I bought a new calf-skin Bible today and it is a thing of beauty!
Believe it or not it is the NKJV!
Some folk think it qualifies as a "modern" translation and there are a few changes that catch the alert eye, but so long as you know...

I am going to try and read the entire thing in a month.
I like to read all my Bibles through from cover to cover at least once.
Have you ever noticed as you are reading the Word of God how many things you accepted as fact are actually myth?
Tom Maddux a few months back mentioned that teaching believers to tithe was false teaching.
I was always a bit uncomfortable with that but until he called it for what it was, I never could put my finger on it. Of course Tom was right on the money Biblically.
As I was reading the account of the Flood, I remembered images presented to me as a child of Noah preaching the gospel to folk and imploring them to get into the ark with him so they would not perish.
Anybody else taught the story of the flood that way?
Well, when you actually read what happened, you certainly come away with a different sense of what really went down don't you?

p.s one huge prinicple that I see is that the key to saving society is teaching
men to save their own households...no wonder so many black kids are in so much hot water...we men are really screwing things up royally...