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Author Topic: DAILY CHATTING ABOUT THINGS  (Read 112056 times)
Recovering Saint

« Reply #120 on: May 07, 2005, 10:13:49 pm »

Hi Lenore

Jesus is for you and so am I. The reason I am for you is because God didn't give up on me. Being raised in a double alcoholic home and then landing into the Assembly that was a double whammy. The Lord has helped me through it all and that is why I can say the Lord can do it for anyone. You know you have friends and the greatest one is the Lord.

No sage advice from me I am speechless let the Lord speak through the Comforter.

We do care and you are in my prayers.

Lord bless
Hugh  Smiley
« Last Edit: May 07, 2005, 10:16:52 pm by Hugh » Logged

« Reply #121 on: May 07, 2005, 11:26:14 pm »

Hi Lenore

Being raised in a double alcoholic home

Lord bless
Hugh  Smiley

Double here, too. It's a lose-lose situation for both of them.


« Reply #122 on: May 08, 2005, 12:54:09 am »

Just a comment: Bob over at swte said it well," Brent threw a rock down a dark alley and took a hit Lenore". So he called her bluff, and all this Drama insued. If she does'nt want to work thats fine, but ahh, she does. I think she needed a sort of inspiration to see the light, it came out as a slap in the face"snap out of it". Yet I hesitate to push too hard, if she's too ill to work, yet desires too, then I pray she Gets Well Soon. It's good for anyone to take a break from this board I left for 4 months and came back to this. Wow is this positive no its not. Its really negative and L needs to stay strong for others its too much drama. Does B have a slight OCD problem I dont know I'm not a doctor, so I won't diagnose. But its been noted amoung people in cults have a higher incidence of "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" think Howard Hughes in Aviator for an example. We all have problems, and we all have times where "Life Is Beautiful" we pop in here and check comments and posts who needs all the negativity? Matt over at Soaring has this board pegged, he's got some talent! And Sondra really mediated giving cups of cold-water to all. I had more to say, but I've been interupted several times and lost my train of thought...Oh yeah, last night I thought now what...well we shall see..Summer. P.S. Lenore the Mothers Day Story touched my Heart...Thank-You!
« Reply #123 on: May 08, 2005, 12:59:40 am »

Just a comment: Bob over at swte said it well," Brent threw a rock down a dark alley and took a hit Lenore". So he called her bluff, and all this Drama insued. If she does'nt want to work thats fine, but ahh, she does. I think she needed a sort of inspiration to see the light, it came out as a slap in the face"snap out of it". Yet I hesitate to push too hard, if she's too ill to work, yet desires too, then I pray she Gets Well Soon. It's good for anyone to take a break from this board I left for 4 months and came back to this. Wow is this positive no its not. Its really negative and L needs to stay strong for others its too much drama. Does B have a slight OCD problem I dont know I'm not a doctor, so I won't diagnose. But its been noted amoung people in cults have a higher incidence of "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" think Howard Hughes in Aviator for an example. We all have problems, and we all have times where "Life Is Beautiful" we pop in here and check comments and posts who needs all the negativity? Matt over at Soaring has this board pegged, he's got some talent! And Sondra really mediated giving cups of cold-water to all. I had more to say, but I've been interupted several times and lost my train of thought...Oh yeah, last night I thought now what...well we shall see..Summer. P.S. Lenore the Mothers Day Story touched my Heart...Thank-You!


gotta agree with you.  email if you wonder what I am saying.


« Reply #124 on: May 08, 2005, 01:39:15 am »

Brent, I think I get your drift.I  was more shocked when you kept posting and posting, it was like Paul's ship in the storm (when we could not bear up we let her drive) I think we knew there was no stopping you. Ha. What pissed me off was you thinking it was ok to call us all  (those who did'nt agree with you) wicked hypocrites and cruel tender mercies Ha. Oh well we still have a right to our own opinions. You do see through alot of the b.s and plainly let it be known. So through it all I kept thinking you forgot you railed on all the other board members you did apologise did'nt you? I skipped a few posts towards the end, if they get too repitive and drawn out with anyone its just too much to take.  Summer
« Reply #125 on: May 08, 2005, 02:13:06 am »

Brent, I think I get your drift.I  was more shocked when you kept posting and posting, it was like Paul's ship in the storm (when we could not bear up we let her drive) I think we knew there was no stopping you. Ha. What pissed me off was you thinking it was ok to call us all  (those who did'nt agree with you) wicked hypocrites and cruel tender mercies Ha. Oh well we still have a right to our own opinions. You do see through alot of the b.s and plainly let it be known. So through it all I kept thinking you forgot you railed on all the other board members you did apologise did'nt you? I skipped a few posts towards the end, if they get too repitive and drawn out with anyone its just too much to take.  Summer

I don't think I fully apologized to all the board members for calling some of them hypocrites.  The reason being that I think they are. 

The comment where it slipped that Lenore was like a "retarded" kid, and I was a bully, was key, IMO.  Anyhow, I don't apologize for that at all, sorry.  It doesnt' mean I don't like them, or that I despise them, it just means that I totally disagree with certain things they say, and some views they have.

