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Author Topic: Big Repentance  (Read 10090 times)

« on: December 22, 2002, 01:47:45 pm »

For those of you who haven't heard, a significant event occured tonite.  George Geftakys had a "repentance meeting," in SLO.

There is much to tell, but you must give me 24 hours.  In all seriousness, please pray for me.  I will elaborate later, but some things hang in the balance.  Pray

« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2002, 04:11:54 pm »

Hey yeah I was there.  All I got was a "I went to the Big Repentence Meeting and all I got was this stupid T-shirt" T-shirt.  I liked Lord of the Rings better.   Smiley

Ok, sorry for the humor digression.  It was a serious time.  I am concerned for my brethren.  Help Lord!
« Last Edit: December 22, 2002, 04:51:51 pm by Arthur » Logged
Eulaha L. Long

« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2002, 09:24:07 pm »

Repentance meeting? Hmm...I can't help but to be a little suspicious.  Especially since the victoms of David's abuse have never been apologized to.  Gee, I wonder if it's still "sinful" to leave the Assembly?  What about my being threatened by a leading brother for speaking the truth?

I hope real repentance occurs in the Assembly, but I still agree with Rachel: I think the group should be no more.

« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2002, 11:32:56 am »

Yes, the leadership's manner of response was expected though not hoped for.

Brent, my device did not fare well in the wind and with the cars passing on the street.  Kimberley apparently knows someone in the entertainment industry who might be able to extract the info.  We'll see!   Cool
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2002, 11:35:42 pm »

Well I did yell, or at least raise my voice.  Most of the other brethren were a little bit more reserved and tactful. I wasn't even planning on saying anything, but when I saw the usual fasad being propped up, I had to speak my mind.  You know what I'm talking about.  They were saying things like "We have plans in motion to have the offended contacted" and "we believe God is going to work and change things."  I was like, cut the crap, let's stop kidding the actors here.  You have plans in motion to have the offended contacted?  Well here we are coming to them on the night that George was going to read a supposed apology and yet they locked the door and stood in front of it so that we, the offended, couldn't come in.  We were not welcomed.  Not only that, they sent a brother out into the parking lot to redirect any late-comers to the meeting to go in the back door.  George high-tailed it like a coward into the building before we could talk to him.  (Hey George, would Nehemiah do that?)  

They don't care about the people they hurt or the lives they've destroyed, they only care about the ministry and they're trying to do whatever it takes to keep it going.  It's been that way for years.  I don't even think some, if not most or all, of them realize how messed up they are themselves.
They're sorry.  Oh yes they're sorry!  There sorry that they got caught.  They're sorry that "this ministry" is in jeopardy.  They're sorry the money isn't coming in like it once was.  I wasn't going to take their scata anymore.  One of them said with that slipery serpant grin of falsehood "pray for us".  I told them that no, I don't need to pray about it, we have been praying about it for years. What you've done is wrong and you need to repent right now!  

Their tatics in protecting and preserving their racket, ministry, whatever you want to call it, are to defer, deny and confuse.  I wasn't about to let this slipery snake slither away again to bite someone another day.  Shine the light brethren and don't allow yourself to be lied to ever again.  Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.  
« Last Edit: December 24, 2002, 03:01:48 am by Arthur » Logged

« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2002, 02:31:44 am »

Wow, Arthur!!!! It sounds like you guys had quite a night the other night!!! I wish I could have been there to stand with you all! It also sounds like the learders in the lodge are very scared and worried about what is going to happen to the "testimony." I still can't believe they locked the door, stood in front of it, and wouldn't let you in....yeah, that creates a great environment for control, oh, I mean, repenting and making things right with people...
i'm so glad you said what you said when they said to were right on!!! the solution is real repentance, and i thought that is what the meeting was supposed to be all about!
Well, I'm totally encouraged because the lodge leaders are squirming! their little "ivory tower" is about ready to come crashing down, so that they will be unable to destroy more lives!! I can't wait for that day!!

Your Friend,

« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2002, 02:56:05 am »

Hey steena!! Wish you could have been there too! There were eleven of us, probably as much on the outside as there were on the inside (unlss you count the saints transplanted from other assemblies).
From the brief glimpse that I saw before Jeff closed the door, I saw Scott Testa there and George of course, I couldn't make anyone else out.  I saw a friend from Fullerton and one from Fresno as well walking into the meeting from the parking lot.  I miss those guys.
As for the door being locked.  That was my take on it.  Not quite sure.  You know it is the kind of door that has a big push-bar on it on inside side of it instead of a knob.  In the Farce article on the main GA site, the writer (I guess it was Brent) said that Jeff slammed the door on people going out.  What I saw was that first Danny came out, then Jeff and Roberto.  When they were out, Jeff began to close the door quickly.  I think some saints were trying to get out because someone was pushing on the door at least twice and Jeff had to stand there and hold it with his weight against it.  I think he locked it then at that point or asked somebody from the inside to, but I'm not 100% sure, it's kinda hard to tell from the outside and cause he was standing in front of it.  I guess it doesn't really matter, what's important is that they all barred the way, Jeff standing directly in front of the door, and wouldn't let anyone in or out.  When they got done talking to us, they even asked the doorkeepers to come in (I guess so that we couldn't infect them with our "pernicious words" Smiley  
You know, in retrospect, I wonder if Jeff actually thinks that he's being a good shepherd protecting the sheep in the sheep pen, defending them against the wolves (us, ha) outside.  Do you think he thinks he's on the good side or he knows what he's doing is wrong?
« Last Edit: December 24, 2002, 03:07:28 am by Arthur » Logged
David Mauldin
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2002, 03:56:36 am »

