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Author Topic: Where is.....  (Read 49250 times)

« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2002, 12:00:33 am »

Rev 12:6  Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.

One thing I have learned from Brother George is that the enemy always oversteps himself.  Here you all are, attacking those who dwell in heaven, the overcomer bride of Christ, those upholding the testimony to Jesus.  And lo and behold, God has given you a spirit of confusion. Now you are attacking eachother.  Soon your plans will be destroyed, because God sustains His testimony, nothing shall prevail against it.

Dear Assembly guest,
You need to remember that we ALL , " have learned from brother George".  We're just farther along in our learning process than you are.  We all once would have agreed with you.  But our experiences and observations forced us to doubt the validity of his claims.
For example, George Claims that he has an apostolic ministry of "universal jurisdiction".  Now you may not understand what that means, but the truth is that he claims to be in charge of the whole Christian Church!  At least it does if his dictionary says what mine does.
Do you believe this?  Are you aware this claim is in his writings?
Did you ever ask, "How does he know this?"  "How do I know this is true?"  
As to your view we have fallen to "fighting among ourselves",  we do have a disagreement about something.  Among God's Freemen, this is allowed!  We are well aware that in the Assembly the one who got out of line would be reported to "God's Government" and corrective measures would be taken.  We have been there, and some of us have to shamefully admit that we have "done that".
So don't get your hopes up, we're still here, and we hope you will continue to read these boards, for we are fellow members of His Body with you.  
Your brother in Christ,
Tom Maddux
Kimberley Tobin
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2002, 02:26:43 am »

Dear Guest:

I find it interesting that the people who have been posting here, in the majority, who are, as you put it "attacking each other", are at least doing so with our identities revealed.  You won't even acknowledge who you are!  It is easy to "attack" people when you are hidden.  Is this because you don't want those in the Assembly to know you are monitoring this post (we know that assembly members have been warned to not view this website)?  Or is it that you don't really want people to know who you are?  That's the cowards way out!

But as to your believing that this is God causing us a "spirit of confusion" you couldn't be further from the truth.  I haven't had so much clarity in all my christian life.  For the first time, I have been allowed to think for myself.  And when I disagree with a brother (and btw John, even though I had harsh things to say to you this morning, I still love you as a brother in Christ) I am able to speak my mind, FULLY! I don't have to be a robot or Assembly drone!  I have liberty in Christ to speak my mind!

This has been a refreshing dialogue of believers in Christ!  You won't get that in the Assembly.  Rather, you are all supposed to be of one mind (and not the mind that you are thinking of, it is George's mind you are to support, not the Lord Jesus Christ.)
Mark C.

« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2002, 03:04:32 am »

Hi All,
  Wow!  I leave for a week and the BB breaks out in controversy! Shocked
  Ain't free speech great!
   I would like to greet our guest and thank you for participating.  I do think, dear guest, that you should answer the questions others have mentioned re. your post so we can have a two way dialogue.  I would be particularly interested in knowing how God has been blasphemed by pointing out lies and abuses re. the Assembly as God is known as the God of truth.
   I also believe that we can not censure the posts' here(even insensitive one's) as we need to have an open forum for discussion.  I do not agree with John's "manner" as it is ungracious to attack David's rejection of the Christian faith.  There is no danger of David turning other's here to Buddha and away from Christ.  
    John, I don't think you can make a blanket statement re. the degree of personal responsibility of  those wounded in GG's ministry.  Gentleness and kindness to victims of such a group as the Assembly exhibits more the attitude of our Lord than does calling them names.  We must speak the truth, but it should be done in love, if it is to have restorative power.  The Galatians were encouraged to restore the fallen brother in the spirit of humility, considering their own weakness.  The idea is that biting and devouring one another doesn't help it only hurts.
   Some have been very deeply hurt from their participation in the Assembly; to the point of even suicide!  I hope David regains faith in Christ, but a smack in the psyche won't do the trick(he's had enough of that).
              IN TRUTH AND LOVE,  Mark

« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2002, 04:41:01 am »