Everyone has their own level of intensity.  Some people, for instance, like to float on an inflatable raft in a pool, while Michael Phelps likes to be the fastest swimmer alive.  Who's to say which one enjoys it more?  Not everyone has to be as serious about going into pools as Michael Phelps, and in the same way, those who like to float on rafts have no  right to say he's a fanatic.

I'm like that with ideas.  When I'm interested in something, anything, doesn't matter what it is, I get really into it.  I learn as much as I can, try to get as good at it as I can, practice it, talk to people who are really good at it....I get pleasure from being intense about things, intense pleasure.

I proudly accept the label of having a mental illness!  I now suffer from Obsseive/Compulsive Disorder!  (and really bad spelling lately! I was playing two poker games while typing this up.)

I am living proof that a person can have a mental illness and still be high functioning.  The only meds I use is about 1 or 2 beers a week, and I work 26 hours per week, do dishes, sail boats, and watch my kids do sports. 

On top of that, I can be a rude, irritating troll on a BB chock full of people who were in a cult for much of their lives, telling them that they don't always see things right.

I guess the reason I like this so much is because it's the only place I can talk like this, and I can talk about my experiences in the Assembly with other people who know.  It's also one of the few places with serious discussion about the Bible, certain types of theology, and their practical application.

Is this eveyone's cup of tea? No way.  Strange people post here, and stranger one's lurk about reading it everyday. 

Like it says at the bottom of my signature.  Decide for yourself if what I say is right or wrong.  I have no problem with someone disagreeing with me, but if they are intellectually dishonest about it, or use specious arguments, I just may have something to say back at them.

I sincerely appreciate your input, Summer.  Thanks for speaking up.

Brent, the high funtioning OCD guy.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2005, 02:23:16 am by Brent A. Trockman » Logged

« Reply #126 on: May 08, 2005, 02:29:46 am »

LOL....If the shoe fits, please by all means wear it. Summer p.s. I liked your swiimming illustration, I was jr.olympian qualified in the butterfly and breaststoke, yes 20 olympic laps for warm-up, and then we started our training session, that's back and forth across the pool = 1 lap, but I don't want to brag here, and look like a hypocrite! LOL
« Reply #127 on: May 08, 2005, 02:32:26 am »

LOL....If the shoe fits, please by all means wear it. Summer p.s. I liked your swiimming illustration, I was jr.olympian qualified in the butterfly and breaststoke, yes 20 olympic laps for warm-up, and then we started our training session, that's back and forth across the pool = 1 lap, but I don't want to brag here, and look like a hypocrite! LOL

I was a swimmer and polo player, so I know exactly what you're talking about.  Nothing bragadocious about stating the fact that you achieved something in the pool. 


« Reply #128 on: May 08, 2005, 05:34:46 am »

Strange people post here,

Brent, the high funtioning OCD guy.

VPA ALERT!        VPA ALERT!       VPA ALERT!       VPA ALERT! [/color]


« Reply #129 on: May 08, 2005, 05:46:40 am »

Brent, Just to add the O.C.D. thing was stated with a grain of salt, glad you took to it well! Its just of all things on this board the weirdest or shall I say the most remarkable is when all these people came forward with major psych issues, so when you want to post your bound to offend someone( in your case it's not an issue, obviously L's posts ate away at you for months, and they were really harmless)  Its like the vortex Delila spoke of and Margaret commmented on that not many former cult members associate with one another, they can't, which is probibly the healthy thing to do Move-On. Summer.   ( I may bow out gracefully, not sure yet)
« Reply #130 on: May 08, 2005, 08:31:31 am »

I will comply what is being ask, after this:

I understand it is fear , and fear of the unknown, fear you dont understand .

I have two questions:
Is there someone out there who is saying I WONT PARTICIPATE IF SHE IS ON BOARD.

Is this request, not parallelling certain reactions that was made to you when you left your local assembly, and they way they treated you differently, because you didnt think or act like they did any  more.

Dont say it is not the same.  The circumstances is different, but the reaction is the same.


I already talk to my pastor.



I was reminded by email that I had not answered one of the questions, so this is a re-post.

Yes, you have hit the nail on the head when you said, "it is fear , and fear of the unknown".  That is exactly the reason that it best for you to not participate for now.

You asked, "Is there someone out there who is saying I WONT PARTICIPATE IF SHE IS ON BOARD."

I do not know, as no one had told me so.

You said, "Is this request, not parallelling certain reactions that was made to you when you left your local assembly, and they way they treated you differently, because you didnt think or act like they did any  more."

No, I do not want to treat you differently than I have already been treating you, unless it is an improvement.  I just do not want to see you in a position where some discussion will trigger your suicidal tendency and set you back for months.  On a BB we cannot see facial expressions nor read body language nor hear tone of voice.  I am still willing to discuss topics with you in private and to not shun you and to maintain contact with you.

God bless,
Mark C.

« Reply #131 on: May 08, 2005, 10:39:14 am »

Hi Brent!

  Yes, I guess we are kind of freaky here--- at least my wife thinks that I am for spending so much time here reading and posting Smiley.

