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Author Topic: Egyptian Mythology  (Read 95889 times)
David Mauldin
« Reply #150 on: April 11, 2003, 09:38:34 pm »

"When I Use to consider myself "Born Again"  "

  At age 15 I went to live with relatives   who  preached to me the gospel. I was amazed at the love, care, concern these peole showed to me and was convinced right away that they must know what they are talking about.  Yes I was joyfully "saved". My life dramaticly changed and although I saw obvious contridictions to the things they told me and I had real legitimate questions that were not nor could be answered I just put those aside (just like Billy Graham) and continued in "Faith" for the next 25 years I considered myself "Born Again" Yet my experiences and investigations  have taught me that  acting and behaving as a person who believes that my experience is the only legitimate experience is wrong!   Being "Born Again" is putting your faith in God!  This is what all religions teach! Yes it is not your defenition of God but just look at the experience!  Look at what Mormons call the "Burning Bossom"!  Look at the genuine sincerity of the J.W. To go farther I lived with an elder of a church in Whittier.  His son is gay!  Yet his son is one of the most decent respectable people I know!  These people are no less legitimate than you or I.  Do I believe they are trully 100% correct in their Dogmatism?  Of course not!  They are just as ignorant as I once was! But not  invalid!  Not any less worthy or precious in their humanity! I would have to say tha my use of the words "born Again" are in the same way that so many use that term.  It is the defenition of a person who believes his experience is the only legitimate one.  In truth we all have "born Again" experiences all the time.  You might be having one now!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2003, 10:53:27 pm by David Mauldin » Logged
David Mauldin
« Reply #151 on: April 11, 2003, 11:08:45 pm »

Tom your comments about making assumptions is correct.  This is what Iv'e been saying all the time.  But first let me deal with this issue,  Does the fact that the discovery of passages of scripture on Egyptian tombs nullify the uniquness of the Bible?  No but it does raise some questions.  Could the Bible be something other than a book that was "God Breathed" directly to Moses and the prophets? I think so!  When anthropologist study culture it is quite obvious to them the progression, evolution of ideas concepts ect... I have shown what I believe to be some credible evidence that the Hebrews ideas about God and religion had their origins other than from a divine omnipotent power who directly communicated with them.  It seems to me that when it involves other influences upon culture you  would readily agree but not when it contradicts the Bible! Now if someone wants to show me evidence that the earth really is the center of the universe (Because in fact our soloar system is moving at a  rate of 12 mph towards the Adrominda galaxy) then by all means I will investigate the evidence and admit my assumptions were wrong!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2003, 11:19:30 pm by David Mauldin » Logged
David Mauldin
« Reply #152 on: April 11, 2003, 11:21:28 pm »

The Bible is the Word of God!


Because the Bible says its the word of God! Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed
David Mauldin
« Reply #153 on: April 12, 2003, 12:16:23 am »

Hey Vern I'm just giving you and example of mindset!
al Hartman

« Reply #154 on: April 12, 2003, 12:50:51 am »

              This is the day which the Lord has made;
     We will rejoice and be glad in it.     Psa 118:24

     Did you ever wonder, to exactly which day does this verse refer?  Well, whenever you read or recite it, it still says "THIS is the day..."!  If you have had a question regarding your capacity to know and express joy in spite of your circumstances, i hope this will help you clear it up.

     Now, i must ask for some help with clarification:

     First, i believe i understand Tom's and Verne's positions pretty clearly (Bros., please correct me if i misstate them):
     Although we may be uncertain regarding the precise translation of every word and phrase, there is no doubt that everything we need to know for this life has been provided by God in the bible.  We may disagree on specifics of practice, but all the essentials of our salvation and our walk with God; of who the Lord Jesus Christ is and what he has done and is doing on our behalf has been made indisputably clear in that one book.

