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Author Topic: WYCLIFFE  (Read 7515 times)
Joe Sperling

« on: April 24, 2007, 10:25:02 pm »

In 1999 Wycliffe Bible Translators launched "VISION 2025" which is a goal to translate the New Testament into every language in the world by 2025. They have made amazing strides, working with WEC(World Evangelism Crusade), their partner, SIL (Seed International), and with the many prayers going up for the world through "Operation World" (I have posted the website for this before, which is a daily prayer for each country thoughout the world--very detailed). They also work with Intervarsity, Campus Crusade for Christ, and the JESUS film (along with many other partners). The Lord did say to "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel" and he did also say that this Gospel would be preached to "all nations" and then he would return.

Of course, we cannot "cause" the Lord to return by translating the Bible into every language, nor can we accomplish the vast work of translating all of those languages without the Lord's Grace. But what is truly amazing is that we can be part of this work! We can offer up our prayers and give of our resources (no matter how small) towards the goal of accomplishing this huge task! All of us are dedicated to many things--our families, churches, work, soap operas, and other television programs we can't miss  Grin, but we all have a few moments that we could spend to pray for one of the Lord's greatest desires--to reach all peoples with the Word of God.  If you'd like to get more information about the "Vision 2025" or give of your resources(no matter how small--every little bit adds to the bigger picture), write to:

P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL., 32862-8200

Thanks, Joe
« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 10:39:41 pm by Joe Sperling » Logged
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