Dear Guest:
a wonderful thing about this website is the fact that ppl can express their ideas/feelings and discussion is allowed to take place w/o guilt, and  fear. I think it's fine to disagree.  The Lord Himself encouraged discussion with the ppl He was near. How else could He reach their inner need, if He wouldn't let ppl express their views of the truth? Not everyone agreed with the Lord. What did He do?  Did He whine, complain about them and say hurtful things about them? He staed and lived the Truth and He moved on, doing His Father's will for His life. Honestly I can't remember a time when I could openly share my ideas or concerns re: the Lodge w/o recrimination. There was never an open forum. Does the Bible state anywhere we shouldn't question and consider issues?
Your post (brief   Smiley hi Garth) sounds a bit over worked as 'lodgespeak'. The words are used so much it's easy to forget what they actually mean. The Lord is Over All and that includes ALL of His People.  I've heard over and over in my years with the Lodge 'our lives are a open book.' is that so currrently in the Lodge?
Last of all, remember the children in the Lodge. They've grown up with this behaviour of not being allowed to express their true ideas and feelings and having to stuff all that down and then outwardly perform obedience.  They are taught this is the Overcoming life.
We as adults allowed this abuse to hapen to us. No one forced me to attend at the start, or even to continue when  I had concerns. As my eyes are opened now, I make the choice to never let this happen to me again. It's children though that never had a choice. They need our love and care as they grow hopefully out of the Lodge scene. They need our prayer and understanding.
Thanks to the editor for this great web site.

« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2002, 04:59:39 am »

I lOVE the "special assistant to the thermostat steward'  designation!
That Thermostat got more attention that most of the ppl attending the mtg. Sisters were allowed to open windows and turn on the fan if so directed.  Shocked Wowsers! (OOHHHH but never touch the Thermostat)
sue xander

« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2002, 06:29:22 am »

To the Guest:

     Its so interesting what you posted.  Its almost as if I am sitting in a meeting.  And you have learned more than you think from George.  That is obvious...but maybe not for you.  You are in denial if you think that just because we are not "in fellowship" there that we are not in fellowship with the Lord.  The Lord is indeed leading those of us who have left.  You, guest, are in denial if you think that it is the enemy who is stating that George has been "in the dark" about his son beating his wife and granddaughter.  These things posted here are facts that have happened to people that were involved under George.  If it is God's testimony that condones wife beating, child beating, harassment, etc... then you are a blasphemer of the true Testimony to Christ.  That is not God's testimony to beat, harass, or brainwash,...YOU NEED TO SEEK OUT THE TRUTH!!!!  GOD'S TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.  You are in bondage to a ministry that supports those very things that Christ
condemns!  WAKE UP!
Eulaha L. Long

« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2002, 09:10:23 am »

I would very much like the "Guest" to reveal his/her true identity.  
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2002, 11:41:29 am »


I noticed this parenthetical remark by you:

(and after having studied the Bible so rigorously in the assembly, what nugget of knowledge could someone come up with that we haven't studied ourselves in some shape or form?)

You have GOT to be KIDDING. One thing that marks Geftakysites is their INCREDIBLE ignorance of the Scritures, even in simple things.

You are in trouble, my friend.

John,, I'm not kidding.   Go on quiz me, ask me what book of the Bible comes between Haggai and Zechariah.  Hehe. Cheesy you think you have an excellent knowledge of the sacred scriptures?  Do you think you know more than most if not all of us on this board?  Well here's a couple verses with which you must be familiar -- I Cor 8:1b-2 and just in case you don't know it, heheh  Grin , I'll quote it for ya "...knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.  And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know."
To be sure, none of us have complete knowledge or perfect understanding.  Of course we all have much more to learn.  What I meant in that post was that by virtue of the fact that everyone in the group religiously reads the Bible many hours a week and some even meditate on it much more, then you must agree that each person, with some exceptions no doubt, would have at the very least a basic familiarity with the Bible, its main stories, important verses, etc.  Of course we know that the degree of both knowledge and understanding depends on the individual.  I mean think about it, if I read a Physics book an hour a day for five times a week for even say five years, I'd at least pick up that E=mc^2.
Now, if you are referring to a typical "Geftakysite's" understanding of the scripture, then perhaps you have a point since some of the doctorine was in error.  But I'd like to say, that the fact that some of the doctorine taught was off does not mean that the truth could not be known.  Paul said that even though some people preached Christ out of contention he rejoiced that Christ was preached.  Pastor Wormbrand of Romania writes in his book Tortured for Christ that people have been saved by reading the scripture in anti-Christian Soviet propaganda that was intended to make fun of that same scripture. One verse that stuck with me during all my time in the assembly was what Jesus said, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

