),

will pray


« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2005, 06:52:44 am »

Hmm...making fun of people...being judgemental...sounds little a bunch of little GG's!  Or else a bunch of middle-aged losers who have nothing better to do with their time than to post on a bulletin board.  Either way you're all screwed! 

With the Last Laugh (LOL),

will pray


You sound like you are still on the GG skewer, little one. Do a mirror check, please.
"spared" = "will prey"?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2005, 09:01:18 am by moonflower » Logged
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2005, 06:10:29 pm »

Hmm...making fun of people...being judgemental...sounds little a bunch of little GG's!  Or else a bunch of middle-aged losers who have nothing better to do with their time than to post on a bulletin board.  Either way you're all screwed! 

With the Last Laugh (LOL),

will pray


Some day you will understand young man, when you have reached the middle ages yourself.  Middle aged folk love to sit in the gates and share their wisdom with each other, and give advice to the passers by. Smiley

Re. being little GG's, that would be true if there was hidden immorality, and  preaching a false gospel, and promoting a code of silence, and enforcing  commitment to the group, and sacrificing oneself for the sake of the vision and...

This BB is about freedom to speak the truth, or at least it used to be.  Style and method of communication does not make us little GG's.  On the other hand your outburst does make me wonder if GG has had a little too much influence on you than you care to admit.  Objects in mirror are closer than they appear to be.

Marcia Marinier
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