   You know that I have great respect for you, and that is because you stepped up and had the courage and faith to start the whole internet ball rolling in calling out GG and company.

  I can even take your exhortations to follow a "tough love" stance in re. to those on welfare; it is clear that you have made a very valid point.

    However, calling those that felt that you did not excercise a good bed-side-manner in the way that you offered that advice, "hypocrites and freaks,"  is dissapointing to me as well.  Yes, L. brought up the issue publicly, and though she is not "retarded" in the least, she has some emotional struggles right now.

  Back in the beginnings of the Assembly Betty touted a book called, "Reality Therapy."  The essence of this book was that almost all mental institutions could be instantly emptied by the application of this author's method of confronting "the so called mentally ill" with their "phony illness that was only an excuse to escape the responsibilities of life (reality)."

  I'm not sure if this book launched her "vision" of the use of "consequences" in the Assembly "living situations" that eventually included husbands giving their wives this kind of shock therapy, but if it didn't the two did have a symbiotic relationship of some kind.

  The book made some valid points, but the proof really is in the eating, as this man did not "empty any mental hospitals" with his book, and Betty did not produce great Christian character via her version of this in the Assembly.

  The reason for this is that while it is a noble activity to help others be all that they can be the question must be asked:  "did my confrontational presentation of the truth actually help the individual to whom I addressed it?"  If the answer is, "that's up to them, as I'm only the messenger of the truth" then I would say that the activity was not what the bible teaches is a loving response.  Paul says we are to lift those up who are taken in a fault and to consider ourselves as we do so, lest we also fall--- in other words, we can't just lay out the correct way to walk without stumbling, but help that person by taking them by the hand and providing actual support.  This means we must consider what is the best action we can take to actually produce the results we want, in the recognition that we share human weakness with them.

  Was Lenore lifted in your discussion with her?  Is the only issue in her life to deal with her need to get off of  public assistance?  Is it possible that a person can be intelligent and able, but have severe emotional problems?

  In Lenore's case the confrontational reality therapy not only did not help her it caused her to be physically ill, and made her so upset she lost any ability to rationally carry on a discussion about the matter.  Not all psychological difficulties are helped by confrontation, nor does it mean that these individuals suffer from flawed character, per se.

  I do not mean to say that psychology is God's answer to the truth about the nature of man, and I don't know enough about it to even offer an educated opinion about what Lenore does need, but I have enough common sense to figure out what seems to help and what seems to hurt people (freak though I may be  Wink)

  I do believe that some of those that you claim didn't really care about Lenore ( a criticism that I do not level at you BTW.) because they did not see the urgency for her to get a job as you do, have provided some deeply needed help for her. 

  Lenore has shown a very strong faith in Christ, despite her struggles, and this is by far the highest value of Christian character that we should support in her life, vs. the goal getting her off of public assistance.   Those that have supported her in ministry and prayer toward the building of her faith have indeed been involved in a good work in her life.

  There is a very thin line between "tough love" and "cultish shame based techniques" that can be crossed and the true test as to whether one is involved in one vs. the other is in whether I have actually been able to reach down and lift the one in need.

                                           God Bless,  Mark C.



« Reply #132 on: May 08, 2005, 08:49:16 pm »

However, calling those that felt that you did not excercise a good bed-side-manner in the way that you offered that advice, "hypocrites and freaks,"  is dissapointing to me as well.  Yes, L. brought up the issue publicly, and though she is not "retarded" in the least, she has some emotional struggles right now.

Please keep in mind that I suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  I am working through some things now, and as a result, I shouldn't be held responsible for what I say and do.  I'm having some struggles right now.

When I am confronted about this, it makes me go into a severe OCD episode, and I'll just post and post and post and post.  I may become an irritant, I may be a nuissance, but I'm working through some things now, and I could use some support.

I have a strong faith in Christ, and I think it's best to for you to remember that this is the aspect of my life you need to support.  My tendency to bluntly say things, over and over and over and over is a secondary thing.

I want to thank all those who support me.  You couldn't possibly understand what it's like to have OCD.

I feel like you've just attacked me.  I want to be able to say anything I want to, and not be criticized.  I can't handle the criticism, because I have OCD, and if I get compulsive about the people who criticize me, I get physically ill.  If I don't get the support I need, I'm just going to have to go elsewhere.

I'll close with a quote from an email I received yesterday, regarding GG, 

"He was kind and gentle.
He didnt know what to say, he just listened.
He has never done, rejected, etc...of what you have done today."

You're worse than George, Mark Campbell.  (I may not be totally sincere here....think about it)

« Last Edit: May 08, 2005, 08:57:29 pm by BAT » Logged

« Reply #133 on: May 08, 2005, 09:29:31 pm »

I'll close with a quote from an email I received yesterday, regarding GG, 

"He was kind and gentle.
He didnt know what to say, he just listened.
He has never done, rejected, etc...of what you have done today."


This came from a SWTB member?

« Reply #134 on: May 08, 2005, 10:10:34 pm »

This came from a SWTB member?
NO, it did not.

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