maybe God really isn't a good guy after all, just a demanding, nitpicky, impossible-to-please arrogant thing.
I think this attitude is easily overcome through simple logical extension:
A: We all have experienced discouragement resulting from seemingly unbearable responsibilities imposed upon us by a parent, an instructor, legal authorities, whatever. We also have all been able to look back at one of these discouraging experiences and realize that it wasn't really as difficult as we thought it was at the time, and that, were we to face the same circumstances again, we would find a way to get through it, having been prepared and equipped by the earlier experience.
B: At the time of trial, it is always easy to recognize the pettiness of the clerk at the city planning office (who works for you, but nonetheless holds authority over you at the moment), the nitpicky-ness of the building inspector, the impossible-to-please-ness of our parent or instructor, the arrogance of the traffic cop. It's not until later that we realize the cop was right, our parents were acting in our own best interest, the building inspector was just doing his job, etc.
C: Some of these people who seemed at the time to be "just a demanding, nitpicky, impossible-to-please arrogant thing" turned out to be just that.
However, in some cases we were wrong in our assessment. Additionally, there have been still others who have exercised their authority over us in a quite painless fashion.
Conclusion: Given my dubious ability to accurately assess the severity of my current circumstance (A) or the character of the one placing the demands upon me (B), and given that I know for sure that God is better than anyone else (C), I am probably wrong if I think that God is just a demanding, nitpicky, impossible-to-please arrogant thing. In fact, I know I'm wrong.