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Author Topic: QUESTION OF THE DAY/OPINIONS WELCOME  (Read 125429 times)
1 al Hartman

« Reply #180 on: October 20, 2005, 06:40:04 pm »


Have you ever learned a life lesson by the simplest teaching that has come your way? Even if you dont think it as a lesson at the time.

Absolutely.  If we take Romans 8:28 to heart, we will realize that every situation in life comes with a lesson.  Several other Scriptures tell us that the Lord will teach us if we will only ask Him to.  Since we are constantly experiencing something, it seems a shame to let the days pass without learning from them.  There seems to be no limit to what we may learn if we are willing to be taught.


P.S.-- Glad to know you finally got your bed, Lenore! Smiley

« Reply #181 on: January 12, 2006, 07:51:17 am »

January 11, 2006

Hi, how is everyone today.

Since the death of my sister in law, I have been wondering of a couple of things that maybe someone would have insight on?

I dont believe my sister in law was saved, when she suffered her anerysm early last Tuesday morning.

My questions are in two fold:
1. Do you think or believe that Jesus gives everyone a last thief on the cross type of chance, before death?

2. Is there any way you can tell, by looking in the face of the body, if a person has received Christ or not.  Whether they have a look like they are at peace in the presence of God.

I havent look into the face of very many dead people, and my sister in law is the closest relative that has died , since my grandparent 20 years ago.

I know I have talk to her and she rejected what I was saying years ago.

Since I dont know the heart of my sister in law in regards of her faith, I believe she is a lost soul, but ..................

If there is any insight I would be glad to hear it.


« Reply #182 on: January 12, 2006, 09:34:01 am »

Hi Lenore--

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of your sister-in-law. A sudden unexpected death of a family member is very difficult. I've heard that people who have seizures, such as in epilepsy, often have a sensation or premonition that one is coming on. Maybe it's possible an aneurysm gives a similar warning that might have given your sister-in-law a chance to remember what you shared with her. Some people seem to be given a sense of their approaching death. We can trust that God is very merciful and knows how to reach someone even at the last moment. But we don't have certainty about anyone's eternal destiny (unless we know they were cursing God with their last conscious breath.) I think you have to live with that uncertainty, and be comforted that you shared with her.

The Lord bless you and comfort you.


« Reply #183 on: January 16, 2006, 12:15:59 am »

January 15th, 2006:

I have a series of questions dealing with the same subject.

Who puts you down the more as a Christian?

Is it other CHristians... out of those Christians, are they church goers?
Out of those church goers...are they from other churches, fellow worshippers, or family.

Is it non Christians...out of those non CHristians...are they acquaintances, close friends, family, or strangers.

What about those who have heard the word of God, professed the salvation of Christ in their lives, and then stagnate, not producing fruit of Spirit in their CHristian walking.
Professing not walking is what I am saying.

There maybe other variables to this questions on who...

The question is Who puts you down, put digs into you, condemns your practice of walking with Christ....even when their is not foundations to their put downs.

Any insight here ....Huh

Joe Sperling

« Reply #184 on: January 17, 2006, 01:54:25 am »


Surprisingly, in repsonse to your question I would have to say that there is this
one Christian who puts me down the most. I swear, he will literally come and
stand a few feet away and say such things as "You're a total failure!!"  "How
can you call yourself a Christian, you Hypocrit!! You think you represent Christ??!!
Give it up dude, you'll never be spiritual enough!! And you're fat and ugly too!!"

And because of this one guy I often feel I am being put down by others when it
isn't true at all. I have just become so used to hearing this one guy's voice, that I
think everyone else must be thinking that way too. When someone tries to help
me by being brutally honest I feel they MUST be saying it to hurt me. And it's all
because of that one guy--that one Christian that just won't leave me alone!! Strangely
enough he lives in the full length mirror right beside the front door. He always has a
few "comments"  for me before I leave, and what's too bad is that I listen to him some-
times instead of listening to the Word of God and what it says about who I am, and how
forgiven I am, and how much I am loved. I think if I just listened to the Word more I
would feel less and less that I am being "put down" for anything at all. But unfortunately,
that one accusing Christian likes to follow me around a lot and try to spoil my day. I think
I'm going to get rid of that mirror once and for all.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2006, 04:47:54 am by Joe Sperling » Logged

« Reply #185 on: January 24, 2006, 01:29:39 am »

Thank you Joe for your candor.

