
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : psalm51 March 21, 2003, 09:28:18 AM

: Brent's Retirement Party
: psalm51 March 21, 2003, 09:28:18 AM
Since Brent is retiring from and because so many of us have benefited in so many ways due to his courage and trust in the Lord, how about giving him a "party" here on the website. Gifts in the form of personal thank you's will be accepted starting now! Let him know that his labor was not in vain. Let's hear from those of you who have been lurking under the "guest" label as well. Come out and give our brother and his wife, Suzie some kudos. I'll start:
Dear Brent and Suzie,
Without your spiritual forthrightness my family would be still be stuck in a stagnant and rotting system. On a daily basis, someone in my household says something to the effect: "I'm so glad we aren't in the assembly anymore". The many variations of that theme make it very clear that God has set us free and we are so glad.
When I first read the website on December 19th, my heart rejoiced because I knew that it was over. I knew the doors had flung open. I told my husband about it and said "I can't be in this anymore". After he read it, he wholeheartedly agreed. Exactly one month later we were gone. We have never looked back. God is meeting us in the most wonderful and unexpected ways. He truly does give us the desires of our heart.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Brent and Suzie. May the Lord richly bless you until we meet in eternity! (or before :D)
with love,
Pat Mathews

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: al Hartman March 21, 2003, 10:18:41 AM

Dear Brent,

     i don't begin to fathom what you have accomplished with this website and its bulletin board.  Almost every day i see evidence of God's working, through the questions and answers, the testimonies, the articles and updates.  The labor that went into developing and overseeing it all is mind staggering.  

     My personal testament to you is one of gratitude.  Through coming here, i have found the solutions to mysteries that had been long buried in my memory.  i am a freer soul, drawn nearer to my Lord and Savior, because of your efforts.  i have been blessed not only with comprehension of personal experiences i had never understood, but also with new revelations of what it means to be in Christ, and with wonderful reunions with dear saints i had not had contact with in decades.

     Words cannot state strongly enough how much i appreciate all that you and Suzie poured of yourselves into this ministry.  All my thanks and best wishes and prayers for you both in your continuing walk with our Lord Jesus Christ, and your life of service to him and his people.

Vaya con Dios,

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: psalm51 March 21, 2003, 05:22:23 PM
Don't forget to post your thanks to Brent here.

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: brian March 21, 2003, 06:39:06 PM
this is one of the clearest examples in my personal experience of the right man being in the right place at the right time. brent's personality, intelligence, faith, and determination have carried the day, in my opinion. remember, this didn't all just happen in the past few months. brent has been writing articles exposing lies and darkness for years now. i'm sure there were times when he thought nothing would ever come of it, as weeks stretched into months, and months into years, with hardly any visible change or sign of hope. but through the lies and back-stabbing, the shunning and the personal attacks, he persevered, which is what brought him to november 1st, 2002, when that final necessary step was taken that made all the difference. so i want to publicly say Thank You, Brent, not only for that last step, but for the whole journey that it took to get there. i have learned a lot from you, and not just about the assembly. thank you.

: Thank You!
: editor March 21, 2003, 08:28:25 PM
Just to let you all know, Brent and I are reading these and we totally appreciate it!

Keep it comin'  ;D

About one tenth of the people who have been freed have actually said, "thank you."  Most of the rest have been silent, or have anonymously said thanks, but a large percentage is actually upset with us for telling the truth!  

They are happy to be free, but somehow think they learned all this in their morning times, or at a seminar.  Just reading things like what Pat, Brian and Al have said is so nice, I really can't tell you.

Thank all of YOU!

Suzie and Brent

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: Arlene March 21, 2003, 09:11:54 PM
 :) :) :) :) :)
If we have nerver said it we say it now, thank you Brent and Suzi for you courage, boldness, faithfulness and humility in putting the website together.  
I know my husband Tim has been blessed and encouraged greatly as well as myself.
Tim and Arlene  ;D

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: Arthur March 22, 2003, 12:32:06 AM
I've heard an old Vulcan proverb, "Only Nixon could go to China."

No doubt about it, Brent you were the right man at the right place at the right time for the job that needed to be done.
It seems that George's time and the time of the assembly was up and God moved swiftly to put it to an end.  
Brent and Suzie, thank you for sticking with it to the end despite the hostile opposition.

