
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : Bluejay March 01, 2003, 01:30:56 AM

: Tim Geftakys is Still A Fraud
: Bluejay March 01, 2003, 01:30:56 AM
After my original post yesterday (See Tim Geftakys is a Fraud), a gentleman posted something along the lines that I was being negative and should basically shut up.  I must say that for a good 5 or 10 seconds, my feelings were "really" hurt.

I still cannot get over the fact that people are still listening to this guy Tim Geftakys preach.  The only reason that this guy ever was elevated to the position that he was was because of his father.

Can you say nepotism???

If his name was Tim Whatever and not Tim Geftakys, he never would have been in a position of leadership.  He was put in a position of authority not becase of his walk, but because he was George's son and could be used for the Geftakys families self serving purposes.

People wake up and be logical...If we agree that George's ministry was not the work of the Lord, and that George put people/puppets in positions of authority for the good of himself, then why would these people still be considered "fit to lead".  

Further, it was not the Lord's will that people like Tim, David, and a certain magician from Omaha should be paid staff, it was George's will.
Using common sense, if people for whatever reason still wanted to continue to meet in small groups, wouldn't the right thing to do be to start fresh and truly seek the Lord's direction who should be in positions of leadership???

It is simply damage control!!!  Tim and others are just laying low until they feel the time is right to connect the dots and start fresh.  How can he possibly justify preaching when the fact of the matter is he has been one of the main people in a fraudulent work.  

I just don't want anyone down the road to have to ever go through this nonsense again -  Particularly innocent young children and teenagers.  People like Tim Geftakys have about as much business influencing the lives of people as Steve Lavin does as being the head  basketball coach at UCLA.

Side Note:  UCLA basketball is terrible this year.


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