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Author Topic: Existing Assemblies  (Read 192044 times)
« Reply #390 on: February 21, 2004, 12:44:40 am »

Here is a bit of news.  In case you all hadn't heard, there is no longer an assembly, work, outreach or any other thing associated with George Geftakys in Cuernavaca, Mexico.  All those who were involved have left.  Please pray for them, as some of them are just now waking up to the realization of the damage they suffered in their association with George Geftakys.

Also, the geftakysassembly and rickross websites will need to be updated to reflect this news.

Clarence Thompson

« Reply #391 on: February 21, 2004, 11:55:06 am »

Here is a bit of news.  In case you all hadn't heard, there is no longer an assembly, work, outreach or any other thing associated with George Geftakys in Cuernavaca, Mexico.  All those who were involved have left.  Please pray for them, as some of them are just now waking up to the realization of the damage they suffered in their association with George Geftakys.

Also, the geftakysassembly and rickross websites will need to be updated to reflect this news.

Clarence Thompson


So who got the big house that GG built with other folk's $$$?

Thomas Maddux
« Reply #392 on: February 21, 2004, 10:58:27 pm »

Here is a bit of news.  In case you all hadn't heard, there is no longer an assembly, work, outreach or any other thing associated with George Geftakys in Cuernavaca, Mexico.  All those who were involved have left.  Please pray for them, as some of them are just now waking up to the realization of the damage they suffered in their association with George Geftakys.

Also, the geftakysassembly and rickross websites will need to be updated to reflect this news.

Clarence Thompson


So who got the big house that GG built with other folk's $$$?

Thomas Maddux

I have been in contact with Steve Casterson, as well as Marcos Velasco.

The house, Casa de Sion,  is in Marta's name.  She is the owner.  

I was a significant financial contributer to the house, but Dave Zach was the primary money guy.

I told Marcos that I want my money back when the house sells.  I did not give money so that Marta could own a 10,000 sq ft. house on a hill in Cuernavaca.  I gave money to the Geftakys ministry, which is now defunt.

Marcos says he wants to let Calvary Chapel lease/rent the property for missions.  This would mean that he gets an income from the rent, and my money is now used for something I did not intend it for.  If he is going to rent the house, I expect a proportional cut of the income.  Better yet, bless the missions of Calvary Chapel by selling the house to them for a bargain price....just enough to pay back the investors' interest free loans......

However, both myself and Dave Zach are at the mercy of Marta, who can legally do whatever she wants.

It is ironic that what was once going to be George's Latin American retirement retreat has now become his ex-Latin American Lieutenant's retirement fund.  Either way,  the people who contributed out of good----but misguided----will are the ones who lose in the end.



« Reply #393 on: February 22, 2004, 05:24:46 am »

And what finally happened to the money from the sale of the Cornerstone school building?
I think the ones who will really lose in the end are the ones who misused the money given in good faith.

« Reply #394 on: February 22, 2004, 06:19:59 am »

And what finally happened to the money from the sale of the Cornerstone school building?
I think the ones who will really lose in the end are the ones who misused the money given in good faith.


I think that Cornerstone was in one of the non-profit corporations set up by the Geftakys "ministry".

If that is true, the assets cannot be grabbed by the directors, but have to be distributed to other non-profits.

Thomas Maddux

« Reply #395 on: February 22, 2004, 06:22:16 am »

Here is a bit of news.  In case you all hadn't heard, there is no longer an assembly, work, outreach or any other thing associated with George Geftakys in Cuernavaca, Mexico.  All those who were involved have left.  Please pray for them, as some of them are just now waking up to the realization of the damage they suffered in their association with George Geftakys.

Also, the geftakysassembly and rickross websites will need to be updated to reflect this news.

Clarence Thompson


So who got the big house that GG built with other folk's $$$?

Thomas Maddux

I have been in contact with Steve Casterson, as well as Marcos Velasco.

The house, Casa de Sion,  is in Marta's name.  She is the owner.  

I was a significant financial contributer to the house, but Dave Zach was the primary money guy.

I told Marcos that I want my money back when the house sells.  I did not give money so that Marta could own a 10,000 sq ft. house on a hill in Cuernavaca.  I gave money to the Geftakys ministry, which is now defunt.

Marcos says he wants to let Calvary Chapel lease/rent the property for missions.  This would mean that he gets an income from the rent, and my money is now used for something I did not intend it for.  If he is going to rent the house, I expect a proportional cut of the income.  Better yet, bless the missions of Calvary Chapel by selling the house to them for a bargain price....just enough to pay back the investors' interest free loans......

However, both myself and Dave Zach are at the mercy of Marta, who can legally do whatever she wants.

