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Author Topic: Just Curious...  (Read 30373 times)
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2005, 01:49:12 am »

According to some, one of whom I believe Al is,  If we always discuss things in a safe manner, and sidetep conflict by asking for people to pray, or sidestep those who direct something at us by asking them if they have prayed first....

or by attempting to coerce people into silence by saying,  "In the interest of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I ask that we please refrain from the tone, brethren.  What will others say of our Glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?" Well, it makes me sick.  Really, I am disgusted by this sort of thinking.

Let's retrace how this got started.  Al suggested that "out of control poster" might be inappropriate, especially for a moderator.  He then went on to suggest that more editing and deleting might be in order, on account of some vague idea about Christian testimony.  When pressed, he played his trump card,  "I am concerned about the image of our Lord Jesus Christ."

What a crock.  It's good to not take ourselves too seriously, which is why it has been "overcoming poster," or "out of control poster."  It's fun and healthy.  As for editing, there has been almost none of it to speak of, as is fitting. 

Anyhow, to confuse these non-issues with the testimony of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, from Whom the whole family in Heaven is named, is silly.  It's a bulletin board.  It's a place to have a public discourse.  Don't take it too seriously, otherwise we'll have leading brothers and doorkeepers on the BB.  How stupid would that be?

Al, spend more time trying to say something of substance rather than monitor the tone of everyone else and worry about image.  You are the Kofi Annan of this BB, except that you have no power.  Knock it off.

« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2005, 03:00:23 am »

According to some, one of whom I believe Al is,  If we always discuss things in a safe manner, and sidetep conflict by asking for people to pray, or sidestep those who direct something at us by asking them if they have prayed first....


One of the most common comments I get when people who do not know me well find out I am a Christian is:

"But you don't seem religious!"

I have learned to take it as a compliment.

Nothing turns off the unsaved more that pious, sanctimonious and pseudo-religious chatter.
I know those who engage in it think that it soemhow makes them seem more spiritual.
The truth of the matter is that it is doubly offensive to those who are serious about their faith and do not need to be lectured about defending Christ's honor and the like.
It is particularly condescending when you are talking to a group of fellow Christians.
I know I have my own problems.
One of them is not assuming that those reading my posts are so completely clue-less that I have to keep a pacifier and a bib at the ready. That's all we are saying Al. Don't be so preachy O.K?
Starting a thread about a light-hearted designation of overly productive posters being something that anyone other than you would take issue with is I am afraid quite revealing my friend...
« Last Edit: March 09, 2005, 03:08:23 am by VerneCarty » Logged
matthew r. sciaini

« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2005, 07:46:37 am »


You're an idiot.  You know what I'm talking about, and I know that you know that I know that you know what I'm talking about.  Don't play dumb.

Also, you're hardly grateful for the "serious" matters I brought up.  Don't pretend piety, it's sickening.  The fact is you don't like what I said, or is it that you don't understand it?  Either way, don't act all spiritual about it. 

You try to sound so lofty and erudite, but it doesn't work.  Also, it's not a Bold faced lie, about editing and deleting.  There is a user agreement, is there not?

Just be honest, Al.  Quit trying to play the part with posts, of all things.  It's a BB, that's all.

You most certainly do not have my permission to use my clever Bovine byproduct phrase.


al Hartman

« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2005, 07:49:30 am »

Eat some red meat and clear your mind.

Brent, I forgot to thank you for that one... Not too often I get to do something I really enjoy & say "Dr.'s orders!"

You're an idiot...    ...Don't play dumb.

On the first point, why state the obvious?  Everyone who knows me already knows I'm an idiot, and those who are getting to know me at least suspect it by now.  It's stated in the icon next to my every post, for crying out loud!

Point two, where do you come up with the unmitigated gall to suggest I'm playing?!

...You know what I'm talking about, and I know that you know that I know that you know what I'm talking about...

Brent, you don't know a fraction of what you appear to think you know, and you certainly don't know me.  I have nothing to hide and no reason to lie.  My life is an open book-- want to know something about me?  Ask a specific question.  But none of your vague, subject-to-interpretation sucker-punches, designed to draw someone out where you can take potshots at him.

