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Author Topic: Lodge "kids"  (Read 7421 times)

« on: January 19, 2003, 01:07:37 pm »

I just want to say that those of you, especially Rachel and others excommunicated or ostracized from the Lodge over the years are so brave and full of courage it brings tears to my eyes.  I was lax to post initially because of concerns, not over friendships that I still have, but over those friend's relationships with their parents and siblings.  Even though I wasn't born "into" the lodge, I am essentially an "assembly" kid.  I left eventually on my own because I felt that no one questioned and I had seen things that I did not want to be a part of.  
I do believe that the Lord led Rachel to post her story, because there are so many in the Lodge who have a heart for the Lord and have been led by a power-hungry man away from the roots of what God's true plan is for the Church.
Let me share my own personal experiences.  My name is Christy Chomer.  As many of you know, I stopped coming out a few years ago to any of the meetings.  I had misgivings, questions that were not answered.  I felt that talking to the leading brothers was a uncomfortable and trying experience at best.  THEY HAVE HAD NEXT TO NO TIME.  I hope that is changing.
You see, I was raised to question, to try the spirits.  My mother and my father, while attending the Lodge, never let themselves be so completely taken over by the attitudes of elitism.  Chicago wasn't even that bad when you consider the magnitude of elite attitudes elsewhere, but it reigned nonetheless.  
We joined the group when we first moved to Chicago.  There is no question that the Lord spoke regardless of leadership.  I believe that those people who tirelessly serve the Lord there are the main reasons he is shaking things up whether the leadership likes it or not.
I remember my mother, who is the gentlest, most Christ-like women you would ever meet, would chastise us in love.  She didn't spank us in the "assembly" way.  She would cry half the time when she spanked us because it took the wind out of her sails to see us feel pain.
I also remember her first parent meeting with Betty.  When my mother came home, she was a different person.  There was a coldness about her that I know I will never forget.Thank the Lord that my mother tried the spirits and searched on her own as well as in the leadership for the direction that God would take her.  Within a couple of weeks she would be righted again.  She was herself, our amazing mom.  From then on, we learned to dread Betty's arrival for such meetings.  To this day, I can remember watching Betty walk out of the guest room at the Grant's and feeling fear and coldness creeping up my spine.  Perhaps some will say this was a child dreading to be corrected, but I tell you, I know the difference and I felt as though my mother was a different cold entity at these times.  I was blessed.  My mother shows Christ's love.  She doesn't have enough health to go out to everyone she would like to and I often find it amusing now when she comes down on herself for not humbling herself or having the energy she needs.  I do not find it nor have i ever found it amusing that my mother has been in horrible health for so long, while many flocked around Betty, who if her health was that bad, should probably not have been on the road, while many gave her their energy, they ignored someone who had true connection.  I have never felt an ounce of anything resembling sympathy from that woman.  I feel that the goal in mind when she came through was to break down rather than to build up.  I also know that while my mother (whom I obviously respect immensely) is deeply grieved that such things have gone on, she is glad that it is coming to light and hopes that the Lord will shake up his people in a much needed way.  Not just for some kind of an emotional "awakening" in the GG style, but for a deep searching of hearts and minds.   (sorry if this rambles)
to my sister and I, the lodge was odd at first.  we had spent the better part of 10-12 years in a different environment.  My mom heard the lord's voice in ministry and I believe that this was despite GG's influence not because of it.
What I really wanted to say, and will say more on at a later date, is this.  
YOur children might tell you lies to get what they want, or complain, or this or that.  But when they tell you that there is something off about the group that you're in, you need to take that into account.  Years ago, I used to approach my mother.  I would tell her about certain things such as elitist attitudes, the Camelot/Kennedy/Geftakys system, as i like to call it, the snobbery, the separating, the fact that everything worked on a system of what you appeared to be.  
When I became super elitist myself and was on the brink of falling deeply into the system myself, I asked questions of a LB from California and found that there were no real answers to my question and the brother gossiped to me about someone I had been struggling with, maliciously cutting them down.  It was at that time I decided not to come back.  I remember talking to a couple of other "kids" who were having some of the same struggles and would try to come out to at least some meetings.  It was at that time I realized I couldn't go back at all, because if I was being real, then I knew going would be a lie.  That was when I realized that I would rather be real and struggle with my questions elsewhere, than be the fake that I had been, with all my emotional highs and haughty attitudes in this group.  Don't get me wrong.
I do believe that at least in the group that I was going to (chicago) the majority of the people truly do want to serve the Lord.  But there needs to be a cutting off the the false leadership (which, thank God is happening as I type) and there needs to be accounting, and everyone in that place needs to wake up and smell the coffee.  Yes, THERE ARE ELITIST ATTITUDES!  I hope desperately that this changes.  The ones I finally loved realized, oh my goodness, Christy wasn't joking when she seriously questioned this.  They finally realize that I wasn't imagining things.
That feels right somehow.  I love many of the people that still attend the group, but please remember you don't bring anyone closer to the Lord by setting yourself so far apart from other churches that don't practice in the same way you do, and you push away your children, your friend's children when you make them feel like secondhand citizens because they are not part of this church.
Again, I am sorry for my incoherence.  I am sure to become a regular poster on this site.  There was a meeting in Chicago on Friday and I hope someone will post more info on what went on because my parents have very little short term memory to go on  Roll Eyes
I would like to comment more on the aspect of being a "kid" in the group
It really helps to openly and non-maliciously bring these things to light and I hope we can all learn from this that wolves do preach about wolves and we all need to be careful.

« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2003, 01:19:49 pm »

I also want to amend this by apologizing to Rachel, who cannot possibly remember me, for judging her unfairly when I met her the few times I was in the Lodge.  This just goes to show the judgemental spirit I was living under at the time.  I also want to say although the Lord may use this for his good, that does not make me any less angry about the injustices that were done to you, your mother and I am sure to your brother.  May God bless every move you make and give you peaceful respite from a storm that you have already weathered.

« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2003, 04:28:16 am »

As an assembly kid i cam totally relate to what you are saying. That was a wonderful post. I know how it feels to rarely be encouraged while spending many hours labouring for the lord. The important thing to remember is to shed the old way of thinking and to put on a new way of thinking. Not of our own mind but of christ's mind. Smiley
Mark C.

« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2003, 04:51:42 am »

Thank you Christy,
  You have spoken from the heart and the wisdom that was expressed deeply touched me and I'm sure many others.

   I think, as I read, there were many "amen's" as other's read your recollections of being a kid in the Assembly and the struggles of your Mother.

  There are pervasive consequences from families that have been in the Assembly and it is my prayer that there are many, like you, who discover that while the Assembly is wrong, a life with Christ is very right.  It is a great blessing to discover that God is not the Assembly, nor is Christ represented in the abusive system employed there.

  May this site be a place for many to sort out the confusion they may have as God in lovingkindness reaches out to his children trapped in the oppression that is the Assembly.  You have, and I trust will continue to be an instrument for such healing.
      Great blessings poured out from heaven, Mark C.

« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2003, 11:03:39 am »

So true!
After spending most of my life (17 years) in the assembly, it sure is amazing to see the truth about all the lying and abuses out in the open. Praise the Lord for this website. Most of us assembly kids have been effectively brainwashed into never questioning things for ourselves. I always enjoyed the worship and fellowship of "the Assembly" but there were times when I felt as though I was an outcast- somehow just not fitting right. I always told myself this was because I wasn't 'holy' enough, which made the discouraged feeling worse. What really bothers me is that teenagers are people too, yet when it comes to our spiritual lives, it is as though some older people think that we just cant make decisions for ourselves. And I mean 18-21 year olds too. Not that we don't make bad decisions, but keeping all knowledge of corruptions from young adults just is not right: the assembly becomes your whole life, and in some ways steals it. It makes me so upset to see the few friends I left behind totally blind because their parents have not allowed them to think for themselves. I can only hope and pray that God will open their eyes now that that the truth is finally seeping in among the sheep.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2003, 11:03:48 am by RebelEscapee » Logged
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2003, 06:50:36 am »

One thing that bothered me about being an "assembly kid" was that, because of all of the meetings, we could not have a family life at all.  I remember hot summer days, driving past the pool on our way to the meetings and being so sad that we couldn't be swimming instead of sitting in a meeting.      {now, grant it, we could not have had a good family life, due to other problems, but even so, this is what i wished for}

I remember always studying.  I would bring home many books so that i could take them to meetings and sit in the kitchen and miss most of the meeting.  Grin

I can think of one good thing about Sunday meetings, though.  It was when they were over and we could all go to Monical's for pizza.  It actually made Sunday worth it. Cheesy

Anyone else out there from Tuscola?  Kelly?  Smith girls? Mary Reed? Mona? Tammy?  Give me a shout if you are on here. Smiley         {hi Linda T. i know you are here.  I love you always.}  Kiss

many blessings and much peace,
Scott McCumber

« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2003, 06:53:50 am »

Hi, Jada,

Here are a few names of Assembly kids I'm hoping to get together some time later in the year.

McCumber, Mathias, Farlow, Frederick, Smith, Tucker, Johnson, Voss, Todd, Rhodes, Henson, Houk, Childress, Riddle, Spence, Perry, Wenneborg, Reed.

Who are we missing. Remember Leonard from Chicago?

« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2003, 11:38:28 pm »

I kinda remember Leonard.
Mary Reed is in Oakland.  Brenda Houk told me where a couple of times, but each time i drive by, i can't figure it out.  My heart goes out to her.  Her life has been so very difficult.  I think of her often and pray for her and have for years and years.   "Mary, if you are here, please please please contact me"  Cry  I have been so very burdened and desire to see you, greatly.

I saw Chris "Chrissy" this past summer?  She actually came over and had tea with Miett and I.  It was so good to see her.  "Hi Chris, if you are here"  Cheesy

Ran into Mona at Bob Middleton's clinic in Arthur.  "hi Mona Sue"  Cheesy  

Bits and pieces have come to me over the years about this one or that one, but nothing really much to say.

I wonder how many of us assembly kids are still walking, or walking again.  I know some have turned their backs on God from the situations that occured.   Sad   That grieves me.  NOt only did George do wrongly in controlling everyong and keeping many from walking completely in God's joy, but now, perhaps, has "caused a little one to stumble".  So sad.

Anyway, i just popped online to check for a bread recipe.  {I'm not really on here} Wink

blessings and peace to all of you,
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