     Will, as i understand him, has stated that his core belief, regarding himself (his own salvation and Christian walk), is the same as Verne's and Tom's, with some exceptions:
     1.] While accepting that the bible bears God's expression to us, Will also accepts that there are, or may be, inspired addenda from other sources.
     2.] He also believes that people may have other access to knowing God and being saved than through Jesus Christ.  It is not clear to me whether this applies only to those who are without any witness of the Christian gospel, or whether he believes that one may reject Christ and yet approach God by some other way and be accepted.
     3.] Do the above considerations mean that a Christian may expect to grow into a larger understanding of God, of which Christianity is only a part?

     David began this widely read topic as a vehicle by which to tell of his spiritual journey since leaving the assembly.  For the sake of a name, he called it "Egyptian Mythology," but has brought in Buddhism and other disciplines, including references to science.  To be expected, this BB being a primarily Christian site, discussion has expressed controversy.  
     My grasp of David's position is sketchy, but it seems it is that Christianity is no more "right" than any other belief system, the bible is not inspired (or at least no moreso than other writings), being born again (spiritual rebirth) is a state of mind, and spiritual "truth" is individually determined by personal preference.  My questions to David:
     1.] Is there any reliable frame of reference by which an individual may gauge personal belief or experience?
     2.] Does spiritual truth change, so that what one has been believing and living by may become invalidated, or even reversed, by new revelation?
     3.] Are there different "realities," existing simultaneously for different people?

     These are questions which have occurred to me as i have read the detailed and impassioned posts on this thread.     David, Tom, Will, Verne, your responses will, i hope, help me (and us all) in understanding the many posts already here and those yet to come...


David Mauldin
« Reply #155 on: April 12, 2003, 01:21:47 am »

Al yes I think your getting it!
al Hartman

« Reply #156 on: April 12, 2003, 02:37:17 am »

     OK, let me try this again:

     My intention was that Tom and Vern could simply answer yes if i had it right or, if i had it wrong, explain why.  It is yet too early in the day to hear from Tom.  

     From your answer, Vern, i can't tell whether you think i misinterpreted your position, if you think my position (which i deliberately did not state) is wrong, or whether you just couldn't wait to shred Will's position.
     (BTW, as far as your use of the term "faulty paradigm" is concerned:  the word paradigm itself is faulty-- it should either be spelled "paradime," or pronounced "paradiggum!")

     i had hoped for personal comments from both Will and David regarding both my assessments of their posts and the questions i posed.
     It's probably still too early in Will's part of the world to expect a response.

     David said he thinks i'm "getting it," but i said that i'm sketchy on his viewpoints, and asked him three specific questions, which he has chosen to ignore.

     i'm feeling very all-alone here!!!



« Reply #157 on: April 12, 2003, 08:11:02 am »


I think you have summarized quite well where each one stands regarding their beliefs.  I agree with Verne regarding his beliefs, and would add one more thing(to which VC will probably agree): Not all truth is contained in the Bible.
But the Bible is God's word and is inerrant in its contents.  I suppose if we bring God down to our level then yes He probably makes mistakes.  But God is God and surely He is able to preserve His word.  There is salvation in none else...

My question to Will, David and whoever else is:
Why believe the scholars that you quote, why not believe me or Verne or Huh  I have been studying the Scriptures since High School.  I do not have a degree but maybe my word is just as good or better than those scholars being quoted.

Truth is truth.

Will Jones

« Reply #158 on: April 12, 2003, 08:19:53 am »

I was almost finished responding to you all when the power went out.   Shocked  So here goes my second attempt at answering your posts.

