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matthew r. sciaini

« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2005, 12:24:48 am »


This whole thing with the Schiavo case seems like a three-ring circus with all the hangers-on and profiteers that accompany controversial issues.  Did this Schiavo lady not have a DNR order? 


« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2005, 12:36:39 am »


This whole thing with the Schiavo case seems like a three-ring circus with all the hangers-on and profiteers that accompany controversial issues.  Did this Schiavo lady not have a DNR order? 


From what I understand, there was never, at any time a DNR in writing.  However, some years after her brain damage occured, her husband claims that she told him she would not want to live under conditions such as these.  Her parents want her to live, and that's about it.

If they can't eat, neither shall they live.  Kill the disabled!  They are a drag on society.

« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2005, 01:33:38 am »

From what I understand, there was never, at any time a DNR in writing.  However, some years after her brain damage occured, her husband claims that she told him she would not want to live under conditions such as these.  Her parents want her to live, and that's about it.

If they can't eat, neither shall they live.  Kill the disabled!  They are a drag on society.


March 26.

Brents quote:

Brent do you actually believe this.  This was a stands by Hitler. Only God can decide who lives or who dies. No one has that power.
That poor woman, having the courts, to decide on her fate. after having to live like in a vegtated stated after an accident.
People have come out of comas after decades of being in a vegetated state.

What disability are you saying? What forms of disabilities do you want to kill?
What about he disabilities of blindness, deafness, arthritic pains, down syndrome, mental illnesses, they are all disabilities.There are people who are productive within their limits contributing to society.

This weekend of all weekends, the Permanent Passover Lamb, sacrificing for all people, all people who was created by God. God doesnt make junk. God doesnt make mistakes.
God may allow certain things to happen. That is only to get us closer to dependence on God for the whats and whys.

To take a stand on disabilities in your quote, is saying they are worthy of love of God.
Do you not think God is with that poor woman? Do you not think God values her?
Do you not think that God is caring for her spirit even in that state?

If this quote is serious by You Brent! then you were there at the foot of the cross, and shouting Cruicfy HIM! CRUICIFY HIM! CRUCIFY HIM!.
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2005, 02:05:18 am »

March 26.

Brents quote:

Brent do you actually believe this.  This was a stands by Hitler. Only God can decide who lives or who dies. No one has that power.
That poor woman, having the courts, to decide on her fate. after having to live like in a vegtated stated after an accident.
People have come out of comas after decades of being in a vegetated state.

What disability are you saying? What forms of disabilities do you want to kill?
What about he disabilities of blindness, deafness, arthritic pains, down syndrome, mental illnesses, they are all disabilities.There are people who are productive within their limits contributing to society.

This weekend of all weekends, the Permanent Passover Lamb, sacrificing for all people, all people who was created by God. God doesnt make junk. God doesnt make mistakes.
God may allow certain things to happen. That is only to get us closer to dependence on God for the whats and whys.

To take a stand on disabilities in your quote, is saying they are worthy of love of God.
Do you not think God is with that poor woman? Do you not think God values her?
Do you not think that God is caring for her spirit even in that state?

If this quote is serious by You Brent! then you were there at the foot of the cross, and shouting Cruicfy HIM! CRUICIFY HIM! CRUCIFY HIM!.

If you would have taken the time to read what I have been writing on this thread, you would not have put your foot in your mouth.  Your righteous condemnation of me, saying I am like Hitler is pretty funny.  Do you usually say stuff like this?

Before doing so, you should at least spend a minute or two reading my posts and you would see that I am extremely upset over this incident.  I am very dissappointed in our president, who is doing nothing.

here is an interesting news story for you. 

Lenore, before comparing someone to Hitler, you should at least have a general idea what they think about a certain topic.
If you were trying to win a person to Christ, you just royally blew it.  Your holy pontificating on the passover and the cross, and placing me in the category of those shouting, "Crucify Him!" was based solely on your complete misunderstanding and misrepresentation of what i said.  Good thing I am a believer, otherwise I might think you and your religion were foolish. 


« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2005, 04:40:08 am »


Brent was just being sarcastic. It's obvious to tell by reading his earlier posts on this thread that the situation is very upsetting to him as well as to the rest of us.


