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Author Topic: WHY DO YOU POST??!!!  (Read 42230 times)
Joe Sperling

« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2003, 01:43:56 am »

One of the most difficult things when posting is that
you are writing words---your facial expression, the tone of
your voice are missing. And maybe I'm not making myself very clear either. I am definitely not talking about coming onto the BB and railing against an individual. What I am trying to say is that it's OK to be angry with Assembly, and angry with yourself too. If you can't express that you will not heal inside. One of things I remember the most about the Assembly was the reaction to emotions. If you were "bummed out" you were told "Rejoice brother!" and
whispered to "your bumming everyone else out too" and
told that you are in sin or you would be rejoicing. if you tried to state your case you were in "rebellion". So, I guess what I was trying to say is that no one should be stifled here to express their feelings. Using the term "Exreme anger" was pushing it and I apologize for that. But I went for years with people trying to stifle my emotions and when I feel someone is trying to do the same to someone else I get angry. When I hear "Oh, you shouldn't say that opinion, it's too harsh" I get angry. Why shouldn't you be able to share a harsh opinion?  Perhaps I should just shut up.

Joe Sperling

« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2003, 02:15:13 am »

I have a confession then I'll shut up. After reading my own
posts and a couple of Emails I sent out I realize that after
all of this time after having left the Assembly I still have issues i haven't resolved. I think of things that happened and I just get plain angry. I apologize for this--not because it isn't a valid thing to be angry, but that I guess deep inside I find it hard to forgive everyone involved--and that includes myself. I get angry that I let people dominate me. I get angry when I remember pleading to God with tears that he would make me so I wouldn't be "rebellious" and could accept the brothers who had "the rule over me". I get angry when I remember how some of my brothers suffered and I couldn't really help them. I'd try to speak up for them, be told I was "rebel" and go and plead to God some more.
I get angry when I remember how I treated my own family during those years. I guess I could go on and on.  Whenever I see an attempt, or feel that anyone is trying to stifle someone else's feelings I react--I get angry--it triggers that same feeling I had in the Asssembly, of being stifled or caged up. It triggers the old conception of God as one you need to "earn" favor from, instead of the gracious God that he is.  I thought I had gotten past this stuff, but I guess I really haven't. I'll stick to the humorous post areas from now on.

Take care,  Joe

« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2003, 03:05:52 am »

Brian - I see what you are saying.  To me "the Assembly" was  George, his sons and all of their franchises.  Now that George and his sons have been exposed and the different "assemblies" no longer report to him or apparently anyone for that matter, I see "the "assembly" as no longer truly existent.  Basically, all these groups that continue to meet are simply people trying to figure out what to do.  Frankly, since this ministry has proven to be a total fraud, I am shocked that they continue to meet instead of going and finding a new church.

 Now, if a certain group of people is still under the direction of George and his sons, then I guess they would be referred to as "the assembly".  Or, if this is simply damage control, and only a cooling off period, and someone becomes the point person for all of the "former franchises" that are now meeting individually, and these former "franchises" go back to doing things the way that they were originally, I would say then that the assembly is back in full swing.

With this being said, I think it is pointless to be mad at the assembly.  That would be the equivalent to being mad at a noun.  I think it  is only natural to feel anger at the individuals responsible (ie. Geftakys') for this, and even the individuals/ leading brothers who fell hook, line and sinker for George, David and Tim's act and imposed all of the rules, regulations, and mind controlling activities upon the assembly.

May these men never be able to influence anyone ever again!!!

« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2003, 03:54:52 am »

By the way...I find VBeers below comments very sarcastic and offensive. I think she should keep her negative thoughts to herself!!!

« Reply #34 on: February 27, 2003, 05:02:05 am »

I remember going door to door on the east side of Hastings College.
There was a guy we talked to that had beer on his breath and was
telling us that 'if you want to know the bible, you have to go to Texas'.
If I had known then what I know now things would have been different.

Otherwise, the issue of what is 'acceptable' is being evaded.
You won't know till you've crossed the line.

« Reply #35 on: February 27, 2003, 05:11:29 am »

Be advised: Vbeers and Bluejay are brother and sister....they're having fun.  Cheesy What's family for, after all?
al Hartman

« Reply #36 on: February 27, 2003, 08:17:56 am »

     Each and every one of you posts as if you and you alone are the center of the universe and the final authority on all topics of discussion!

