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Author Topic: The Robinsons have hurt the flock  (Read 101847 times)
St. Louis sister

« on: May 21, 2003, 03:19:54 pm »

The reaction of the leadership to the crisis that engulfed the assemblies is most instructive. At the height of the maelstrom, one such individual in St. Louis simply had a letter of resignation read in his absence and advised the flock that he did not wish to be contacted. In view of the frightful allegations made against the standard bearer of the ministry they were associated with, the vast majority of them slunk away in silence.
No expressions of regret.
No provision for future shepherding of the flock.
No acknowldgement and renouncing of the heinous sins that were brought to light.

Dear Verne,
Thank you for making this public. The individual you are referring to is Jerry Robinson. I was shocked when that letter was read. How dare he just slink off like some rat and leave his sheep like that? The Robinson family always looked down on other families and I think they knew that they would be facing some major questions from us. They're very responsible for hurting the flock and they will be judged by God for it.

I hope they are not going to the upcoming wedding. Sure, they'll see the saints if they have to at weddings. If they have to answer questions though from unhappy saints, well that's too bad. In fact, if the Robinsons go to the wedding, we're not. What kind of example are they to the flock? What kind of parents are they? They allowed their sons (although both Luke and Paul are adults) to come on here and insult every person who looked at them side wise. Their presence at the happy occasion of a wedding would just dampen spirits. Do the wedding guests a favor and stay home.
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2003, 05:26:15 pm »

Thanks for speaking out. The most painful aspect of the fall of the Geftakys ministry is the shattering of the illusion I had of so many of these men, some I knew and admired for long years...let us continue to pray for God's mercy...
« Last Edit: May 21, 2003, 05:28:08 pm by vernecarty » Logged

« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2003, 05:38:44 pm »

Thanks for speaking out. The most painful aspect of the fall of the Geftakys ministry is the shattering of the illusion I had of so many of these men, some I knew and admired for long years...let us continue to pray for God's mercy...

I find this very interesting Verne.  I was under the impression that you are for the assemblies disbanding and everyone going to other church gatherings.


« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2003, 05:48:59 pm »

I hope they are not going to the upcoming wedding. Sure, they'll see the saints if they have to at weddings. If they have to answer questions though from unhappy saints, well that's too bad. In fact, if the Robinsons go to the wedding, we're not. What kind of example are they to the flock? What kind of parents are they? They allowed their sons (although both Luke and Paul are adults) to come on here and insult every person who looked at them side wise. Their presence at the happy occasion of a wedding would just dampen spirits. Do the wedding guests a favor and stay home.

I'm glad I'm not in fellowship in a gathering where attitudes like this prevail.  I suggest that you 'air' this out with Mr. Robinson himself, before publically condemning him and his family.


« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2003, 06:01:39 pm »

This is a STL problem.  MOST, if not ALL, LBs have acknowledged the part they have played in 'co-operating' with GG to keep his ministry going, and are very humble at this point in time.
Andrea Denner

« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2003, 07:05:52 pm »

If you want to publicly denounce someone, the least you could do is put your name on here.  What are you afraid of?  This seems like one of those fake posts that are used to illicit responses.

I would also ask you what the deal is with your problem with this family?  I LOVE the Robinsons.  I thought, like MGov, that you wanted everyone to leave the assemblies.  Don't you think that they have repented of their involvement?  Are you saying that they left in the wrong way?  What were they supposed to do?  

Sincerely questioning,
Eulaha L. Long

« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2003, 09:11:44 pm »

NO WONDER Luke and Paul post what they post. I had no idea they were LB kids!!!  That explains a lot of why they sometimes seems to support the Assembly's corrupt teachings!  I actually feel sorry for them now... Shocked
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2003, 10:22:42 pm »

I would also ask you what the deal is with your problem with this family?  I LOVE the Robinsons.  I thought, like MGov, that you wanted everyone to leave the assemblies.  Don't you think that they have repented of their involvement?  Are you saying that they left in the wrong way?  What were they supposed to do?  

Sincerely questioning,

 Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh
Did I say something wrong....??
Were you in fellowship in St. Loius? I was not...'sides, as Tina said:
"What's love got to do with it...?"
I thought we were primarily interested in truth on this BB...
« Last Edit: May 21, 2003, 10:44:15 pm by vernecarty » Logged

« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2003, 10:51:08 pm »


Did I say something wrong....??
Were you in fellowship in St. Loius? I was not...'sides, as Tina said:
"What's love got to do with it...?"
I thought we were primarily interested in truth on this BB...

Who's Tina? and why did she say that?  I'm puzzled.
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2003, 11:08:11 pm »

Tina Turner... Grin Grin Grin

« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2003, 11:25:19 pm »

Verne was quoting a song from Tina Turner "What's love got to do with it."

I am curious too. You say you are for healing and yet you did your best to damage Paul and Luke Robinson when they were on this BB. As their elder, you surely had a responsibility to set a good example for them, and you didn't, sir. Then you start a thread trying to discredit their parents based on the observations of a blind man - a man who has sent many false rumors out there about the Robinsons to random people not even involved in the St. Louis assembly (like the both of us for example). I guess it's no surprise that you'd be one of the first to post in this thread. You're going to be held accountable for hurting God's people, Verne.

