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Author Topic: Weird Teachings  (Read 125632 times)
« Reply #135 on: April 20, 2005, 12:05:59 am »

Verne, Your description of visiting a seminar sounds like mine. A friend from Fullerton invited me I had left a few years before I thought ok I'll visit. It was very weird to me and I left at lunch time just had to go, had to get out of there, just left said I could'nt stay. Boy do I remember driving onto the freeway and feeling such a sence of freedom and release. This was late 80's, never have been back. Also I remember when I first left an elder from F called to see how I was doing, when I told him fine, great, he said,"Oh yeah, alot of people have a psychic release when they leave, and feel good for awhile." It sounded like a ploy to me, but yeah it did feel great to go.  Summer

How strange that an elder in the Church would use the term "psychic release".
What exactly did he mean by that?
I heard George Geftakys use the expression many times to describe what he considered a counterfeit of the work of the Holy Spirit. There was certainly nothing counterfeit about your sense of freedom. There was a real sense of oppression in that room I was in and I suspect you noted the same thing. How unfortunate it is that folk in that state could be so oblivious. There is nothing more defining about the work of redemption than the word "freedom".
The inducement to enslavement comes in many guises, and the religious guise is by far the most sinister. These people are the greatest nemesis of the child of God. Anyone who tries to in any way limit your freedom in Christ, especially apart from the clear instructions of God's word should be shunned like the plague. They are dangerous.
night owl

« Reply #136 on: April 20, 2005, 01:52:52 am »

Another aspect of these types of teachings is that is gives members of cults something they crave in order to escape their miserable, substandard lives. They need a grand, mystical quest. They need something of huge importance, that is unique to them, and that transcends their below average order to feel important and secure. It is this sort of thing that attracts people to the occult.

Which would explain why college-age students are some of the most vulnerable to cults. When we are late high school/college age, in general, we are looking for a grand cause, a high calling, or something worth dying for. It was also mentioned that cults prey on mainstream churches (sheep-stealing) and not so much the unbelieving public at large. Like they know what they have to offer will be more readily palatable to people who at least have a knowledge of the lingo. Hmm. Hadn't thought of that one. Thanks guys!

« Reply #137 on: April 20, 2005, 08:30:31 am »

Verne, You sure have a way wonderful way with words re: iron furnace (of affliction) other thread. What that elder meant I'll never know, you may have been on trac with the counterfeit idea/false sence of security he was using. As for the oppression you felt it was probibly the quenching of the Spirit, and the curse as in Galations 1 on those preaching another gospel Paul says not once but twice Let them be accursed, it was'nt just bad lighting.   Summer.
« Reply #138 on: April 20, 2005, 05:29:15 pm »

Which would explain why college-age students are some of the most vulnerable to cults. When we are late high school/college age, in general, we are looking for a grand cause, a high calling, or something worth dying for. It was also mentioned that cults prey on mainstream churches (sheep-stealing) and not so much the unbelieving public at large. Like they know what they have to offer will be more readily palatable to people who at least have a knowledge of the lingo. Hmm. Hadn't thought of that one. Thanks guys!

The dynamics were different in Ottawa.  Most of the adherants were new converts, ex-RomanCatholic mostly.  The one or two who joined from another 'evangelical' background were Brethren-type or CRC.  We had vistors from other evangelical denominations visit us, but none stuck with us.  The college campuses were/are the focus of the major outreach efforts here.  The members consisted of co-workers, family connections and college students.

In Estevan many did join from evangelical churches in the community.  Calgary consisted of 2 families and 1 single sister, and then a few college students when the kids from the 2 families went to college.

God bless,
night owl

« Reply #139 on: April 21, 2005, 08:47:16 am »

I've heard people say that the Chapter Summary time was a helpful thing. Would somebody mind describing it for me? And the "what does it say/what does it mean/how can I apply it" approach? It sounds a lot like what we're doing in my Tuesday night Bible study, but we don't really give it a name. Is there a link to a post somewhere you can give me? (Marcia?  Grin j/k, you're the one who posted the link for me last time) This probably doesn't belong under Weird Teachings, unless of course it IS a weird teaching, and I'm just not aware of it . . .
« Reply #140 on: April 21, 2005, 09:18:46 am »

I've heard people say that the Chapter Summary time was a helpful thing. Would somebody mind describing it for me? And the "what does it say/what does it mean/how can I apply it" approach? It sounds a lot like what we're doing in my Tuesday night Bible study, but we don't really give it a name. Is there a link to a post somewhere you can give me? (Marcia?  Grin j/k, you're the one who posted the link for me last time) This probably doesn't belong under Weird Teachings, unless of course it IS a weird teaching, and I'm just not aware of it . . .

