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Author Topic: New Info on David Geftakys  (Read 82558 times)
« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2005, 02:34:23 am »


You said,
Our anonymous "Skeptic's Skeptic" made a comment this young woman "servicing" other men.

Without going into detail, most folks with my background would understand that to mean that he/she/it was calling her a whore.

That, admittedly, could be the case.  However, many of these girls are victims of a hideously evil system.  They have been brutalized by a culture in which little girls are sold to whoremongers who then rent their bodies to perverts who travel all the way to places like Thailand and the Philippines to have sex with children.  Edna might well be a victim of this system.

She also could be an opportunistic girl who, like thousands of others, is willing to trade her services as a "wife" to some wealthy American for a few years in exchange for a chance to live in the USA, and perhaps to also bring family members over as well.

For some of these girls, this is the only opportunity they see.  Their physical attractiveness to men is their only "asset".  They lack education or family connections, and see this as a way out of a dirt floor existence.  

As sad as this is, it hardly amounts to being a whore.

Finally, the way I was brought up, decent folks just don't go around calling girls whores.  If thinking that way means I have residual leading brotherism....then I guess just about all the people I have ever known have it too.

Thomas Maddux

Wear the beanie, and take a double dose of warm prune juice.

Never did I say a woman was servicing other men, neither did I call anyone a whore!  Not even Dave Sable did that, he used the words,  "boyfriends," and "slut."

I'm not sure what you mean by "most folks with my background," but I find it disturbing that you have no compunction about reading strong offensive language into someone's words, when it isn't even there!

Furthermore, I have since clarified my statement in order to leave no doubt whatsoever about my meaning.

We have only 2 options that can explain this behavior from you:

1.)You are under the influence of psychotronic mind control


2.)You are letting your malicious nature, and pride make it impossible to back down and apologize when you are clearly wrong.  This, in spite of the fact that anyone can see the silly lengths you go to to justify yourself.

I choose to believe that you are under PMC, and know that you will be right as rain with some prune juice and a beanie.


« Reply #46 on: September 05, 2005, 09:02:33 am »

This is from an "Online Philipina Dating service."

name:            David Edward Geftakys
email:           ( Email address withheld for privacy )
Subject:         Just wanted to thank u for ur site.

Date:            Monday, July 04, 2005
Time:            09:39:18 AM


     I was looking for a good way to send support to my fiancé in Bohol in the Philippines. we have known each other for nearly 1 yr now and I took a semester out of school to go visit and get to know her. Her name is Edna. We will not b married till I graduate in 2 1/2 years. I am a cadet officer candidate at the California Maritime Academy. It seems like forever! I was brought to tears as I looked at ur pics, read and listened. How familiar it all is.

Thanks so much. I would love to hear from u and am sure u have many emails such as mine to respond to. Thanks again. 

Here is the link

I don't know what to think about this, other than David seems to be doing what so many single men his age have done.....gotten a bride from the Philipines.

He also seems to have changed his stance of Divorce and Re-marriage.  He was quite emphatic about a person not being free to re-marry, under any circumstances, when their 'ex was still alive.  In fact, I remember this being a VERY big deal for many divorced singles in the Assembly.  I wonder what changed his views?


Going back into my shell barring any other strange news

This guy is a real spook.  Grin

« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2005, 03:20:59 am »

Does anyone know when DG gets out of that school he's in?
al Hartman

« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2005, 03:09:21 pm »

Does anyone know when DG gets out of that school he's in?

Date:            Monday, July 04, 2005
Time:            09:39:18 AM


     I was looking for a good way to send support to my fiancé in Bohol in the Philippines. we have known each other for nearly 1 yr now and I took a semester out of school to go visit and get to know her. Her name is Edna. We will not b married till I graduate in 2 1/2 years.

Do the math, Scruffy.  My guestimate is around the end of 2007.


« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2005, 05:38:38 pm »

Do the math, Scruffy.  My guestimate is around the end of 2007.

duh...sorry. Thanks for the clarification.
al Hartman

« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2005, 08:58:21 pm »

...of course, that's if the "school" doesn't run aground or sink! Shocked Roll Eyes Grin Grin Grin
Jarl Bobson

« Reply #51 on: October 23, 2005, 02:36:41 pm »

Well,  "the Reef is near"  Lips sealed Smash! Grin
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