
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : Will Jones April 03, 2003, 09:11:07 AM

: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Will Jones April 03, 2003, 09:11:07 AM
Now that the Assembly is the thing of the past for many people, what do you think about inviting a TV into your home?  What could be the positive or negative affects of such an exposure to the mass media?  What kind of shows or movies do you think is OK for Christians to watch?  How many hours of TV do you watch?

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Heide April 03, 2003, 08:10:43 PM
TV's, good or bad? Internet, good or bad? When I came back to the assembly in 1998 I had a TV out in the open in the living room for all to see when they walked in the front door. No one ever bothered me about it but then I also had my mother living with me. I think it was one of those things that helped keep my mom more active, she watched mysteries all day. There is so much to find on TV, cooking shows, discovery channel, DIY network, I bet you can tell where I hang out! Is it good or bad? Sometimes I wish I didn't have one.... At least I can chose what I want to watch! Sitting in front of the TV all day? Can't afford to!

What programs are ok for christians to watch? I think that depends on you. I LOVE scary movies. What my tolerance is might not be what you can watch and vice versa. For people just coming out of the assembly I think Chocolat is a great movie. There are probably others.

Before I would let my kids (which I don't have any!) watch war footage I would explain why we are there and what happens in war, people get killed. I think parents ought to be watching their kids and practicing alittle censorship, just my opinion tho!


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: mkoley April 04, 2003, 12:17:53 AM
Sorry, I'm too busy watching Sportscenter.  I'll try to elaborate on this topic later.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Bluejay April 04, 2003, 12:29:59 AM
After much "deliberation" and "soul searching", I have decided to keep my television set fully equipped with digital cable (Gasp!!!) in my living room.  I know that watching ESPN, CNN, Fox Sports, sporting events and occassionally Seinfeld will probably "defile" me which will then in turn lead to my demise, but what the heck!

Now that the Assembly is the thing of the past for many people, what do you think about inviting a TV into your home?  What could be the positive or negative affects of such an exposure to the mass media?  What kind of shows or movies do you think is OK for Christians to watch?  How many hours of TV do you watch?

You can't live life by a recipe!!!  There has to be room for flexibility...a word not in the assembly dictionary.  I was talking to a guy at work who is a  Christian, and when he is struggling on a decision, he has one simple formula he uses...If Jesus Christ were in this room, would I be comfortable doing  "X".   So when watching a TV show, I guess this theory would make sense as well.  

TV is not bad.  TV can be educational, relaxing, and even God forbid - fun!!!

On the flip side, I thank my lucky stars that my parents limited the amount of TV I was able to watch.  I think that has helped me stay active and physically fit.  Not being allowed to sit and watch TV for four hours a day after school was a great thingfor me.  I am involved in athletics for a living, and it amazes me to see how inactive kids are these days unless they have a planned activity, such as a practice or a game.  Kids today have so many more distractions than we adults ever had...internet, video games, 8 million tv channels (or so it seems)...Its like pulling teeth to get the majority of high school athletes to do an individual shooting or ball handling workout because of all of these distractions.  

As far as how much TV is to much....Well like anything else, there has to be balance.  I just try to use TV as a last resort unless there is a game on I want to see or something I specifically want to see. There is just so much more to life than sitting in front of a television and I think it is so important to keep active.

This might be some sort of a new record for BlueJay...A somewhat intelligent post where Tim Geftakys wasn't bashed!!!

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Matt April 04, 2003, 12:43:56 AM
Yes, and if you live in San Diego, you might as well throw out your radios since the nearest Christian radio station is in LA, and shucks, we just don't get good reception here. You should also remove the attenna from your car so you won't be tempted to defile yourself.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Matt April 04, 2003, 01:37:00 AM
I like listening to an 'oldies' station when I am in the car; maybe it's because I'm old. We do have a Christian station here, which I also listen to.