Also, you're hardly grateful for the "serious" matters I brought up.  Don't pretend piety, it's sickening.  The fact is you don't like what I said, or is it that you don't understand it?  Either way, don't act all spiritual about it.  

You try to sound so lofty and erudite, but it doesn't work.

Further evidence that you don't know me, or what you're talking about.  I meant exactly what I said.  If you doubt it, why not ask me to explain instead of insulting me by calling me a liar.  Jesus is a real man.  You are just a macho bully.

 Also, it's not a Bold faced lie, about editing and deleting.  There is a user agreement, is there not?

This point I readily concede.  I had frankly forgot completely about the user agreement.  I still think the claim is deceptive & ought not be stated as it is, but you have your legal out, so I'll drop it.

Just be honest, Al.  Quit trying to play the part with posts, of all things.  It's a BB, that's all.

Brent & all, I am as honest with all of you as I am with myself.  If I am dishonest, it is because I am self-deceived.  This is no cop-out-- I have had a challenge my whole life of trying to know whether or not I am being truthful with myself.  Those of you to whom this problem has never occurred may doubt me, and I can't blame you for it-- It must seem to you a very weird claim.  Just thank God you don't have to deal with it!  

This is one of the reasons I request prayer.  I am not asking God to come & do something for me so that I won't have to.  I am desperately in need of wisdom and understanding.  I read & study the Word, but unlike many I do not harbor the hope that I can understand the scriptures without the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit-- or rightly understand anything else, for that matter.  I don't ask or hope that He will do my thinking or make decisions for me, but it is scriptural to pray for His guidance in life and to expect it in hope and act upon that hope by faith.  

I do not believe in leading separate religious and secular lives.  If I am a Christian, it is because I was bought with a great and terrible price, and I am no longer my own.  Those who think that the purpose of salvation is to add a dimension of enjoyment and prosperity to the life they were already leading have missed the point of the gospel.

You most certainly do not have my permission to use my clever Bovine byproduct phrase.

Now THAT's just plain mean!


Your comments are unwelcome on this thread unless you have read the book! Grin

Marcia, you said:
This is the first time that you have said that you were "'never a "certified" LB'.  This quote and many other references, ie the fact that you had a 'training home' led me to believe otherwise.

Please forgive me if I have caused you to have the wrong impression.  For all practical purposes, I was an LB.  I was in the LB meetings, was expected to function as an LB, was known to the assembly as an LB.  But GG held his final approval over my head as a threat, I suppose to better control me.  Even Tom Maddux, probably my closest bro & confidant, was surprised to find out after several years of this situation.  I don't know whether GG used the tactic on anyone else, but I'm sure it made it much easier to explain my absence when he "let me go."

In the past at least a couple of other posters have mentioned that when you make comments like "Christ is the answer" it doesn't really help with the discussion.

The question to me is: is it true?  I believe it is, and that the Word of God, ministered in truth and love, will bear fruit.  I don't always do it right, but if I wait until I'm perfect, I won't be of much use in this life.  (Brent, that's a perfect straight-line for you to capitalize upon!)  Anyway, I think I've been delivered from that particular phrase for some time, and I try to be more constructive and clear in my comments now.

Also your worry about details and concern that we will fall away from the Lord if we discuss certain topics is what I was referring to re. LBisms.  It might help if you explained to us "adults" why &/or what rather than just tell us "don't do that brethren".  Let us make up our own minds.

What you describe is actually one of my pet beefs about what others do.  I am unaware of having done it myself.  I don't doubt your word, but it would help immensely if you could direct me to some examples of my saying "don't do" something without explaining why.  My posts are certainly always open to discussion & I hold no position of authority or control hereabouts, so I don't see how I am not letting anyone make up your own minds...

Hope that helps.

It does, indeed, as it gives me some direction in which to move, but I really hope you won't stop with what you've given me so far.  Same goes for all BBers.

You may be right about everything & I may be 100% wrong, but I'm not learning much about myself from hostility & insults, although it does give me insight into those who dish it out.

