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Author Topic: Listen To George Plagiarize!  (Read 23936 times)
« on: September 23, 2003, 02:18:48 am »

hey everyone, check this out!

« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2003, 06:58:06 pm »

I have tried to lift France out of the mud.
But she will return to her errors and vomitings.
I cannot prevent the French from being French.
...Charles de Gaulle

Looks like the same thing applies to George Geftakys.
Uh Oh

« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2003, 01:43:23 am »

hey everyone, check this out!


I tried to log on but it wouldn't let me...It said the site was down.  I was half looking forward to hearing that Greek Jack Ass preach....
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2003, 03:56:20 am »

I tried to log on but it wouldn't let me...It said the site was down.  I was half looking forward to hearing that Greek Jack Ass preach....
If you double click on the url on Brent's post, it opens up the page.

Mark Kisla
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2003, 05:03:24 am »

 Honestly to hear GGs voice again gives me the creeps.
 I recently pulled out from storage a wide margin bible that I filled up with notes from the assembly days. I read through my notes and could seperate what I got from GG teaching from what I learned. I also found a letter I got from GG in 1983, it was full of lofty terminology and  a stern reminder to "give my all",
I threw the letter out but what to do with the Bible was tough. I don't want my kids to pick up my old Bible and read notes from Geftakys thinking that they're reading notes of what I learned from God. I buried the geftakys tainted bible in our garden.
Will Jones

« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2003, 01:15:49 pm »

Interesting!  He did not quote his sources!  He also got the pronunciation wrong of Leonidas, the leader of the 300 Spartans that sacrificed themselves at Thermopylae.  The proper pronunciation is "Lee-on-nee-dahs" not "Lee-on-nigh-da."  You could tell by how he paused that he probably knew he screwed it up.  Was George not from a Greek?   Grin

It is interesting to listen to him again.  He clearly looked down on those he preached to by all of his little comments.  "I'll go slow, fairly slow, and you can just catch it, friends... Listen now..." He was not very focused at the beginning UNTIL he started cribbing from Lang's book.  And even then he got a verse wrong (he corrected himself later) and stumbled over a few pronunciations.

And we had to listen to this guy on Sunday afternoon?   Tongue   No wonder so many people fell asleep!
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2003, 06:12:10 pm »

And we had to listen to this guy on Sunday afternoon?   Tongue   No wonder so many people fell asleep!
Ottawa was more indoctrinated with GGs ministry than most other assemblies. As Will said, we had to listen to this guy on Sunday afternoon - tape ministry instead of live-in-the-body ministry(most of the time). Most other assemblies had tape ministry on Saturday mornings, which was sparsely attended. But then, by Will's own confession, most people fell asleep, so maybe we didn't assimilate that much of GGs ministry anyway. Smiley

Lord bless,
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2003, 07:15:43 pm »

Interesting!  He did not quote his sources!  He also got the pronunciation wrong of Leonidas, the leader of the 300 Spartans that sacrificed themselves at Thermopylae.  The proper pronunciation is "Lee-on-nee-dahs" not "Lee-on-nigh-da."  You could tell by how he paused that he probably knew he screwed it up.  Was George not from a Greek?   Grin

It is interesting to listen to him again.  He clearly looked down on those he preached to by all of his little comments.  "I'll go slow, fairly slow, and you can just catch it, friends... Listen now..." He was not very focused at the beginning UNTIL he started cribbing from Lang's book.  And even then he got a verse wrong (he corrected himself later) and stumbled over a few pronunciations.

And we had to listen to this guy on Sunday afternoon?   Tongue   No wonder so many people fell asleep!

Hi Will, long time no read.   Smiley

Several things about George:
He used a bible that had blank facing pages, in order to write out his notes, and conceivably to plagiarize whole sections of other people's books, including chapter titles.

He can't speak Greek, never could speak Greek, and can't pronounce Greek.  I have a receptionist who graduated from BIOLA, with the same degree that George has.  It took her 4 years, while George needed just over six.  They have the same level of training in Greek, so it's what you learn after you know it all that really counts.  George never knew it all....he never even knew part of it.....

There weren't a million in Xerxes army, like George said, there were 100,000.  George taught everyone that he was a if he knew!  I remember hearing him tell stories in early 1999, about how he took a ferry boat to some Island in Greece and he bragged about how he was a "Greek Argonaut."  I had to laugh, because riding the bus does not make me a Formula One of NASCAR driver.

In short, George was full of hot air.   Those of us who think we learned a lot about the Bible from him should re-examine almost everything.  He could have plagiarized imcorrectly, in which case we would be doubly mistaught!!

He is a fraud.  A total, complete fraud.  But God used him to raise up a glorious testimony???

« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2003, 09:37:22 pm »

It is interesting to listen to him again.  He clearly looked down on those he preached to by all of his little comments.  "I'll go slow, fairly slow, and you can just catch it, friends... Listen now..." He was not very focused at the beginning UNTIL he started cribbing from Lang's book.  And even then he got a verse wrong (he corrected himself later) and stumbled over a few pronunciations.
Famous quote: Catch as catch can
But then baseball is the national sport of the US, isn't it? Grin

« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2003, 09:06:10 am »

There should be more recordings of George available on the internet.  I remember asking Kirk Cesaretti, who was in charge of the tape ministry in SLO when I lived in his brothers house years ago, if I could sleep in instead of attending the tape ministry.  He said no.  So I asked him why.  He said that I needed to listen to the tapes.  So I asked him if I could obtain a copy of the tape and listen to it later.  He said no.  I asked him why. He said that George didn't like copies of his tapes floating around.  So I had to ask him why.  He said that there had been an incident or two of somebody preparing for their Sunday preaching by copying off of George's tapes.  So I told him that I'm not the type that has such tendencies. Then I asked him if I could get a copy of the tape, listen to it once, then destroy it, like in Mission Impossible.  Well, I learned that it was impossible to get a copy of George's tapes so that I could sleep in a little on a Saturday morning.  Well, the leading brother eventually showed mercy by rescinding the requirement to sit through tape ministry and I remain grateful.  So these days, it would be nice, out of principle, for as many of George's tapes as possible to be available on the internet.  Why?  Simply because it would drive him nuts, as he well deserves.  Looks like the real reason why he didn't want copies of his stupid tapes available was because it would present an opportunity for people to critically analyze and further expose his lies other negative features as this string has.

Kirk was another example of a very intelligent and hard working person fresh out of college who was used by George like a Stanley power tool to advance his cult.  Sure is nice to hear that he got out a while back.


« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2003, 07:11:55 pm »

The reason I was told that such a guard was kept on tapes (could check out Sunday, but MUST give them back, seminars required approval) was to prevent those who would twist George's words to attack the ministry.

What a surprise when I left and discovered that with most preachers you could purchase any tape of any sermon for a minimal cost.  Talk about accountability.

There was only one tape I had wished I had snuck out of there.  About the time Steve Irons left, the leading brothers were working overtime doing damage control.  Every message George gave in the book of Judges somehow took on the theme of "elders who abandon the flock".  Dan Notti gave ministry about us being a family and likened leaving to a divorse (though no one ever explained to me early on that by attending the meetings, I was, in fact, getting married).

But Mark Miller's was the most blatant.  At the time of Steve's leaving, there was a "crack in the wall of testimony".    However, instead of the enemy rushing in like a flood, the people inside were rushing to escape.  More people felt empowered to leave than at any other time in the previous history of the Assembly.  

Mark Miller gave a Sunday morning message on the "Scriptural basis of leaving fellowship".  He basically said that you could leave if:
1.  You were moving to where another Assembly is (like folks going to the new work in Providence).
2.  You were sent out to start a new work like Marcos in Mexico.
If there was a third reason, I don't remember, but it still basically meant staying involved with the Assemblies.

He then moved to the clincher.  He said that any other manner of leaving was causing division - which is the root word for heritic.  What do we do with heritics?  We mark them and avoid them.  

Even though this was believed for years, I had never before heard it stated so blatenly in public (generally such damaging teachings were passed through implication, Old Testament spiritualization, or oral tradition in unrecorded, private meetings).

I was so torn up over that ministry (and all the things surrounding the treatment of Steve and Lee), I couldn't get myself to go back for Sunday afternoon ministry.  I figured I would do something more edifying like go to the movies.  Instead, I dropped in for the first time on Tom Maddux.  He saw me standing on his doorstoop, gave a look like "well, here's another one", and invited me in.  But, that's another story.

I had always wished I had smuggled that Mark Miller tape out before I left and published it back in 1990.

However, not any more.  The good news, I believe, is that the difficult exit process and exclusiveness has all but vanished in the thinking of the vast majority of folks in the Assembly.   That, friends, is simply amazing when you consider how deeply entrenched this type of thinking was in the earlier (and probably later) days.
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2003, 07:32:02 pm »

However, not any more.  The good news, I believe, is that the difficult exit process and exclusiveness has all but vanished in the thinking of the vast majority of folks in the Assembly.   That, friends, is simply amazing when you consider how deeply entrenched this type of thinking was in the earlier (and probably later) days.

I found your article on 'Healthy Assembly After Life' posted on very helpful. I emailed it to a number of people who have recently left the assembly system.