Are you from San Diego too? Did you go to the assembly in SD? I don't remember who you are? Yes, we have KPRZ in San Marcos, but the reception is horrible south of the I-8 or east of the I-15. Oldies are ok...although, as I recall from someone in the assembly, the beatles are off limits! Listening to the doors is also a big "no-no." You might start worshipping Satan if you pop in the beatles and start listening: "I want to hold your hand..." racy stuff.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: jackhutchinson April 04, 2003, 03:27:16 AM
Here in SLO we didn't get harrassed by leadership for having TV's.  David G had one and a VCR for years, and he was a worker.  If you’ve been in an assembly for any length of time, lack of discipline is probably not your problem, but complicating simple issues is (kinda like the Amish).  Here’s my take.  If you want a TV:

1) Get a TV.
2) Watch as much TV as you want.  If you find you are watching so much that you are not taking care of your responsibilities (paying bills, interacting with other human beings, exercising, etc.), then cut back.
3) If you find that a particular show is causing you to have lustful thoughts, change the channel.

My favorite shows:

1) Modern Marvels (The History Channel) – gadgets and machinery galore!
2) Jay Leno (NBC)
3) CSI (on CBS) – a great crime show
4) 24 (on FX) – real-time suspense drama (not a reality TV show)
5) Planet’s Funniest Animals (on Animal Planet channel) – hilarious home videos of pets


1) Cool shows & sports (if you’re into sports)
2) You can watch those movies (not defiling ones) you never watched because you didn’t want to get a lecture
3) You can watch great Christian movies available for purchase from
4) If you want Christian programming (some is really bad, but some is good), you can get SkyAngel satellite service


1) You can spend a lot of time watching
2) $$$ for cable
3) You need to exercise caution in what you watch
4) Reality TV shows – gimme a break!  Talk about an oxymoron!

You’re free, bro.  Enjoy!

My two cents,

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: al Hartman April 04, 2003, 06:03:16 AM

     i just have to say thanks to Bluejay for clearing up a question that has plagued me for years:

     apparently when someone in the assmbly tells you not to use the "F" word, they mean either FLEXIBILITY or FUN.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Joe Sperling April 04, 2003, 06:27:58 AM
In the church we go to now watching television is fully acceptable. But we can only watch between 10:00-11:00 A.M. and it has to be a re-run show. We can watch epsiodes 1-21 of Andy Griffith, not 22 or 23, but we can watch episode 24-210. Apparently 22 and 23 are a bit "racy". All channels are acceptable except for 4 because that's when I start to hear the "voices". We also get to watch "the Rifleman" if it's on, but we need to turn away from the screen every time a gun is shown. I'm really not to sure what the show is about since it seems I am constantly having to look at the floor. But I think TV is just great.


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: BenBrad April 04, 2003, 07:03:29 AM
I think TV is an incredible time-waster.   The news channels either have a right or left slant, cable and satallite networks cost too much, I can get all the news off of the internet, and I've got WAY too much to do to be able to have time to watch TV on a regular basis.  All the shows are crude and stupid  and unless you like watching soaps, the only things they are good for are the Super Bowl, Sports playoffs, and showing movies.  (You know, the GOOD movies like: It's a Wonderful Life, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Jackass (oops!), Rat Race, THe Bridge over the River Kwai, 18 Mile (oops!),  Star Wars (all of them), Bambi, Bueaty and the Beast, The Man Who Knew too Little, Braveheart (oops!), Lord of the Rings.....

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Will Jones April 04, 2003, 07:11:25 AM
Thank you for your replies.  I was interested in what people would say as this was one of the issues that seperated the "men from the boys," that is, "the Saints of the Assembly from the worldly Christians."   ;)

I did not buy a TV until about a year ago when I decided to get cable here in the country I am presently living in.  I felt too out of touch with my own culture.  At present, I watch 0-2 hours of TV per day depending what is on.  Thankfully, the cable package I have does not have any commercials so you can watch the shows without interuption!  But we get the shows about a year behind the U.S.  One show I like that has good family values is SMALLVILLE.  Another show that is just silly but enjoyable is SURVIVOR.  I enjoy it because I enjoy studying group dynamics.  I am very disappointed they do not have the new Star Trek show, ENTERPRISE.  But they do have CSI!