I do  not believe I take myself seriously at all.  In fact, were it not that Christ died for me as well as for others, I would consider myself a complete joke.  I am pathetic.  Apart from Christ, I have absolutely nothing!  So jokes at my expense are no insult to me.

But I do take the gospel of Christ very seriously and, because of that, I take everyone else seriously.  This doesn't mean that I can't share laughs with you all, as I think most of you realize.  But when I think there is something that needs said, I say it.  If you think I'm wrong, for goodness' sake speak out!  Don't hope it will all just go away, building up resentment in the meantime.  My personal feelings are not to be spared, no matter how considerate you may be toward others.  Please pray for me & talk to me!.  

I couldn't care less whether my attitude appears pious to others.  My relationship with Christ is all that matters to me-- everything else depends upon that.  If it makes me appear to you to be "falsely pious," I don't know what to tell you-- I'm not interested in my reputation; maybe it's you who has an issue...

I wish you all only the richest blessing of God in Christ, whether you believe me or not.

In Christ,
al Hartman

« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2005, 07:51:16 am »


It's just IRONY, Matt.  No foul.

al Hartman

« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2005, 08:15:01 am »

   ...You are the Kofi Annan of this BB, except that you have no power...


     Oh, and he does have power?

     Anyway, you're wrong.  It's "Coffee Anon," a recovery program for caffeine addicts, and now that you've outed me, I'm no longer "anon."

Thanks a big gooey bunch!

« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2005, 09:13:44 am »


     My personal opinion of being an LB:  In my own case, it was WB (Wanna Be).  I was never a "certified" LB, but always on probation, to see if I could develop into a "real" LB. ...

     LBs were constantly under the gun, and although (at least in my day) I think most if not all had a genuine desire to serve Christ, we seldom if ever had the combination of time and energy to seriously consider what that might mean beyond the parameters of serving the ministry.  It was, at least for me, a hellish existence in which I felt trapped.

     Nonetheless, I was fully engaged in the Geftakys political structure, and guilty of all manner of wrongness and sin against God's people.  It surely left a mark, and any help you can provide me in getting rid of that will be appreciated.

In Christ,


This is the first time that you have said that you were "never a 'certified' LB".  This quote and many other references, ie the fact that you had a "training home" led me to believe otherwise.


In general, the early S.F. Valley, being somewhat isolated, tended to be less strict than Fullerton.  The greatest strictness was actually in Al's house, because he took his job seriously while not knowing what he was doing.  He was probably kicked out because of his narrow-mindedness.  He was too serious; his inflexibility of thinking was probably seen as insubordination by George, so that he ended up being kicked out.  The ironic thing is that he suffered the same rejection as leaders who consciously opposed George.

It was in that house that Doug Large smashed his alarm clock, because it went off 15 minutes too early.  It was also in that house that Pete L's alarm would go off, and I would take the folded blanket from the chair between the beds and throw it at him so that he would wake up and shut off his alarm, and then he would go back to sleep again.  (I'm intentionally leaving out his full last name since he most likely doesn't want fame on the BB.  There were two Pete's in the Valley.)  If I remember correctly, I think that it was while living in that house that I caught pneumonia from going to the Wednesday Van Nuys Blvd. cruise-night outreach, when it was unusually cold.

I used to have a 1973 VW bus, and usually had to drive every Sunday an hour's drive to Fullerton.  Pete L. would sometimes drive, and I would have to pay attention to make sure that he didn't fall asleep at the wheel.  He had a Mazda with a rotary engine.  A couple of times he drifted and scraped his wheels against the railing of the freeway.

There used to be real all-nights of prayer in Fullerton.  After staying up all night, I would have to drive an hour to get home so that I could go to bed.  To help with staying awake on the road, I would get some orange juice and beef jerky from a mini-mart on the way home.

The houses were simply called brothers' houses.  The idea of formalized training came later.

Al had one advantage: his wife Cathy was a lot like Speedy Gonzales.  She could do almost any chore in no time flat.  I don't know if she is still that way.

¡Arriba, arriba, ándale, ándale!