It is ironic that what was once going to be George's Latin American retirement retreat has now become his ex-Latin American Lieutenant's retirement fund.  Either way,  the people who contributed out of good----but misguided----will are the ones who lose in the end.



Looks like Cuernavaca (cow's horn) is an appropriate name for the place.

Some folks are still getting gored.

Thomas Maddux
al Hartman

« Reply #396 on: February 22, 2004, 06:59:08 am »

...I think the ones who will really lose in the end are the ones who misused the money given in good faith.


     Excuse the expression, but you're on the money with this one.  We are stewards of the Lord's possessions, and the money we unwittingly invest in any false ministry is given with the intention of serving Him.  Anyone who feels he violated his own conscience in giving needs to get that taken care of between himself and God, but those who gave in innocence have delivered their burden faithfully.
     We may conscientiously attempt to recover abused funds for a number of reasons & by any number of means, but whether we succeed or not, the judgment for abuse sits squarely upon the thief, not the victim.  "Will a man rob God?"

« Last Edit: February 23, 2004, 04:42:03 am by al Hartman » Logged
matthew r. sciaini

« Reply #397 on: February 23, 2004, 03:48:41 am »


Another update:

The Arcata assembly disbanded about a month ago.  A brother that was from there informed me about this.  

Matt Sciaini
« Reply #398 on: February 24, 2004, 01:12:07 am »

...Early on my friend and I always said..Jokenly its like the STEPFORD WIVES mens club remember the Movie theres a re-make due out soon..check the similarities...we used to say they all talk alike, dress alike,etc!!!!

The assembly annihilated our personalities, for sure!  You didn't last if you were keen on keeping your personality.

My husband and I laughed about it after we left.  Has anyone seen, "The Stepford Wives"?  My husband and I woke up after we left realizing that is especially how most wives were.  btw - I hear they are making a remake of that movie, for you youngsters.  If they do, see it, you will be astounded how close the similarities are.

I remember The Stepford Wives, eerie movie that it was.  And I thought of it when I heard of existing assemblies disinviting the women from their 'what to do now' meetings last winter.  I also thought of Jack Nicholson at the end of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.  He certainly didn't have any more questions at that point, he seemed pretty 'settled'.
Oh, well.

Wow!  I definitely need a good dose of that Stepford water.  Think of what it could do for the looks of my kitchen and ...  Reminded me of the mold that the assembly was attempting to put us wives in to.

Got to go put on my 'critical thinking' cap. Wink

« Last Edit: February 24, 2004, 01:22:56 am by Marcia » Logged
« Reply #399 on: March 13, 2004, 06:37:35 am »

Here's a bit of news, good for a little psychological lift at least.  The industrial unit at 4010 North Palm Street in Fullerton where the Fullerton assembly used to meet has finally been leased.  I believe the new business is a furniture importing outfit.  Someone ripped out all the walls of the old meeting hall and turned it into an honest warehouse.  The secret board room where the leading brethren used to meet is now a small office (and the lady who works in there even opens the blinds so outsiders can see in!)

So you don't have to worry anymore about triggering a gag reflex by driving down that street.  Truly the Scripture is being fulfilled which says, "Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted..." Grin Grin Grin

Clarence Thompson
matthew r. sciaini

« Reply #400 on: March 13, 2004, 07:27:58 am »

Clarence and all:

Actually, the building at 4010 N. Palm #102 in Fullerton is shared by a hotel renovation company and an interior design firm.

« Reply #401 on: March 13, 2004, 09:36:09 am »

Hey that is good news.  What about the tape room that only a few could ever enter?  
Uh Oh

« Reply #402 on: March 14, 2004, 10:36:28 pm »

Hey that is good news.  What about the tape room that only a few could ever enter?  

"The tape room that only a few could enter???"

How bizare,   How bizarre....

« Reply #403 on: March 14, 2004, 11:14:19 pm »

Hey that is good news.  What about the tape room that only a few could ever enter?  

"The tape room that only a few could enter???"

How bizare,   How bizarre....
Yeah, it was kind of wierd even in the Midwest. When I returned a tape, it was immediately brought upstairs. I found out later that the Place Of Keeping was in a pad-locked room in the basement.
Initially I had been told that they didn't want anyone to change George's words on the tapes, so they had to be carefull who they gave them to.

« Reply #404 on: March 15, 2004, 01:28:48 pm »

I "did" the tapes in San Diego.  One time, after someone came down and spoke about child traning, I was told to "destroy" the tape after the parents who missed the meeting had listened to it.

I never listened to it, since I'm single.  I think it was about social services, and stuff like that.

I still have much of the recordings archived away, but I doubt anyone is interested :-).  Most of it is local San Diego preaching, which is not very good at all.  There are a few of GG if someone really wants to hear his voice again.
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