And, if I may say, John, that, being a studious Bible scholar such as yourself, you should know that the most excellent way set forth in the scripture is that of love.  Love is of far greater importance than knowledge.  I agree with what you said in a previous post, that there cannot be love without truth.  And what is the truth?  The truth is that Jesus showed his love not in condemning people (though it is interesting to note that he did have harsh words for the Pharisees) but by laying down his life for us to be the propitiation for all of our sins!  As it is written, "but God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2002, 12:06:56 pm »

Rev 12:6  Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.

One thing I have learned from Brother George is that the enemy always oversteps himself.  Here you all are, attacking those who dwell in heaven, the overcomer bride of Christ, those upholding the testimony to Jesus.  And lo and behold, God has given you a spirit of confusion. Now you are attacking eachother.  Soon your plans will be destroyed, because God sustains His testimony, nothing shall prevail against it.


Welcome to real life.  In the world outside the assembly, so-called "unity of mind" or "unity of spirit" is not enforced as it is in the assembly.  In the assembly, one may boast, "we are all of one mind!"  Now ask yourself why that is.  Is it because everyone in the assembly, as individuals, are constrained by the love of Christ or by the Holy Spirit to think the same way?  Or is it because of brainwashing and mind control?  Now before you answer "the Holy Spirit, of course" think about it.  Do you see gentleness?  Do you see mercy?  How about kindness?  Self-sacrificial serving by the leaders?  Joy?  What exactly is it that you are all agreeing upon?  That you need to meet on Wed night at 6:45pm for preprayer, then 7pm for the Bible Study?  Or how about that you are united on the fact that the chairs must be placed in a semi-circle and women must wear head coverings?  How bout that you are united in the understanding that no one must criticize George and the ministry?  Or maybe it is that we need to be loyal, unquestioning, available, willing to do anything, and...hey you guessed it, united?  If that is the case, then please know that that is mind control typical in cults and not the Holy Spirit.
Guest, the assembly is like a virtual world.  The real world is a harsh place, but God is in control. His Holy Spirit is not locked up in the assembly.  Many Christians have differing opinions on things, but what unites us is that we believe that Jesus died for our sins, rose again on the third day and is coming again to take us to be with Him forever! We love one another, despite differing opinions.  The verse you quoted (Rev 13:6) talks about the beast blaspheming God.  Be honest.  Do you think we are the beast?  Do you believe that by exposing the evil deeds of wicked men we are blaspheming God?   Come to your senses.  Know that the Heavenly Father is there waiting for you with open arms.  He truly does care for you, and he takes care of his sheep unlike these cruel shepherds.  He will bind your wounds and heal your heart. Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling...

« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2002, 01:11:12 pm »

He meant girly man preacher.  Hulk SMASH girly man preacher!!!!!

« Reply #40 on: December 22, 2002, 01:18:32 pm »

OK, alrighty then, it's time for another time-out to discuss the wild and whacky world of John J. Malone, Sr.  (John, is there a junior?  He is not into debate is he? Scary thought.)

People, listen up.  John seems to be turning into a rather controversial fellow around here these days.  He says things that aren't nice.  He also says things that are pretty amazing...

He is an arrogant jerk--according to many.  Yet he has a bunch of kids and grandkids who hang out at his house.....

He is an idiot!  Yet he also has some pretty amazing insight into the scriptures.  

He is blunt, bordering on rude......
He is smart and has a method to his madness.

I have spoken with him on many occasions, and he has never treated me in any way that wasn't gracious.  On the keyboard, he comes off as a donkey's hindquarters, on the phone he is a teddy bear. I am not kidding.

Do I know what he is doing here? NO!  I am really intrigued to find out however.  He is a really different guy, for sure.

