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Author Topic: BIBLE STUDYING  (Read 30338 times)

« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2005, 06:03:26 am »

November 3rd

My Small Cell Bible Study Group, has been studying JUDE for the last three weeks. For a tiny book, it is pack full of God's truths.

What I discovered while studying this book, is : Is the first verse to the last is how things are mentioned in 3's.

For example:

In the first verse:

Jude identifies himself in three ways:
Personal identify: Jude

His relationship with Jesus:  as a servant of Jesus Christ

His relationship with the brethren which of course is also his family identity:
  - the brother of James.

2. This verse triples twice more.

Which is the readers identity with their relationship with Christ:

- whom God has called
-who lived in the love of God
-in the safe keeping of Jesus

Judes blessing in verse 2
-Mercy, Peace and Love.  - to the fullest measure

My conclusion of this is that these gifts of God are not just for the taking is small doses, but God wants us to experience them 100%.

Just this one small verse is only one example of the triple emphasis:
Verse 3, 4, 5-7, 8, 10-11, 14-15 .

Jude is one powerful little book, that is worth the time and effort to explore slowly.

Keep explore God's word is a way to learn his will, will help us to grow as individual and as a family of Christians.

Just glad to share God's word with you.



« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2005, 05:52:17 am »

Hi: I final have been able to purchase a complete THE MESSAGE BIBLE.

Although I had a New Testament one in my Parellel Bible, I was interested in the old Testament and wonder how it would sound in the history part of the Bible.

I like the way the Message Sound, although I would have another translations along side of it to make sure of the trueness of the content.

So has any one of you read the Message Bible.

Positive or negative reactions.

I like the new testament, as it blunt, kick in the pants, hitting below the belt , tell like it is in today's language.

The language gives the thought process a work out.
I wouldnt recommend it as a sole Bible teaching, it is fun to read someone language that this Versions tells God's Word.

So Have any of you read the THE MESSAGE BIBLE.

« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2005, 03:09:13 pm »

Hi: I final have been able to purchase a complete THE MESSAGE BIBLE.

Although I had a New Testament one in my Parellel Bible, I was interested in the old Testament and wonder how it would sound in the history part of the Bible.

I like the way the Message Sound, although I would have another translations along side of it to make sure of the trueness of the content.

So has any one of you read the Message Bible.

Positive or negative reactions.

I like the new testament, as it blunt, kick in the pants, hitting below the belt , tell like it is in today's language.

The language gives the thought process a work out.
I wouldnt recommend it as a sole Bible teaching, it is fun to read someone language that this Versions tells God's Word.

So Have any of you read the THE MESSAGE BIBLE.


I have been told that eminent Christians like Warren Weirsbe,  J.I Packer and Jack Hayford have endorsed this "translation" by Eugene Peterson. I have read it and find it terrifying.
It is nothing short of astonishing to me, how remarkably few believers have so little regard for the Word of God, that they have absolutely no interest, even as English speakers, in picking up a Greek/English interlinear lexicon of the Scriptures (pick anyone you like) and doing due diligence with a book such as Peterson's.
I would post a number of examples of what this book does to Scripture, but I have learned that in most cases all I am doing is casting pearls when it comes to this subject.
Then again, I am one of those extremists who believes anad accepts the Scriptural prohibition against changing or adding to God's Word......
p.s. for those of you interested, Peteson seems determined to delete or change numerous Biblical references to the work of spiritual forces of darkness, and subsitute the plain statements of the text with a watered down and "psychologised" rendering.
He also follows the trend of most modern versions with trying to make the Bible's sepcific reference to homosexual sin vague and politically correct. Feel free to do your comparison even with the will, you should, be disturbed...
« Last Edit: November 19, 2005, 04:13:17 pm by VerneCarty » Logged
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2005, 03:40:01 pm »

I like to put my money where my mouth is.
Does any one think the following is a an acceptable translation of of 1 Corinthians 6: 18-20?

 "There's more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much a spiritual mystery as a physical fact. As written in Scripture, 'The two become one.' Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more  lonely than ever - the kind of sex that can never 'become one.' ....In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of  our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for 'becoming one' with another

How about Romans 1 16-27?

"Worse followed. Refusing to know God, they soon didn't know how to be human either - women didn't know how to be women, men didn't know how to be men. Sexually confused, they abused and defiled one another, women with women, men with men - all lust, no love. And then they paid for it, oh, how they paid for it - emptied of God and love, Godless and loveless wretcheds."   

What think ye? Is the powerful declaration of this passage a mere condmenation of all lust, no love?

Why are some of us Christians so gullible?!!!   Huh
« Last Edit: November 19, 2005, 03:48:51 pm by VerneCarty » Logged

« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2005, 12:41:28 am »

I have been told that eminent Christians like Warren Weirsbe,  J.I Packer and Jack Hayford have endorsed this "translation" by Eugene Peterson. I have read it and find it terrifying.
Therein, I think, is the problem.  If folks see The Message as a translation then it indeed has boatload of problems.  Nevertheless, The Message is actually a paraphrase, not a translation.   It is someone putting what he thinks it means into his own words.   If we use it as a tool to give us another perspective about a passage that we are already familiar with, then I think The Message can be very helpful and insightful.  If we use it as our main source to establish doctrine or as our only source of the Scriptures then we really have the wrong tool.

« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2005, 03:42:48 am »

Therein, I think, is the problem.  If folks see The Message as a translation then it indeed has boatload of problems.  Nevertheless, The Message is actually a paraphrase, not a translation.   It is someone putting what he thinks it means into his own words.   If we use it as a tool to give us another perspective about a passage that we are already familiar with, then I think The Message can be very helpful and insightful.  If we use it as our main source to establish doctrine or as our only source of the Scriptures then we really have the wrong tool.

To update you I have read to the point of Abraham offering Issac as a sacrifice.
I have  had to stop several time to refer to either my NIV or NKJV to see if I am reading correctly.
I have decided just to read this version as a story book, as a overview, as I was having a harder time reading though Gensis than I did in the New Testament.
Yes it is a great way of listening differently to words that we have become so familiar with, so our senses can be come more aware of the Truth, check out whether we are actually reading the Truth or not.

I was wondering if this Bible is a Bible for the New Agers.

Also I recently picked up a book called the Bible for Dummies, it is an overview of the bible, emphasising the history of the Bible. I read, and I am going to give it to my older daughter, as she loves history. I am praying that this may spark a renewal to read the real thing.

Thanks for the discussion.



« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2005, 04:55:11 am »

Hi: I have now read through Gensis in the Message Bible.

There were a couple of things I never knew even though I have read these passages several times before. As I was reading, I was diligent to see if there were any difference between this version than the translations I always use.

I came across the story of Joseph and Potiphar wife.

The area I was surprised to see was that Potiphar wife after taking Joseph's cloak, stirred up the household servants with her deceptions and lies.  No wonder Joseph couldnt voice his innocent when Potiphar confronted him, because the state of commotion that met Potiphar when he came home.

Even teaching from this passage from the Pulpit or Bible Studies I have attended, seems to skip over this or I havent been listening to it. It just goes from Joseph's rejecting the wife, running away from the wife, wife taking the cloak, telling her husband and Joseph ending up in jail.

It is great just to be able to read a Bible, slowly, just reading with out analyzing it, or studying it to find the deep mystery secrets. By just reading , the secret are just revealed.

Talk to you later.


« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2006, 07:54:33 am »

May 15th, 2006

Tonight was my small group Bible Study.

We are reading the BIble, verse by verse.

This is the third week of reading Genesis. Many discussions are occurring, many Bible resources books are being consulted, including Vine's, and Strong's. Maps, and Time Lines.

Tonight there was a couple of insights that Gods showed us.

Genesis 10:25:
To Eber were born two sons, the name of one son was PELEG for in his days
'''THE EARTH WAS DIVIDED'''' and his brother's name was Joktan   (NKJV)

When did the continents divide.   I believe God just gave us that answer.
It doesnt say Nations, it says EARTH..

Another exciting knowledge was really a light bulb coming on.  God's word down thought Moses , do you know how it was kept pure.

We looked at the time line of Adam all the way to Abraham...
ADAM over lapped to METHUSELAH
SHEM over lapped Abraham.

God plan and purpose to keep his word, and the events of history was stored in the minds of these men, until Moses could write them. What a wonderful God!

Have a glorious time exploring God's Word.


« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2007, 07:48:24 am »

 :DHi Gang of the Assembly Board.

It has been quite awhile since I last been on board.


I just going to get you catch up on my spiritual walk of late.
My church at Calvary Baptist here in Arnprior, the ladies weekly bible study has been going now for 2 years.
The number of ladies showing interest has grown and so has the participants exploration and excitement over a little nugget that God has reveal to us.
We ladies are armed to the teeth with bible resource books, and of course bibles in every translations we have.
SO far we have studied 1,2,3 John, Jude, Romans, Genesis, Hebrews and now James.
We corresponded our study of Romans and Hebrews with the pulpit sermons.
It has been a great time of exploring.

On a personal note.
I have a new grandson, who will be a year old in August.
Please pray for Jacob as he had a rough start in life, and has the prospect of cerebral palsy.
I am now working at a local bank as a bank teller.
I am also involved in the local Toastmaster's club, having already done my 8th speech in my first manual. Cool

Just wanted to say hello and update you on what I have been doing.

Take care now.

« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2007, 09:21:40 am »

Hi Lenore, 

       I have been planning on Toastmasters for a while now. I am attending my first mtg next week. How is it?  What should I know before getting in?

« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2007, 10:43:03 pm »

 Smiley  Hi Dave:

Toastmaster's at least this club here in Arnprior, is a friendly, accepting , safe enviroment where to learn how to give speeches.

There are  evaluators that will evaluator your speech.
The evaluator is a sandwich type.
Where they will praise you what you did well.
They will point out at least one thing were you need to improve
They will then leave you encouraged.

Our meeting is 2 hours Wednesday Evenings.

The Sergant in Arms will open the meeting.
The meetings starts promptly. 
Then the changes in the agenda is read.
They then follow the agenda.
There usually is a Toastmaster/chair of evening,
There will be a timer, with timing lights or coloured paper.
There is also a general evalutor who evaluates how the evening went.
There is usually a 10 minute break after the first hour, to socialize with the fellow toastmasters.
You may notice that each opportunity to speak, starts with greetings to chair, and fellow toasters master, and to honour guests.
There may be table topics which is impromptu speaking for 1-2 minutes on various subjects.
There maybe a grammarian/au counter, to catch the various english(language) mistakes.
Jokes are to be squeaky clean nothing that be constued as racist, political, religious etc.

Toastmasters is a great place for confidence boosting and building.  The principles for Toastmaster kind of follows the principles for the work place.

I hope this helps.  Each club can run a bit different.
Toastmaster is a place where accepting, valued, and respected is a key for growing and learning.

There is a web site on Toastmaster International.
That you may be able to get more information.

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