I did not feel guilty about buying a TV because you can control what you watch and learn a lot about what is going on around you.  But, to have to sit through 11 minutes of compercials for every 30 minutes of programming is way too much!  When I was back home and super busy studying, I would tape shows and watch them when I took a break from studying.  I could fast forward through all the comercials and save myself about 20 minutes for every hour-long program!  :D  At present, my wife and I tape most of what we want to watch and then watch it when it is convenient for us.  I highly suggest this to everyone because it allows you to be in control of what you do instead of having to plan your life around the "devil's box" (old Assembly term  ;) ).

I was shocked that a survey of about 50 countries showed that teens watch from 5-6 hours of TV per day.  This means that some kids watch less than this and some kids watch more!   ???   Yikes!  Way, way, way too much.  

But I do contend that there is too little time during the day to spend in front of the TV set.  I agree with Bluejay:  kids are turning into couch potatoes or joystick jocks and this will have a negative impact on their health and the future health industry.  

I am presently reading a book about how Transnational Corporations like Time-Warner and Disney have basically taken over global mass media.  Thus, my motive for asking the question.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: al Hartman April 21, 2003, 08:36:35 AM

     i have a personal testimony regarding both the presence and the absence of TVs in our household, and i will share it on request.

     But i think that at this juncture, the more important thing to say is that owning a TV is like owning a horse, or a speedboat, or a commercial vineyard, or three dozen pair of shoes:  it is YOUR responsibility to know what God wants YOU to do about it, and it is your neighbor's responsibility to know what God wants HIM to do about it.  And if you have any qualms about your neighbor's decision, your first recourse is to prayer:  FIRST for your own clarity, THEN (if it is still in question) for your neighbor's.
     Each of us has a whole lifetime of finding our own path before God without needing to get caught up in dictating such trivia to our neighbors.  That's one of the ways false teachings get started.

You may find more money by looking downward, but you will find your Redeemer by looking UP!

al Hartman

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: MGov April 21, 2003, 09:47:04 AM
al H wrote;
 i have a personal testimony regarding both the presence and the absence of TVs in our household, and i will share it on request.

OK al I'm asking.  Tell us about it.

I need a coffee (or is it carob) break?


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: al Hartman April 21, 2003, 12:27:29 PM

OK, i knew i was asking for this, i knew it would happen, and i was pretty sure who would instigate it.  Right, on all three counts!

It's so late that it's early-- and i'm very tired, so you get the short version:

We left the assembly & CA with no TVs, and moved to OH.  People here couldn't believe we had no TV, so they "donated" a color set and a B&W to rescue us.

We turned 'em on, but couldn't find a good reason to leave 'em on, so we got rid of 'em.

Two or three times a year, we would rent a TV & VCR and rent decent family films:  Disney animated, musicals like "Sound of Music" & "Fiddler on the Roof," etc.

We ended up with four kids who loved to read.  We read to them regularly when they were small.  They still like reading.

Now there are just Cathy and me, and we own three color TVs, three VCRs and a DVD player.  Cathy likes to tune in the weather forecast (weather changes at the drop of a hat in central OH, so it's good to stay abreast of the doppler scans), and watch a movie to relax.  i watch a couple of evening programs with some regularity, but if i miss them it's no big deal.  We've never had cable or satellite hookups.

Personally, i'd usually rather read.


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Joe Sperling April 21, 2003, 09:56:11 PM
I had been watching TV for over a year and it just seemed  all the same to me. A friend of mine came over and watched a program with me. The next day I went to the eye doctor at my friend's insistence. Gratefully thereafter I replaced the microwave oven I had on the stand in the living room with an actual TV set and have been happy ever since.


