Dear Dave, Affirming, Al, Mark, Tom, etc.
:)This is the kind of topic that makes me want to start posting again.

In my opinion, this "Deeper Life," teaching is exactly what George twisted into the very links of the chain that bound us.
First of all, our Christian life should be a simple life, "The simplicity that is in Christ." Basically, when discussing this simplicity, the Apostle uses the idea of betrothal.
2 Cor 11:1-511:1 Oh, that you would bear with me in a little folly--and indeed you do bear with me. 2 For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present [you] [as] a chaste virgin to Christ. 3 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4 For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or [if] you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted--you may well put up with it! 5 For I consider that I am not at all inferior to the most eminent apostles. Everything was going fine for the people Paul was talking to, until their minds were corrupted by false teaching about Jesus and the gospel, which are the same thing. The people who taught this were, "eminent apostles," but they were FALSE!
Deeper life is normal Christian life. (please don't tell me to read Watchman Nee

)How much "deeper" can you be than when you are with Jesus? Seriously, what more do you want? If we are in His presence and He is pleased to comfort, correct, encourage and empower, what more is there? We are accepted in The Beloved. "Reckoning faith" will not make us more holy or more accepted, because we ARE accepted in Christ.
Overcoming Faith and Reckoning Faith, when taught properly, are detailed descriptions of what we already have in Christ. The Cross of Christ accomplished the whole thing, from identification with our sins, death, burial, ressurection, etc. Jesus didn't do this in order to give us a "chance" to do this for ourselves! He did this to completely save us from God's wrath, judgement and displeasure, and to bring us into a relationship where we have all spiritual blessings in Christ. We are accepted in the Beloved, it is not contingent on our "Deeper Life." Again, do you really want to tell God,
"Lord, thank you for saving me, now I want more, I want to go deeper. I am going to stop thinking about Jesus, and now I am going to focus on Overcoming Faith, and I am going to really search myself to make sure that "self" is not doing a bunch of stuff that you don't like. Lord, I know that I am accepted in Christ, but I want to be EVEN MORE accepted. At my church, they don't really emphasize the Cross. At best, they only preach the Gospel, and some of these people have just stopped at mere salvation! They don't have any deep reality with You, Lord. I don't want to be like these Christians, I want to be more pleasing to you, and to experience your Grace in a deeper way."
The person I described above, is me. I also know that it is many of you who read this website.
Deeper Life teaching, while not heresy itself, is readily twisted into another gospel and another Jesus, where simplicity is lost, and a complex series of "identification truths," wheels and lines, and "spiritual revelation" grows up and chokes our love for Christ!
Deeper Life, as taught by George Geftakys, makes us keenly aware of ourselves, and our performance. "Lord, Lord, we went on many outreaches for you!"
Simplicity that is in Christ is quite the opposite, "Lord, when were you thirsty and we gave you to drink?" The simple person who is motivated by love for Christ is not aware of their service. It comes naturally and is without the pretense and introspection that accompanies Deeper Life stuff.
I have made some generalizations above, and I meant to. I did write a book about this: go to the main website and look under "Reading."
I have
never met a person who is into the mystics and "Deeper Life," who isn't gloomy and morose. They always tell you they are "rejoicing" or "learning the secret of suffering," etc. but when I look at them, I always recoil. I have only met around 6 or 7 hundred people who I would consider "Deeper Life" proponents, so there may be some out there who really do have joy. I just haven't met em! Also, many of the people I am describing are NOT assembly folks.
More later: