But, I don't think that the soul sleepers are dangerous heretics.
Thomas Maddux
Well, I hope not.
1) What does the word "sleep" mean in ICor15:51 - "We shall not all sleep"?
Could it mean "rest" as in Rev6:11 - "and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer until both the number.... was completed."
It seems as if those Christians who were beheaded, although "resting", were in the presence of God.
And if the rich man & Lazarus are considered, Lazarus was in Abe's bosom and Lazarus already in some kind of torment.
2) Isn't there a difference in the afterlife between the OT and the NT?
David talks about his soul not being left in Sheol. Ps16:1, for example.
Looks like the "spirit" is the first to go, eh? Ecclesiates12:7 "and the spirit will return unto God who gave it."