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Joe Sperling April 23, 2003, 06:02:04 AM
I've related this story before but it was very funny
when it happened. In the Assembly we were told that
television were the "devil's ears", and not to watch
it if you wanted to honor the Lord.

There was a brother who appeared quite "holy" and
had two kids. We were helping them move one day
and someone asked if anyone wanted coffee. There
was a well known commercial on at the time that had
a Swedish woman in it. As the person asked who would like coffee one of the kids said quite loudly "Folger's Coffee,
It's the richest kind". The child even added the Swedish
accent of Mrs. Olsen.  It was hilarious. Of course the brother looked quite embarrassed and quickly changed the subject.

What's really funny about the whole thing is the perception
afterwards that this brother must not be that "holy" or
commited because he had a TV in his house. I must admit I have been very ungodly since those strict Assembly days---once, to my great shame,'s so difficult to admit this---
I watched "Mr. Ed" while I was reading the Bible...I know that's terrible, and so very sacreligious, but I left it on for some reason. As I read a Psalm I also heard "Hey Willlllllbur!"---but hey it was a psalm that mentioned horses, so I thought it was OK.

I learned something though that night. I've kept it in my heart for a long time and would like to share it with you:

A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.

Go right to the source and ask the horse
He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse
He's always on a steady course.
Talk to Mr. Ed.

People yakkity yak a streak and waste your time of day
But Mister Ed will never speak unless he has something to say.

A horse is a horse, of course, of course
And this one'll talk 'til his voice is hoarse
You never heard of a talking horse?
Well listen to this:


At first those words mean very little---but meditate upon them for a while and soon you'll see their deeper and quite
spiritual meaning.   ;D

take care,  Joe

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: sfortescue April 24, 2003, 03:03:56 AM
    I wonder which Psalm you mean:

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses...  Ps. 20:7

Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding...  Ps. 32:9

An horse is a vain thing for safety...  Ps. 33:17

At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep.  Ps. 76:6

He delighteth not in the strength of the horse...  Ps. 147:10

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Joe Sperling April 24, 2003, 04:47:52 AM

I may be confused. I might have actually been reading
about Balaam and the talking mule.

 :D  --Joe

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: al Hartman April 25, 2003, 11:36:18 AM

Dear Brother Stephen,

     Since you have brought it up, would you care to expound upon the chariot being in a dead sleep?


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: sfortescue May 11, 2003, 02:52:05 AM
The way so many of us were living in a virtual reality in the assembly reminds me of the movie Matrix.  The leading brothers would correspond to the agents in the movie.

This thought came to me as I was reading what Kimberly Tobin said in the thread about Luke Robinson as future assembly leader, how that couples knew things that singles didn't, and what Tom Maddux said in the thread on why leaders are responsible, about the things leaders knew that others didn't.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: David Mauldin May 13, 2003, 04:36:41 AM
Just for your info I am meeting with a Quaker tonight ( 7:30 at Unitarian Church of Anahiem)who just returned from IRAQ she was a member of a Peace Team who worked amongst the sick and dying. I am excited as to hear her account of things and see if they differ from CNN
Gee who should I believe?

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: David Mauldin May 13, 2003, 11:14:22 PM
The meeting was very informative and I had the joy of meeting a person who is a tremendous example of integrity. She is a Peace Keeper humanitarian not to be confused with "Human Shield"  What struck me the most was the amount of media coverage she and her co-workers  recieved from every country in the world but not  USA! I aked her why she thought this as so her response was "Our ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM WAS TOO OBVIOUS"   She spent a lot  of time in hospitals, prisons visiting people.  She seemed to have a good feel for the IRAQi citizens. She exposed a lot of suffering that took place because of the sanctions.  Malnutrition, 50% unemployment etc... She believed that the sanctions only helped Saddam maintain his controle over the people. Also she pointed out that if Bush was being honest when he said "We are in Iraq to deliver the people..." THEN HE WOULD HAVE TURNED THE COUNTRY OVER TO THE U.N. BY NOW! She said a lot more. Her name is Mary Burton Riseley

: Matrix
: sfortescue May 19, 2003, 11:37:24 PM
Here is a link to some commentary on the movies "Matrix" and "Matrix Reloaded" from the Leadership University web site.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: MGov May 22, 2003, 07:12:58 PM
Has anyone seen 'A Tale of Two Cities'  by Charles Dickens?