Quote from Brent's post:

Yeah, about this newsclip. The next to go in this case will be the preemies.....
Well, maybe we can let the government officials decide who will receive medical treatment and who won't, eh?  Cry Hey, it's a brave new world, eh? Let's pick em from the tubes, then we can avoid all of this unnecessary medical care on your average dreg of society. Sad

« Last Edit: March 27, 2005, 05:17:00 am by moonflower2 » Logged
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2005, 04:44:16 am »

Lenore, before comparing someone to Hitler, you should at least have a general idea what they think about a certain topic.
If you were trying to win a person to Christ, you just royally blew it. Your holy pontificating on the passover and the cross, and placing me in the category of those shouting, "Crucify Him!" was based solely on your complete misunderstanding and misrepresentation of what i said. Good thing I am a believer, otherwise I might think you and your religion were foolish.


If they can't eat, neither shall they live.  Kill the disabled!  They are a drag on society.


'If they can't eat, neither shall they live. Kill the disabled! They are a drag on society"

Did you write these words or did you not write these words.
There was no other explanation behind them to suggest you were quoting someone else, was there. These words were in separate paragraph from the other paragraph on the DNR .

Either you meant these words or you did not meant these words.
Which is it?

I was talking to a believer, not an unbeliever.
You accused me of not being a good witness. I was not witnessing to an unbeliever, I was responding to a quote from a believer.
I would honestly believer my Saviour would not say those words. I read in one of your post with your name at the bottom of those words.
Who really put there foot in their mouths?
Hilter had a view point on genociding people who were not perfect.
Remember those who were crying Crucify Him, were Jews, Gentiles, Sinners. Down at the foot of that Cross , someone was representing me. Jesus died for me and paid my penalty for me.
As all sinners we were the one who put him there, so we will have a clean pathway for eternity.
So everyone sins caused him to go to the cross. We are all guilty of crying Crucify Him. Because it was for our sins  that Jesus died for.
As for my religion. I dont have a religion I have a relationship with the Saviour which I am working with my Saviour and God to iron out the ckinks on my journey walk with Him.
I just choose to worship in a Baptist Church.
Christianity is a person and the way of life for that person. Not a religion.

It was your words I was reacting too.
"if can't eat, Neither shall they live, Kill the disabled! They are a drag on society."

Are these your words.
After reading them how should I react?

« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2005, 08:21:48 am »

Hi Lenore:
You are obviously inexperienced when it comes to handling Brent's literary style. Indeed if you read all that he has written on the thread you will quickly conclude that you ascribed to him the exact opposite of the position he actually holds!
It takes a while to get his drift if you are not accustomed to the way he presents an argument. Certainly after he had clarified his position you should accept his explanation. Don't feel badly; I have done a double take or two on first read of things he has written...and then I got it... Smiley
« Last Edit: March 27, 2005, 10:51:12 am by VerneCarty » Logged
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2005, 08:44:31 am »

'If they can't eat, neither shall they live. Kill the disabled! They are a drag on society"

Did you write these words or did you not write these words.
There was no other explanation behind them to suggest you were quoting someone else, was there. These words were in separate paragraph from the other paragraph on the DNR .

Either you meant these words or you did not meant these words.
Which is it?Are these your words.
After reading them how should I react?


Please spare me the lecture oh the true nature of Christianity and do me the favor of reading what I say, instead of reacting to a statement that is obviously abusrd, sarcastic and meant to point out what is going on with the Terri Schiavo situation. 

If you had read what I have said in several posts on this thread, you would understand that I am horrified by all the goings on with this case.  I am totally, 100 percent against starving her to death because she is unable to feed herself, or communicate any better than a 1 month old.

I have made it quite clear that  she should not be put to death in this manner, and am apalled and greatly upset by what is going on, and the lack of action on the part of the governor and the president.

I said what I said in order to illustrate the cruel absurdity of what is taking place "legally" with Terri Schiavo.

You missed the point, failed to read my posts after I flat out stated that you should do so in the last post, and then went on to compare me to Hitler again, while waxing on about sitting at the foot of the cross, etc.  You should be embarrassed the first time, but to come back with the latest post causes me to wonder about your reading comprehension skills.  Please go back and read my posts on this thread in order to see how stupid you look.  And don't even think of saying I'm being rude and mean to you.  Comparing me to Hitler, as a result of totally taking me out of context in a most blockheaded fashion is nothing compared to the way I am talking to you.  You deserve it, I don't.  Spend about 5 minutes and learn your error.

Let me speak in very simple terms.

Killing Terri Schiavo is wrong and the court's decision to starve her is nothing more than saying,  "If they can't eat, neither shall they live.  Kill the diabled!  They are a drag on society."

If you still think I am advocating euthanasia after this, and after reading what I have said earlier, you are a true dolt.

« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2005, 10:53:24 am »

Hi Lenore,

Looks like you stuck you foot in it eh?? Smiley
Had I read only what you referred to, I would have known understood Brent's point for two reasons.  One, I was sort of following the discussion and therefore, knew where Brent stood on the matter.  And secondly, after 2 years on the BB I somewhat understand Brent's humor/sarcasm/whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
Someone shunned me, to this day Cry, because he butted into a conversation, misunderstood what I was saying, and then refused to back down even after I explained it to him and modified my posts for his benefit.

One thing I appreciate about you Lenore is that you are a good 'listener'.  You don't just hear, but you listen when people are talking, because you care.  BBs are a little different because one does not see facial expressions nor hear tone of voice.  But BBs have the advantage of being able to re-read what was said before and also then to 'compose' what one wants to say.

Happy posting, and Happy Easter.
God bless,
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2005, 12:39:08 pm »

 March 27th, 2:50 am EST:

I wasnt sleeping, since I had to get up at 7:30, since there is an Easter Service which most like will have an Communion going on. I was coming back on to apologize for reacting so quickly.

I didnt read or understand the previous comments.


I do not know you Brent,  How was I to know you were being sacrastic.
Put yourself in a position , that if all you read was that one statement. How would you react?

I am offering some reasons/excuses for my reacting. I believe it was probably the statement reacted in me and caused me to vent.

Easter is a bad weekend for me. On Wednesday, I was worried about my Dad. In my heart I believe my Dad is seriously ill, and is not talking to anyone. I am concerned that this could be the last Easter we have my Dad.
Two years ago I was shunned and told not to come to any family gathering at Easter , following my hospitalization breakdown the Christmas before.
My family is a normal disfunctional family.  I am out of the loop and I was feeling it.

It was a depression hiccup that got to me. When I saw that statement, I took it to heart.
I took it personally. Because I was feeling of no worth or value, or not really belonging.
Those feeling are very very much on the surface right now. Unfortunately at this very moment, because of my judgement at the spur of the moment, I am doubly feeling it those feeling now.

So when I saw that statement you said, it was the straw that broke the camels back, and I vented you were the one to received the venting.

So I apologize for my outburst and what seemed to be a personal attack on your character I apologize.

Sorry to upset you so.

Forgive me.

« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2005, 07:14:42 pm »

I didnt read or understand the previous comments.


I do not know you Brent,  How was I to know you were being sacrastic.
Put yourself in a position , that if all you read was that one statement. How would you react?

First of all, apology accepted.  No ill will remains.

Secondly, if you don't know someone, and didn't read anything except for one shouldn't go off like that!  Especially after the second post.  I like to read plenty of posts, and get an idea for a person's thought processes before I "go off."

If you just read one verse from the Bible, you might conclude that God is unjust, or at least a capricious, arbitrary bully.  What a shame that would be, not to mention blasphemous!  If the only thing you read about Eilisha was 2 Kings 2:23, you might conclude that he was worse than Hitler, but that would be a get the point.

As to your difficulties at this time,  I truly sympathize with you, as I lost my Dad 4 years ago at about this same time.  I know what it's like to have a sick parent. 

God Bless, Brent   Wink
« Last Edit: March 27, 2005, 07:20:27 pm by Brent A. Trockman » Logged

« Reply #41 on: March 29, 2005, 07:36:05 am »

Where was Huxley from? the Netherlands?
Euthanasia of infants often goes unreported
Associated Press
March 10, 2005
Euthanizing terminally ill newborns, while still very rare, is more common in the Netherlands than was believed when the practice was reported a few months ago -- and experts say it also occurs, quietly, in other countries.

Dutch doctors estimate that at least five newborn mercy killings occur for every one reported in that country, which has allowed euthanasia for competent adults since 1985.

In 2002, doctors at the University Medical Center Groningen helped create the so-called Groningen protocol, a list of standards for performing and reporting euthanasia of newborns with serious, incurable deformities.

Two pediatricians at the hospital, Drs. Pieter J.J. Sauer and Eduard Verhagen, report in today's New England Journal of Medicine that 22 mercy killings of newborns who otherwise would have lingered in intensive care for years were reported to authorities from 1997 to 2004, about three each year. But national surveys of Dutch doctors have found 15 to 20 such cases a year, out of about 200,000 births.
Verhagen, who supports such euthanasia, said in an interview that the doctors were allowed to review district attorneys' records on the 22 reported cases. None was prosecuted.

