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Author Topic: The God Grab Bag  (Read 184588 times)
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2005, 09:20:19 am »

Thank you, Marty, for your post and compliment. Like you, I prefer " a doctrinal infant with the humility of Christ over intellectual arrogance." In fact, I believe that intellectual arrogance is completely non-conducive to the child-like faith that the Lord craves from us. In many ways, children love people unconditionally until they are "taught" to hate others, so I do believe that abounding love is an essential element of child-like faith. Another aspect of child-like faith is the ability to be taught, entreated, disciplined, etc, without the pride that comes when an adult corrects another adult.  Whereas feelings of resentment and pride arise when an adult corrects another adult, a child expects it from an adult and thus takes correction far more humbly. Perhaps that is one reason that children learn faster than adults?

I would ask Verne to consider this when he has been entreated by multiple people rather than launching himself into defense mode.


Frank, this is starting to taste like warmed over oatmeal.
If there is a topic to discuss, then demonstrate to us what you actually mean.

Verne probably suffers from ADD and needs a dose of ritalin or something to calm him down. Huh
Frank, if you read all of Verne's recent posts you might recollect that he explained that his intent was not to jab at Dave.

How did you guys survive the assembly??  What a bunch of touchy sensitive individuals.  And talk about using verses and biblical principles to support your argument. Shocked

BTW strong language is reserved for hypocrisy, regardless of who is guilty, and regardless if it reminds us of our assembly days.


« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2005, 10:16:36 am »

Frank, this is starting to taste like warmed over oatmeal.
If there is a topic to discuss, then demonstrate to us what you actually mean.

Verne probably suffers from ADD and needs a dose of ritalin or something to calm him down. Huh
Frank, if you read all of Verne's recent posts you might recollect that he explained that his intent was not to jab at Dave.

How did you guys survive the assembly??  What a bunch of touchy sensitive individuals.  And talk about using verses and biblical principles to support your argument. Shocked

BTW strong language is reserved for hypocrisy, regardless of who is guilty, and regardless if it reminds us of our assembly days.


I don't care to argue these points, 2ram.  Are you sure you are not 2ram and Verne?  You sound the same, but please forgive if my guess is wrong.  It feels a little funny to dialog with someone who is both people.   Huh 



« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2005, 11:02:23 am »

Certainly a greatly sanitized reportage of that annual event Chuck. I suspect most of the posters on this thread know little or nothing about this (witness the hand-wringing and lamenting over anyone daring to talk about
God judging people  Smiley). I understand the delicacy fully. I guess such things are not to be even named among believers. Informative and relevant post. My...but you are subtle... Smiley


I copied a couple of interesting emails sent to the website of the infamous event:

From: "itsme again" <>
To: <>
Subject: Hurricanes
Date: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 2:16 PM

"Wow! First Frances in 2004 in Tampa killed your Pride party (and hurt your advertising coffers) and now Katrina wipes out your other one>>> I hate to see what God does for "Strike-Three"
Please dont schedule a Southern Decadence party in my town.
(Rancho Cucamonga Ca)

Thank you.
Proverbs 3:5&6"

From: "Allison Hamff" <>
To: <>
Subject: Rescheduling
Date: Sunday, September 04, 2005 4:31 PM

"When does your filthy group of freaks plan to reschedule the decadence
festival in another city so that it can then be destroyed as well? I'm sure
any upcoming cities that you are considering would appreciate knowing.

Interesting, eh?

Compare the mayor of N.O. to the new mayor we have in the next-door town who is involved in a legal battle trying to prevent a local restaurant from reverting back to its striptease show.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2005, 04:55:45 pm by moonflower » Logged
al Hartman

« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2005, 04:55:09 pm »

Isn't it remarkable how all of us can non-judgmentally say for certain what the attitudes of all the others really are?!!  Our "love" enables us to pick out and name the hypocrites whose "love" isn't real (we can tell, because their "love" has picked out and named us, and that couldn't be right Shocked Roll Eyes).