I'm always confused by these long 'dissertations'(Verne - a big word) of 'I did it my way'(Frank Sinatra??) type logic.  If God is truly God then He is not confused and He has His way.  Pray and ask Him to reveal the truth to you.
That was my 2 cents towards this thread.
MG, thanks for bringing up the subject of prayer, a subject I think is so often misunderstood.  We know from common sense and the Scripture that we will never know it all in this life.  I believe that all of us, at many times, pray for God to enlighten us and direct us in the way He wants us to go, but this kind of prayer is just a form of submission to God and a way of showing we want to know the truth, regardless of where it may lead.  Prayer is often a form of submission, not simply a granting of our request.  If you expected such a prayer of “reveal the truth” to work like a kind of spiritual Fed Ex and mystically-magically have THE TRUTH revealed to you by God, then why does God allow so many different expressions of himself in Christendom and beyond?  To come to a better understanding of the truth you have to study a variety of sources, renew your mind, meditate, etc.  God, in this case, helps those who help themselves.  Such prayers as “Be with so-and-so who is sick.”  Doesn’t God promise to be with us at all times?  YOU go be with the person who is sick.  At present, as the mystic once said, WE ARE HIS HANDS AND FEET.  However, we do not fully know God’s mind at present; thus, nobody should be pompous enough to claim that they know THE TRUTH because they prayed to God and God revealed it to them.  We can only hope to come to a better understanding of the truth, year by year, as we study a variety of sources, read, meditate, etc.

Thanks for trying to bring some clarity to the variety of views expressed here.
What i understand Will to be saying is that, Yes, God has his own way, and it is so vast and glorious and wonderful that no one of us is ever going to comprehend it to the point that there is no more for me to learn, and y'all can just come to me to check the truth of what you believe from now on.  
    It's kind of like Teddy Roosevelt's "Speak softly and carry a big stick."  It's "Trust God and remain teachable."
Exactly, Al!  We have to remain open and be soooo careful when we try to foist ideas on others.  As Paul asked, “Do you have faith?”  He then went on to say that we have the right to have our own ideas, but not to let how we live by our ideas affect others negatively.  He also said in Romans to “Let each be fully convinced in his/her own mind.”  To spout THE TRUTH as you see it to others and get all hot-headed and haughty as Al’s two clergymen do is simply stupid because it shows a lack of tolerance and a clear misunderstanding of where we stand before God—as worms who know nothing compared to Him.  That song “They will know we are Christians by our love” is a joke if you look at how Christendom has become so divided over differences in THE TRUTH.  There are differences, but, as it says in Corinthians, there can be unity in diversity (even in diversity of opinion).  

I have also spent many years studying and have examined the various errors or discrepancies in the Bible from a variety of viewpoints.  In my opinion, there are many apparent discrepancies that are not errors when examined closely, BUT many of the issues such as ancient cosmology are not dealt with properly in my opinion and are simply explained away because it is clear that some apologists are attempting to preserve the man-made theory of inerrancy.  Just my opinion based on many years of study.  We will have to agree to disagree it seems.  Smiley  As you have encouraged me, I will also encourage you:  let us both keep studying.

Will, did you ever actually READ the Enuma Elish?  I had to do it last November for a Biblical Archeology class I took.  It was a wretched experience.  What confusion...and it is obviously a politically motivated document to show the superiority of Babylon and its chief god Marduk.  Page after page of the infighting, lying, murdering pagan gods...nothing like the Creator God of Genesis.
Yes, Tom, I have read it and the Epic of Gilgamesh more than once and compared the Enuma Elish with Genesis 1 myself.  It is widely believed that, due to the clear similarities in the order of creation, that one of the accounts borrowed from the other to show the dominance of their God or gods.  Most secular scholars today believe that Genesis 1 was written during the Babylonian Captivity to show that God is greater than all the Babylonian Gods.  I happen to agree with them for a variety of reasons.  

One of the things I find interesting is that the notion of a great flood appears as part of most cultural mythologies.  You had it first in the Epic of Gilgamesh and, due to the fact that the Epic of Gilgamesh was believed to be so widely read, you have it in the Hebrew Scriptures, Greek mythology, etc.  Because so many cultures relate this great flood in the stories of their people, in my opinion that speaks of the fact that such a flood did occur.  And, like Genesis, there are two flood stories recorded in the OT too and they contradict each other.  Noah was told about "clean and unclean" animals but the Law did not come until much later.  Interesting?  Check out these links that I found after a quick search:
(I just took these from the first three sites that popped up after I did a quick search on google.  But this last link allows you to compare the two side by side:

It has long been claimed that the text of the OT was written down at Babylon during the captivity, (7th century BC).  Imagine how upset the fellows that say this were just a few months ago when a ninth century BC inscription described in the OT was found.  That, according to their ideas, can't happen.  But, it did happen.
Actually, scholars believe that there were four main writers of the Books of Moses and the History of the Kings.  Some parts of the OT were written BEFORE the Babylonian Captivity.  It is just believed that the stories of the OT took their final form during this time when the people of Israel fought to preserve their cultural identity; thus, the writing of Genesis 1 to show God is greater than the Babylonian Gods.  The fact that the Jews could remember something 200 years in the past is not surprising seeing as parts of the OT were written in 9th Century BC and oral tradition preserved much of the stories.  I can’t see why anyone would be upset about this.  Smiley  

Another interesting point is the Tower of Babel story.  Some scholars believe that it was a form of propaganda against being taken in by the splendor of the city of Babylon.  But what is really cool is that scholars, when they read the Cuneiform Inscriptions of Nebbacanezar [sic], discovered that his words are laced with such pride about his city and his buildings.  (And the Tower of Babel story also shows a primitive understanding that the writers of the Bible had, i.e., that God can be reached because He dwells up in the sky/heaven.)  Regardless, these discrepancies in fact regarding the two stories of the flood in Genesis or the Tower of Babel trying to reach "heaven" do not bother me in the least because I look to the message of the Bible, not accept the whole Bible as inerrant.  And, as I demonstrated in earlier posts, I am in good company with the many other Christians of the past (up until the Princeton scholars of the 19th Century) who did not see the Bible as inerrant.
Will Jones

« Reply #159 on: April 12, 2003, 08:21:38 am »


The fundamental difference between us is what we recognize as the source of ultimate authority on all things
For Will, it is clearly his version of the scientific method as plumbed by human reason. For me it is the Word of God. When scripture speaks, I am authorised to speak with confidence; when it is silent, my speculation is my own (as well as  that of others) business. If there appears to be a conflict with propositional or investigational "truth", I attribute it to my own faulty paradigm and trust God to illuminate.  God does not lie.
But I trust we are both in agreement that it ultimately comes down to the involvement of our human minds when it comes to us understanding what we read in the Bible and elsewhere.  Please see what I wrote to MG about praying to know the truth--it doesn't work as we would like to think it works.  Now, to add to your words:  “When scripture speaks [and I then have to interpreted it according to my reason and conscience], I am authorised to speak with confidence.”  Regardless of what you say, you are speaking what you believe, not THE TRUTH.  That is my main point.  Thus, we need to be humble and careful in what we say.  And, as you agreed in your last post, we are entitled to our own opinions.

Many opinions have been shared here and I think that we will not be able convince each other who has a better understanding of that great puzzle of reality even though I know that I am correct.   Wink  Wink Smiley Smiley Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin  I say that as a joke and seriously because we all believe what we believe is the truth as we understand it now, not THE TRUTH.  But, I also believe I have made my point if a person goes back and reviews my postings from start to finish.   Smiley   Smiley  Smiley Seriously, enough joking.  I thank God for this thread because it has caused me to go back and re-examine what I discovered so many years ago and read so many wonderful pages on the internet.  I also thank God for this BB that has allowed us to share so many things with each other.

Examine the two stories of Genesis and their possible origins.  Look at the two flood stories as I mentioned above.  Admit the Bible relates an ancient view of cosmology that does not stand up to the observation of modern science.  The Bible is not perfect because humans are not perfect, but is the message of the Bible that is important and we can all agree on:  God loves us and will forgive us and has spoken to us in Jesus, the example we should seek to follow with all our hearts.  

« Reply #160 on: April 12, 2003, 08:33:46 am »

Hey Will,

You just quoted me.(just a side note)

Will asked: why does God allow so many different expressions of himself in Christendom and beyond?

I disagree with the beyond, but in Christianity the expressions are different because we all have not yet arrived at the complete picture.  I suggested the kind of prayer to search for truth eg "God if you are there show me the truth", not the prayer for a sick friend(in this case).