I saw the 1958 production in glorious B&W.  It was an excellent production.  The story is an interesting perspective from the British point of view of the French Revolution.  Whereas Les Miserables is an interesting perspective from the French point of view.
'The Scarlet Pimpernel' gives an interesting perspective too.

Anyway this whole 'assembly saga' reminds me of 'A Tale of Two Cities':
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

to it's conclusion:
It is a far better thing that I do...

I highly recommend viewing the movie, the made for TV version wasn't as good.


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: editor May 22, 2003, 07:46:09 PM

that sounds like a good movie rental to me.  I might just do that.

I heartily endorse a movie called Babette's Feast.  Don't let the subtitles scare you off.  This movie is tailor made for Assembly people.  I guarantee an uplifting, edifying experience.  You won't be dissappointed.


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: al Hartman May 23, 2003, 01:43:22 PM


     i second the motion:  "Babette's Feast" is delightful.

al H.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: al Hartman May 23, 2003, 10:03:24 PM

If that's what moves you, Verne, also check out "Big Night."

Thanks, it'll be good to be back once i get caught up!


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: psalm51 May 24, 2003, 06:47:38 AM

that sounds like a good movie rental to me.  I might just do that.

I heartily endorse a movie called Babette's Feast.  Don't let the subtitles scare you off.  This movie is tailor made for Assembly people.  I guarantee an uplifting, edifying experience.  You won't be dissappointed.

Here's another endorsement for Babette's Feast. It is very insightful and edifying, especially given our assembly backgrounds. Philip Yancey writes about the movie in one of his books about grace and the lack of grace...which is a major theme in the movie. The French know how to make movies.
Go out and rent it, put the popcorn in the microwave, and have a lovely evening.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Matt May 24, 2003, 06:52:43 AM
"Nowhere in Africa" was pretty good. It's a foreign film too, but it was very thought provoking. Matrix Reloaded was good too.

Jackie Chan is ok, but overrated.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: psalm51 May 24, 2003, 08:17:36 PM
I'd like to recommend a movie, The Winslow Boy, which came out several years ago. It's all about getting at the truth and defending it. It is a true story and very charming...takes place in London, early 1900's - great acting, G-rated, and terrific ending.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: al Hartman May 26, 2003, 01:19:09 PM

Thanks, Pat...  i'll add my amen to that one, too.


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: MGov May 27, 2003, 06:16:30 PM
My review of Babettes Feast.

The only reason to watch Babette's Feast is because you don't want to take the 1hr 43mins to read the book.  It wasn't as bad as the slide show '2001 - A Space Odyssey', where the only action was the guy joggin in the space ship. I guess Jackie Chan has 'tainted' me.

However, with regards to the story, it was very insightful:
Babette's humble service
Pre-conceived notions and prejudices can hinder the enjoyment and appreciation of 'life'.

Don't want to spoil it for those of you who plan to see it in the future.


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: editor May 27, 2003, 06:53:30 PM
Regarding Babbette's feast:

Really? You didn't like it all that much?  I'm not going to spoil it for others either, but I have a very different critique!

Did you get hungry?


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: MGov May 27, 2003, 07:36:40 PM
Regarding Babbette's feast:

Really? You didn't like it all that much?  I'm not going to spoil it for others either, but I have a very different critique!

Did you get hungry?


Well, I did like the story.  Most people watch movies now-a-days for the acting, special effects and action.  Babette's Feast was lacking in those areas.