If the use of Scripture is ruled out, by what is any of us to know the truth?  If our dialogue is to contain only personal observation and opinion, we will soon devolve into universalists, believing that one way to "god" is as good as the next, and that many gods are valid.

None of us needs consider either Scripture or the familiar words and phrases of our pasts need to be mandatory reading-- if we don't like them, we can simply ignore them.  But should we suggest that they be withheld from everyone simply because of our personal tastes, feelings or prejudices?  Is an individual's "readiness" to hear to be the guide by which others may speak, and if so, how is the speaker to know the state of the hearer?  Such guidelines may be better suited to two-party conversations than to public discussion among people of widely-varied viewpoints...

Warmed-again oatmeal can seem like a banquet to those who are truly hungry.  Should we deny them that nourishment because we feel full?

What most of us are saying is, "Make it comfortable for me, then it will be right for everyone," because deep in our hearts each of us knows that no one understands better than I do, and nobody knows the trouble I've seen.

Tolerance, acceptance and respect are necessities of life, but for the Christian (whatever his/her stage of spiritual development) there must be lines that are not to be crossed.  How are they to be determined if not by God's Word?  Not the Bible as administered by men alone, but taught to each of us by the Holy Spirit.  And how are we to come by such teaching unless we ask God for it?

Dare we admit to ourselves that a public forum such as this board cannot be perfect; will never be comfortable for everyone?  We may create that illusion by driving away all who disagree with us, but that will not make it true (as assy veterans probably remember).  True humility is the only solution to personal peace, and we do not have it within us to develop personal humility or peace, except as we grow up into Christ (it is our faith that is to be childlike, not our behavior).

If we cannot (read: will not; refuse to) tolerate the use of underscoring, bold print, certain language, we may fare better in a monastery or a nunnery (I'm sure there are several who would love to see me take a vow of silence Wink Grin).

It would be absurd for me to say, "Let's get real," or "Get over yourself and get on with your life," because that is exactly what every poster on this board is doing-- each in our own way!

One of the greatest wonders of life is that we are each exclusively individual in our physical, mental and emotional composition, and yet we can share a common redemption and faith in Jesus Christ.  This is not merely experiential, but it is reality, whether we sense the experience of it or not.

By the way, the Bible doesn't ask us, "Are you rejoicing, Brother/Sister?"  It simply tells us to rejoice in the Lord always (because we can![/b]).  The Bible's purpose isn't to put us on the spot, but to show us our deliverance from "the spot" in Christ.

Thanks, Chuck, for returning us momentarily to the original point of this thread; Verne, for your acknowledgement of same; Moonflower for your addenda.

God bless all here (sing whatever you choose, or not... Wink),

P.S.-- Believe it or not, I have edited this post over a dozen times for the sake of universal acceptability, but it will not be universally accepted...  That's OK! Smiley Smiley Smiley
« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2005, 05:08:30 pm »

Isn't it remarkable how all of us can non-judgmentally say for certain what the attitudes of all the others really are?!!  Our "love" enables us to pick out and name the hypocrites whose "love" isn't real (we can tell, because their "love" has picked out and named us, and that couldn't be right Shocked Roll Eyes).

A word of advice my friend. There are some folk who come on the BB not to engage in serious discussion and exchange of ideas. The come here beause they have a chip of some sort on their shoulder and want to take to task someone whose style, not what is actuallly stated, they find offensive.
They then use their assembly-acquired courage and discernment to start lecturing  others about how to speak.
Watch out when they start making public statements about "entreaty by many people" , i.e mob action.
No material contribution to any ongoing discussion, just taking pot-shots at other folks.
Some of these hapless folk find the notion that others may disagree with their point of view so strange that the have no recourse but to accuse such opposing opinions as coming from the same person, namely me. ( a quite revealing accusation frankly which confirms something I suspected)
Al don't wast your time. There are losts of really interesting things to tallk about.   Smiley
« Last Edit: September 08, 2005, 05:13:51 pm by VerneCarty » Logged
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2005, 05:44:13 pm »

