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Author Topic: QUESTION OF THE DAY/OPINIONS WELCOME  (Read 125428 times)

« Reply #150 on: May 26, 2005, 02:53:56 am »

How do you generally approach your study of a book of the Bible?
Some folk prefer a thematic approach. Of course those of us with an assembly history were drilled in a modified inductive method. I have found that often a book will naturally suggest to us how to approach it. For example in Genesis, a good bird's eye view is to think about it in terms of the seven great lives portrayed.
In fact the theme of generations, seem to be the central one of the entire Bible.
At the outset we appear to have a broad introduction of the generations of both heaven and earth, with an early focus on earthly generations, going selectively and ultimately to the book of the generation of Jesus Christ in Matthew, and of which line,we Christians are a part...royalty!  Smiley

To do a Bible study, I can be very methodical.
Or when I get into the historical sections of the Bible , I read it straight through, because the history part is a passion of mine.

On the subject of "sons of God"  I went from the Haley's Handbook, to the Complete Book of Who Who in the Bible, I also reviewed several different translations of the scripture.
I also read the commentaries in study Bible I have.

Haley's Handbooks says that they were either fallen angels. Or from the Sethite families intermarrying with the families from the line of Cain.

It is interesting that when this union of the two 'sons of God" and the "daughters of the people" how declined the morals of society became leading up to the time of Noah.
Throughout the old testament, during the making of the covenants from Abraham to Ezra, the warning of intermarriage between the people of covenant people and the uncovenant people, thus leading to the decline of people keeping the covenant. We see these people struggling.
God continuing to discipline them, rescuing them time and time again, at time of worshipping and giving thanks, then once again falling away, and getting involved into ways of people of the world. God frequently uses the example of sexual sin, of how God's people adulterated themselves with the world, being as unfaithful wife to God. Hosea is a book relating this.
What have you researched on the sons of God, that can add further insights.

« Reply #151 on: May 26, 2005, 05:05:18 pm »

To do a Bible study, I can be very methodical.
Or when I get into the historical sections of the Bible , I read it straight through, because the history part is a passion of mine.


Did you ever notice that the NKJV in Genesis fourteen refers to Lot as Abraham's brother?

I don't get it. We are told clearly in Genesis eleven that Lot was the son of Haran, who was Abraham's brother, and which would therfore make Lot Abraham's nephew as stated in the KJV. Strange!
p.s.  does anybody know if the Hebrew makes no clear distinction?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2005, 05:07:32 pm by VerneCarty » Logged

« Reply #152 on: May 26, 2005, 07:21:13 pm »

Did you ever notice that the NKJV in Genesis fourteen refers to Lot as Abraham's brother?

I don't get it. We are told clearly in Genesis eleven that Lot was the son of Haran, who was Abraham's brother, and which would therfore make Lot Abraham's nephew as stated in the KJV. Strange!
p.s.  does anybody know if the Hebrew makes no clear distinction?

You got me looking up this point. I consulted the Who Who in the Bible.
I even went back to study notes on a three year Bible Study I did 10 years ago
Thru the Bible in the Year, and the Bible Character.

Who WHo said that Lot was an orphan, taken in by his grandfather.

In the NKJV: In Genesis 14:12:
It states:

They also took Lot,
Abram's "brother's son, who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods, and departed.

Some of these inconsistencies, can be confusing , but a former Pastor of mine, said that if they do  not take away from the Gospel Message of Salvation, we can discuss them, ponder them, but we can excuse them. Due to the fact, that most of the scripture were hand copied for generations, and human error can get into the way.  Look at the preservation of all the details the scriptures have to offer, God preserved down to last details, what was really important.

Also brother bit, could be a cultural thing too, because this same former Pastor was from Zimbawawe, true Africian.
Because he consider an uncle, called him "the Shona version of  Dad" , so the cultural of Abram at the time, Lot was a grown man. Even though he was a nephew, Abram could of considered him a brother. An equal instead of Uncle of authority, nephew subservant. Brothers were equal.
From the Christian point of view, the term brothers are in respect to the connection with God.

These are my insights, and what I have gleaned.

Thanks for the topics, it is very stimulating and interesting.

« Reply #153 on: May 27, 2005, 12:46:59 am »

 But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter   Genesis 19:4:

There is something profoundly sad about a society that defiles and perverts even the young.
What a picture that must have been outside Lot's door with men of all ages clamoring for the rape of his guests!
I note with great interest, the determination of the radical homosexual activists to bring this fight to the very hearts and minds of even our children by flooding schools with their propaganda. People like to criticize men like James Dobson for his stance on these issues. I think he understands what is really at stake.
God help us...!

« Reply #154 on: May 27, 2005, 03:40:46 am »

But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter   Genesis 19:4:

There is something profoundly sad about a society that defiles and perverts even the young.
What a picture that must have been outside Lot's door with men of all ages clamoring for the rape of his guests!
I note with great interest, the determination of the radical homosexual activists to bring this fight to the very hearts and minds of even our children by flooding schools with their propaganda. People like to criticize men like James Dobson for his stance on these issues. I think he understands what is really at stake.
God help us...!

That is the second recorded example of homosexual sin, in the Bible.
Of course we are told to hate the sin, love the sinner.
Yet I believe in our todays society of tolerance and acceptance, and political correct language and attitude, we come to accept other 'sins' of the Bible as norm. Homosexuals are just the demanding equal time. If we didnt tolerate 'sins' of society today, as normal behaviour, would the 'sin' of homosexuality be so prevailent.
I dont know. Homosexual 'sin' in Noah's days, in Lot's day, and even in Paul's days.
God punished in Noah's day, in Sodom and Gomorrah,  as we see in Romans 1:18 to 32

Romans 1: 27:NKJV
Likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
Vs: 28: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge , God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting.

Romans continue to list Vs 29 to 31 the things that people where being filled in.

Back in Sodom, Lot brought those angels into his house for protection, and even offered his daughters, to the masses, to satisfy the lustfulness of the men outside, the girls were rejected, and the demand heighten in lust for the angels.

You are right, in this age and time, every fiber of society is being flooded to accept the gay lifestyle, tolerate, that even school age children are being read books about family consisting of same sex partner.
This country of Canada is in the midst of passing a bill on same sex marriage, which will strike down the bill, that marriage constitutes between a man and a woman.
Television shows showing this lifestyle as normal. With politicians being elected into office, the power to change laws, it is only going to get worse.
There is all kinds of 'ALTERNATIVE" lifestyles, such as vampires, witch covenants, child porn, it is all coming to a head, all want equal rights to do what they wants to do.

It is a lesson for us, that by demanding our own rights, because every one rights, is what is right in their own eye, are we contributing to the downslide of society. Because everyone wants equal rights, and laws in the Human Rights Constitutions, grants those rights.

Check out Romans 1 : 18 to 32
Especially VS: 27 to 32



« Reply #155 on: May 27, 2005, 08:12:41 pm »

Responding to a few posts down:


The cartoon with the penguin that had Dan Adam's voice I believe was
called "Tennessee Tuxedo". You're also right that Victor French did appear
on "Get Smart" as a co-agent of agent 86(Don Adams)---he didn't have a
beard like he did on "Little House" or "Highway to Heaven". On Get Smart
he usually would appear as someone hiding in a trash can and popping up
with the trash can lid still on top of his head, or some other crazy stunt like


Thanks for information about Tennessee Tuxedo.

Get Smart was a great show, even if it was a little silly.
I remembered Victor French popping up as the secret spy, giving smart the information he needed, I remember even one episode where those spies in those secret places, would always complain.

Now for another trivia question:

What was 99 real name?

The one I dont know is what was the Chief's really name?


« Reply #156 on: May 28, 2005, 03:39:59 am »

Verne, Did you finish the book 'Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocolypse' ? I can easily see the hybreds having the knowledge to build the Pyramids no problem. The question I wondered if he answered is what happens when the hybred part of the person dies half human, half angel does the wicked spirit then go on to the next victim? it would seem so. But how does half human die and the spirit part of IT go on ? this could be more then anyone  wants to know! ("seducing spirits and doctrines of devils " from I Tim 4:1 also you see Gabriel and Michael fighting with the princes of Persia.)  I would think one with the Gift of discerning of spirits can spot these types in a crowd. Ha.. Summer.
« Reply #157 on: May 28, 2005, 04:56:45 am »

Verne, Did you finish the book 'Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocolypse' ? I can easily see the hybreds having the knowledge to build the Pyramids no problem. The question I wondered if he answered is what happens when the hybred part of the person dies half human, half angel does the wicked spirit then go on to the next victim? it would seem so. But how does half human die and the spirit part of IT go on ? this could be more then anyone  wants to know! ("seducing spirits and doctrines of devils " from I Tim 4:1 also you see Gabriel and Michael fighting with the princes of Persia.)  I would think one with the Gift of discerning of spirits can spot these types in a crowd. Ha.. Summer.