I don't know how you saw it so clearly (or did you?) and were so firmly convinced that the assembly was, as you told me a couple years back, "detrimental to its members".
This was even before a whole flood of info came out on this board, and before the excom. of George, etc. that providely overwhelming and conclusive evidence.

Well, you were right.  And we all should be thankful to God that the evil was exposed, and it's clear he used you to do it. Thank you for making the choices you did to make that possible.  
I think some people do not quite realize the scope, magnitude, and ramifications of what has transpired.  If it wasn't for the exposure of the wicked deeds of George and his assembly, then many would still be in terrible bondage.   But now--we are set free!  That is not something to be taken for granted.
Indeed we owe a debt of gratitude to God and to you, his instrument for this task.  Thank you!


: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: David Mauldin March 22, 2003, 01:03:10 AM
Brent, you did a great Job, Way beyond what I could expect or think!  Yet I was hopeing to read Georges unauthorized bio-  could you at least post what you do know about Sunvalley Baptist ?   Thanks

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: jackhutchinson March 22, 2003, 01:33:55 AM
Brent & Suzie,

It is God that has used you, but only because you chose to let Him use you in this capacity.  The fear of a ruined reputation has kept many other people silent about horrendous oppression in many situations in human history.  Thank you for not letting that fear dictate your actions.  

As others have said and will say, I would still be under spiritual oppression in the assembly if it were not for the exposure that you have facilitated.  I would still be wasting my life living in a dream-world where a con man was considered to be God's anointed servant preaching to 'God's faithful remnant' (I have ordered the movie "Elmer Gantry" on DVD).  I can now truly grow closer to the Lord now that I am not bound by the distorted views of George (though I know it will take a long time to shed those views).  I have my family back (and they have me back).  My family can speak freely without worrying about alienating me.  I can do normal stuff without feeling guilty or worrying about God's judgment on my business.  I can spend holidays with my family - where I belong.  Goerge's assembly system was my life.  In reality, the Bible says that Christ has always been my life, but I really have not beleived it.  Now I can enjoy that reality.

I'm free!


: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: Kimberley Tobin March 22, 2003, 11:18:54 PM
I want to personally say a BIG THANK YOU for what you, Brent and Suzie did to bring about "telling the church".  I know there was a HUGE personal cost (right Suzie ;)), not only in Brent's business and with friends, etc., but I know it took a huge toll on your family life during the crescendo that was mounting, starting with the website.  But God used it (all for HIS Glory) in a tremendous way in so many of our lives.

I want to say, personally, for our family, though we left prior to the information being made public through the website, it was discovering the information through a different means that enabled us to see the abusive system we were involved in.  It removed the scales from our eyes and we were set free!  

It has revolutionized our family life.  Greg and I have a whole new marriage.  I can't even imagine being back in a system that treats women the way the assembly did.  Greg is learning how to love me and his children as Christ loves the church (isn't THAT what the scripture teaches?)  It continually amazes me how long we put up with a ridiculous way of living.  Our relationship with our children has been transformed and we are leading a NORMAL christian life.  One filled with love, laughter, fun with Christ as the center, not the assembly and its regiman.  We are so enjoying the liberty with which Christ has set us free.  Not liberty, as an occassion to the flesh.  But liberty to serve Christ out of love, not bondage.  Hallelujah!  And it is due, in no small part, to Brent and Suzie (among others: Kirk and Lynda Cessareti and Eric and Loretta Buchmann) for not taking the easy way, but standing for the truth and wanting the truth to come to light.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.  

The wonderful thing is, I know with as much gratitude as we are extending the the human vessels whom God used for the deliverance of his people, Brent and Suzie will give all the glory to the one who truly deserves it, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: Nancy Newswander March 25, 2003, 01:53:52 AM
Dear Brent and Suzie:
I started reading your posts on the Rick Ross web-site back when people who read that site were labeled as weak and divisive.  The creation of helped me to become more vocal and bold about my concerns and questions that had been brewing in my head and heart for several years.  As a result of your courage and boldness, the scales fell off my eyes, and I finally knew that I needed to take responsibility for myself and leave the assembly.  Thank you so very much for being willing to be God's vessels to bring light to a very dark place.  