A word of advice my friend. There are some folk who come on the BB not to engage in serious discussion and exchange of ideas. The come here beause they have a chip of some sort on their shoulder and want to take to task someone whose style, not what is actuallly stated, they find offensive.
They then use their assembly-acquired courage and discernment to start lecturing  others about how to speak.
Watch out when they start making public statements about "entreaty by many people" , i.e mob action.
No material contribution to any ongoing discussion, just taking pot-shots at other folks.
Some of these hapless folk find the notion that others may disagree with their point of view so strange that the have no recourse but to accuse such opposing opinions as coming from the same person, namely me. ( a quite revealing accusation frankly which confirms something I suspected)
Al don't wast your time. There are losts of really interesting things to tallk about.   Smiley

Things are different now, but when I had to dialogue with teens it was the same kind of thing.  We would get so far off track on the point being discussed because I was a hypocrite and I had raised my voice and I had etc. etc. etc.  My kids do not do that any more because they have matured and we can actually talk and communicate with each other.

It is no wonder that the assembly continued for as long as it did.  With the Franks and the Martys and just mes etc. afraid to voice their opinion unless they can clear the decks of any 'conflicting' voice, it never did happen.  In my experience, the only effective approach to help people out of assembly bondage has been the straightforward upfront one.  Those who avoid discussion with an opposing point of view run the risk of not growing up and of creating a mini-cult of their own.  I've seen it happen in families where a number of the family member rise up to 'protect' one family member and ignore the voice of another member just because they have a bone to pick with that one.

BTW Frank, for your benefit, and any other's as well, I specifically stated on my profile that I am a female, so as not to be mistaken for any of the male posters.

« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2005, 05:47:04 pm »

I copied a couple of interesting emails sent to the website of the infamous event:

From: "itsme again" <>
To: <>
Subject: Hurricanes
Date: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 2:16 PM

"Wow! First Frances in 2004 in Tampa killed your Pride party (and hurt your advertising coffers) and now Katrina wipes out your other one>>> I hate to see what God does for "Strike-Three"
Please dont schedule a Southern Decadence party in my town.
(Rancho Cucamonga Ca)

Thank you.
Proverbs 3:5&6"

From: "Allison Hamff" <>
To: <>
Subject: Rescheduling
Date: Sunday, September 04, 2005 4:31 PM

"When does your filthy group of freaks plan to reschedule the decadence
festival in another city so that it can then be destroyed as well? I'm sure
any upcoming cities that you are considering would appreciate knowing.

Interesting, eh?

Compare the mayor of N.O. to the new mayor we have in the next-door town who is involved in a legal battle trying to prevent a local restaurant from reverting back to its striptease show.


Is it not interesting that one of the things that Scriptures teaches about love, is that increasing iniquity results in its diminishment? 
Some if the most unholy peole are the first to start bleating about "hate" when opposed.
The word love has become totally perverted in the vernacular of so many and is now equated with indulgence.
"unloving", "unkind" - nice weapons in the argument for allowing folks to remain sleeping in a burning makes one literally sick...
« Last Edit: September 08, 2005, 06:32:50 pm by VerneCarty » Logged
« Reply #52 on: September 08, 2005, 06:44:30 pm »

Things are different now, but when I had to dialogue with teens it was the same kind of thing.  We would get so far off track on the point being discussed because I was a hypocrite and I had raised my voice and I had etc. etc. etc.  My kids do not do that any more because they have matured and we can actually talk and communicate with each other.

