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Author Topic: Protest Warrior  (Read 33825 times)

« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2003, 09:34:41 am »

So far no chemical weapons have been found!  So far plenty of innocent people have been slaughtered!  So far WHY?HuhHuh??
Slaughtered by whomHuh? Angry Angry Angry
Oh, excuse me.  Since the only "plenty" of people slaughtered have been the "elite"/"crack" Republican Guard, these must be the "innocents" you are talking about.  Or is it Saddam and his sons you are talking about?  He's obviously never committed any of the atrocities that the evil Bush has accused him of. Huh
David Mauldin
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2003, 01:48:29 am »


O.K. We all know America is a much more just and righteous nation than IRAQ.  Let me explain with the facts.  IRAQ is the biggest producer of pornagrophy in the world!  Also they have the largest drug trafficing problem in the world.  Also there are more murders per person in IRAQ than in anyother country in the world.  Also in IRAQ parents wouldn't dare let their children play unsupervised lest some pervert abduct them.  Also IRAQ has a history of racial prejudice and even slavery of which they have never formally apologized. Also although they have only 2% of the worlds population they consume over 25% of the worlds depleting recources. This accounts for the fact that IRAQ is unique for its being the only country where the majority of its citizenz are overwieght and 1 out of 10 is obiese! And they dump more pollution into the atmosphere than any other industrilized country. Yes when we read the facts its easy to understand why people in IRAQ think they are morally superior.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2003, 04:16:14 am by David Mauldin » Logged
Joe Sperling

« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2003, 06:51:49 am »


That's great sarcasm. But we really have no problem with the Iraqi people themselves, it's the leadership that is the problem.What you state about Iraq(but intended for the U.S.A. in sarcasm--i.e. pornography king of the world) is very true. It is a small country. They do not contribute that greatly to pollution. the USA is the biggest producer of pornography etc.---but the USA is also the hugest contributor in the world to charity per capita. when the world suffers, The USA always helps. Very few other countries in the world give as greatly as the USA to the poor and suffering around the world.

When is the last time you saw a "Middle East for Africa" concert, donation or pouring forth of aide? The USA though a "Christian country" is truly defiled in many ways, but it is a very giving country and greatly follows the "golden rule".
The Muslims don't pour forth aide even into Northern Africa which is largely Muslim, because that is really not a tenet of their religion. True, there is much evil in the United States, but the USA also holds to the tenet "be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good" and it is shown through it's charity.

al Hartman

« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2003, 06:56:33 am »

Let's lighten up for a minute:

   What is the Iraqi air force motto?

   I came, I saw, Iran.
   Have you heard about the new Iraqi air force exercise program?

   Each morning you raise your hands above your head and leave them there.
   What's the five-day forecast for Baghdad?

   Two days.
   What do Miss Muffet and Saddam Hussein have in common?

   They both have Kurds in their way.
   What is the best Iraqi job?

   Foreign ambassador.
   Did you hear that it is twice as easy to train Iraqi fighter pilots?

   You only have to teach them to take off.
   How do you play Iraqi bingo?

   F-16 ...  B-52 ... F-18 ... A-10
   What is Iraq's national bird?

   What do Saddam Hussein and General Custer have in common?

   They both want to know where all those Tomahawks are coming from!
   Why does the Iraqi navy have glass bottom boats?

   So they can see their air force.

i hope you enjoy these...  
Iraq my brain to come up with them!!!


« Last Edit: April 04, 2003, 07:00:40 am by al Hartman » Logged

« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2003, 08:42:01 am »

Let's lighten up for a minute:
i hope you enjoy these...  
Iraq my brain to come up with them!!!

Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2003, 09:29:15 am »


O.K. We all know America is a much more just and righteous nation than IRAQ.  Let me explain with the facts.  IRAQ is the biggest producer of pornagrophy in the world!  Also they have the largest drug trafficing problem in the world.  Also there are more murders per person in IRAQ than in anyother country in the world.

I don't know if I fully understand your sarcasm, and perhaps I am reading things into it that you may have never intended, but I do find it somewhat offensive.