Sure thing, night owl.  I found a couple of discussions on the topic,  one via the BB search feature and the other I had to hunt for:

God bless,
al Hartman

« Reply #141 on: April 21, 2005, 10:03:53 am »

I've heard people say that the Chapter Summary time was a helpful thing. Would somebody mind describing it for me? And the "what does it say/what does it mean/how can I apply it" approach? It sounds a lot like what we're doing in my Tuesday night Bible study, but we don't really give it a name...
 ...This probably doesn't belong under Weird Teachings, unless of course it IS a weird teaching, and I'm just not aware of it . . .

The practice in and of itself is not weird, nor does it need a name.  It is a system of looking at things (scripture, life) that can be very instructive and practical.  What was weird and damaging was the way in which it was used as a control device:  not only was participation mandatory, but it was required that one produce an inspired and inspiring new view from God at each & every discussion of chapter summaries.  Those who failed at this were shamed.

Chapter summary has become just another of many legitimate practices (e.g., Bible reading, fellowship, worship, prayer...) which have been cast aside by many because of the abuses they suffered under those who used these things as measuring sticks to evaluate one's commitment and service to God.  We were conditioned, as are lab animals, to associate certain emotional consequences with certain occurences or actions.  This conditioning can weigh heavily upon us for a very long time...

night owl

« Reply #142 on: April 21, 2005, 11:29:31 am »

Wow. I am truly sorry for the pain you guys have suffered through your experiences. I totally misunderstood what I had read about Chapter Summary.  Undecided I do aquiesce to your knowledge of all things historical about the Church, btw! (makes "we are not worthy" gestures) And it's reassuring to know that Arminian and Armenian are two different things.  Smiley
« Reply #143 on: April 21, 2005, 05:46:46 pm »

Wow. I am truly sorry for the pain you guys have suffered through your experiences. I totally misunderstood what I had read about Chapter Summary.  Undecided I do aquiesce to your knowledge of all things historical about the Church, btw! (makes "we are not worthy" gestures) And it's reassuring to know that Arminian and Armenian are two different things.  Smiley

Did you like Joe's postage summary? Smiley

« Reply #144 on: April 21, 2005, 05:51:30 pm »

I've heard people say that the Chapter Summary time was a helpful thing. Would somebody mind describing it for me? And the "what does it say/what does it mean/how can I apply it" approach? It sounds a lot like what we're doing in my Tuesday night Bible study, but we don't really give it a name. Is there a link to a post somewhere you can give me? (Marcia?  Grin j/k, you're the one who posted the link for me last time) This probably doesn't belong under Weird Teachings, unless of course it IS a weird teaching, and I'm just not aware of it . . .

Like many other things he preached, this approach to Bible study was not original with George Geftakys.
Some folk refer to it as the inductive method of Bible study. It is a good way to study and apply the Word of God in my opinion. Where the assembly followers went astray is that they were falsely taught how to establish what God's Word actually says and means, so consequently allowing for weird and unbiblical applications. (like not caring about what was done witih your tithes and offerings, and letting meddling leading brothers tell you how to live your life) You can still see the effect of this kind of teaching in folk today who imagine themselves erudite.
The first and most critical thing is to know what it says!  If you miss that, you are sure to fail on the other two.
p.s. It is truly an irony that the inductive method of Bible study is intended to prevent one from engaging in undue subjectivism, and fanciful and unwarranted speculation when handling the Scripture. Only a man like George Geftakys could have so perverted a methodlogy so as to produce the exact opposite of its inteded effect.
In this he certainly trained his disciples well, who then proceeded to inculcate others with this sort of nonsense.
All you have to do is listen to the way some of his proteges are still rambling on about what special insight they have...funny, most godly people I know don't spend a lot of time telling you or anyone who is willing to listen about their lofty spirituality...certainly no one on this BB that I know of... Smiley
« Last Edit: April 21, 2005, 08:57:56 pm by VerneCarty » Logged
night owl

« Reply #145 on: April 22, 2005, 02:17:12 am »

Marcia - yes, I did! So, THAT'S how it's done! I didn't know whether to laugh or sit there with my eyes popping out, tho'. I also enjoyed the part about stapling the memory verse to the back of the person in front of you. In my case, I'd need LARGE PRINT or else it wouldn't work.  Shocked
« Reply #146 on: April 22, 2005, 02:29:06 am »

It's from here

Anchors of the Faith

I. Overview Individual I. Overview Corporate
II. Individual Word of God  II. Corporate Word of God
III. Individual Fellowship III. Corporate Fellowship
IV. Individual Worship  IV. Corporate Worship  
V. Individual Prayer V. Corporate Prayer  

I. Overview- Individual Anchors

Acts27:29 We see from the passage that to prevent making shipwreck it took four anchors. The Disciple also has four strong anchors to prevent making shipwreck of his faith. Acts2:42 They continued steadfastly in these four things: #1 Word of God, #2 Fellowship, #3 Worship and #4 Prayer. We are called to be disciples. When we are born again we need to enter into these four anchors to learn new ways.