It is no wonder that the assembly continued for as long as it did.  With the Franks and the Martys and just mes etc. afraid to voice their opinion unless they can clear the decks of any 'conflicting' voice, it never did happen.  In my experience, the only effective approach to help people out of assembly bondage has been the straightforward upfront one.  Those who avoid discussion with an opposing point of view run the risk of not growing up and of creating a mini-cult of their own.  I've seen it happen in families where a number of the family member rise up to 'protect' one family member and ignore the voice of another member just because they have a bone to pick with that one.

Jem disagreed with my approach and told me so directly.
While I did not appreciate the reference to my good friend Tom Maddux as a "tyrant",  I responded to her politely and even agreed with her and clarifed what I had stated. Her criticism was by an large mature and reasonable.
Dave Sable, a man I respect did not take offense. Had what he said been said by others I would have probably ignored it, and ususally do. My clarification and apology should have been the end of it, especially after Dave's post, except of course for those with an agenda. But you get my drift.

BTW Frank, for your benefit, and any other's as well, I specifically stated on my profile that I am a female, so as not to be mistaken for any of the male posters.


That was a cheap shot from a guilty conscience...and "she" can quote thing you know you will be referred to as a "groupie" for your viewpoint  Smiley
« Last Edit: September 08, 2005, 06:51:50 pm by VerneCarty » Logged
Recovering Saint

« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2005, 08:32:35 pm »

Hello Everyone

WWJD What would Jesus do. The Bible is the only authoritative book on that so we need to check what we believe and say with that.

HOWEVER it is obvious to me that the filters I have and the filters you have cause me to see even the Word of God in different ways. Some filters are protective some are defensive some are just our way of avoiding the truth.

When someone is ready for strong meat they will eat it. Otherwise we only choke them with it.

The most important thing I strive for in my posts is to mark the obstacles to enjoying Christ that I encountered. To encourage where possible those who want to turn to Jesus and to point people to Him when they are content in their sin because only the Holy Spirit is able to convince them of sin.

All this discussion of love is interesting. Rom 13 paraphrase says Love does not harm others.


« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2005, 09:02:21 pm »


There is nothing wrong with sharing Bible verses (of course not), and using little fortune cookie sounding phrases in a discussion, if we are going to talk about right/wrong.  Doesn't it bog down the conversation though?   People are tired of jargon.  Why not BE that verse you want to preach?  Be kind.  Be loving.  Be faithful.  ETC.  People are tired of being taught "the Bible."  

God is Good.  In sharing a perspective of goodness and being good is good enough.  It is not necessary to always say, "God is Good and Holy and Perfect and Mighty"...and then almost break into song.  That is an assembly meeting, is it not?  Besides, there are threads for "doctrine" where you expect heavier stuff.

Children just talk about stuff.  Personally, I would like to talk about things like regular people do.  If I want to write a book, then I might want to put a bunch of verses in there and say "Praise God" and things like that.

1 Cor 13 "Love believes all things."  It doesn't say that "Love says and preaches all things."  Demonstration is more powerful than verses.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2005, 09:24:31 pm by frank » Logged
« Reply #55 on: September 08, 2005, 10:00:04 pm »

Those who avoid discussion with an opposing point of view run the risk of not growing up and of creating a mini-cult of their own

Jem disagreed with my approach and told me so directly.
While I did not appreciate the reference to my good friend Tom Maddux as a "tyrant",  I responded to her politely and even agreed with her and clarifed what I had stated. Her criticism was by an large mature and reasonable.
Dave Sable, a man I respect did not take offense. Had what he said been said by others I would have probably ignored it, and ususally do. My clarification and apology should have been the end of it, especially after Dave's post, except of course for those with an agenda. But you get my drift.

That was a cheap shot from a guilty conscience...and "she" can quote thing you know you will be referred to as a "groupie" for your viewpoint  Smiley

I get your drift re. your clarification and apology to Dave.

However, when I read that you do not appreciate -ve comments about TomM, I was reminded of Jeff L's supporting Dave G, even in the face of DG's abusive behavior, just because DG was the local LLB and George's son at that.

