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Author Topic: This Board: Why Are We Here?  (Read 14197 times)
al Hartman

« on: July 11, 2005, 05:59:48 am »

Seriously, Folks,

What are we doing here?  The function of this bulletin board has clearly changed since its inception.  Some have ventured opinions as to why this has happened.  What do you think? 

Have the changes been for the better, for the worse, neither, or both? 

Do they validate the theory of evolution & survival of the fittest?

Has this board helped you?  Lately?  How, or if not, why not?

What do you think is the primary function of this forum at present?

If you have never posted here, why not?

If you are an out of control poster, why?

If you are a poster child, please include your photo...

Anticipating your replies,
matthew r. sciaini

« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2005, 08:38:31 am »

Seriously, Folks,

What are we doing here?  The function of this bulletin board has clearly changed since its inception.  Some have ventured opinions as to why this has happened.  What do you think? 

Have the changes been for the better, for the worse, neither, or both? 

Do they validate the theory of evolution & survival of the fittest?

Has this board helped you?  Lately?  How, or if not, why not?

What do you think is the primary function of this forum at present?

If you have never posted here, why not?

If you are an out of control poster, why?

If you are a poster child, please include your photo...

Anticipating your replies,


I think that the assembly board, like any else on this present earth (meaning, anything temporal --time and space) has a course that it is running (some would say that it is has run). 

The assembly board was born of a time (November 2002) when transparency still did not prevail regarding David in the SLO assembly and the doings of George, Betty, Tim and others were not known at large.  (You might say this was a still a time of the veiling of eyes and hearts, self-induced though much of it was).    It was also born in a place of real desperation as far as Assembly affairs were concerned (SLO again) and the brother setting it up wanted to make public what was going on in San Luis Obispo (things that we were not being told at the prayer meetings), :|, to give God's people in these groups to hear the truth about David Geftakys, and eventually that of the Geftakys ministry.

Fast foward to July, 2005.   The SLO assembly, among others, is no more.  David Geftakys is free of the assembly, and what's more, those that were under him are now free of him.  The news has been out for some time about George, Betty, David, Tim, and unrepentant workers.  Those still involved in the assemblies are either leaving the taint of GG behind, whitewashing the past, or still are wholeheartedly with GG.  The board, in my opinion, has done its time as information source.  The forum is now as real an information source as exists for all things in association with the old Geftakys assemblies, and those autonomous groups trying to live down their history as part of GG's "work".  If people do not know by now what the assembly problems were, either they were never involved  or flat out refuse to examine the past, warts and all.  Certainly the bulletin board is not useful for such as these.

I know that recently the emphasis of this board (over the past year and a half or so?) has been for reflection and opportunity for healing.  I cannot speak for others, but I have been using the forum to get information on current assemblies, to catch up with some old acquaintances, to parody the more hilarious aspects of my involvement with the assembly, and occasionally to share an experience or ask others' opinions on an issue.   However, I do reflection better on my own.  As for what I see on the board now, mostly idle chatter and whining prevail (even if some of it is my own "| ).   I don't say these changes are for the "worse", but the original purpose of the board in my mind has been fulfilled. 

For better, or for the worse?  I think that depends on one's agenda. 

I'm not sure how I would related this to the theory of evolution per se, but perhaps a process of obsolesence.  The character of the time is different now among people ever connected to the assembly than at the beginning of 2003.  Then, people were inquiring what was going on.
Now, people have (more or less) made their decisions, whatever those are.  If they have not sought out the board and the website before and are still with the group, they probably won't unless they want to leave validate their choice.

The board has not helped me so much lately.....and I wonder if David Mauldin really has a life outside of the forum for all the times he posts and for all the threads he starts.  It is one thing to run an emergency shelter (or even to work at one); it is yet another to try and schedule dances and social activities around said shelter......the goal is healing in order to leave the shelter for normal life or transfer to a more permanent place if healing has not yet happened or normalcy has not been restored (yes, I'm talking metaphorically).

The primary function of this forum seems to be to keep hours for those that have not yet discovered it or who need to vent, or long-lost ex-assemblyites who need an update.  I predict that, like a parking lot at the university campus on the last day of finals, this board will become sparser and sparser of hits (it is already happening as far as posts).  Rick Ross's site on the Assembly has for a while now remained unchanged.  (so much for information coming in).

Like everything else temporal, this too shall pass, as its reasons for being are passing......

Matt Sciaini



« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2005, 06:07:41 pm »

I think Matt described it well.  A friend of mine likes the concepts of "seasons of life" and I think this board went through seasons.

When I first came to the board, it was for news.  I was also looking for old Assembly friends who might want to talk to me and get reaquanted.  I didn't look so much for healing as I have been out of the Assembly since 1990.  I came thinking that having gone through the separation back then, my lessons learned in the subsequent decade might be of help to folks.

Now I come because I enjoy writing and if something catches my fancy, I may reply to it.  I don't have a particular need that is being met and I have stepped away at times when I found the board boring or disgusting.  I only post occasionally on one other board (  The nice thing about this board is that I do actually know many of the people.

« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2005, 07:16:59 am »

Seriously, Folks,

What are we doing here? 

we like it

« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2005, 08:58:23 pm »

I've been here before.  I can understand why this sort of thing can get out of hand, and I know a good deal about the Assembly, and know quite a few ex-members.

I'm not sure this will do any good, but let me try:

(sound of playground whistle heard)

Children!  Stop it!  Go stand in the corner, and I don't want another word!

"Frank," is trying to encourage you all to behave as if you have a child-like faith.  If that were the case, you would act like reasonable adults.  I think some of you are taking her advice, but are merely acting like children, missing the "faith" implication.

Let me say, if your ambition is to completely discredit and embarass yourselves, you're doing a bang up job. 

Here's a view of the asylum using the security cameras:

In one part of the room are a bunch of scared, confused people, who want to feel better, but who ignore the doctor and listen instead to other inmates who pretend to be doctors.

One of these would-be doctors thinks he's a theologian.  Another thinks he's a spiritual warrior.  Yet another thinks he's a kind, wise, old grandfather.  They really think that, but in reality they're all crazy.

Every now and then a psychologist comes in to check on people.  She identifies certain behaviors and the inmates ignore her or take whatever she says and apply it to everyone else.

In another part of the room, sits a man who has scratched all the hair off of his face and eyebrows.  However, when he speaks he sounds reasonable and together.  He's polite and softspoken, as he says insightful and reasonable things...yet he too is in the asylum, the same as the others.

Then there is one woman, sitting alone, who copies articles out of magazines, and then copies the copies, and then goes around making everyone read what she has written.

If a new worker comes in and trys to help, the inmates swarm around and grope, pet, poke, threaten and irritate the poor worker. 

This is the online equivalent of a horror movie!

You people need to seriously consider abandoning this whole charade.  There are many good reasons for doing so:

1.)You never discuss anything that actually matters much
2.)Whatever help this forum once provided---and it was useful at one time---has dried up completely.
3.)It makes you all look like fools.  I'd be quite embarrassed to be posting here under my real name.  Seriously, it would greatly hamper my work. 
5.)It's good for people who have had horrendous trouble with dysfunctional relationships to distance themselves from the people they once clung to.  (Like alcoholics not conversing about drinking with other alchoholics.  It's healthy and right to have relationships that aren't based on a mutual past that was abusive and wrong.)
6.)A normal person will soon go crazy if they get locked into a nuthouse!  None of you are imprisoned here, please think about walking outside and getting some sunlight, fresh air, and better food!

Lest any of you say,  "I have plenty of good relationships!  This is just one aspect of my life!"  I beg to differ with regard to the regular posters!

It is obvious that this forum is a very important, even central aspect of your lives, especially in the emotional sense. 

Think about it.  Consider it.  Put away childish things.  Stop all this now.

I would ask that several of you NOT pray about it.  There is no telling how confused you could become if you began to pray and read the bible to think your way out of this.

lurker---oh, yes.  I'm not going to be a regular poster.  The last thing I would want to do is encourage anyone to become dependent on this forum, and I certainly don't want anyone new showing up.

This is my opinion as an observer, and also a regular poster.  I am not as clever as lurker and moonflower, but will state it as I see it.  lurker's observation was right on.

It is not so much the strong language and tone that makes this board like the assembly, but rather the inablility to be entreatable.  3 people come to mind namely TomM, AlH, and LenoreW.  This is more what reminds me of George and his false spirituality.  The refusal to accept criticism, and to drive the critics away, and the stubborn arrogant attitude that results.   Sometimes it even is just a matter of common sense, but that is lacking.

LizH had good intentions to start a discussion, but was unable to do so outside "her" parameters.  Liz I did hope the discussion would go somewhere and that the new ones would indeed have an opportunity, one of the reasons I left.  Possibly that could still happen.

Scruffy has some assembly leadership residue, but won't accept it.  Jem, Scruffy, JustMe, you guys look like you were leaders/workers and therefore took a lot of guff from George, but have become overly touchy and sensitive now. Tongue

The condition of the board after the insane assylum, is akin to flies swooping in to feast on the carcass. Sad

I'm gone, again.  I did manage about 5 weeks this time. Embarrassed
Marcia Marinier

frank, 2ram = 2mar backwards Marcia Marinier
with gas prices skyrocketing because of Katrina, I am glad I do not own 2 Dodge Rams.

« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2005, 06:02:15 am »

Very cool, Marcia.  After my first guess I felt silly that I didn't think of computer terms, but then I would have been wrong I'm glad I didn't guess again.  Pretty tricky, yyooouuuuww.  Have a good rest.

My future plans to post or not to post is not linked to anyone else's decision to leave or stay in any way.  Those who have been politely asked to take a 6 month break by several good minds can use any excuse to avoid leaving that they please.  They will anyway I imagine or they will just "p.s." you to death for the whole 6 months.   

I am not going to bite the bait of "who are you?"  Only one person knows who I am and all others are guessing.   Not knowing who I am is out of the control of "controllers" which makes a controller livid.  As far as I am concerned, if anonymous posting is allowed, it is permissible to misrepresent who you are, right?  So ask me point blank if I am so and so....even if I am, I will say no.  The right to anonymity gives the right to refuse to admit a certain identity. 

For your mental health please read:


We know who she is, too.  Wink

I believe you are a controller wannabee and have been for some time. This attempted mascarade is proof of that, in addition to your accusations of wannabeen controllers being "livid" that they "don't know" who you are.

Frankly, I don't think they care, but YOU are in control now. It's just another postgef game.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2005, 06:16:05 am by moonflower » Logged

« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2005, 06:03:48 am »

Answer to Al's question, Why are we here?  Obviously, can only speak for myself:

I spent twelve years in the Assembly.  It was a very central and important part of my life.  I gave my college years to the Assembly.  I gave my single years to the Assembly.  The Assembly was very much a part me choosing my wife - the person I am spending the rest of my life with.  There, was forged many family-like relationships that go deeper than relationships in churches that I have been in since.  

When I hear news of folks in the Assembly, I care very deeply because the type of system we had (where we worked together, lived togther, and spent most nights of the week together, not to metion all day Sunday) gave me a greater sense of family than even my natural family at one point in my life.

The issues that we thought about, talked about, and had to work through when we left were very unique.  

There are very few people who really understand this.  There are very few people who would get what I mean when I say, "are you with me friends?"  or "its better to burn out than rust out".  Very few people have understand the feeling that I get when a pastor says, "may I have a word with you, brother?"   Very few people would get the gist of consequences or coffee enemas or all day for the Lord or raising up a testimony.  Who would really know what a workers meeting is or an all night of prayer or a lampstand or a seminar?  This was part of a very specialized world that we entered into.

Only people who have been in the Assembly for a reasonable amount of time understand exactly what I am talking about.  We share this common experience.

So I come to the board because this is now my only link to this very vital and formative years in my life.  In studying these years, I have understood better the dysfunction in my natural family and why I was led astray into such a group.  I have also learned things about myself as to why I have become the person I am today.

The Assembly isn't everything to me anymore.  And it certainly is something in the past that I have moved on from.  Nevertheless, it is significant.  Like high school or boot camp or college can be significant and is often worth revisiting, the Assembly was the most significant thing in my life.  It formed who I am more than anything else because it happened in the key time between my first year of college and the birth of my last child.

Does this board fulfill what I want to get out of it?  Of course not.  Not by a long shot.  But, as I have opportunity, I check to see what I can learn or share concerning our common experience.
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2005, 07:08:28 am »

The real insanity in my humble opinion, if for anyone to look at a forum such as this, one of literally thousands of this sort where people laugh, argue, share life experiences, even occasionally fight, and make the sweeping conlcusion that all the participants are crazy. This is arrogance of the most naked sort. Marcia's contention that she agrees with this assesment suggests she has a very poor image of herself. People post here because they want to. I go to Red Lobster 'cause I enjoy seafood, and do not live in Barcelona year round. Lurker's supposed psychological analysis is the most bizarre goblydegook I have ever read, even compared to what some of these "inmate's" have produced - and I must confess that some strange things have indeed been produced on this forum. I wonder how someone living as rich and fulfilled a life as Luker apparently does, even finds the time to truck with the rest of us "inmates"?  Smiley
And now I really do need to take a break. My wife is away in Barcelona and I am to be Mr Mom for two weeks. If you like posting on and reading the BB, JUST DO IT!
Letting a loose cannon like lurker in your head is the last thing an ex-assemblyite needs. Cheerio!

« Last Edit: September 11, 2005, 07:18:37 am by VerneCarty » Logged
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