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Author Topic: God brought me here.  (Read 92627 times)

« on: January 26, 2003, 05:15:49 am »

I've been a believer for 12 years now and involed with the saints in St. Louis for the past year. And I just wanted to point out that I didn't start coming out because I saw George in the saints but because I saw Christ! I wasn't raised in the assembly but through God's devine workings I was brought here and I will remain here until God tells me otherwise.
When I first came out I wasn't drawn by the teachings of a man but by the Spirit that was clearly speaking through these people. It was nothing less than a miracle that I 'ran' into these folks at a book table on my campus on my first day of college a hundred miles away from my home and thousands of miles from where I was born. I was brought halfway around the world to be in fellowship here and it was no accident. The saints here have given me so much and I sincerely hope and pray that they continue to do God's work. Without the seemingly little activities like book table who knows how long it might have been before I ran into them, if at all.

I don't know everything there is to know about the assembly's past but I didn't come for that anyway.  Through the saints, my life has been changed and I cannot thank God or them enough for that. I only pray that they remain strong and continue to seek God's will so that others may be able 'run into' them;)

« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2003, 05:38:19 am »

Dear Laura,

In 1988, driving near Kayenta, Arizona, I ran into a cow.  I was going 50 miles per hour at the time.  The result was that both my car and the cow were killed.

Just because something happens doesn't constitute a "proof" that God did it.  Does God murder cows?

Was this a good thing?  The Navaho police thought it was wonderful.  The officer told me, "We're going to have steaks."  My car disagreed.

We have seen many evil things go on in the assemblies for many years.  People bilked of thousands of dollars, people you loved turn on you and treat you like dirt, (in God's name), even a couple of people who became so depressed over their inability to measure up that they killed themselves!

So, as you read the postings on the BB, remember that EVERYONE felt just like you in the beginning.  These are people who spent years, even decades, in this very flawed system.   They don't want it to happen to you.

I pray it won't.

Thomas Maddux


« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2003, 05:44:13 am »

I understand your concerns. I had much the same ones at my former place of fellowship. But I'm just going to have to trust God on this. He's lead me this far and I know he will continue to do so.
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2003, 05:57:50 am »

Dear Laura

The folks at the booktable were looking for you, and everyone else who looked their way.  

Chances are, you would have "run into," Campus Crusade, had you missed your divine appointment.

Even so,  I rejoice that you are my sister in Christ, and I can't tell you how happy I am that you won't be repeating my life, after I "ran into" the saints in SLO.

Read about it here:


« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2003, 06:05:44 am »

Hi Laura - The response you give is exactly mine as well! I didn't come because brother George or for anybody. I was led by the Holy Spirit! And I'm still rejoicing at what God has done over the years in Seattle!

I've read a lot of peoples comments here and I was startled by many who were sincerely hurt by the unfaithfulness of others. This has not been the experience here as I'm sure in other places as well. I have seen nothing but God's amazing goodness.

Through the recent revealings I have been made aware of many failings (sins) that I was oblivious to having taken the integrity of others for granted. We were kind of insulated from much up North here. Nevertheless God has been showing us things and we just keep repenting. I am thankful for those who displayed courage to stand and expose the sins. Please pray for us though because we want to please Christ.

brother Russ

« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2003, 06:27:21 am »

Amen. Some of us who didn't live in Cal. and weren't directly involved with the work were not affected negatively by it. We just had the opprotunities to see its fruits and continue in our walks with God as He has shown us.

And in answer to the earlier reply from Suzie- I agree that I would have found out about the bible study on campus eventually but what I was really saying was that God not only brought me to that table but to that campus, that city, that state, and that country and exactly the right time. To deny that would be like denying God's working at all. But I'll admit that I was fourtunate to not be involved with the gathering while it still had its kinks but rather I got in on the tailend of things when God was doing his pruning. While no gathering is perfect, I still believe the saints here have real insight into God's will.
Joe Denner

« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2003, 06:40:47 am »


I appreciate your comments and heart about this matter.  I have never been here because of George either.  Most people I know haven't been.  And, I have many, many friends in the Midwest assemblies and plan on continuing those friendships in Christ.

But, you need to make sure that your are not living under a "Galatian" type system that has definitely been in place in the assemblies.  I don't believe in any way that it has been intentional.  But that does not mean it has not been there.  It has.  I have been here for 13 years and can attest to it.  It has taken me a long time to see it, but I do.

I too am staying here until God leads otherwise.  But, I am not going to ignore the truth that is being brought to light through this BB.  It must be responded to in sincerity before God.

I hope you continue to grow in the Lord and experience the blessings of His grace.

Daniel Teater

« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2003, 06:45:30 am »

Dear Laura

The folks at the booktable were looking for you, and everyone else who looked their way.  

Dear Suzie,

Hi this is Daniel Teater I was actually the first person from "the assembly" in St. Louis to run into Laura.  I thought I would offer one point for clarification.  I did not even invite her out!  I talked to her about what I believed about various topics and then I was ready to end the conversation.  However, she was not so ready.  She had to ask me when, and where the Bible Study was to take place.  So no, I wasn't"looking for her" I was just out at that booktable time trusting that the Lord would use me in whatever way that He could.  Please try to understand that though there has been great failure,  God is sovereign.  Also try and remember (as the Lord has reminded me) that He has such a deep intimate concern and care for His flock.  Do you not think God's loving eye was on this whole situation.  Please stand with us!!  God was not taken by surprise as some of us were.  I can assure you that God has not stopped addressing long standing issues, but I know that truth must be communciated in love.  
« Last Edit: January 26, 2003, 06:47:32 am by Daniel Teater » Logged
Daniel Teater

« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2003, 06:57:55 am »

When I said the truth needed to be communciated in love I don't mean to infer that everyone hasn't.  I do believe God has used this BB,    .  For those of you have spoken your mind, and revealed the truth, I thank you.  (I believe God has led thus far.)  