Tom's house was the least strict, even though his style of teaching and preaching created the impression that he was very strict.  He was somewhat of a rebel and ran his house the way he wanted to, rather than George's way, although I thought that he was a little too hard on his wife Caryl.  Perhaps he learned his ways from being a sixth-grade teacher.  He could keep order in his classroom by sounding stricter than he really was.
al Hartman

« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2005, 10:24:58 am »

In general, the early S.F. Valley, being somewhat isolated, tended to be less strict than Fullerton.  The greatest strictness was actually in Al's house, because he took his job seriously while not knowing what he was doing.  He was probably kicked out because of his narrow-mindedness.  He was too serious; his inflexibility of thinking was probably seen as insubordination by George, so that he ended up being kicked out.

Thanks Steve.  I think your objectivity makes for a better account than I can give of my inadequacies as an LB.  I truly did not know what I was doing, but I have always tended to be obsessive/compulsive (although in those days I neither realized it nor had heard such terminology).  I was determined to "answer God's call" by trying to do whatever was required of me while not revealing how little I understood.  I think the only one who had any idea how badly messed up I was would have been Tom Maddux, and he had his own struggles to occupy his energies.

I don't know what role my narrow-mindedness may have played in my being "fired."  I can't recall GG ever bringing it up as such, although he often had me on the carpet for one thing or another (little of which I remember now).  By mid-1980, Cathy & I and our four kids lived alone.  I had grown so ill and discouraged that I had stopped attending most meetings, had stopped bringing ministry, and GG had had all the bros removed from our house.  Those deemed "unfit" for a "better" house (see next paragraph) just had to find a place & fend for themselves as I recall.  No one ever told me I was relieved of my responsibilities.  I was simply ignored, then shunned.  When we moved to Ohio and were unable to take evrything with us, I had to have Cathy give my books, etc. to the saints-- they would not have accepted them from me.  They knew we were moving, but no one helped us (I suppose they were either told not to or feared they would get in trouble if they helped and it became known).

Al had one advantage: his wife Cathy was a lot like Speedy Gonzales.  She could do almost any chore in no time flat.  I don't know if she is still that way.

I wish I could say I had more than just Cathy going for me, but Steve sums it up well.  The most "promising" Valley bros lived with Tom, & I got the rest.  The house was continuous bedlam.  I felt constantly threatened with exposure as a failure, and although I genuinely loved every one of the bros under our roof, I was hard on them & had little patience.  Cathy's nickname was Roadrunner.  When anyone fell behind, she could jump in & wrap things up in no time.  She also loved the bros, and often spent time comforting them in their woes (which may well have been attributable to or at least exacerbated by me).

Yes, Steve, even after rearing four children and a fulltime career, she is still that way.  Age has slowed her only slightly.

¡Arriba, arriba, ándale, ándale!

Ah, yes, my frequent cry when trying to get everyone up or out the door-- often echoed by Pete L., Doug or Rob.  We did have a lot of fun together, constant improv comedy & lots of laughs.  But the bros who stayed with Cathy & me were always left feeling badly (unwanted, I think) when GG "promoted" someone from our house to Tom's house.  To be honest, I think I would have preferred to live under someone else's tutelage & not been in charge, but there were few warm bodies to pick from at the start, so I was an "LB" sort of by default, and stuck with it-- too proud to ask to step down, & I think GG wanted me in the inner circle where he could monitor me & keep me in line.

In Christ,

« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2005, 02:46:01 pm »


People do tend to stay away after receiving a letter that says, "Please don't visit me or contact me".

« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2005, 06:01:54 pm »

 and although I genuinely loved every one of the bros under our roof, I was hard on them & had little patience. 
In Christ,

Think about this statement Al.
It is a good example of what was wrong with all the things we did.

  Charity suffereth long,

The true beginning of recovery from that era BEGINS with  acknolwdgement before God and men of what was!  Cry


Your comments are unwelcome on this thread unless you have read the book! Grin

I am.  Smiley

You may be right about everything & I may be 100% wrong, but I'm not learning much about myself from hostility & insults, although it does give me insight into those who dish it out.