The person who puts me down the most, is the only other church goer in my family, the only other one who professes to be a CHristian , is my mother. My daughter Sara is a Christian and attends Church on a irregular basis.

This were I hear, keep your religion at home.
Even when there is no basis on her attach.

The situation was after my sister in laws funeral, I tried to even remember if I did anything or said anything to offend anyone.  Yet it was my mother who seem to be the most offended.
I even asked my daughter Sara, She said no mom, you didnt say or did anything to generate that type of attack.

Then as I disgust this with some one in my church, sometime you dont have to say anything, or do anything. Just by being a child of God standing on the faith, people can see that and be threatened by it.   If this is the case , I never thought of my self that way confidently.

Any on else have any insight on this question, experience this type of put down from a Christian family member, even though you had not done anything to warrant such an attack.


« Reply #186 on: March 27, 2006, 11:22:30 pm »

March 27th:


I remember a year ago, about a conversation I had on BB, regarding the Holy Spirit.
If you recall the spirit was quite negative and strong felt.

My question in this regard is benigned I hope(?). Due to the fact my involvement with the assembly in Ottawa was limited to a few years. I am beginning to wander about something since that conversation a year ago.


Since the Holy SPirit(or Holy Ghost) is part of the trinity, then this was false preaching about the word of God. Those who dont believe in the Holy SPirit, as part of the trinity of God, still choosing to believe in that falseness.

There are so many passages that indicated that Holy Spirit is third person of God, the Counsellor, the Helper, the interceder, the one who groans for us interceding for us in prayer. It is so clear within the pages of the WOrd of God. How can anyone deny this person?

I am not accusing anyone, but I am just wondering if George preached against in believing the Holy Spirit essentially Holy Ghost.

Holy Ghost in King James Version,  Holy SPirit in the modern translations.
Holy Spirit is Biblical...

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

Joe Sperling

« Reply #187 on: March 28, 2006, 02:02:49 am »


George never taught there wasn't a third person in the Trinity. George clearly taught
that God is in three persons: The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. But what George
did do was to limit the working of the Spirit of God through legalism. Instead of teaching
that Christ is formed in us through Grace, he taught that was accomplished through many
works---thus the constant meetings, stewardships, etc. He sought to have works accomplish
what only the Holy Spirit can do, and thus the brothers and sisters houses were created to
"form Christ" in the faithful ones. He literailly was "quenching" the Spirit by his teachings, and
adherence to a staunch legalism, which did not allow music in worship, and denied that God
could heal or do miracles also.

When Paul asked the Galatians "Who has bewitched you?" he was referring to the same type
of teachings, which had led the Galatians away from the simplicity of the Gospel into a works-
based system that was enslaving them. They were allowing men to lead them instead of the
Holy Spirit---and that's exactly what we all allowed ourselves to fall prey to also while in the Assembly.


« Last Edit: March 28, 2006, 05:18:00 am by Joe Sperling » Logged

« Reply #188 on: April 17, 2006, 05:21:30 am »




As our Alpha Group is winding down with only one more week, and my Ladies Small Group Study has just finished Romans.

The importants of the Holy Spirit work in our lives is so sufficent. He prays for us when we dont have the words to pray. He guides us and teaches our spirit the will of God for our lives.
We can grieve Him when we allow sin to rule over us.
He fills us when we allow him to take the driver seat in our lives.

The gifts of the Spirit which is love , patient, joy, longsuffering, etc. which is stated in Galatians
our rewards for continuing to grow and maturing as a CHristian.

I find it amazing that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit was present when the world was formed in Gensis 1:1.

As a struggling Christian, this is important to know that God is in control, creator, and knows what best for me, and knows what I need, and loves me etc.

So thank you again Joe.


« Reply #189 on: May 02, 2006, 08:32:06 am »


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