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Author Topic: When is the last time you talked to someone?  (Read 25130 times)

« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2008, 08:22:22 pm »

Dave Sable pretty much hits it. Except that the second group he describes which is pretty much Pasadena, San Fran and Riverside (and maybe Ottawa), not only haven't changed, they've grown darker.

(San Fran recently excommunicated some folks for having the audacity to challenge a leading brother's gossip problem. Remember the old assembly way of the leadership insinuating sin on the part of someone who might be seeing that the emperor has no clothes? [Betty did this with me at the last worker's conference. She kept telling me there was some sort of problem with Roger Grant, something he was hiding. At the time I didn't understand it. Only later did I realize she was trying to discredit him because he was being made aware of some of George's most serious sins] Scott Testa was doing that and when the person went to Jim Kardisis with it, suggesting that if it was true about that person then Scott should not be gossiping about it Jim accused that person of gossiping to him! The peon's sin was greater because Scott is an infallible leading brother.)

Wow! Remember trying to think like that?

Virgil, that is why most of us don't try and keep acquaintance with assemblites in the second group.

Many from my former assembly have a great affection for each other, but realize that we bring up triggers unintentionally. Or that we have little in common other than a regretful past. So we have our few close friend from that era and the others not so much, but there is no malic to it. And we've discovered there is a big world out there. I have truer friends and closer fellowship than I ever had in the assembly.

And Virgil's forgiveness quote is true, but I don't think that is the problem at all in this situation. The you-need-to-forgive ploy was standard assembly emotional and spiritual manipulation. Most of us have repented and forgiven long ago. But I have found with the second group that if you have an objection to the assembly way and those who espouse it you are somehow lost in the place of unforgiveness and you need to humble yourself. Nevermind the truth just be reconciled to us. And until then they are not looking to humble themselves for seek forgiveness. Remember "compromise is sin."
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2008, 08:18:34 am »

Recently I have been graciously accepted by some members of my "old family" and I have been treated like I had leprosy by other members of my "old family". In each situation I had to initiate the contact. I had to make myself vulnerable. It hurt very much to be rejected! Yet, on the other hand it felt very good to be accepted! In fact it was worth the rejection of others just to experience the love and warmth of the"saints." Look at it this way, we are here on this earth such a short time. The rest of our lives will go by much faster than any of us expect. Take the opportunity, make yourself vulnerable! You might just get a blessing!

              In His Service! (Virgil)

« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2008, 10:43:04 pm »

Please pray for my childhood friend, Ernest Brewley Jr.
He is dying from stomach cancer.
While he has heard the gospel message, he retains much influence from the teaching of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and is having difficulty accepting that we are saved by grace through faith.
I am making plans to travel to the BVI to see him one last time.
Please pray for God's mercy and His wisdom for us both.
Mark C.

« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2008, 07:52:07 am »

   Hi Verne,

           We are praying for him Verne.  Let us know how it goes.

                                                                     God Bless,  Mark C.

« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2008, 10:46:20 pm »

Thanks Mark. I spoke to my friend's wife this past week and he is not doing well. She seems to think he does not have much time. I am trying to make travel arrangements and tickets are hard to find. Pleae pray for God's leading. Pray for Ernerst's salvation.
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2008, 11:37:18 pm »

While meeting with my "old family" I am amazed at the liberty exercised all around me. Teenagers playing loud rock music, Christians from other churches freely enjoying fellowship and support, people who have left freely enjoying visitation/fellowship. How bout you? When is the last time you have tried to talk with someone?
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