That was quite a feast indeed.  All we had was Theatre Style extra butter flavored popcorn while we watched the movie.

I'd be very interested to know your point of view via a PM.


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla May 28, 2003, 02:43:19 AM
In regards to the greatest sport ever to be played on the planet ; Who will win the Stanley Cup ? Ducks or Devils ?

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla May 28, 2003, 07:47:08 AM
 I think the Ducks sitting out waiting for the results of the Ottawa/ NJ series might have made them sitting Ducks in the opener. Hopefully they'll dust off their wings.
Who you pulling for ?

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla June 03, 2003, 03:36:22 AM
 Fri. Sat. Sun.& Mon. I took the family camping and trout fishing.(fishing was excellent) I just got back and apparently from the sound of your e-mail, the Ducks found life. I'm pulling for the underdog but have to admit a name like the Mighty Ducks will look funny on Lord Stanleys' Cup.
What's great about this game is it's not the size of a teams payroll but the teams heart that will determine a winner.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla June 08, 2003, 06:16:28 PM
 Game Seven Hockey, Awesome !
 Is Don Cherry still doing 'Hockey Night in Canada' ?
I would love to know his pick for the Cup

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: MGov June 09, 2003, 09:34:15 AM
My review of Babettes Feast.

The only reason to watch Babette's Feast is because you don't want to take the 1hr 43mins to read the book.  It wasn't as bad as the slide show '2001 - A Space Odyssey', where the only action was the guy joggin in the space ship. I guess Jackie Chan has 'tainted' me.

However, with regards to the story, it was very insightful:
Babette's humble service
Pre-conceived notions and prejudices can hinder the enjoyment and appreciation of 'life'.

Don't want to spoil it for those of you who plan to see it in the future.


The rest of the review of Babette's Feast:

The DVD from the library was damaged so we did not watch the ending of the movie before.
We got the VHS version and finally finished watching it. We watched the feast to the end. My husband, teens, friend, in-laws and I thought the acting was very good, though it was not an action movie.


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: MGov June 10, 2003, 08:43:34 AM
Well Mark K,

The Lord is still on the throne eventhough the Devils won the Stanley Cup.

Keep rejoicing,

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla June 10, 2003, 09:25:51 AM
It was a Good Game,the better team won and the Ducks have nothing to be ashamed of.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: MGov June 12, 2003, 08:19:36 AM
I'd like to recommend a movie, The Winslow Boy, which came out several years ago. It's all about getting at the truth and defending it. It is a true story and very charming...takes place in London, early 1900's - great acting, G-rated, and terrific ending.

Watched it today with the family. It is an excellent movie.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Eulaha L. Long May 14, 2004, 09:48:20 AM
Now that the Assembly is the thing of the past for many people, what do you think about inviting a TV into your home?  What could be the positive or negative affects of such an exposure to the mass media?  What kind of shows or movies do you think is OK for Christians to watch?  How many hours of TV do you watch?

I watch very little tv, by choice.  I read a lot, play PS2 games and watch old movies.  The only primetime show I watch every week is ER.  There's so much sex on tv these days, I'm very turned off by it.  I hate to see what it will be like when my children are growing up! ??? ??? ???

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: delila May 14, 2004, 07:35:56 PM
I like ER too.  Not sure why that is.  Gore doesn't really appeal to me but the humanity of these people, with all their struggles and then the job on top of it, somehow appeals to me.  No fake victories, maybe that's what it is, true to life and its disappointments.

too much sex on tv.  yup.  I often wonder what I'm supposed to 'get' out of much of what's shown on tv.  I start watching a show sometimes (and I watch very little tv Oprah and Dr Phil when I think it's worth my time or American Idol if I happen to be able to tear myself away from a good book and we're not dancing to some Polka i the living room (my kids love to dance and Grandma gets a kick out of watching them).  But anyways, I used to like CSI but can't bear it anymore, the brutality, even in little takes to illustrate how a crime was commited, it's too much for me.  I get sick and cry.  Especially when its against children, I want to scream: why is this being shown?  Is this form my viewing Enjoyment?  What kind of sick animal decided this should be shown, should be conceived as entertainment?  Turn on the polka folks and let's dance.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: sfortescue May 16, 2004, 02:46:10 AM
I find it too hard to watch shows like ER about hurt people.  I prefer watching Emergency Vets.