This BB is unique, and John is a big and loud part of it.

John, can you tone it down for one post and tell us what's up?


« Reply #41 on: December 22, 2002, 01:25:12 pm »

Perhaps this is true.  However, for the purposes of this BB, he is a girly man, and...

Hulk SMASH girly man!!!!

« Reply #42 on: December 22, 2002, 01:29:35 pm »

Girly men..

Don't make me angry.  You wouldn't like me when I'm angry....[/size]

« Reply #43 on: December 22, 2002, 01:44:31 pm »

I saw the video to this once. I think this is a "girl" preacher.
« Reply #44 on: December 22, 2002, 03:54:47 pm »


I only hung around the Geftakysite world for 4-5 years. Nevertheless, I discovered it to be a world where the Scriptures were virtually NEVER studied. Nor were they especially read.

From what I recall, there was some sort of "heavenly ladder of perfection" nonsense that George put out which resulted in the believers reading somewhere around 40 verses out of context to see if they could get all excited like George did, and shout in their pillows every morning.

Then, there was this matter of keeping a spiritual journal, which took plenty of time. "Stewardships," outreaches, really boring meetings led mostly by guys who knew approximately NOTHING in the Bible left far too little time to study the Bible.

I started to study while a Geftakysite, and discovered pretty much right away that I needed to leave if I was going to continue to learn. Preachers were forbiden from reading books by oter preachers, but instead read Andrew Murray, Madame Guyon. At one point, George was recommending reading "the Puritan writers" like John Flavel, and so forth. He really new how to make sire nobody would ever read, or listen to any good preaching.

I am by no means a "Bible scholar," but I do have a reading familiarity with the English Bible.

Maybe I live in too narrow of a world, but so far I have not come across a Geftakysite Leaver who knew much about the Bible. Brent is the only one I know who realized that the bible had been kept from him.

By the way, I have never had so many Christians tell me how to love my brothers as this pack of GL's. I've been out of the Lodge system for 20 years, and the whole time have been with brothers and sisters that love me. This is the first time I have ever engaged GL's in discussions. When they leave the Omaha Lodge, they almost always go to some kind of "big mustard tree" church where they get into important stuff like cable TV and Christmas trees. Nearly none of them will fellowship in our little church because there is too much liberty and/or too much Bible there.

But we actually fellowship around the Scriptures instead of this "who's Jesus to you?" and "what would (or did) Jesus do" nonsense.

It's hard to get used to a bunch of people who are so sure about how much they love everybody. It's also hard to get used to so many girl preachers, both male and female.


I do not know you very well.  What I do know is that you make generalizations about people (you call them Geftakysites) that you do not even know.  In some of the posts responding to what I wrote, I take it you are referring to me when you talk about Geftakysites.  I'm not a Geftakysite, nor a former one.  I am me.  Not only do you make generalizations, but you are somewhat abrasive in some of the things you say.  You speak as if you have understanding in such matters.  You speak as if you are an authority.  Is it wise to make such comments when you do not really know the certainty of what you say?  Do you know why I like Nike tennis shoes or the color blue?
It seems that our experiences in the group were very different.  Consider the fact that just possibly other people have different perspectives and different experiences than you.
You know that I, too, was in the assembly for only five years.  I grew up in a Christian home and went to a private Christian school K-12 and went to a CRC until I was about 20.  
I joined the group because they were preaching the word and knew their Bibles.
Now you may say,  "You were totally decieved and they are a bunch of charlatans".  Well, these "charlatans" knew their Bible better than anyone I knew.  They had answers for my questions and they showed it to me from the Bible. I've had my doubts on some of what they said and I took everything with a grain of salt.  I've heard this perspective and that perspective in and out of the assembly, and all I can say is that, nobody has the right answer (the definitive, all-wise and understanding answer). Not even you. Do you have absolute understanding?  Please tell me what I should invest in then Cheesy
Are you pretrib? post?  Calvinist?  Does this really matter.  Once again I'd like to reitterate that which you have down-played.  The main message of the Bible is the love of God, and Lord knows I've got a long way to go to learn that. Smiley  
« Last Edit: December 24, 2002, 09:53:58 pm by Arthur » Logged
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