The Bible states that there is salvation in none else (ie none other than Jesus Christ).  If that is true then ....


« Reply #161 on: April 12, 2003, 08:46:44 am »


What is that Gobbledegook in your last post??


« Reply #162 on: April 12, 2003, 10:24:19 am »


You wrote, "
I have also spent many years studying and have examined the various errors or discrepancies in the Bible from a variety of viewpoints.  In my opinion, there are many apparent discrepancies that are not errors when examined closely, BUT many of the issues such as ancient cosmology are not dealt with properly in my opinion and are simply explained away because it is clear that some apologists are attempting to preserve the man-made theory of inerrancy.  Just my opinion based on many years of study.  We will have to agree to disagree it seems.    As you have encouraged me, I will also encourage you:  let us both keep studying."

Regarding your idea about "ancient cosmology" I think there might be a few things you might not have considered.

1. The universe begins at a fixed time in the past from a cause that transcends space, time, matter and energy.
Genesis 1:1, 2:3, 2:4, Psalm 148:5

2. The universe is expanding.  Isaiah 40:22, 42:5, Job 9:8, Psalm 104:2, Jer. 10:12, Zech 12:1, and several others.

3. The universe is cooling.  Any volumn that has a temperature above absolute zero and is expanding cools as it expands.  This is one effect of what is popularly known as the second law of thermodynamics.  The universe would eventually reach a state of complete heat entropy if it continued indefinitely.
This is alluded to in Romans 8:20-21.  This is the principle of corruption.

4. The universe obeys fixed laws.  Jeremiah 33:20-21, Job 38:33.

It is true that the Bible contains much phenomenological language where natural events are described from the writers viewpoint, such as Psalm 19:4-6.  However, the 4 points I have pointed out above are, quite simply, the characteristics of a Big Bang universe.

Ancient cosmology???

You seem to know about the criticisms naturalists make about the Bible Will, but have you studied the answers Evangelical scholars have given them?


« Reply #163 on: April 12, 2003, 10:46:47 am »

Wiil, you wrote,

"Actually, scholars believe that there were four main writers of the Books of Moses and the History of the Kings. "

I learned the reply to the Graf-Wellhaus hypothesis years ago from Walter Martin.  It is quite simple.  

Where are the documents that you have drawn your conclusions from?  Answer, "We don't have any."

"J", and his alphabetical friends are HYPOTHISIZED by naturalist sholars, based on the idea that if a different name for God is used in the text, it was drawn from a different source.

I guess that makes me a polygamist.  I am referred to around my house as Tom, Honey, Tomas, Dear.  One or two others when I'm in the dog house.

Does this prove I have four wives?   Not to most people it doesn't.   And that, Will, is the basis of the G-W hypothesis.

It's not a very good argument. It assumes what it is trying to prove, (that the Pentatuch is cobbled together from several sources), and then uses that assumption as a premise.

 But I understand why it is so widely accepted.  All the "right" people believe it.  It is nothing more than a poor argument repeated by the members of an exclusive club.  I cannot join, because materialism/naturalism is a prerequisite for membership.  

Many of their other ideas are just as fallacious.  Two Genesis accounts and so forth.

Thomas Maddux
al Hartman

« Reply #164 on: April 12, 2003, 12:37:11 pm »

     Sorry, Bro.-- poor choice of words on my part.  

Everybody else,
     Please disregard my criticism of Verne's post.  i went back to check and found, as he suggests, that he did not attempt to "shred" Will's views.  

     It seems that every time i think i have performed PERFECTLY, and i stop to admire myself:  KABLOOEY!!!
(that's the sound of my bubble bursting).  

     ...but at least i'm learning from my mistakes what not to do next time.  Next time i'll get it PERFECTLY!!!


P.S.  Should we take up a collection to help Will pay his    
        power bill???
« Last Edit: April 12, 2003, 07:09:58 pm by al Hartman » Logged
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