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Author Topic: "Deprogrammed" -- Brian Steele's Exit from Santa Barbara  (Read 12981 times)

« on: February 01, 2003, 01:10:26 pm »

I was involved with the Santa Barbara Assembly from 1990 to 1992.  I was saved via a "Studies in the Old and New Testament" Bible study on the UCSB campus.  During my two years with the saints, my parents were increasingly alarmed at my personality change and distance I put between myself and them.  Though I was truly saved at UCSB, I experienced the heavy manipulation and control common to those on this site.  My exit, however, is likely uncommon.  Because my parents "refused to loose", they took a very active role in helping me leave.  These efforts began with "voluntary interventions".  I agreed to meet with an ex-Assembly member (Dennis Patrick) to have some sense talked into me.  Alas, to no avail.  I agreed to meet with a San Francisco pastor who had experience with cults.  Alas, to no avail.  I read Enroth's book, "Churches that Abuse" at my parents insistence.  Alas....  I met all of this information with a very closed mind and was quite sure that Satan was using my family to deceive me and try lead me away from the "HEAVENLY VISION" (insert the sound of singing angels and harps here).  During this time, literally, my mom's hair went gray and I put she and my dad through much grief.  God bless them, though, they never gave up!!!!  As a last resort and at much personal risk, my parents decided to hire an international cult expert, Rick Ross, to perform an "involuntary intervention" or deprogramming.  

Having graduated from UCSB in 1992, I was heading to Western Washington University to start a new "Studies in the Old and New Testament" on campus and recruit students for the fledgling Lynnwood Assembly near Seattle.  I had a tremendous send off and commissioning from the SB saints.  I was to go to Seattle for a Mission Training Team under the leadership of Tim.  My parents, however, had a different plan.  They asked me to take a short visit home on my way to Seattle.  I reluctantly agreed.  While at home, I was driving with my Dad and he said, "Brian, let's take a quick stop at your uncle's house to help him install a new entertainment system."  Ok, no problem.

When I got to my uncles house, all of my family was there pluse three people I didn't know.  One was Rick Ross, the other two were huge, hulking guys (picture football linemen!)  My parents explained that they brought Rick here to help me understand that the Assembly was an unhealthy church.  I agreed to listen to him for a while, all the while thinking that this was yet just another attempt of Satan to distract me from the "TESTAMONY TO JESUS" (again, insert sounds of angels, and, if you want, throw in a couple of golden candlesticks for good measure!)  After listening to Rick talk for about an hour, I had to relieve myself in the bathroom.  When I got up to go, Big Guy #1 got in front of me and Big Guy #2 got behind me and walked me to the bathroom.  At this moment, I knew that I was no longer in Kansas.  Having finished my business, and, being escorted back to the room by the Big Guys, I exploded!!! "What is this?" I yelled.  Rick explained that I _would_ listen to _everything_ he had to tell me about cults in general, and the Assembly in particular.  I was furious.  After calming down and letting the steam waft out of my nose and ears, I took stock of the situation:

1)  They took my shoes and wallet that I left on the floor
2)  They moved heavy furniture infront of the doors and windows.
3)  They nailed the windows shut.
4)  I was thoroughly outnumbered 10 to 1; 7 family members, 1 deprogrammer, 2 Big Guys.

Mind you, though I consider my brain to have been thoroughly turned to mush from my assembly involvement, I wasn't completely stupid at this point.  I knew that I had no chance of escape.  I resigned to hear them out. I asked how long it would take.  The answer, "As long as it takes..."

Well, it ended up taking 5 days before I finally could admit to myself that the assembly was a cult.  During this time I was never mistreated, sleep deprived or starved.  Quite the contrary, I ate like a king and was able to pace the discussion at  a comfortable rate.  Over the five days I was shown mounds of comparitive analysis between established, well-known cults and the practices of the Assembly.  As the evidence mounted, my critical thinking slowly kicked into gear and I realized that I had been manipulated.  The process was much like exercising an atrophied muscle.  My brain, having been in disuse for 2 years, took time to start functioning normally again.  It was also disconcerting recognizing the "Assembly Personality" that I'd adopted and trying to figure out who the "real me" was.  

Long story short, Rick was able to persuade me to leave. After the deprogramming I went to Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center in Ohio.  Wellspring is the only residential rehab center for cult victims in the world.  What a wonderful experience and blessing that was!!!! (Insert the real sound of an angelic choir here and CRANK IT UP!!!)  At Wellspring I was able to sort out the emotional and theological baggage (they are Christians but have clients from all manner of cults).  I learned about methods and mechanics of thought reform, "mind control", social manipulation, etc.  I feel that the two weeks at Wellspring shaved years off of my recovery process.

A year later I went back to Wellspring and volunteered for the summer.  During this time I devoured information about cults.  Having learned a truckload, I returned to Washington State and taught cult-eduction classes at numerous churches, youth groups and a few schools.  I often consider God to be in the manure business... He takes crap and makes wonderful, beautiful things grow out of it.  I've been able to help other family and friends of cult members and even participated in a successful intervention with Rick Ross for a Humbolt Assembly member (not as one of the Big Guys! I'm a weakling).