     You fail to take into account one vitally important reality:

     I am the center of the universe and the ultimate authority on all things.  I know this is true, because when I go to sleep all of you disappear.  I am going to go to bed now, so pffft!!!   :op

Don't wake me until I'm ready to confront you again!  ;o)

al Hartman

« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2003, 08:20:28 am »

     Anyone who took my last post seriously deserves to be shot by a firing squad of super-soakers!!!

Sebastian Andrew

« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2003, 04:55:46 pm »

Now you know the rest of the story.......Good Day!

« Reply #39 on: February 27, 2003, 09:23:13 pm »

pat- you gave us away...   Shocked

bluejay- it's all your fault...  

but, i do, afterall, have two brothers so your anonymity, bluejay, is safe with me...but only if you stop being mean to me on the blackboard!   Tongue

by the way, bluejay, your last post was very true and well thought out.  i completely agree....i too am confused as to why anyone would want to continue meeting as a secluded group at this point.  i believe that some truly do want to learn new ways, but who are those still 'in fellowship' going to learn from?  it just doesn't make any sense.  

on another note, i did get a very sincere (in my opinion) e-mail from cheryl zach.  i believe that her heart is in the right place.  

« Reply #40 on: February 27, 2003, 10:51:02 pm »

Pat - you figured us out!  I sincerly mean it when I hope that all is well with you and your family.  Wayne and yourself were always so good to me and my siblings when growing up!   You were always very sincere and very caring.  I have and always will appreciate that.

VBeers, I see that you have decided to forego all normal means of communication (cell phones, email, work phones) and communicate strictly by means of this bulletin board.  
Mark C.

« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2003, 01:27:13 am »

Dear Joe,
  I think the process you described of understanding oneself and sharing it here is of great value.  From your post's I have learned much and I am sure others have as well.  It would be a poorer BB if you were to decline to participate except to crack a few jokes(though your humor is greatly appreciated as well Grin).
  I agree that posting is an imperfect means of communication that lacks body language, but that's what the smilies are for Wink.  We are chatting, venting, and kind of thinking out loud.  The BB is not a place for perfect expression or super accurate reporting.  No single person has the final word of "truth" re. the Assembly experience.  We all have a perspective and suffer from the ability to exaggerate, especially due to the fact that it was such an emotional experience.
   As in regular relationships, there is room here for a tremendous amount of tolerance with each other as we seek healing and to help one another with same.  It is only in an Assembly styled environment that we will use an occasional emotional outburst by a poster as a reason to control them with a kind of "political correctness" in re. to their "speech".
   There is positive therapy when we can feel free to share our feelings with one another, without being deluged with scripture explaining that silence is golden (sometimes it is yellow)! Wink
   I say, vent on bro.!  Don't keep the anger inside!  I think most understand that it has been "the silence of the lambs" that allowed GG and company to continue their spiritual abuse for so many years.
   As long as those posting follow the guidelines that were given by Brian when they signed up they are welcomed and encouraged to share.   God Bless,  Mark
Joe Sperling

« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2003, 02:56:24 am »


Thanks a lot for your E-mail. I appreciate your words
and thoughts very much. I must admit I've been bouncing
back and forth on the issue of expressing anger on this
BB. And that makes me very angry! Ha Ha. But after reading your post I must whole-heartedly agree that internalizing anger is unhealthy, but expressing it and getting it out of your system is part of the healing process.

Thanks,  Joe
Mark C.

« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2003, 09:12:41 pm »

Hey Joe!
  I'm glad I could be of some help.  Please see my response to Jacques and see what you think.  It kinda of deals with what we were talking about.
   Thank you for bringing back some fond memories of ol' Bros. house life in the SFV.  I had forgotten the "Guru Deborah speaks" incidents.  "Guru" Deborah has three children of her own with one more on the way!
                God Bless,  Grandpa Mark! Smiley
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2004, 01:02:58 am »

When the attitude is that of 'fighting' then I exclude myself from the discussion.  Some discussions I do not enter because I do not have anything to say or to add to what has been said.  Sometimes it is difficult to remain objective, but it does help a discussion tremendously if we can 'reason together'.  If another chooses to be subjective, then I can still choose to remain objective.  Of course, when we interact with others we expose ourselves for who we are and it is not always a pretty picture.  We could always just become monks and hide out in Never-never-land, but then that closes the door on communication and change.  So many dilemnas...


P.S.  This is not in defense of anyone, nor in opposition of anyone.  They are just some thoughts-out-loud about BB communication.
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