Although I had believed that leaving wouldn't be as traumatic as those who have left in years past, I have experienced, and am still experiencing being treated as an enemy by those with whom I believed the Lord for, and labored with, for 27 years.  This type of treatment by those who I once considered my closest friends (supposedly, closer than family) has given me a tiny glimpse into what you have borne while standing for the truth.  And again, I say thank you.

May the Lord richly bless you for all of your service to His precious flock.  

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: editor March 25, 2003, 02:09:03 AM
Thank you all so much for your kind words!   :)

Suzie and I really appreciate it.  I can't tell you how glad I am that the website is able to help all of you.

I really think that the new direction the website will take will be even more of a blessing, and I look forward to the changes.  I'll still be here, and elsewhere, posting as usual.  In fact, now that I have WAY more time, I can perhaps think a little before I post, which should help the clarity and tone of whatever I write.

I don't have much patience for Geftakys-think,  but now that I'm not responding to so much mail and phone calls every day, perhaps I can learn a little more patience.


: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: Joe Sperling March 25, 2003, 07:14:43 AM

I just read your farewell article on the website. I remember posting back on the Rick Ross website when you were talking about starting a website. There were only a few people posting at Rick Ross at that time. It is truly amazing how the Lord used you and your wife to raise up that Website. It started as a small stream and grew into a raging river of Grace that totally overthrew anything in it's way! And yet, while overthrowing many that same river was healing many many people with it's water of life. I am truly thankful to the Lord for using you Brent, in such a mighty way.

That awful system has been torn down and many people freed from bondage. As always, the Lord doesn't do anything to benefit only one person---he always does things that benefit the most people. The website and this bulletin board have truly been blessings to many people.

Brent--all the best to you in all of your endeavors, and may God continue to bless you.

sincerely,  Joe

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: Tanya March 26, 2003, 09:46:21 AM
Brent & Suzie:
Thank you for being courageous when none of us were. Thank you for standing for the truth when none of us would.
Thank you for using your time & resources to help people who were trapped by an abusive system.
Thank you for being real friends, both in & out of the assembly.  You've been there for us at all hours & we are glad to know you guys. We love you.
Aaron & Tanya

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: His Kid March 26, 2003, 12:02:06 PM
Brent and Suzi,

Thank you seems insufficient for the risk you took and the courage you displayed by starting the GA website.  Even though I had been out of the assembly for many years, this website helped me to heal in ways that I didn't even realize I needed. Thank you!!!

May God bless  you and your family richly,

Ava Steaffens

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: BeckyW March 26, 2003, 08:45:28 PM
Dear Brent and Suzi,
We've said it before, but we'll say it again. Thank you for being willing to be misunderstood, and even attacked, for telling the truth about the geftakys assemblies.  The anger shown towards you just illustrates the sickness of a system that controls through silence, intimidation and the rejection of those who have the courage to speak out.
Thank you for providing a forum for all those brave souls who put their testimonies on that web site.  They opened our eyes.
Far from being bitter, we are just extremely grateful, to each of them, and to you.
Phill and Becky

: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: Gordon March 27, 2003, 03:30:57 AM
Now, Aragorn -- you can retire with your princess.

That sword is a worthy reminder of what this life is be dangerous for Good.

Watch out for the little Hobbits, they do get around alot.
I can't believe one of them is doing b-ball.


: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: editor March 27, 2003, 03:35:51 AM
Thanks Gordon!   :)

The sword you gave me---the most honorable gift I ever received---is in my room and greets me daily.  I just hope Suzie doesn't ever really lose her temper....
 ::) ::)


: Re:Brent's Retirement Party
: TGarisek March 27, 2003, 08:57:55 AM
To add my plaudits seems redundant (and late) at this point but it's obvious that you were used by God. You honored Him. That is something that should give you strength when you are tried. You can say of a truth, if He used me then He can use me NOW and get encouragement in time of need.

What a legacy to be able to say that God truely used me for good.  I'm sure the Geftakys clan would like to say that but alas, the legacy is darkness and failure. What a shame for them.

Rejoice, and thank you - thank God for you!

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