"These were all very clear and very extreme cases," he said, where the newborns were suffering from severe, untreatable spina bifida, with major brain and spinal cord deformities and sometimes other birth defects.

Euthanasia opponents and others have been highly critical of that viewpoint.

"During the past few months, the international press has been full of blood-chilling accounts and misunderstandings concerning this protocol," the doctors wrote.

The Groningen protocol requires being sure that the newborn is suffering greatly with no hope of improvement, that the prognosis is certain and confirmed by at least one independent doctor, and that both parents give informed consent. Details of the newborn's condition and the euthanasia procedure, usually an infusion of lethal drugs, must be reported to local district attorneys under the protocol, so they can assess each case without interrogating physicians.

"We believe that all cases must be reported if the country is to prevent uncontrolled and unjustified euthanasia," the doctors wrote.

In France, 73 percent of doctors in one study reported using drugs to end a newborn's life. Forty-three percent of Dutch doctors surveyed and from 2 percent to 4 percent of doctors in the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Germany and Sweden reported doing so.

In the United States, some doctors and ethicists say newborn euthanasia has happened occasionally for decades, although it is much more common to withhold or stop intensive treatment and let the baby die.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2005, 07:51:34 am by moonflower2 » Logged
matthew r. sciaini

« Reply #42 on: March 29, 2005, 09:27:03 am »


Since I had to do driving today for my job (over a hundred and fifty miles worth) I was able to hear more about this case. 

Rush Limbaugh seemed to have made a good point when he said that the governor of Florida didn't believe that he could go any farther than he did in trying to keep Ms. Schiavo's feeding tube in her body.  Something about the Florida Supreme Court's refusal to allow it to be reinserted and his not wanting to violate the rule of law.  I imagine that President Bush might have the same set of constraints.....if he could use an executive order for this case, what is to stop him or any other president from issuing executive orders at a whim? 

At what point would we want to have the government interfere with family squabbles, even in life or death issues?  Also, are all these people that are clamoring for Terri Schiavo to be kept alive going to foot the bill for this?   I wonder if these people (besides the family) on either side of the issue are raising funds either for this woman's continued care or for her funeral.   It may not be their responsibility, but they all seem to be concerned with this out of all proportion to this issue's meaning to their own lives. (I'm thinking of people like Lou Sheldon in particular.)   Why don't they put their money where their mouths are?  (Though I hope the families have planned well for either outcome, death or life.)

Matt Sciaini

« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2005, 11:20:53 pm »

Hi Tom,

I'm not confused about the difference between the Decalaration and the Constitution.  I submit that the folks who drafted the constitution still believed in "Life, Liberty and the Pusuit of happiness," and that the constitution was drafted with these ends in mind.  It's a common, accepted viewpoint.

True enough, but there is a difference between personal beliefs and codified law.  You cannot enforce laws on the basis of your personal beliefs about someone else's personal beliefs.

Also, the names you dropped are truly great minds.  Have you actually read what these guys wrote? 

Why don't you ask me before accusing me of "name dropping".

I majored in history, and taught both World History and American History and Government for years.  So, I have done a lot of reading on that area.

Regarding the names I mentioned, I have read several books by some, one by some others, and essays and articles by others, along with discussion of their ideas.

As for John Jay, I have only read his part of the Federalist Papers.  Hamilton wrote about half of those essays, and Madison wrote most of the others.  Jay wrote, I believe, five.

I also agree with you that "conservatives" have adopted the ideas of classical liberalism, and least in the rhetorical sense.  The problem I have is not with what conservatives say, but with what they do. 

Brent, our government is designed to make change difficult.  When the leftist media blathers about government "gridlock" they are simply describing the government working the way it was designed to do.

However, don't you think a 60% reduction in the wellfare rolls is "doing someting"?  After 1992 the Republicans forced Clinton to sign a welfare reform act.  He vetoed it twice, but the idea became so popular that he finally signed it, and then immediately apologized to his A/A constituents.

They also defunded the Left by stopping all the contributions that the Democrats were making to Leftist organizations.

Recently, they were finally able to get the late-term abortion ban through the Senate.  It took 12 years of steady effort.

There is quite a difference between "nothing" and "everything".

Getting back to the Terri Schiavo thing, I am dissapointed with how the conservative governor and president have conducted themselves.

In the president's case, he swore an oath to defend the constitution, yet he is standing by and letting the courts make these hideous rulings that result in starving a woman to death. 

Exactly which of his constitutional powers allows him to interfere in the decisions of state courts?

In the case of the governor, he could simply seize the situation and save the womans life.  Should he be held in contemp, he could get a pardon from the president.