Lately, I only watch TV occasionally when visiting relatives.  Last night, I was at my mom's place for my sister's birthday party and watched an old rerun of "Keeping Up Appearances".  It was the episode in which Hyacinth Bucket (she pronounces it "bouquet") was giving Mrs. Fortescue a ride to town and is embarrassed by running into homely relatives who also want a ride.

An old comedy series that hasn't been on lately is "Fawlty Towers" starring John Cleese.  The funniest episode is about a health inspector visiting the hotel, and events relating to the waiter's pet rat, and figuring out which piece of veal has the rat poison on it because the health inpector has ordered veal.

In another episode, a guest dies in his sleep, and someone comes the next morning wanting a room, so the rest of the show is about figuring out what to do with the dead body.  Mr. Fawlty's attempts to conceal what happened reminds me of goings-on in the assembly.

Another show I remember liking is "Junkyard Wars".  Two teams compete in an engineering challenge.  They are given ten hours to design and build some kind of contraption using things available in a junkyard.

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: delila May 16, 2004, 07:18:35 PM
re: the hiding of bodies reminds me of the assembly

yes, how appropriate!  When I left the assem that song "Everything Reminds me of my dog" was playing lots on a local radio station.   I'd laugh and sing along b/c everything reminded me of the assembly: traffic signs, street beggars, missing the bus, the weather, songs and bits of overhead conversation whereever I went.  I couldn't believe I'd escaped it, probably b/c I hadn't.  it follows you wherever you go.  a simple lilt in someone's voice can take you back there like the front end of a train.  Everytime my son hears a train and calls us to make the noise, I think of the assembly.  This train is bound for glory, this train....ain't carryin' nothin' but the righteous and the holy... etc etc

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Eulaha L. Long May 17, 2004, 12:15:05 AM
Did I forget to mention that I LOVE Lifetime TV, and Lifetime Movie Network?   ;D

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: sfortescue May 18, 2004, 04:17:15 AM
re: everything reminds me of ...

A number of things reminded Jesus of the kingdom of heaven, or at least helped with portraying it.  Then there were Ezekiel's silent "stage productions" to warn people of God's coming judgement for their barbarisms.

A good portrayal of the current status of those still in denial and those still meeting is what has to be the saddest comedy show ever.  Mr. Fawlty plans a surprise anniversary party for his wife and invites people over.  Since he doesn't want to spoil the surprise, he pretends to have forgotten.  She gets mad and leaves.  He decides to go on with the party without her!!! ...  Towards the end of the show she has a change of heart and comes back, but he turns her away so that the guests won't find out about his misrepresentations.

Likewise, Bakht Singh evaluated the assembly as being like the Laodicean church with Jesus standing outside and knocking.


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: delila May 18, 2004, 06:02:48 AM
yes, a situational comedy, but sad, not funny.  I hear.
 I've been thinking of Jeremiah lately, calling Israel a whore.  I always took that to mean me personally in the assembly.  Seven years virginal and there I was, studying late into the night: a whore,having left my first love and now wanting that A, how bad I was.  And as I've studied the history of women and Christianity I see that women lost their rights and their dignity as human beings in many lands when Christianity was accepted as the general religion.  The Motherland of Russia all of a sudden became the Fatherland.  Women, though they fed their families with their own sweat and their husbands were generally drinking away their own incomes, were still commonly beaten for not having supper on the table on time, and so it goes: call her a whore and she is one. And I see as I study local lore and history here that once a woman is called a whore, no one bothers to find out what the real story is.  Power and righteousness somehow become one.  What's left is diminished and maligned, used and discarded.  The assembly was some inquisition really, claiming land and maiming the 'heathen' and 'unfaithful' with whom I am proud to be named today.  Do I sound bitter, no, that would be off.  Print, what's it good for sometimes?  