Acts2:42 The key to Discipleship in your individual life is continuing. They continued steadfastly . Discipleship is first individual in your daily life and then corporately, with the Lord's people. You must be a disciple daily. Luke9:23 Let him ... take up his cross "daily" and follow me.

The daily walk has two parts, "day" and "night." You need to have both morning times and evening times. Start your day by seeking him early (Prov. 8:17-21, 32-36; Psalm 57:7-11; Isaiah 26:7-9; Lamen.3:26)

Start your day with praise. Psalm 59:15-17. Not just hum quietly, but "sing aloud." Psalm 100:1-5 Singing and thanksgiving. Thank Him for who He is, for making you, for saving you, for your health ect. The psalms and a hymnal may be helpful.

Pick a book and read part of it each morning. The gospels are a good place to start. Prov. 4:10-13 The word of God will show you how to walk.

Keep a journal. Write down promises from the word of God and write down what you are praying for. Ezekiel 44:5 Mark the word so you can be reminded that the Lord speaks to you and answers your prayers.

Pray for yourself and for others. Psalm 5:1-3 Pray for the day, and pray for those you will be talking with.
Psalm 63:6-7 For night watches or evening times the key is simplicity.

Confess your sins, specifically, and believe that God has forgiven you and leave them with Him. 1John 1:9.
Thank God, specifically, rejoice over what He has done. Psalms 65:8 Write it down in your journal.
Have a brief and simple devotional reading and get a good night sleep. Prov 3:21-24 He will give a sweet sleep.
A morning time can be about 30 minutes and an evening time can be about 20 minutes.


II. Word of God - Individual Bible Study

Acts 2:40-42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine...

The apostles preached the word of God, both from the Old Testament and they gave us the New Testament. Just as you should eat every day, so you need to be in the word daily to be healthy and to grow. He wants to make you into a true disciple, not just a professor, by continuing to follow Him daily. We read that they heard the word, they believe, and then they continued steadfastly as disciples. It is your life.

Real Disciples John 8:30-32 We see the same time sequence, they heard, they believed, and then a call to continue. Being a disciples is conditional, "if" you "continue" in my word, "then" are you my disciples indeed.
Proverbs 6:20-23 Bind the word "continually" upon your heart. The word is not a crutch, but a full body cast. It will keep you the whole day.

Equipped Completely 2 Timothy 3:14-16 continue in those things which you have learned. The whole word is given for our profit. We must let God cut deeply into our lives to instruct us in what is right. It does not come instantly. You must start every day on your knees learning to here His voice.
Isaiah 50:4 to have the tongue of the disciple, you must first get the ear instructed in the morning. Every morning the Lord wants to give you something for others.

Exodus 16:15, 18-21 it was the law of the manna that it needed to be gathered every morning before the heat of the day and you could not live on yesterday's supply. In the same way, we need to receive the Lord's supply every morning before we get into the heat of the day. Even if we only can gather a little, the Lord will use it to supply our need.

Partakers of the divine nature 2 Peter 1:2-4 He has given us more than just "great" promises. He has given to us "exceeding great and precious promises." It is by the word of God that we become partakers of the divine nature. You can tell those who are in the Lord's word, because they start looking like Him. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 As we behold Him in His word our faces start to reflect His glory also.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2005, 02:40:17 am by Brent A. Trockman » Logged
« Reply #147 on: April 22, 2005, 02:37:51 am »


III. Individual Fellowship

Acts 2:40-42 And they continued steadfastly in ... fellowship ...

In doing the other three anchors you are having fellowship with God. The word of God is hearing His voice. Worship is giving thanks and rejoicing in Him. And prayer is speaking to God. Our Lord desires us to be in constant fellowship with Him. For the anchor of fellowship we want to consider what breaks the constant fellowship with our Lord.

1 John 1:5-9 Only sin can hinder fellowship with the Lord, but He has made a provision. In Him is no darkness at all. There is no gray area. Believers can be in and out of fellowship. Fellowship is conditional. Failure do not have to break fellowship, for you can be constantly cleansed. You can not disobey God and be in fellowship, yet fellowship may be restored quickly by keeping short our accounts with God.