I heard this guy on late night talk radio (Art Bell) Interesting website.

« Reply #158 on: May 28, 2005, 05:14:05 am »

Thanks Brent. Looks like a real freak show! Summer...Gidday from L.A.
Recovering Saint

« Reply #159 on: May 28, 2005, 05:27:47 am »

Thanks Brent

Art Bell I used to listen to his show when I couldn't get to sleep. After hearing a bit then I really couldn't get to sleep. Mostly UFOs and stuff but we know all about that because one of the most fruitful places to watch them is just in the outskirts of Ottawa in Carp.

I wish I could hear more of his radiio shows they were so reassuring NOT. I could have had nightmares after hearing all the stuff to be afraid of and how Aliens were not all good but had an agenda....... Stay tuned......for the rest of the story Oh no they are taking me away...............................
« Last Edit: May 28, 2005, 05:32:05 am by Hugh » Logged
« Reply #160 on: May 28, 2005, 06:01:01 am »

Thanks Brent. Looks like a real freak show! Summer...Gidday from L.A.

Yes, it's a little freaky...but that's a nice word.

Quayle is saying pretty much the same thing that the book Verne recommends is talking about.

I think there were giants, and that they were across the board bad people.

As to the pyramid, I think it was built before the flood....

As far as proof, I have none.  According the the Mayan calender, the world will end in I have a few more years to win the World Series of Poker and sail to New Zealand.  It will have to be in that order.

Of course, in the event I am abducted by aliens, all bets are off.  In that sorry circumstance, I would be forced to abandon long range goals in favor of whatever was expedient for the moment.

Deep thoughts to be sure....


« Reply #161 on: May 28, 2005, 07:27:51 am »

Yeah I agree the Giants were not nice people. Did you see the sketch of the one getting ready to smash the small guy with the brick? No wonder the spys came back with a chilling report except for Joshua and Caleb (grasshoppers in their sight) Also on the sight the real Endy Jones has been given permission to excavate the Ark of the Covenant the Kabbul state "the time is now right" all he has to do is drill a hole into the location under the temple mount (good-luck) and put a camera in. It was my understanding the Ark could'nt be touched with human hands else you would be elecriicuted, but well what do I know. It is interesting "many will run to and fro and knowledge shall increase" alot of tech over the last 100 years, maybe their back.  Summer.
« Reply #162 on: May 28, 2005, 10:04:22 pm »

Opinions are welcome:

Let's say you are a teacher, with 10 students.

5 of the 10 are average, dependable and seem to be giving their best.
2 of the 10 are "at risk," and have behavior problems, maybe even learning disabilities.  They disrupt the classroom frequently.
3 of the 10 are gifted, highly intelligent students that deliver inconsistent performances.  On one assignment they shine, and on the next, due to boredom, they turn in sloppy work.  They are capable of doing much better, but grow bored and disinterested.  They are getting A's and B's, but could have A+'s across the board if they could be challenged.  Their high achievements at the beginning of the year have slipped.

As a teacher, which of the students deserve the most time and attention?

I submit the answer is in the Bible, and that as a society we are doing the opposite of what we should be doing.


« Reply #163 on: May 28, 2005, 10:26:31 pm »

Matthew 18: 1-5

Vs 3-5:

Assuredly, I say to you, "unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever received on little child like this in My name receives Me."

READ MATTHEW 18: 6 to 10

Vs 10:
Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven."

Matthew 19:14

But Jesus said:
"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19: 13-15.


« Reply #164 on: May 28, 2005, 11:28:30 pm »

Galatians 5 came to mind.

Vs: 7 to 12
Vs: 13 to 15
vs: 16 to 26

My questions with this:

Can the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5:22to 24 be accomplished before Galatians 5:19 to 21 is conquerored.

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