I suspect that there is some validity to those who claim that the BB has become a mini-cult of its own.  People are unable to see what's staring them in the face because of loyalties and friendships and supporting the LPs.  From lurking and from reading, it is my opinion that Tom is arrogant.

I looked up the meaning of "groupie" on
1.  A fan, especially a young woman, who follows a rock group around on tours.
2.  An enthusiastic supporter or follower: a ballet groupie; a fashion groupie.

And to end this post, here is a quote off the BB:
 "A pack of jackasses led by a lion will easily defeat a pack of lions led by a jackass."  General George Washington

« Reply #56 on: September 08, 2005, 10:03:36 pm »


There is nothing wrong with sharing Bible verses (of course not), and using little fortune cookie sounding phrases in a discussion, if we are going to talk about right/wrong.  Doesn't it bog down the conversation though?   People are tired of jargon.  Why not BE that verse you want to preach?  Be kind.  Be loving.  Be faithful.  ETC.  People are tired of being taught "the Bible."  

God is Good.  In sharing a perspective of goodness and being good is good enough.  It is not necessary to always say, "God is Good and Holy and Perfect and Mighty"...and then almost break into song.  That is an assembly meeting, is it not?  Besides, there are threads for "doctrine" where you expect heavier stuff.

Children just talk about stuff.  Personally, I would like to talk about things like regular people do.  If I want to write a book, then I might want to put a bunch of verses in there and say "Praise God" and things like that.

1 Cor 13 "Love believes all things."  It doesn't say that "Love says and preaches all things."  Demonstration is more powerful than verses.


I've been here before.  I can understand why this sort of thing can get out of hand, and I know a good deal about the Assembly, and know quite a few ex-members.

I'm not sure this will do any good, but let me try:

(sound of playground whistle heard)

Children!  Stop it!  Go stand in the corner, and I don't want another word!

"Frank," is trying to encourage you all to behave as if you have a child-like faith.  If that were the case, you would act like reasonable adults.  I think some of you are taking her advice, but are merely acting like children, missing the "faith" implication.

Let me say, if your ambition is to completely discredit and embarass yourselves, you're doing a bang up job. 

Here's a view of the asylum using the security cameras:

In one part of the room are a bunch of scared, confused people, who want to feel better, but who ignore the doctor and listen instead to other inmates who pretend to be doctors.

One of these would-be doctors thinks he's a theologian.  Another thinks he's a spiritual warrior.  Yet another thinks he's a kind, wise, old grandfather.  They really think that, but in reality they're all crazy.

Every now and then a psychologist comes in to check on people.  She identifies certain behaviors and the inmates ignore her or take whatever she says and apply it to everyone else.

In another part of the room, sits a man who has scratched all the hair off of his face and eyebrows.  However, when he speaks he sounds reasonable and together.  He's polite and softspoken, as he says insightful and reasonable things...yet he too is in the asylum, the same as the others.

Then there is one woman, sitting alone, who copies articles out of magazines, and then copies the copies, and then goes around making everyone read what she has written.

If a new worker comes in and trys to help, the inmates swarm around and grope, pet, poke, threaten and irritate the poor worker. 

This is the online equivalent of a horror movie!

You people need to seriously consider abandoning this whole charade.  There are many good reasons for doing so:

1.)You never discuss anything that actually matters much
2.)Whatever help this forum once provided---and it was useful at one time---has dried up completely.
3.)It makes you all look like fools.  I'd be quite embarrassed to be posting here under my real name.  Seriously, it would greatly hamper my work. 
5.)It's good for people who have had horrendous trouble with dysfunctional relationships to distance themselves from the people they once clung to.  (Like alcoholics not conversing about drinking with other alchoholics.  It's healthy and right to have relationships that aren't based on a mutual past that was abusive and wrong.)
6.)A normal person will soon go crazy if they get locked into a nuthouse!  None of you are imprisoned here, please think about walking outside and getting some sunlight, fresh air, and better food!

Lest any of you say,  "I have plenty of good relationships!  This is just one aspect of my life!"  I beg to differ with regard to the regular posters!

It is obvious that this forum is a very important, even central aspect of your lives, especially in the emotional sense. 

Think about it.  Consider it.  Put away childish things.  Stop all this now.

I would ask that several of you NOT pray about it.  There is no telling how confused you could become if you began to pray and read the bible to think your way out of this.

lurker---oh, yes.  I'm not going to be a regular poster.  The last thing I would want to do is encourage anyone to become dependent on this forum, and I certainly don't want anyone new showing up.


« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2005, 10:18:49 pm »

I've been here before.  I can understand why this sort of thing can get out of hand, and I know a good deal about the Assembly, and know quite a few ex-members.

I'm not sure this will do any good, but let me try:

(sound of playground whistle heard)

Children!  Stop it!  Go stand in the corner, and I don't want another word!

"Frank," is trying to encourage you all to behave as if you have a child-like faith.  If that were the case, you would act like reasonable adults.  I think some of you are taking her advice, but are merely acting like children, missing the "faith" implication.

Let me say, if your ambition is to completely discredit and embarass yourselves, you're doing a bang up job. 

Here's a view of the asylum using the security cameras:

In one part of the room are a bunch of scared, confused people, who want to feel better, but who ignore the doctor and listen instead to other inmates who pretend to be doctors.

One of these would-be doctors thinks he's a theologian.  Another thinks he's a spiritual warrior.  Yet another thinks he's a kind, wise, old grandfather.  They really think that, but in reality they're all crazy.

Every now and then a psychologist comes in to check on people.  She identifies certain behaviors and the inmates ignore her or take whatever she says and apply it to everyone else.

In another part of the room, sits a man who has scratched all the hair off of his face and eyebrows.  However, when he speaks he sounds reasonable and together.  He's polite and softspoken, as he says insightful and reasonable things...yet he too is in the asylum, the same as the others.

Then there is one woman, sitting alone, who copies articles out of magazines, and then copies the copies, and then goes around making everyone read what she has written.

If a new worker comes in and trys to help, the inmates swarm around and grope, pet, poke, threaten and irritate the poor worker. 

This is the online equivalent of a horror movie!

You people need to seriously consider abandoning this whole charade.  There are many good reasons for doing so:

1.)You never discuss anything that actually matters much
2.)Whatever help this forum once provided---and it was useful at one time---has dried up completely.
3.)It makes you all look like fools.  I'd be quite embarrassed to be posting here under my real name.  Seriously, it would greatly hamper my work. 
5.)It's good for people who have had horrendous trouble with dysfunctional relationships to distance themselves from the people they once clung to.  (Like alcoholics not conversing about drinking with other alchoholics.  It's healthy and right to have relationships that aren't based on a mutual past that was abusive and wrong.)
6.)A normal person will soon go crazy if they get locked into a nuthouse!  None of you are imprisoned here, please think about walking outside and getting some sunlight, fresh air, and better food!

Lest any of you say,  "I have plenty of good relationships!  This is just one aspect of my life!"  I beg to differ with regard to the regular posters!

It is obvious that this forum is a very important, even central aspect of your lives, especially in the emotional sense. 

Think about it.  Consider it.  Put away childish things.  Stop all this now.

I would ask that several of you NOT pray about it.  There is no telling how confused you could become if you began to pray and read the bible to think your way out of this.

lurker---oh, yes.  I'm not going to be a regular poster.  The last thing I would want to do is encourage anyone to become dependent on this forum, and I certainly don't want anyone new showing up.

Yes, Parent, but the battle for Middle Earth has just begun! Can't I stay for just a little while longer?

Please, oh, please.