I do  not believe I take myself seriously at all.  In fact, were it not that Christ died for me as well as for others, I would consider myself a complete joke.  I am pathetic.  Apart from Christ, I have absolutely nothing!  So jokes at my expense are no insult to me.

I couldn't care less whether my attitude appears pious to others.  My relationship with Christ is all that matters to me-- everything else depends upon that.In Christ,

Your realationship with Christ is paramount, but come on Al, do you really think that it is ALL that matters? Even to the exclusion of your relationships with brethren?
So far as insults go, how I respond would definitely depend on the source.
From people I respect, my first reaction would be to take careful stock so as to determine what might have prompted so strong a reaction.
From people I do not....well, I would have to consider it a badge of honor!  Smiley
The greatest insult you can "bestow" on someone is to smply ignore them Al.
No one here is ignoring you.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2005, 07:34:36 pm by VerneCarty » Logged
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2005, 06:30:14 pm »

You may be right about everything & I may be 100% wrong, but I'm not learning much about myself from hostility & insults, although it does give me insight into those who dish it out.

I do  not believe I take myself seriously at all.  In fact, were it not that Christ died for me as well as for others, I would consider myself a complete joke.  I am pathetic.  Apart from Christ, I have absolutely nothing!  So jokes at my expense are no insult to me.

But I do take the gospel of Christ very seriously and, because of that, I take everyone else seriously.  This doesn't mean that I can't share laughs with you all, as I think most of you realize.  But when I think there is something that needs said, I say it.  If you think I'm wrong, for goodness' sake speak out!  Don't hope it will all just go away, building up resentment in the meantime.  My personal feelings are not to be spared, no matter how considerate you may be toward others.  Please pray for me & talk to me!.  

I couldn't care less whether my attitude appears pious to others.  My relationship with Christ is all that matters to me-- everything else depends upon that.  If it makes me appear to you to be "falsely pious," I don't know what to tell you-- I'm not interested in my reputation; maybe it's you who has an issue...

I wish you all only the richest blessing of God in Christ, whether you believe me or not.

In Christ,

The discussion has gotten side tracked a little, but the side track is good and OK.  I just want to comment on the original track.

Since you asked, here is an example of what I meant.  The jokes at your expense Huh  The "I am pathetic" Huh  You couldn't care less whether your attitude appears pious to others. Huh  You cannot learn much about yourself from hostility & insults.  Undecided Huh You said "speak out" & "talk to me".  But when I did I got the response above as a result.

The reason to write/say words is to communicate to others.  If one is failing then there is a need to re-evaluate. eh??

I am sorry that anyone had to go through what you did as an assembly man, but am happy that you can now take refuge and comfort in Christ.

God bless,
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2005, 08:00:05 pm »

You may be right about everything & I may be 100% wrong, but I'm not learning much about myself from hostility & insults, although it does give me insight into those who dish it out.

I do  not believe I take myself seriously at all.  In fact, were it not that Christ died for me as well as for others, I would consider myself a complete joke.  I am pathetic.  Apart from Christ, I have absolutely nothing!  So jokes at my expense are no insult to me.

But I do take the gospel of Christ very seriously and, because of that, I take everyone else seriously.  This doesn't mean that I can't share laughs with you all, as I think most of you realize.  But when I think there is something that needs said, I say it.  If you think I'm wrong, for goodness' sake speak out!  Don't hope it will all just go away, building up resentment in the meantime.  My personal feelings are not to be spared, no matter how considerate you may be toward others.  Please pray for me & talk to me!. 

I couldn't care less whether my attitude appears pious to others.  My relationship with Christ is all that matters to me-- everything else depends upon that.  If it makes me appear to you to be "falsely pious," I don't know what to tell you-- I'm not interested in my reputation; maybe it's you who has an issue...

I wish you all only the richest blessing of God in Christ, whether you believe me or not.

