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Author Topic: George Geftaky ! Man let it go Move On....!!!!  (Read 12086 times)
« on: April 23, 2006, 03:50:12 am »

Yes we have fallen short of the Glory Of God.
Yes we have been deceived to some degree.
Yes we have been hurt,burnt,toasted,crumbled.

But if you hear His voice do turn around 360 degree turn and get over it !   Ya Big deal "George Geftakys got caried away with his ego and miss led people here and there, but your not lost are you?

Stop the complaning and start being responsible for your own life and get on with walking with the Lord! Been there done it my friends 15 years!

And ya I drifted in a lost valley but im found now and walking with God, why do you think we have a God?  Use your brain and your heart and get it together man.

What  you going to do blame George Geftakys all your life!  You are responsible for your own salvation you know God will deal with this man on his own terms beside how do you know if he wont really repent .. you dont' neither do I... so let it go and look around you and see the lost people going to hell and start caring for others    Cry
 geee sorry
Rachel Julie  Ottawa...
Mark C.

« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2006, 08:47:05 pm »

Hello Rachel Julie Ottawa!

  I don't think folks here are "complaining" so much about Geroge; we know what he's like, it's the fact that the group he created is still out there with the potential to "hurt, burnt, toasted, crumble" new unsuspecting individuals.

  The bible teaches us to sound the alarm about those who will shipwreck the faith of his little ones, and these false teachers and sheep abusers are to be resisted with all our strength, vs. being ignored as you suggest.

  While we are to "look around and see the lost people going to hell and start caring for others" the bible teaches us that we are to care for our fellow believers in Christ too.  Jesus said that the way the lost will know we belong to Him is by the demonstration of our "love one to another", not just by bringing the message of turn-or-burn to the unsaved.

 Fortunately, we are not "responsible for our salvation" as George taught, and the fact that you still hold this teaching of his demonstrates that you haven't escaped your past as well as you may think.

 While it isn't profitable to "complain" it may be worth your while to hear the "voice" of Jesus as He spoke to the church of Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-19).  We don't know how this church responded, but it could be that the members rejected the voice because it stressed the negatives in their lives that the church was unaware of and unwilling to consider.  Many still in the existing Assemblies continue in this Laodicean tradition.

  "Walking with God", "hearing his voice", and "being responsible for your own salvation" are very lofty claims to make, especially when associated with an exhortation from someone to their fellow believers who have been "deceived, hurt, burnt, toasted, crumbled", to just "get over it."

  Somehow I just don't hear Jesus giving these wounded souls "stop complaining and start being responsible for your own life" as the message for their recovery.  I do hear Jesus telling those that "harm one of his little ones" that it would be better for them to be tossed into the deepest part of the sea tied to a millstone than to "hurt, etc." these children of his!

  I also hear God through Paul telling us to "weep with those that weep, etc." and Jesus warning us to "love one another."  I also here Jesus warning the disciples:

                  "Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?----- But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself,'my master is staying away a long time', and he then beings to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with the drunkards------"     Mt. 24:45-49.

  Please notice in the above verses that Jesus is very concerned about how his children are treated by church leaders in his absence.  Jesus gives this example because he does not want his disciples to ignore a loving care for what he values most highly--- those that he shed his blood for!

 Jesus never exhorts those hurt by bad leaders to "get over it", rather he uses the strongest warnings possible against those that use their positions of authority to "hurt, etc." his little ones!

  If someone is "walking with God" and "hearing his voice" they should share the same concern that God has for those hurt by wolves and false shepherds.  Jesus never tells us to ignore these evil types and just allow "God to deal with him on his own terms and hold out hope that the offenders will repent."

                                                           God Bless,  Mark C.


« Last Edit: April 23, 2006, 10:55:33 pm by Mark C. » Logged

« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2006, 06:10:29 pm »

Hi Rachel,

I'm not sure I buy into your premise that those who post on this board have not gotten on with their lives.  Are you sure it is an either/or thing?


« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2006, 04:16:58 am »

"Understanding in love implies letting loose of expectations and perceptions by allowing what evidence of truth there is to present itself.

IT means being free of stereotypes and rigid prejudices and staying open to new experiences."

Hmmm.  Rachel, how do you reconcile your original post and this one?  You need to be open to the fact that everyone will process their experiences from a unique vantage point.  I'm not saying that anything goes, and we should allow our feelings to run away with us, but I am saying that just because you have reached a certain plateau in dealing with your assembly experience doesn't mean everyone has to be where you are or view it your way.

Let's say that two women, both Christians, are brutally attacked.  After 6 months one of them has come to terms with her encounter and is able to start putting her life back together.  After two years, the second is still traumatized and is still struggling to get through each day.  They are both doing the best they can to grow and be educated in the faith.  Does the first woman have the right to wag her finger in the face of the second and tell her she is less spiritual?  That she's less a Christian?

How wonderful that you've been able to come to a post assembly resolution that you are comfortable with, however, the attitude of your original post reeks of your past.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 04:19:24 am by Gay used 2 b Gilliam » Logged
Mark C.

« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2006, 10:02:15 pm »

Hmmm.  Rachel, how do you reconcile your original post and this one? 
How wonderful that you've been able to come to a post assembly resolution that you are comfortable with, however, the attitude of your original post reeks of your past.


  Good questions Gay!

  Rachel from Ottawa doesn't really seem interested in having a conversation about her statements, however, and I'm beginning to wonder if she isn't just trying to yank our chain.

  In comparing some of her posts they seem to be coming from two different persons or one with multiple personalities  Huh.

  I am glad that she is feeling good about her new resurgence of commitment to God, but I hope it is not based on her own ability to "allow nothing to come between her and the Lord," or she may be setting herself up for a big disappointment again.

   Her history of being up and down could be due to basing her faith on her own efforts to "take responsibility" for her life with God, vs. simple trust in God's grace for her own weakness and humble acceptance that she is a needy human. 

    There is always the danger that we can adopt a kind of "Sunshine" Mr.-bluebird-on-my-shoulder form of escapism that takes out of context Paul's statement of "forgetting those things that are past, and pressing on. etc."

  Yes, we should not get hung up on our past failures, but this did not stop Paul from giving testimony to his own failed past often.  He did so to point out the dangers of false and bad religion (like the Assembly) to warn fellow believers to learn to identify obstacles that could stumble their lives with God.

  To "get over it" will never be by means of trying to run away from facing the false teaching and practices that controlled and made our souls for many years.  Paul faced the facts of his Phariseeism, and used that past to make clear distinctions re. the differences between a grace based relationship with God vs. one that is centered in self improvement.

  The distinctions between the two ways above are very subtle, but lead to very different places.  The "evidence" re. whose "perceptions" are correct in regard to "true" religion are always to be found in the honest, humble, and right attitudes/behaviors of those making their affirmations of faith.

   Those that make large claims for their great devotion to God (does GG come to mind?) and yet whose behavior is very unloving, unkind, self centered, boastful, etc. offer conclusive proof  that they are on that wrong track.

  True "repentance" can only come from a Pauline styled confession that admits, "I was the chief of sinners and am not worthy, etc." and a dedication to see Assembly like toxic systems outed and rejected--- this takes honest reflection of our past and the learning of a whole new way to understand God and our life with Him.

                                                              God Bless,  Mark C.
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