James 1:13-15 God tests us, but not with evil. You can be tempted and yet not be sinning. Don't let the enemy deceive you. Our Lord was tempted yet was without sin. Verse 14 shows temptation comes from our own lusts, not from the devil, but the enemy knows our heart. Things can spring up and yet not be sin. It is not the first look that is sin. It is that second look which is sin. Verse 15 shows that it is "when" lust brings action that the action then is sin. Sin brings death which is separation from God. You can sin in three ways: it is in deeds, in words, or in thoughts. Romans2:6 shows we will be judged by our deeds. Matthew 12:34-37 Every word has meaning. You will give account for every idle word in the day of judgment. Matthew 5:28 Your thoughts are an act of choice. You must choose to set your mind upon the Lord.

I John 1:8-9 Fellowship can be hindered, but we must believe God. The enemy is a liar. You never need to be out of fellowship with the Lord. Fellowship may be restored as quickly as turning to God and asking.


IV. Worship

Acts2:40-47 They continued steadfastly ... in breaking of bread ...

Breaking of bread is worship, "remembering the Lord's death until He comes (1 Corinthians 11:25-26). The passage in Acts 2 is dealing with the essentials of the gathering. It deals with what is apparent. We must first be personally worshipping (being thankful everyday) otherwise it is but a facade when we gather corporately.

God made man in His image to manifest God and to be His companion. We are to bring glory to God. In worship we can give to Him who needs nothing (John 4:7). Worship is the highest exercise of the heart. When we don't worship we are robbing God (Malachi 1:6, Luke 17:12-19).Worship is the key to a triumphant walk. We are not called simply to cope with life. We are called to live life abundantly.

Psalm 100:1-5 Open your mouth and make a noise of joy. In praise there is a possessing and an entrance. Rejoice in the Lord always. It is not a matter of rejoicing in me. God does not change, so my peace and joy does not have to change. Get out your hymn book in the morning and open your mouth and sing. We have to take sides against ourselves. We may not always "feel" like giving thanks, especially, when things go wrong. However let us not side with our feelings; but rather, obey God 1Thess 5:18 "In everything give thanks". Choose that part in you that wants to praise the Lord. In worshipping God, I proclaim His Godhead and bring glory to His name.

We should begin our morning with worship Psalm 100:4. We do not begin with confession, because this is taken care of the night before. We may include confession of our "sinfulness", but we begin with worship. Praise is the key to victory in applying promises. Psalm 149:5-9 When Israel went forth to battle, they sent the band before them to praise because the Lord would fight for them. In the same way, we start our day with praise because the Lord will fight for us. "Sing aloud" upon your bed in the morning and the Lord will give the victory.

« Reply #148 on: April 22, 2005, 02:38:31 am »


V. Prayer

Acts 2:42 And they continued steadfastly ... in prayers.

A good chair needs four legs. If you take away one leg, it will not be as steady. If you take away two legs, your doing a balancing act. And if you take away three legs, you will find yourself on the floor. We must have all four anchors for a full walk. Our daily walk needs to be a two way conversation. We need prayer. Prayer is where I talk to God. When should we pray?

Luke 18:1 Men ought always to pray, and not to faint. You don't call someone a fanatic because he breathes all the time and all day long. In fact, people who don't breathe are called dead. If you don't pray, you are going to faint. You breathe without thinking about it, and so prayer should become continual.

What should we pray about? Everything! Philippians 4:5-7 We do not need to have anxiety about anything. Let your requests be made known to God. God wants to guard your heart by His peace all day long. I Peter 5:7 God cares for you. He wants to take all of your cares. Colossians 4:2 We are called to be devoted to prayer. With thanksgiving we declare the victory in prayer. Nehemiah 2:4-5 As he talked to the king, Nehemiah was instant before the Lord in prayer.

John 16:23-24 This is how we pray. We pray to the Father in the name of the Son. We do not make prayer requests to the Son, though sometimes we may praise and give thanks to the Son. Many people abuse the term "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ", yet this does not invalidate the truth. We come in the authority of God's Son. It is a certainty He will do it. We must pray to the Father to enter into full joy.

Roms8:26-27 All the persons of the Godhead are involved as we pray. Our enabling comes from the Holy Spirit.

Mark 11:22-24 James 1:5 When you pray, believe God and be assured that He will answer.


« Reply #149 on: April 22, 2005, 02:39:08 am »

I. Overview - Corporate Anchors

Acts 2:40-47 The context is the Corporate application of the four anchors. The key to the anchors in your individual walk is "continue." The key in your corporate life is "fullness" or perfection. You can not enter the fullness of God's purpose alone. Perfection can only be reached togeather in a corporate fellowship.