So, if Governor Bush sends the state police, acting on his direct orders, to take Mrs. Sciavo out of the hospice or to take some doctor in, and the local police resist, should the state police kill the local police who legally resist them?

If the Pres. pardoned the Gov. for such a thing, he would probably be impeached, since he would be violatiing his oath of office. 

Or, should the local Libetarians grab their guns and go shoot it out with the local police? 

These actions would be spectacular, extraordinary and on par with the Boston Tea Party as far as they are a defiance of unjust "law."  I think that if the president truly believes in the right to life, he needs to exercise bold leadership.  Instead, he is demonstrating that although he is fond of the right to life, he defers to the courts if they say to starve the woman.  That, in a nutshell, is the problem I have with conservatives.  They have abdicated their principles, and their freedom to the government. 

As Churchill said, "Politics is the art of the possible".

BTW, when are the Libertarians going to start this kind of heroic actions?
The best question you raise is if there is an "If there isn't any overarching value to appeal to."  I maintain that the founders, for the most part, were believers in, or at least sympathetic towards God.  Certainly, many of the men who risked their lives in fighting the British were men of deep, sincere faith in God.  So, the reason I think murder is wrong is because the Bible says, "Thou shalt not kill."  Is this a good enough overarching value to appeal to?  Have you ever read any of John Jay's supreme court opinions?  He has a masterful way of explaining the ideas of freedom and liberty, with relation to the law, which is strikingly different to what modern "conservatives" are saying. 

Brent, "thou shalt not kill" is a prohibition of murder, not killing.  The Bible prescribes several types of legal homicide.  War, capital punishment etc.

The prohibition against murder is based on Genesis 9:6 "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed, (ie, you shall kill in this case), FOR IN THE IMAGE OF GOD HE MADE MAN".

The problem in the Schiavo case is that she is being killed LEGALLY.   Not righteously, to be sure, but legally.  Murder is the illegal killing of a human being.
We have strayed so far afield from classic liberalism it isn't funny.  While I understand your emotional attachment to the conservative movement---or the lessor of two evils---you have to admit that they certainly don't reflect your values as a christian.  Perhaps they do in what they say, but in the final analysis, they don't deliver the goods.

No they don't deliver ALL the goods, but if they weren't there we would be in a national meltdown of socialistic insanity. 

We would have Grey Davis on steroids running all branches of government.

My libertarian leanings are based on principle.  I have no illusions about their success in the political arena, with the exception that their ideas are powerful and are having a big impact.  However, ideas and real change are not the same thing.  Even so, I can't help but try.

My leanings are based on principle as well.  My practice is based on reality.

I remember when I first started the website being told by people,  "It'll never work.  We tried something like that, it'll never work."  I also was told a year ago, when I decided to stop taking insurance in my office,  "It'll never work.  It just isn't done that way."  I have read about the opposition that Patrick Henry and his cohorts had, when he was fomenting rebellion against the throne.  They told him, "It'll never work."  You get the picture.  I'm an idealist.  I can't help it, it's just the way i am.  I see Libertarian thoughts and ideas as being the ones that give me freedom to practice my faith, send my kids to a school I agree with, keep my own money, keep and bear arms, and generally pursue happiness.

Seems to me that we were doing all those things long before there were any "Libertarians".

I see the other guys as being a hinderance, or in the case of the dems, a serious threat to liberty.

What are you going to do if a pro-choice, big government republican gets the nomination in '08?  Are you going to vote for he/she?

(When I say pro-choice, I imply that they will continue to spend your tax dollars to fund abortion, there is a difference between that and what Condi says about it.   Arnold is a prime example, so is Rudi.)


The world is not a perfect place.  A Republican half-a-loaf is far better than a Libertarian none.

BTW I never voted for Pete (flip) Wilson.


Thomas Maddux
« Last Edit: March 31, 2005, 09:54:16 pm by Tom Maddux » Logged
« Reply #44 on: March 31, 2005, 04:55:41 pm »

The problem in the Schiavo case is that she is being killed LEGALLY.   Not righteously, to be sure, but legally.

Thomas Maddux

Interesting observation. There have been a number historical instances in which the above fact issued in a real dillemma for the Christian in view of 1 Peter 2:13,14.
I suspect that this kind of potential moral conflict will present itself with increasing frequency in these last days...a sobering prospect.

p.s. Some probably consider the founding of this country to be one such instance... Smiley
« Last Edit: April 01, 2005, 03:24:36 am by VerneCarty » Logged
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