Just thought I would add this little note.

« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2003, 07:10:29 am »

You are right. God has used this website and BB. I can attest to that. I appreciate your thoughts here.  God has and is working in spite of all our/my failure.
I sure appreciated your message when you visited Champaign awhile ago. I could see the Lord's work in your life. It was very encouraging .
Lord bless you and your family.

« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2003, 07:24:29 am »

I too can say that God brought me here and it was not because of a man.  I was hungry for the Word of God and God has always been faithful to meet that need.  
The Lord has worked in St Louis and there has been growth.  I believe there are brethren (in St Louis and other places) who love the Lord and have learned over the years to love Him more through personal trials.
Keep your eyes on the Lord and search His Word to see what is true and what is not. Smiley
« Last Edit: January 26, 2003, 08:14:49 am by Arlene » Logged

« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2003, 08:29:42 am »

I can definitely attest to what Arlene has said.  It is the Lord who has stayed her.  She has sensed this "Galatian" error for quite a long time.  A verse from that epistle kind of describes her mind, "But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man’s person:) for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me:" (Gal 2:6). She was very patient with me, I did not see it until the beginning of this month, when Rachel, Brent & Co. "beat me over the head" with their revelations.  My response? Repentance towards her and my family.

Regarding St. Louis, tho' I'm sure it has not entirely escaped the spiritual abuse issues, I do believe the brethren there (whether "leading" or not) have learned much of what it is to live according to grace, especially in the past three to five years or so.  It's not that they don't need to examine some teachings they/we have unquestioningly taken as true, and make some changes, but I do think that assembly has been on the right track for some time now.
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2003, 09:35:13 am »

Hey Joe,

My wife and I met Andrea at our home the night before last.  

What a wonderful, godly wife you have!  Wow! She was a real pleasure. We're the Vanasses.  My wife is Patty Mathews sister...Wayne's my good buddy and bro-in-law.  We have five kids 19 down to 7.

Tomorrow she's bringing the whole troop over for worship in our little home gathering.  We have a couple large families beside ours, so the house will be rocking.  Smiley

So, she'll see something new!

We sing, we share the word, we felllowship, we break's very informal, but always a sweet blessing.

She's spunky and fun...thanks for lending her and your kids to us.

Blessings Joe...You call us after 3:00 at 913.402.8318 you can talk to her.

All the best and Blessings to you...Chuck
Luke Robinson

« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2003, 10:06:39 am »

One thing:  In all the years that I have been in the assembly, Christ has been preached.  It was not a lot of candles and chants, but it was Christ.  They didn't sacrifice cows and they didn't preach Satanic Worship but new testament following of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As we stand in this time of great sorrow and great hope, REMEMBER YOUR ENEMY.  It would be easier if you could narrow it down to the guy down the street, or the lady at the grocery store, but that doesn't work.  It is the devil who is very much alive and very powerful and wants to destroy our faith and remove our hope.  It is easy to begin pointing the finger and going,"It's their fault, or them." "It is that brother."  "Two years ago, he offended me."  We can all say that of each other.  We have all been offended and since we are humans, we have offended.  We need to forgive and pray hard.

Also, regarding this issue, let us remember that we are not God.  I am not.  You are not.  We do not know what he knows, but we each, as individuals and as a corporate body of Christ, we must follow in His train.  We have an individual responsibility that we stand before God in whatever we do.  We have a responsibility that when someone says something, or when something is preached, we do not sit back on our rear-ends and "take their word for it."  We must search the scriptures and seek if these things are true.

Now concerning this assembly, I have heard many things, but mostly all the time, it is backed up by the living word of God.  And when it isn't, I am responsible before God to go look it up for myself and really seek the truth.  I trust that Laura has been doing that.  And from what she has said, she sounds pretty confident to me.  Yes, just because something happens, doesn't mean that it was directly from God.  It would be quite foolish to jump off the nearest cliff because the preacher down the street told you to.  It is your job to go to the scriptures and look it up.  "OH!  It says here that suicide is wrong.  So therefore, I should not jump off that cliff, and this man has been teaching wrong things."  

We all stand before God for all of our words, thoughts, and deeds.  When you stand before Him, you won't be allowed to pass off the blame.  "But God, that preacher told me to do that!  George Geftakys told me that was right or that was wrong."  God is not going to let you off the hook for another man's false teaching.  I think He might say something like,"Yes, I know that preacher taught you wrongly, and he will be responsible for that.  But you had My WORD.  You always had the Bible to look it up.  Why didn't you?"  God does not want us to walk blindly but circumspectly, always comparing the world around us, with the word of God.

Acts 17:11  These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they recieved the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scripture daily, whether these things were so.

A Brother in Christ,

Luke Robinson

« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2003, 10:23:56 am »

One thing:  In all the years that I have been in the assembly, Christ has been preached.  It was not a lot of candles and chants, but it was Christ.  They didn't sacrifice cows and they didn't preach Satanic Worship but new testament following of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Dear Luke:

You say that Christ was preached.  Well actions speak louder than words.  For the assembly leaders to associate their lies, abuse and deceit with the message of Christ is despicable.  We would expect this from Satan worshipers.  But to do these things in the guise of serving the Lord is mocking Christ, not preaching Christ.  These people were in leadership and they hurt their flock, this is WRONG WRONG WONG!!!  They used Christ they didn't serve him.  In the words of Bob Dylan:

You got to serve somebody
Might be the devil, might be the Lord
But we all got to serve somebody

All that I can say is these men were not serving Christ.
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