
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : tkarey November 22, 2007, 09:56:51 PM

: People I Want to Thank
: tkarey November 22, 2007, 09:56:51 PM
Taking Amy's cue, I want to follow through on something I've thought about a long time. I came into the assembly pretty messed up and came out clinically depressed for several years afterwards. Along the way, and especially when I went into anger mode after hearing about the breakup in 2003, I struggled with my feelings toward specific people. I loved them. But they were from the assembly and at least sometimes acted like it (we all did at least sometimes). What to do?????????????

Now I'm doing much better and still love these people. A few of them I want to thank: Mary Fortesso for telling me not to worry what others think of my kids. Pretty radical for a leading brother's wife. Also for being my friend and going out to me when I'd close up, lock everyone out. Greg Fortezzo for letting Mary be Mary - the kind who would give a waiter a piece of her mind if she felt it necessary, or - when they left the assembly - for letting her get up and tell everyone why. Greg Fortezzo and Bruce Brady for honestly caring about the people in fellowship. Regardless of how imperfectly they may have expressed it at times due to assembly training and just being human, it was clear they really did care.

Gregg and Tammy Johnston, Dell and Lesslie Hillger, Ken and Jori Cashlin (I never have spelled their last name correctly) for being friends in, out, around, through, and beyond the assembly. Jori for coming over to my house - and anyone's - and immediately folding laundry, doing dishes, whatever needed doing, and NEVER making you feel like a loser for not being perfect. Lesslie for the hundreds of kindnesses she may not even realize she did: vacumming my carpet just so because I liked it that way, gifts to my kids, inviting us over, enjoying being with us. Ditto Jori again. Also, Jori for being so laid back about stuff, even when her wedding was less than perfect she just laughed. Being able to talk to Tammy about ANYTHING. That was a rare thing. The list really, really is endless about just these three couples.

Then there was Bruce and Shami Brady. They lent us their car when ours broke down, Shami covered a chair of mine (multi-talented girl), they sent us to a B&B for our anniversary. Bruce visited my husband every day for two years when he walked away from the Lord and was very angry and rather mean. (I just learned that).

Ron Johnson (correct name? Now I'm forgetting) for walking away from the assembly when he saw it's true colors. It was a big to-do, there was lots of "well, he always was a bit stiff-necked and opinionated", but he was unafraid to just walk away even though he was being groomed for leadership and I admire him for it. For being open about racial issues - or any issues, even assembly ones - and all the very interesting conversations we had. I admired him then for standing up for himself (something I still struggle with) and I admire him today.

If any of you read this, thank you. It is a real treat to have a friend.

Oh - then there are those I've met on this BB. Thank you for your kindnesses and caring words. They have been very healing.

: Re: People I Want to Thank
: amycahill December 12, 2007, 10:36:00 AM
I'm glad you found a post of mine here helpful!

And it was nice to read your list of "thank-you's" and remember there were quite a few good folks caught in the bad crap we all were.

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