Little Child

« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2005, 10:23:51 pm »

Hello, Lurker! You sound oddly like a former poster we used to know named Brent. If he knew you were on board, I'm sure he'd be back here in two snaps of a gnats wing, 'cuz you two would have so much in common. I want to disagree with you, though. I've said this before, on the BP thread, but it was ignored, as usual  Wink. Why not let the new generation of post-Assemblyites take over this board for awhile? I mean, top posters, like Brent, Verne, Al, Tom have logged literally days--24 hour days--on here. People who've been out of the Ass'y for more than 2.5 years have had a chance to sort things out, and we have a life, for cryin' out loud. We don't need to hang around here. But folks like Elizabeth do. They need the chance to talk among themselves without us know-it-alls. They're asking for that chance. Can't we give it to them?
« Reply #59 on: September 08, 2005, 10:33:05 pm »

I've been here before.  I can understand why this sort of thing can get out of hand, and I know a good deal about the Assembly, and know quite a few ex-members.

I'm not sure this will do any good, but let me try:

(sound of playground whistle heard)

Children!  Stop it!  Go stand in the corner, and I don't want another word!

"Frank," is trying to encourage you all to behave as if you have a child-like faith.  If that were the case, you would act like reasonable adults.  I think some of you are taking her advice, but are merely acting like children, missing the "faith" implication.

Let me say, if your ambition is to completely discredit and embarass yourselves, you're doing a bang up job. 

Here's a view of the asylum using the security cameras:

In one part of the room are a bunch of scared, confused people, who want to feel better, but who ignore the doctor and listen instead to other inmates who pretend to be doctors.

One of these would-be doctors thinks he's a theologian.  Another thinks he's a spiritual warrior.  Yet another thinks he's a kind, wise, old grandfather.  They really think that, but in reality they're all crazy.

Every now and then a psychologist comes in to check on people.  She identifies certain behaviors and the inmates ignore her or take whatever she says and apply it to everyone else.

In another part of the room, sits a man who has scratched all the hair off of his face and eyebrows.  However, when he speaks he sounds reasonable and together.  He's polite and softspoken, as he says insightful and reasonable things...yet he too is in the asylum, the same as the others.

Then there is one woman, sitting alone, who copies articles out of magazines, and then copies the copies, and then goes around making everyone read what she has written.

If a new worker comes in and trys to help, the inmates swarm around and grope, pet, poke, threaten and irritate the poor worker. 

This is the online equivalent of a horror movie!

You people need to seriously consider abandoning this whole charade.  There are many good reasons for doing so:

1.)You never discuss anything that actually matters much
2.)Whatever help this forum once provided---and it was useful at one time---has dried up completely.
3.)It makes you all look like fools.  I'd be quite embarrassed to be posting here under my real name.  Seriously, it would greatly hamper my work. 
5.)It's good for people who have had horrendous trouble with dysfunctional relationships to distance themselves from the people they once clung to.  (Like alcoholics not conversing about drinking with other alchoholics.  It's healthy and right to have relationships that aren't based on a mutual past that was abusive and wrong.)
6.)A normal person will soon go crazy if they get locked into a nuthouse!  None of you are imprisoned here, please think about walking outside and getting some sunlight, fresh air, and better food!

Lest any of you say,  "I have plenty of good relationships!  This is just one aspect of my life!"  I beg to differ with regard to the regular posters!

It is obvious that this forum is a very important, even central aspect of your lives, especially in the emotional sense. 

Think about it.  Consider it.  Put away childish things.  Stop all this now.

I would ask that several of you NOT pray about it.  There is no telling how confused you could become if you began to pray and read the bible to think your way out of this.

lurker---oh, yes.  I'm not going to be a regular poster.  The last thing I would want to do is encourage anyone to become dependent on this forum, and I certainly don't want anyone new showing up.

Thank you lurker.  You are right on with this.

There is only one thing I want to know, in your BigPicture which one am I Wink?

« Last Edit: September 08, 2005, 10:35:57 pm by 2ram » Logged
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