 Praise the Lord George! isn't God good!  Now lets talk about the conditions of your repentence! (So glad I learned so much about this while I was with you.) for starters I want you to move in with me. (I need to be able to keep an eye on you-we dont want these sins to have continual riegn over you!) We will have daily meetings so we can discuss your victory. While you live with me I want you to perform stewardships (to show that you are truely repentent) You can cook and clean (with a good attitude!) When I complain about the chicken I don't want any crap from you!!! WHY DIDN"T YOU COOK IT THE WAY I SAID???!!!
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2002, 04:18:37 am »

David, is that what you had to go thru when you "repented"?  Oh my!

« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2002, 09:39:58 am »

Hey Arthur!!!! I've been thinking about this whole "repentance" fiasco all day! i can just see it  guys coming to the meeting, wanting to be involved w/ the "repentance" time, and Jeff coming out, blocking the door, and then slamming it...I can just hear him now.."GET OUT OF HERE!! CAN'T YOU SEE WE"RE REPENTING?Huh!!!! Then, SLAM!!!! I tell you I've been laughing about this visual all day! Don't they know how rediculous they look, and sound???
You brought up a good question in your last post re: Does Jeff really think he's protecting the sheep, or is he consciously choosing to be a party to destroying people's lives. I've thought about that a lot re: many people in the lodge, and I don't see how anyone can stay and defend the lodge KNOWING all the stuff we know now. I also recently wrote an article that should be posted soon re: this very thing. What it boils down to from my perspective is that when people have given their lives to this cause, like Jeff, they will do anything to defend it, because it's what they've believed in for so long. It's very humiliating to say, "I've been wrong my whole life...!" I'm sure he's taken all kinds of stands, defending the lodge,, what would his family say? What would others say?? etc...I really think it's a pride thing. I remember when I left it was hard to admit to myself that i had been taken in. I thought I was smarter than that, etc...But, some hard core lodge defenders like Jeff will defend it to the end, EVEN WHEN BLATANT SIN IS EXPOSED!! That's what makes it all so scary! You want to say, OPEN YOUR EYES! ARE YOU BLIND??!! And he is blind..spritually..he refuses to face up to the truth, he'd rather live in his fantasyland about how the lodge is "God's favorite place."

Love Ya,


« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2002, 01:12:14 am »

Hi All,
I agree that the leaders/ workers in the Lodge must repent. I don't think the Lodges can break away from GG and function on thier own. The Lodges have never made a a major decision alone w/o GG influence or input. I don't think they ever contradict him or think to disagree with him........until now, when leaders/workers can't ignore these issues.  Still years of blindly doing whatever GG demanded are habits hard to break away from.

« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2002, 01:57:59 am »

Hello Kay Cheesy

OK, so this isn't my last post this year, but it was my last post as editor!

Here is my New Years prediction:

Mike Zach and Danny Edwards will make a move to take over the lodge, in 2003.

George will become like David, and will still be supported behind the scenes, nothing will change at first, and then war will break out.  A smaller scale of the soviet union's break-up will occur. Someone will be Gorbachev, and he will replaced by Yeltsin, or something akin to that.  Who is who remains to be seen, but Zach has the money connection, and Danny has so far managed to convince a few people that he is not involved.  In fact, he wasn't involved until he moved to SLO, but has been as guilty, or more so, since arriving there in May of 2001.

The war between the Geftakys's and the "Perestroika" bunch should be fun to watch.  Hopefully all the people with any sort of conscience will have exited by then.  

You heard it here first folks!  I also wrote about this around 5 months ago.  Perhaps I'll post it someday.


« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2002, 05:29:45 am »

Hi Everyone,

With regard to George's false repentance, I do believe there's someone "greater" than George who needs to repent.  And that is, Betty.

First, whatever someone could glean from his 5 minute(?) repentance was probably clouded over by his 2 hour self-justification message afterwards.  Although I don't know what he talked about, I did hear them sing songs like, "Some through the waters, some through the flood".  Generally, all the songs I heard were used for those going through persecution.  Obviously, they were being persecuted by those at the door.  Roll Eyes

Second, I believe that Betty is the greater problem.  Her word carries far greater weight in many respects.

Third, since Betty has "arrived", I wonder if she'll repent.  Undecided

The Lord bless you,

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