Some parting thoughts on deprogramming:

1) Many people have ethical problems with involuntary interventions.  These reservations are legitimate.  However I can't thank my parents enough for the risks and effort they took to get me out.  I grieve for people who spend decades of their lives in cults. I got out early and count myself to be fortunate.
2)  Had I not been deprogrammed, I would likely have recruited Washington students and entrapped them in the Lynnwood Assembly. I grieve for people I helped recruit into the Santa Barbara Assembly (a dorm mate in particular).  I'm thankful that the deprogramming minimized the destructive impact to others.

God bless you all.  I would love to discuss in more detail my experience with anybody.  Please contact me.

-Brian Steele
« Last Edit: February 02, 2003, 02:40:43 am by Brian_Steele » Logged
Mark C.

« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2003, 07:50:58 pm »

Hi Brian!
   I was just going through my old Assembly stuff and found the letter that you wrote to me years ago.  I thought at the time, "I wonder where Brian is and how he is doing?"
   I can see that you are doing very well!  It is great to have you on the site and I hope that you can stick around and be a help.  I guess you understand that the Assembly is in the process of change right now and that there are many confused folks who can use our help.
   Pray that the repentance is complete and recovery in grace just as complete.
                                     God Bless,  Mark Campbell

« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2003, 09:27:39 pm »

[quote author=Brian_Steele
1)  They took my shoes and wallet that I left on the floor
2)  They moved heavy furniture infront of the doors and windows.
3)  They nailed the windows shut.
4)  I was thoroughly outnumbered 10 to 1; 7 family members, 1 deprogrammer, 2 Big Guys.

Mind you, though I consider my brain to have been thoroughly turned to mush from my assembly involvement, I wasn't completely stupid at this point.  I knew that I had no chance of escape.  I resigned to hear them out. I asked how long it would take.  The answer, "As long as it takes..."

Well, it ended up taking 5 days before I finally could admit to myself that the assembly was a cult.  -Brian Steele

I wonder what the outcry would be on this site if the "assembly leadership" did this to someone.  The stories on this site come no where near this level of psychological onslaught.  Of course, I am not referring to the abuse suffered by Judy, Rachel, and Susan.

« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2003, 03:10:28 am »

As far as any claim to being a bruiser... all I have to say is that I wrestled as a freshman in high school in the "Under 100 pounds" weight class and lost _every_ match before the first round.    Grin

Back to the topic.  While the involuntary intervention process uses (potential) coersion and pressure tactics, the purpose is to provide the group member with information not allowed in the cult.  The end result of the coersion in a deprogramming is increase freedom, critical thinking, autonomy and restoration of one's true personality.  The result of coersion employeed by a cult is to decrease one's freedom, critical thinking ability, autonomy and to obliterate one's God-given personality.  If my parents requested a voluntary meeting with Rick Ross, I would not have participated and, likely would have spent untold additional years in the Assembly.  

The legal record of deprogramming has been mixed.  Some cases have been ruled in favor of the deprogrammer/parents, others have been ruled in favor of the cult member.  I believe that Rick Ross does not perform involuntary interventions any more due to the potential legal liablity.  

I do not endorse involuntary interventions in all circumstances for all people.  However, again, I'm grateful that this tactic was taken on my behalf.  Previous voluntary measures failed.  It was the price for my realizing the freedom I have in Christ and restoration of family connections.

I'm curiuos how many people would trade their decades under manipulative control and psychological abuse in the Assembly for just 5 days locked in a house with 2 Big Guys and a cult expert.

God Bless.
Mark C.

« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2003, 05:37:03 am »

Hi Brian and Other's:
  It is really hard to think that we were in a place that would need the kind of "exit counselling" that Brian participated in.  After all the Assembly is not a strange cult like the Children of God, Moonie's, Branch Davidian's, etc.---is it?
   This is a hard pill to swallow, but we need to at least think about it:  Does the Assembly act like any of the above groups?
   All the above groups' are authoritarian by design.  They have a charismatic leader that teaches that he has a special relationship with God; a special annointing; a representative of God's govt. on Earth!
   The above groups' tell their members that if they leave the group they are leaving the "light" and judgement will fall on their lives and their ministry will wither.
   The above groups have Leaders who live a hypocritical life; immorality is typical.  
    I have just started the list, and I'm sure we can think of others, but does anyone see some similarities between these wacko cults and the Assembly?
    Wait Mark!  These are Christians in this group!  some may say, and that is something to be considered, but all the more reason that we should seek to purge all the past practices that sound like the above groups'.
    I have been on other BB's for years that talk about cults and my experience there tells me that there isn't a whole lot of difference re. a person leaving a cult and one that has left the Assembly!  They all seem to suffer the same type of difficulties (This BB has given enough evidence of that!).
   I also chatted with the heir to the Branch Davidian pulpit ,after David Koresh's departure, and it reminded me very much of a conversation with GG (very arrogant and unentreatable).  Is the Assembly a cult?  Has it's practices mirrored cult's and harmed member's lives?  
  However you label the Assembly it was very evil!  The axe is laid to the root of the Assembly tree and we need to be humble and wise as we consider the Assembly past.  Again, this may be hard to take, but it is necessary medicine for a full repentance and recovery.
                                          God Bless,  Mark C.

« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2003, 06:12:06 am »


In answer to your question... My family (at least in part) was in the house at all times. Ocassionally somebody would duck in an out for food, supplies, etc...  Both my mom and dad were there constantly, my brother spent most of the time there, same with Uncle and a few others at different times.  I was consistently supported by them.  The deprogramming took a ton of advance planning on their part.  They cooked meals beforehand, removed all sharp objects, took the phone off the wall, nailed windows shut, etc...  But I was never left alone with the deprogramming team.  My family was involved from start to finish.  

Kimberley Tobin
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2003, 07:11:31 pm »

[quote author=Brian_Steele
1)  They took my shoes and wallet that I left on the floor
2)  They moved heavy furniture infront of the doors and windows.
3)  They nailed the windows shut.
4)  I was thoroughly outnumbered 10 to 1; 7 family members, 1 deprogrammer, 2 Big Guys.

Mind you, though I consider my brain to have been thoroughly turned to mush from my assembly involvement, I wasn't completely stupid at this point.  I knew that I had no chance of escape.  I resigned to hear them out. I asked how long it would take.  The answer, "As long as it takes..."

Well, it ended up taking 5 days before I finally could admit to myself that the assembly was a cult.  -Brian Steele

I wonder what the outcry would be on this site if the "assembly leadership" did this to someone.  The stories on this site come no where near this level of psychological onslaught.  Of course, I am not referring to the abuse suffered by Judy, Rachel, and Susan.

They did!  You probably don't even remember back to when you were first in the assembly.  One of the first tools they use is to get you away from the influence of your family and friends.  Ask your family and former friends what you were like the first 6 months to 3 years of your involvement.

My mom wasn't ALLOWED to see me for the first six months of my involvement.  I lived with a leading brother and his wife with a one year old daughter.  My mother would call and not be allowed to speak with me.  She would be told, "We'll tell her you called, we think it best that she not see or speak with you right now."  She didn't get to see her only granddaughter during this time, as well!  I was never told of the calls!

« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2003, 08:29:24 am »

Hi Brian!!  Thanks for your story.  You and I have many "links"--Washington state, geology, and UCSB.

But here's what I want to know (if you know...): were my eyes deceiving me or did I spot a Geftakys group on the campus of North Seattle Community College about two years ago?  

« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2003, 09:15:25 am »


It's entirely possible.  Last I heard there was a fledgling Assembly in Lynnwood.  However, this was quite a while ago.  They would likely choose the local college campuses to recruit people.   I don't know for sure.

Were you in the SB Assembly? If so, I'm curious to know if you've kept in contact with any of them.


« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2003, 10:26:13 am »

Scott Testa will be the "David Koresh" of what is left of the Geftakys group on the West Coast.

Mike Zach will become the same in the Midwest.

If you people had brains, you would leave.

« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2003, 09:40:47 pm »

Brian and Karen,

I recieved a response from someone when i mentioned i was
in seattle about 2 years ago. He wanted to get info on me, etc.
You know the recruitment thing. I was in Lake City at 145 St. NE
and Lake City Way. He said that they started in Lynnwood and then
moved to Shoreline. I think he deleted the posts. But for sure, the
geftakys system is in northern Seattle and Spokane. Hope this helps.

« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2003, 10:14:31 pm »

Brian and Karen,

Sorry i haven't figured out how to quote between two strings.
This is what I can offer:

Welcome Center / Why I Am Here  -  Poster: John1335

1/25/03  07:32:44  PM

    His name is Russ Pittman of Seattle

1/26/03  03:34:01  AM

    "Hi Rudy,

     We meet in Shoreline about very close to Lake City Way and 145th.
     We began in Lynnwood, migrated to Seattle, and now we meet
     in Shoreline.

     Where are you now ? "  Blah, Blah, Blah, etc.

Again, hope this helps; it's the best i could do.

Rudy K.

« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2003, 09:11:18 am »

Thanks for the info Rudy.  I haven't met any Assembly folk in Seattle.  But then I spend most of my time north of Seattle.  If there are any Washington members or ex-members who would like to meet with me and discuss these issues I would be glad to do so.  Please contact me.

-Brian Steele

« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2003, 01:40:04 pm »

But here's what I want to know (if you know...): were my eyes deceiving me or did I spot a Geftakys group on the campus of North Seattle Community College about two years ago?

You're observation was correct.

« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2003, 01:13:46 am »

Brian and Karen.

Without doubt, the assembly is on this site.
They removed the posts I hooked you up with.  Tongue

Have a nice day.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2003, 07:04:47 pm by Rudy » Logged
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