Are you suggesting that we should have a little Iraqi style justice over here to curb problems such as pornography and drug trafficking?
Also in IRAQ parents wouldn't dare let their children play unsupervised lest some pervert abduct them.
As far as letting my child go out and play in Iraq, I wouldn't even let my child be in Iraq in the first place, supervised or not.  I wouldn't want my kids to be tortured because of something that I said that Saddam may construe as not supporting his evil leadership.
Also IRAQ has a history of racial prejudice and even slavery of which they have never formally apologized.
I guess that Iraq does have their solution to prejudice, just kill those who you don't like (the gassing of the Kurds for example).
Also although they have only 2% of the worlds population they consume over 25% of the worlds depleting resources.
I am always amazed at how those who complain about Americans using so many natural resource based on our population always limit there focus to the consumption side.  As an advanced industrialized country, we may indeed consume large amounts of natural resources just because of the simple fact that through our great development efforts we are now able to harness and develop large amounts of resources that in the past had little value.  We create value and for this we are criticized?!?!?!  Remember that there are two halves to the equation, in order the produce we must first consume something.  Production creates value for others, (otherwise our production would never be consumed).  And what is this with depleting resources? God has provided for us abundantly. American innovation has only helped to best achieve the full potential of these resources while developing new ways for even increased utilization. No more than just a few percent of the Earth's ice-free land is occupied by humans, the rest remains untouched.  I often find that those who complain about Americans lack of responsible stewardship with our natural resources do so out of jealousy, and in my opinion Americans have actually been very innovative stewards of Gods gifts to us.
This accounts for the fact that IRAQ is unique for its being the only country where the majority of its citizenz are overwieght and 1 out of 10 is obiese!
I would rather be overweight by choice than to lose weight by Saddam's poison gas diet.  Perhaps we should starve our population here, that could help with the obesity problem.  Instead of doing this, America has learned how to produce food efficiently.  In 1940 one American farmer was only able to feed 18 people, today each farmer is able to feed 5 to 10 times this amount of people.  This frees up much human potential that can be used for other productive endeavors.  If other countries followed the lead of American farmers they would be able to feed the world 10 times over.  By the way this would be a good thing.  If more countries followed our lead, there is no reason why world hunger couldn't be eliminated.  And I am sorry if any of the obesity that may be caused by this would offend you.
And they dump more pollution into the atmosphere than any other industrialized country.
I thought Iraq used their toxic gases on their citizens, and didn't waste it in the atmosphere.  If we went through a comprehensive list of "pollutants" that we put in our atmosphere, I would suspect that I would have a very different opinion than you as to their negative effects.  However, I do believe that localized pollution in America has room for improvement in some areas.
Yes when we read the facts its easy to understand why people in IRAQ think they are morally superior.
Yes when we read my point of view, it is easy to understand why evil men like those in Saddam's regime totally disgust me.

« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2003, 10:00:58 am »

I was trying to prepare a response to Mr. Mauldin's ridiculous (and very un-factual diatribe) but you have done far better than I could have dreamed of.
BTW David,
Before you spout off about how IRAQ our country is so bad and cite crime/other statistics to back it up, maybe you ought to check them out.  According to the UN (an organization that should be precious to your New Age heart), the USA neither has the highest murder rate (1/11 of Columbia's, 1/5 of Russia's) or the highest overall crime rate in the world.  I suspect the same is true with your other off-the-wall statements.
Funny how you can rant and rave about George Geftakys and his ilk (who are not alleged to have murdered, gassed or tortured anyone), suggesting that all kinds of action be taken against them while you seem to think it's OK to give that murdering butcher of Baghdad a pass.

« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2003, 10:08:37 am »

My opinion is that comparisons are useful to illustrate a point. In making a decision(or discovering truth), however, each situation/doctrine should be evaluated on its own merit.  E.g. pornography is wrong on its own merit, whether or nor Saddam Hussein is a tyrant leader, and vice versa. E.g. Buddhism is Buddhism and Christianity is Christianity; by comparing the two we will never be able to finally arrive at the conclusion of which one has the most brownie points.  Truth is truth is truth.
If I need to correct my kids, I ought to even though I am not yet perfect and ready for glory.
I can therefore support Bush & Blair in their campaign against Saddam Hussein, whether or not Nixon was right/wrong to send troops to Vietnam, or the A-bomb should/should not have been dropped in WWII.

