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Author Topic: Should I go public?  (Read 27652 times)

« on: December 08, 2002, 10:22:56 pm »

« Last Edit: January 21, 2003, 09:03:43 am by freebird (Garth) » Logged

« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2002, 10:48:21 pm »


I think you should definitely go public.  I mean, that's who you are right?  Do not be ashamed of the Gospel!  Going public will mark you, and the Geftakysites(Thanks John J. Malone for this one, "They were first called Geftakysites in Omaha.") may excommunicate you, without your knowledge of course. That is what they did to me.

However, it didn't limit me at all. This website is just one example.

I think going public is what Jesus, Paul, Peter, and all the rest did.

Now, some came to Jesus by night at first.  But if memory serves me right, they went "public" later.

So, think about it, and walk in the light.  The more people that do, the faster the system will come down.  And come down it will, as long as wel don't play the old Assembly game of "Don't talk."

Have you read "The Code of Silence" on the main webpage?

The link is something like "What is the dynamic that allows for abuse.." it's in the article section.

So, yes, I think you are still affected by the thinking you learned in the old place.  However, you are still welcome here as Freebird....that is if you don't leave here tomorrow...things just wouldn't be the if you must be travelling on now....cause this bird cannot chaiaiainge....
(slide guitar)....

Kimberley Tobin
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2002, 01:06:03 am »

I have been sitting here (after getting home from church-what were all you heretics doing posting this morning?Huh  Grin) laughing until I had tears running down my face.  

We most definately have to deal with all of this with great humor (or we would go crazy.)  To think that these were our dear, dear friends and this is the way we are treated, simply for obeying our Lord!

Greg and I were commenting this morning as we were getting ready to leave for church (by the way, we were up at 4:00 am full of the joy of the Lord, just couldn't stop talking with one another about all the wonderful things the Lord is doing) how different getting ready for church is now.  We are full of the joy of the Lord, we were laughing, just cracking up this morning! Grin  That's why our posts were along the hilarious line. Wink  When he gets home, he will do a before and after post about this phenomena.  Our children are benefitting from the transformation.  No longer are we yelling at them and sternly telling them how they will behave in the meeting and we do not want to have to correct their behavior. Angry  This morning we were singing with our children, making up funny songs, just rejoicing at the wonderful expecation of going to the worldly church this morning.

In contrast, what were The Big Potatoe and his entourage doing this morning?  I surmise it was last minute preparations for damage control.  I can tell you there was no joy!  They are nervous and worried about how they are going to contain all the questions and begin their character assassinations.

Freebird - If you are completely set free, what does it matter what anyone else thinks?  Weren't we taught in the Assembly not to walk before men?  What has been the most liberating since leaving is that I can speak my mind as a sister in Christ now, without fear that someone will think me too bold or in sin, simply because I am a sister sharing my mind.  I would suspect, actually, that this "boldness to speak my mind" will be one character assassination that is used by the Big Potatoe.  You know they can't have a woman telling them what to do or not to do.  That is blasphemy, heresy, downright sinful! Shocked

More later,

Much love in His service


« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2002, 02:39:34 am »

The reactions some of us received after leaving validated the doubts we may have been harboring about making such a major decision, especially for those of us who were in it for a long period of time.  Being told you have no vision (withouth knowing reasons for leaving or what you're doing), given a list of reasons why you left (without asking), being told you'll never hear the word preached like you do here,and you must find another place that doesn't have paid pastors, etc. etc. are the kind of things that make you believe you did the right thing.  These are some of the things I experienced first hand, and saw and heard much worse, I'm sorry to say.

Of course "going public" opens up the fear that more of these calls and visits will come as a result of doing so.  You can bet this place is being reviewed by a great many people in, out, and on the fence.

« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2002, 03:47:16 am »

mmmm..... burrito............
Kimberley Tobin
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2002, 03:52:04 am »

What a great way to spend our afternoon, chuckling, no laughing hysterically at the computer as we read everyones' comic replies.  I didn't realize we had such humerous individuals in the Assembly.  Or perhaps, our humor was suppressed (like everything else was forced to be) and it is now just surfacing as we have liberty to allow our personalities to surface (This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine all the time, all the time....)  Anyone who has heard GG preach for any length of time (and stayed awake) knows he hates that song!

Not only are we laughing at reading others' replies, we can't stop laughing as we are penning our tomes on the keyboard!

I haven't had this much fun since my pre-salvation days (and that with a little extra help-if you know what I mean!)  And no, I am completely sober sitting here at my computer! Grin  No potatoe water for me.

« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2002, 03:56:29 am »


You need to come hang out with us midwesterns.  We know how to have fun out here.  All we have is corn (and taco bell), so it's a necessary skill to survive.

mmm... taco bell...


« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2002, 04:13:00 am »

are you sure that stomach ache is soley due to laughter?  Or have you too had one burrito too many...


« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2002, 04:29:52 am »

Hi Freebird & Others,

<<Then I think of possible negatives...maybe someone will be mad at me and never give me a chance (of course that would be their loss ), maybe I will make enemies.  >>

As far as the assembly is concerned, you're probably already an enemy, a reprobate, and apostate.  You have little to lose unless you're speaking to a current hyper-sensitive assembly member.  I say go for it  Smiley unless there's something I don't know.

Lord bless,


« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2002, 06:20:26 am »

This is what I would consider before going public if you have a family.
I would consider my family. How will it affect them. For instance, do your children attend school with other assembly children, could there be persecution there, and is your child/children willing to put up with it. Also spouses, are they ready for any persecution as well. Now, probably nothing will happen, but it is better to know if they are prepared and willing if it does.

In my case, the reason why I haven't become public yet, is due to relatives in my family, and the possibility of never getting to see or talk with my nieces and nephews. I don't care what the adults think, but I worry about the children and the affects the assembly has on them.

« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2002, 06:42:52 am »

Regarding persecution and children, etc.

In my opinion, as one who has gone public to some degree,  I must disagree with guest's post.

The children will not know anything, except, "not to play with Johnny because his parents are not walking with the Lord."  What this means is that Johnny can't go over to the saints's house, but at school they will remain friends.  Also, the saints kids will grow up and wonder what all the fuss was about. Especially when their good friend Johnny is so happy, and has such freedom in Christ.  Assembly kids need to learn how to make friends anyways, the sooner the better.  Eventually, when the Assembly kids need to rebel, maybe your kids will be a help to them, perhaps invite them to a "worldly church."

Now, if the goal is to have Detente with the Geftakysites, then by all means keep things quiet and secret.  They will despise you and speak evil of you when you are not there to defend yourself, and everyone will believe it, because they haven't heard you deny it, have they?  However, you will have peace, just no contact.

On the other hand, if you go public and state the truth loudly and clearly, they will only talk about you in leading brothers meetings.  Others will come to you with questions. You will be a help, instead of a rube.

How can I be so sure about this?  Easy, it it what I am doing.  I am only telling you what happened to me, and to others who said something.  My kids have MORE friends now, by a factor of 5, than when we were following the Code of Silence.

Of course, maybe it is better just to keep quiet and let God do the job....

NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!

He has told us to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.  He has also told us not to share in other's sins.

I don't know of any passages that say to keep quiet, does anyone else? (I'm serious is there a biblical case for keeping silent in a situation like this?)

« Last Edit: December 09, 2002, 06:47:14 am by Brent Trockman » Logged
Sebastian Andrew

« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2002, 07:41:06 am »

I would like it very much if Mr. Malone would weigh in on this one.
Terry L Huffman

« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2002, 09:23:43 am »

A short Bible quiz: See below.
It has already been discussed that one is discredited when they leave the assembly, especially when they aren't quiet about it. Past sins or faults that may have been confessed in private may be brought up again to use against you. At the least small things about you may be exaggerated for greater effect. Bald-faced lies might even be told. So what?
We aren't necessarily free just by our non-attendance. Is our Christianity supposed to chill out when we aren't under the assembly's watchful smothering "care?" It can cost you to speak out against evil. See the Old Testament, NT, and the rest of history-sacred and secular- up till now and beyond until "time shall be no more" for examples. There are people who are suffering and dying right now in the Sudan and other places because they won't renounce their faith.THAT IS PERSECUTION. Standing up against the assembly may cause some inconvenience. Others have lost their jobs and God will reward them for their stand. I personally don't think your conscience will let you escape until you "go public"(where you are, not necc. on this site). Pardon me for saying this but silence may indicate that the "freebird" moniker was chosen a little prematurely.

Who else(besides George and some of the leading brothers) likes to try to bring up past sins- confessed and forgiven- to use as a weapon against someone who wants to walk in the truth?
Kimberley Tobin
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2002, 09:52:51 am »

 Freebird, If you are doing burrito enemas, then do not go public.

(This was written by Greg, not Kimberley.  He didn't realize he was signed in under Kimberley's id.  That's the trouble with wives and husbands having to share the computer. Grin)  (Greg speaking)  But can you prove it?  I know your password and how to spell your name.  Unlike the editor!  (KIMBERLEY) Roll Eyes Huh Wink
« Last Edit: December 10, 2002, 08:02:08 am by Kimberley Tobin » Logged

« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2002, 10:45:08 am »

Hi Everyone,

John, I appreciate your posts and articles.  I have noticed a difference between those who left awhile ago and those who left recently, such as myself.  Those who left a while ago tend to be more contemplative in their responses.  I suppose you could call it a maturity.  Those who left recently are still stuggling with all sorts of teaching.  Sometimes the only way I can express myself is through humor or poking fun at what/who I used to believe.  My only other recourse is to stuff it in and go insane.  Grin

So maybe what we're doing is not the best or maybe it is, but it's where we are right now.

Lord bless you,

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