Has this 'exclusiveness' truly vanished?

I was told that in Ottawa they were still praying for some who had left that they would go back to the assembly.
I was told that the saints being dispersed was a result of the enemy getting a foothold.
I was also told that God could use the dispersion of the saints to spread the vision (pronounced division Smiley).

With their mouths they say that they are not exclusive. In their hearts they sincerely desire not to be exclusive. BUT old habits do not die easily. Of course, this is not a blanket statement of all existing assemblies.

Lord bless,
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2003, 07:39:51 pm »

There should be more recordings of George available on the internet.  I remember asking Kirk Cesaretti, who was in charge of the tape ministry in SLO when I lived in his brothers house years ago, if I could sleep in instead of attending the tape ministry.  He said no.  So I asked him why.  He said that I needed to listen to the tapes.  So I asked him if I could obtain a copy of the tape and listen to it later.  He said no.  I asked him why. He said that George didn't like copies of his tapes floating around.  So I had to ask him why.  He said that there had been an incident or two of somebody preparing for their Sunday preaching by copying off of George's tapes.  So I told him that I'm not the type that has such tendencies. Then I asked him if I could get a copy of the tape, listen to it once, then destroy it, like in Mission Impossible.  Well, I learned that it was impossible to get a copy of George's tapes so that I could sleep in a little on a Saturday morning.  Well, the leading brother eventually showed mercy by rescinding the requirement to sit through tape ministry and I remain grateful.  So these days, it would be nice, out of principle, for as many of George's tapes as possible to be available on the internet.  Why?  Simply because it would drive him nuts, as he well deserves.  Looks like the real reason why he didn't want copies of his stupid tapes available was because it would present an opportunity for people to critically analyze and further expose his lies other negative features as this string has.

Kirk was another example of a very intelligent and hard working person fresh out of college who was used by George like a Stanley power tool to advance his cult.  Sure is nice to hear that he got out a while back.

I have lots of tapes, and know where to get more.  Perhaps you be able to hear them soon.   Praise his (George's) name!  The vision will go forth!

« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2003, 07:42:50 pm »

The departure of Steve Irons from Fullerton was one of the most remarkable chapters in the assembly saga. For those who knew the man, the fact that they were willing to accept the slander, defamation, and derogation of this individual and his family after they left speaks incredible volumes. I was not even living in Fullerton and had met Steve Irons only once or twice, but when I heard some of the ridiculous accusations levelled against him I wasn't buying any of it. It sounded way too much like a hatchet job to me. The witchcraft allegations against Margaret were indicative of the level of desperate and borderline maniacal frenzy to absolutely tar Steve and his family. Every single one of those leading brothers particpated in unspeakably malevolent conduct in the treatment of the Irons family. Make no mistake about it.
We now have the luxury of concluding it was God's faithfulness and love for Steve and his family that resulted in His soverign removal of them of out that slime pit. That much is clear. Those men are nontheless guilty for their complicity with George Geftakys.  
The thing I don't understand is what was going on in the minds of all those people who had observed Steve's life and example all those years, and then allowed the Godless disparagement of this man on the part of spiritual thugs like George Geftakys Dan Notti and Mark Miller.
 They knew the man! Yet no one spoke up in his defense!!

It shows the density of the fog these people existed in. And so now they want to continue what end?
All of you who serve as stewards in the sanctuary I want to ask you a question. What price your loyalty? I want to repeat it as often and as loudly as is necessary. What happend in the assemblies would never have happend in a gathering of faithful men.
The incontrovertible fact is that Fullerton leadership sold out the Lord Jesus Christ. They must repent.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2003, 11:36:16 pm by vernecarty » Logged

« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2003, 07:55:25 pm »

Marcia:  You are right.  I guess I got over excited because so many folks I know were truly repentant and changed their thinking.  However, I did hear a story recently of someone who wanted to visit Annendale and was met with suspicious questioning from Steve Taylor.  He decided not to bother.  So, I am sure there are some where old habits just won't die.

Brent:  It would bring back glorious memories of long meetings on metal chairs to hear what the Lord Georges Christ received from the kitchen of heaven.

Verne:  I missed the announcement of the strategically read letters when Steve departed.  The following Sunday, Dan Notti personally wanted to read the Lee's excommunication letter to me.  (I was a doorkeeper and worked with Steve Irons so they were trying to save me from being "poisoned" though I already was).   When it came to the part about Lee's "sexual immorality", I asked him what that was.

He replied, "Oh, we can't discuss that."

I know what it was and it is completely unsubstantial (lets just say that if they upheld the standard consistantly, we would all be excommunicated).  Dan knew this, too.
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