Joe Sperling

« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2003, 09:04:27 pm »


Those are very good!! Grin Grin  I had also heard that
French tanks have rear view mirrors so they can watch
the battle.


« Reply #39 on: April 04, 2003, 09:49:20 pm »


Those are very good!! Grin Grin  I had also heard that
French tanks have rear view mirrors so they can watch
the battle.

I heard that they also have a 6 speed transmission, 5 reverse gears and one forward gear (in case the enemy is behind them). Smiley
al Hartman

« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2003, 10:19:13 pm »

     i just want to keep things in perspective here:  

     The French PEOPLE are very courageous, as proved by the underground resistance in WWII.

     It is the French GOVERNMENT which has not performed bravely or intelligently.  The last good political/military move France made was to support the American Revolution.

David Mauldin
« Reply #41 on: April 04, 2003, 10:59:16 pm »


Look at yourselves!  Doesn't it bother you to see civilians wailing over the dead bodies of their children? And why?  was this really neccessary? It honestly frightens me when I not only see this kind of calousness amongst our own U.S. citizens, but you guys proffess Christ!  What is wrong with this picture? WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?  Look at yourselves!  How do you think America is viewed by the world?   I will tell you A big bully slob who takes no regaurd for the lives of innocent people!  
« Last Edit: April 04, 2003, 11:04:08 pm by David Mauldin » Logged
al Hartman

« Reply #42 on: April 04, 2003, 11:21:53 pm »


     Have you ever worked in an emergency room, or on a police department?
     i have, and i'll tell you it isn't callousness you're seeing here, it's a mental/emotional defense technique used to keep oneself from breaking under the strain of human suffering to which one is constantly exposed.

     What is the depth of your personal experience, by which you judge your peers?  How have you served your fellow man?

     Have you administered medical inoculations to the poor in another nation?  i have.  Let me tell you, David, the poor and oppressed in other countries are ALWAYS "wailing over the dead bodies of their children!"  The presence of a war doesn't change things all that much.

     If you are so upset with your neighbors, what do you want us to do?  Are you trying to convert us?  To what?

     Anyone can spew negative criticism.  That calls for no dimension of character or commitment.

     Instead of complaining, instruct us.  Lead us.  Show us by your example the way we should live.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2003, 11:38:57 pm by al Hartman » Logged
David Mauldin
« Reply #43 on: April 04, 2003, 11:45:11 pm »

Yes, I have worked in and around hospitals for many years, I also continue to work amongst the homeless. The calousness I am referring to is not on the battlefields but in the attitudes I see (lack of concern) in our media and this BB. Death by starvation/poverty results from peoples irresposiblity just as much as peoples aggression. Yes I have joined the Peace Corps and will be leaving next summer. There was no real and present danger that warrented what George Bush did. We were not under attack, this will no doubt be a constant issue of critisism in the coming months/years. Human lives were worth way more than his/our pride, arogance or what- I- am -still waiting- to -find -out  -Why did we go into IRAQ? While schools all across America face cutbacks he has spent  Billions of our tax dollars  needlessly.  Yes I am trying to convert you!  Look, see the real picture!  Step outside of youself/put yourself in their shoes! Realize that Bad Karma-"reaping what you sew" will come back on you!  Yes we are going to pay for this!  The world is going to hold us accountable!  I forsee many many years of continued retaliations from Arabs who think much like Bush and the American public.. I don't believe in "Us" and "Them" there is only one people!  We are all the same humanity! When we realize this then we can evolve beyond this "cycle of Sin"
« Last Edit: April 05, 2003, 12:18:02 am by David Mauldin » Logged
Joe Sperling

« Reply #44 on: April 05, 2003, 01:36:16 am »


I know we could go back and forth on this issue for sure---
but I do remember seeing many many civilians wailing over there dead children. They were Kurdish Iraqis who had been bombed with nerve gas by their own leader. I have indeed seen scenes of unfortunate civilian casualties--but I have also seen large groups of Iraqis giving the "thumbs up" and cheering that they were being liberated. Several have stated that they cheer Saddam when the Mujadeen are around or they could be killed, but secretly despise him and pray for the day of liberation.

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