I'm glad to see that this place isn't deserted!
I used to read here all the time, but haven't looked in a long time. I was surprised by how quiet things have gotten, but I guess it's a good thing, because people are recovering and getting along with their lives.
When I first found the website and the board, it really helped me to see that others had similiar experiences, and that it wasn't just me. For me, once I learned that I wasn't the only problem, that there really were some things wrong with the ass'y what helped me the most was to get away from it, quit talking about it, and just thank God when things fell into place and made sense.

The more I talked about it, the angrier I got! I mean, I knew it was bad, and I knew that some really messed up things that happened, but for me, I just needed some validation and time to build something new in my life.
So, I guess I don't really have anything to talk about, or any questions or anything. Like Gay said, plenty of things to read if you need to. I'm just glad to see that everyone isn't still obsessing about George and everything.
Let the dead bury their own dead, i guess,