You are even more guilty of Verne. Even on this thread you couldn't resist getting in an insensitive jab at Luke and Paul. I've noticed you don't seem to get along with the younger people on this board - why is that? I understand that Paul and Luke out-discerned and out-witted you on numerous occasions - but you will find examples in the Bible of the young (L and P)outdiscerning the older (you). I'm also very sorry that your "healing" involves hurting others. That's what leads me to believe that much of brent's old website is diabolical. Do you think God's plan for your healing involves lashing out at people incessantly. Look at your posts, they're all attacks. I stopped attacking people a while ago. Can't you try it to? You too will be held accountable for hurting God's people, Eulaha.

Sister in St. Louis,
Hi there. I'm not from STL, and I don't know the Robinsons. But I'm confused. If you disliked the Robinsons so much, why would you be upset if they left the assembly? Wouldn't you be relieved? If they felt that God was leading them away from the assembly, then who are you to tell them that they should stay? I think maybe you miss them. Did you attach yourselves to them and so it was hard for them to leave? It's always uncomfortable when God gets us out of our comfort zone and people that we are very familiar with go somewhere else. Remember, life's all about changing - nothing ever stays the same. Nothing, but God and His word stays the same. All the things of the world change everyday. Friends that you used to have will move away, and new friends will come into your life. In the assembly, we're not used to change as much, so the past few months have been difficult. Just hang in there and don't hurt people out of frustration. Someone wrote me about the Robinsons once with the same thing that you said. But in the same letter, the man wrote that the Robinsons cooked for his family, prayed over his kids, visited with them, etc. They served him and served him well. So imagine my suprise when in the next paragraph he said exactly what you said in this thread. How easily he forgot all the Robinsons did for him. The Robinsons aren't obligated to be this man's slave, and they're not obligated to you in the same way. After you and this man attacked them, do you think they will want to be around you? They have to protect their children. They are doing the best thing they can. They didn't receive the honor and esteem for their service that the Lord calls on the saints to give them, but God's justice is the best. The Lord knows the truth.
Lord bless.
- Matt

« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2003, 11:41:19 pm »

Some other thoughts, STL sister:
If you thought everyone was looking down on you, do you think that could be your insecurity? Why didn't you leave if you felt you were being treated in an ungodly manner?

Also,  I was thinking. That wasn't the Lord directing you to post, was it? Do you think that's what the Lord would say - I'm not going to the wedding if that STL sister is going. Do you think he would personally insult them - they would just dampen spirits if they were there. It seems to me that you are trying to dampen spritis on this thread, sister. Please, don't do this, don't let the enemy work on you. The Lord is love.
- Matt

« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2003, 12:11:49 am »


Let me give you my perspective on this whole deal here....

You seem to always want to put the ownership of the problems that the assembly created back on the people who were hurt or wronged.  I have read things you have wrote that say that if people didn't like the message of the assembly or the way they were treated, they just should have left...

It just doesn't work this way.  In a nutshell, many people were obviously disgruntled or unhappy with many things that went on with the assembly.  However, they chugged along based on the fact that they were convinced and led to believe that this is where God wanted them, that their disgruntled and unhappy feelings were selfish feelings and the devil subtly working - blah, blah, blah - you get the point.  Then all of this sudden, this ministry was exposed for what it truly was.  People discovered that this was not a ministry God raised up, rather just the opposite.  People had given their lives to this ministry only to find out that they had essentially given their lives to something that was completely different than what they had thought.   Obviously, people are going to be unhappy.  

So therefore, if people are unhappy in different assemblies because when issues came to light, that instead of being accountable, leadership ran off and hid, please understand where they are coming from.
Daniel Teater

« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2003, 01:37:48 am »

Okay this has gone far enough.  

I haven't bothered wasting my time on this silly website until my relatives have been thoroughly slammed and slandered in this ridiculous public forum.  I am absolutly sick and tired of the nonsense that is passed off as "lively discussion" or as people who were "hurt" and need some coddling. flash.....move on with your life (if you have one).  I have a couple personal notes to people as well.

Tony Edwards:  I am appalled at your behavior and ridiculous slanderous lies.  I have watched in stunnded silence as private message after private message was brought to light.  Right now I am so infuriated at you I can barely type.  The latest lie is that Paul R. was kicked out of the assembly because of homosexual tendiences.  WHAT ROTTEN FILTH!!!!! I am telling you up front that you need to stop your crusade and get on your knees and repent.  Oh, I'm sorry or are you to busy typing on your keyboard already in response to my post.

To the sister in St. Louis:

Please feel free to inform me of your name so I can avoid you at all costs.  If this is how you feel about my relatives I would prefer not to ever have any form of communication with someone as arrogant as you.  Thank you for your sly little post, but since you are still ashamed to show your name I don't think you are worthy of any more of my time.  

A lot of this crap is getting really old get over and move on.  The gathering formely known as "The assembly" has become your idol all over again.  MOVE ON AND LET IT GO.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2003, 06:46:41 am by Daniel Teater » Logged

« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2003, 02:07:08 am »

 ?? Huh Saint Louis Sister,
This is one of the saddest things i have read on this bb. I know all of the sisters in stl and i can't beleive anyone sister would write this. So needless to say i am very saddned by this.I will pray for you.
Carolyn Dodorico
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