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Author Topic: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest  (Read 3479 times)

« on: February 26, 2003, 02:37:19 am »

I spent over 17 years, my whole childhood and teen years, in the assembly growing up.  I left ten years agos.  Without a doubt, leaving is the best decision I ever made.  After much thought, I have determined the following  - The only two good things about the assembly were as follows:

A.  I  and many others got saved

B.  There were sometimes delicious pastries after a fellowship.

Fortunately, much to the dismay of "Brother George" and his lieutenants, people are now realizing that people can have a relationship with God outside  of the assembly.  Also fortunately, Crispy Creme franchises became popular in the late 90's and Village Inn added to their desert menu - therefore filling the void of the deserts one might have ate  after a meeting or a fellowship.

The bottom line is this: George has now been exposed.  His sons and other lieutenants have been exposed.  I would hope the rationale side of people would kick in and realize the following:

George, not God, put different ones in charge of various assemblies for his own self serving purposes.  Tim G and David G, probably realized early on that they would not be qualified to do anything useful in life and  became workers for their own self serving purposes.  Any workers who did not expose the truth when they found out what was taking place, particularly the ones who drew a salary, were obviously in this for their own self serving purposes.  Here is my point:  I don't care if these ones who wish to someday return as leading brothers repent while doing cartwheels down the Pacific Coast Highway -  they  should never be allowed to be in leadership again!!!   See the big picture - these men were never fit to lead and never should have led.  The reality of the situation is that they couldn't lead a fish to water!

I left the "assembly", "fellowship" "local nut house"  (whatever you want to call it) after attending the winter seminar in California about ten years ago.  The assembly I was attending was actually somewhat sane compared to what I experienced in Fullerton.  Out there I realized that this work was not the work of God, but of a few self serving men who belong either in Jail or the local nut house.  More on this in a future post!

After spending my whole childhood and teen years growing up in the assembly, I am thankful that these evil men have now been exposed.  May no child or teenager have to endure this lifestyle again!!!

P.S. I propose that Fox Sports (note to current workers: Fox is a T.V. network) have one of the Geftakys' boys take on Evander Holyfield in a celebrity  pay per view boxing match...I bet everyone on this website would subscribe!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2003, 04:23:49 am »

Nah, Mike Tyson would get more of a draw, though he might not be up to it because he'd be afraid of what inhuman things the G boys might do to him.
Who are you BlueJay?
Crispy Creme is highly over-rated.
And yes, they could lead people to give themselves to George and that's about it.
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2003, 04:24:47 am »

Oh, and hey, did you see the Jack N. avatar that's an outtake from the Shining?  That pic would be fitting for this thread.
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