In Christ,

This is one of the reasons I request prayer.  I am not asking God to come & do something for me so that I won't have to.  I am desperately in need of wisdom and understanding.  I read & study the Word, but unlike many I do not harbor the hope that I can understand the scriptures without the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit-- or rightly understand anything else, for that matter.  I don't ask or hope that He will do my thinking or make decisions for me, but it is scriptural to pray for His guidance in life and to expect it in hope and act upon that hope by faith. 

OK Al,

I can tell you that most of your posts, where you get "serious about the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ," are boring, and entirely lacking in any sort of substance.  I rarely read through all of them, when I see you're on that tack.  You are at your best with the witty stuff.

Anyhow, on the one hand you say, "Say something, don't spare my personal feelings" on the other, you ignore what people say.

You come across as a religious windbag.  I don't know how to say it any other way.  It's been going on for a long time, but when you started a thread in order to sanctimoniously examine the implications of the title, "Out of Control Poster," and "No editing or deleting," on the testimony of our Blessed Lord and Savior, Head over all things to the Church,  it was the last straw for me.

It's ridiculous, pure and simple.  If you think it implies seriousness about the Gospel, you are mistaken.  It clearly demonstrates that you are fixated on little details that may appear strange to others.  (In your mind. not in theirs.)

So, there's the straight scoop.  I promise I've simply said what others think, like it or not.


« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2005, 08:50:05 pm »

OK Al,

I can tell you that most of your posts, where you get "serious about the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ," are boring, and entirely lacking in any sort of substance. 

I probably would have tried to convey this message witha bit more delicacy (I would not have called you an idiot for example) but sometimes that approach is futile.
I have had to shake my head in wonder at some of the things you have posted and expecially the juncture you chose to expostulate. 
I imagine you could say the same about much that I have posted.

I think you once called me a " name-dropper" "arrogant" and "condescending".  Smiley
I am sure some peoeple agree with you

In the main though, I agree with Brent's assessment of how some of what you say comes across.
You are indeed incredibly witty when you have a mind to be... Smiley
« Last Edit: March 09, 2005, 09:38:45 pm by VerneCarty » Logged
Joe Sperling

« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2005, 09:55:32 pm »


I may have mentioned this before, but the morning Doug Large broke his alarm clock
for going off 15 minutes early was my first morning waking up in Al's house. I had moved
in at about 10:00 P.M. the night before, feeling it was "now or never"(you know, one of
those emotional "better do it now because the chance may never come your way again"
type of things).

I awoke to the sound of Doug smashing his alarm clock, and immediately thought, "what have
I gotten myself into?" I clearly remember you saying Stephen, "Doug, get your heart right with
the Lord", which seemed to calm him down. But it truly was a very unusual first day in the house.

« Reply #29 on: March 09, 2005, 10:10:50 pm »


I may have mentioned this before, but the morning Doug Large broke his alarm clock
for going off 15 minutes early was my first morning waking up in Al's house. I had moved
in at about 10:00 P.M. the night before, feeling it was "now or never"(you know, one of
those emotional "better do it now because the chance may never come your way again"
type of things).

I awoke to the sound of Doug smashing his alarm clock, and immediately thought, "what have
I gotten myself into?" I clearly remember you saying Stephen, "Doug, get your heart right with
the Lord", which seemed to calm him down. But it truly was a very unusual first day in the house.


It seems to be pretty obvious that the brothers and sisters houses were nothing more than a farm for the psychological domination and molding of potential  future GeftakysServants.
It also proviced a better opportunity to influnce the finances of others to the advantage of the house owners and ultimately George and Betty.
It is my prediction that his decades of avarice notwithstanding, he will not leave this life a wealthy man - spiritually or materially...

Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished


p.s When Bill Bradbury was in Champaign, the "responsible brothers" planned a camping trip on which you had to provide your own tent, sleeping bag and supplies.
You can imagine my astonsihment when I learned that the fee for participating in this "time of fellowship" was going to be $35.00 per person. Not that I could not afford it, but I thought it was absolutely sacandalous and rapacious that they were asking peope to pay that much...
Then again it could be that they did not expect too much participation and had to make it high enough to cover "expenses"...
« Last Edit: March 09, 2005, 10:28:01 pm by VerneCarty » Logged
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