John 13:34-35 The sign of the disciples is love for one another. You can not do this alone. 1Peter 1:22 Love is not an option, we are commanded to love one another. 1John 4:11-12 It is through corporate relationship that God's love is perfected in us. The church is a living organism (not a dead organization) through which God is perfecting us.

Ephesisans 4:9-16 Gift is never given for individual building up, gifts are always for the building up of others. We need one another. In verse 13 it does not say until "I" arrive, but until "we all" arrive. Verse 14 It is through corporate involvement that we grow and get stability in our lives. Verse 16 Each has a part for the growth of all. As in any growing body there will be growing pains. The brethren are not infallible. This is why we need love to bind us togeather.

Acts 2:41 They were "added" to the church, also in verse 47 When ones were saved they were added to the church. And in verse 42 we see that those saved continued in these kinds of meetings. They entered into a four-fold involvement of bible study, fellowship, worship, and prayer meetings.

1 Corinthians 12:12-13 We are brought into a body. Just as it takes all four food groups regularly to maintain the good health of our bodies, we need all four anchors regularly to maintain spiritual health.

We are in vital connection to seek the welfare of one another. Gal 6:1-2 If you fall and hurt your arm, you do not cast it off. You seek to heal and restore it. So it should be when a brother fails. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Regular corporate fellowship can keep you from staying down when you fail.

The anchor in our individual life are entered into on a daily basis. They should be entered into corporately at least once a week. Acts 20:7 The early Christians met every Sunday to break bread. In Acts 12:12 when Peter was delivered from prison, he knew where there prayer meeting would be. The pattern in the word of God shows regular weekly meetings.


II. Word of God - Corporate Bible Study

Acts 2:42, 44 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine...

They were together under the ministry handed down by the apostles. Ephesians 4:11-15 Christ has given gifts to men and these gifts are being exercised in the churches for the perfection or maturation of the Lord's people. Ephesians 5:25-27 His body is to be perfected by the word of God.


III. Corporate Fellowship

Acts 2:20-47 And they continued steadfastly in ... fellowship ...

Fellowship is the natural environment of the Christian. One thing about a fish out of water is that it is not healthy for the fish. Likewise, it is not healthy for the Christian to be out of fellowship. A Christian needs to be in fellowship with a local gathering of the Lord's people for a healthy spiritual life. We read that they were togeather (vs44), they continued daily with one accord (vs46), and those saved were added to the church (vs41, 47). We see believers were together in fellowship.

Acts 2:40-41 We are saved from this wicked generation. We should be separate from the world especially in heart. Our closest relationships should be in the family of God. Being separate from the world is worth it because we are not just called out, but we are called in. We are called into fellowship with God, and we are brought into His family.

1 John 1:1-4 Corporate fellowship is to bring us into fullness. We are brought into full joy. Our fellowship with His people is to be with the fullness of the Godhead as well. This can only be corporately. 1John 2:19 In the opposite way we see one can be out of fellowship. Fellowship is with a local gathering, it can be seen when one is in or out of fellowship.

But fellowship is more than mere attendance, the word in the Greek means "the sharing of a life". So then fellowship in its true meaning is to be sharing in the life of God with others who have this same life. You must then be in union with God, which is practically seen as you are in union with His people in order to truly experience what the bible calls "fellowship". If you are attending the coporate meetings regularly but there is sin in your life, then you are not enjoying or experiencing fellowship.

Matthew 18:20 The church is where two or three "are gathered"... notice that it does not say "gathers" but "are gathered". The Holy Spirit does the gathering for the church is not man's work, but it is God's work. A church needs to be born from above. We are gathered by the Holy Spirit unto the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It may be just two or three, which gives great hope for times of persecution, but it is God who brings us into dependence on one another.

Ephesians 3:14-19 Perfection is not possible alone. It is only with all the saints that we can enter into the fullness of the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge and be filled to all the fullness of God.

II Thessalonians 2:13-15 These things were given by apostolic authority. If you are willfully not involved in bible study, worship, and prayer with the Lord's people, then you are not really in fellowship with the Lord either. Believers should desire to be in fellowship with others.

Hebrews 10:24-25 Especially for today we are commanded not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Maintaining fellowship with the Lord's people is part of our preparation for His soon return.

Hebrews 13:17 Every Christian needs to be in a place of subjection to others for full joy in the day of His coming. Important decisions should always be made after counselling with the leadership where you are in fellowship. Such counsel should never be laid aside lightly, because they will be called to give account concerning your soul. It is in fellowship with other believers that God gets His fullness in our lives and He prepares us for His soon return.


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