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: lenore May 31, 2004, 11:56:55 AM
I read through all of this posting about TV:
It was a very good discussion.
I followed from the beginning, found it interesting.
With the question whether Tv is good or bad, discussion of the pro and cons of having tv in the home.
to discussion of what I like to watch.

I never gave up my television, a rebellious thing.
Now Since I am more on the computer, I have given it up by exchanging it for another rising habit.

My favourite show is Sue Thomas F.B. Eye. any takers on this one.

I do like CSI . and ER. because these are medical drama, as well with CSI: a crime mystery.

I am not too big on reality shows anymore, I feel that watch a couple  of the shows, then the rest start to look alike.
WHen I could afford the cable/satellite: I like to watch Animal Precinct. Animal Planet, Discovery Channel.
And I must confess I am a Star Trek fan especially the Next Generation. but now I am delegated to only one channel, I tend plug in a video instead.

You can use tv. or tv. can use you.
You can learn from tv. or you can veg in front of the tv.
You can be entertain by tv. or you can entertain others by watching tv.
Tv is a tool, to use wisely,it is a choice, a choice between you and God to make.
A choice to do a stewardship or watch tv.
A choice to service God in someway or watch tv.
Or watch tv when all the duties are done, and it is a reward to relax the mind and body. It is a choice.on how you use the tool.
Frequently that choice can be come habitual, thus addictive. Maybe if we can say everything in moderation. And God created this tool too. Everything in thanksgiving. A choice. to be thankful for...


: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: al Hartman August 04, 2004, 12:56:24 PM

The television, that insidious beast, that Medusa which freezes a billion people to stone every night, staring fixedly, that Siren which called and sang and promised so much and gave, after all, so little.

--Ray Bradbury, science-fiction writer (1920- )

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: shinchy August 04, 2004, 02:11:14 PM
I saw Ray Bradbury speak a couple of years ago at Comic Con. It was worth it especially seeing that he was still very sharp and had a lot of relative things to say. I've always enjoyed his work.

Has anyone ever seen Truffault's adaptation of Fahrenheit 451? The part where Montag's wife is absorbed in some interactive television drama is depicted quite vividly. These people were fixated on the screen and nothing in the real world mattered. Linda (Millie in the novel) was so transfixed that she balks when Montag wants to talk to her. The scenario also reminded me too much of a chat room (which it predates by at least 25 years).

: Re:Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: al Hartman February 03, 2005, 10:40:53 PM

          ...just found this quote-- it seemed appropriate for this thread:

         The more people are reached by mass communication, the less they communicate with each other.
          --Marya Mannes, writer (1904-1990)


: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla February 27, 2005, 06:27:03 AM
For you romantics out there...we rented the dvd 'The Notebook' and enjoyed it

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: outdeep February 28, 2005, 06:46:58 PM
For you romantics out there...we rented the dvd 'The Notebook' and enjoyed it
Yeah, I liked Nicolas Sparks and we enjoyed that movie very much.  One recommendation:  The book A Walk To Remember is much better than the movie.

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: lenore February 28, 2005, 11:48:21 PM
 ;)February 28th.

I had the book Walk to Remember. Sara was able to get the movie.
After that she had to read the book.
ALthough the ending was different than the movie. It was a beautiful movie.
Sara cried buckets.

Yes I too will recommend that movie.


: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla March 01, 2005, 04:12:54 AM
My Daughters want to see, A walk to remember...We'll check it out ...Thanks

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: outdeep March 01, 2005, 07:05:16 PM
My Daughters want to see, A walk to remember...We'll check it out ...Thanks
The movie wasn't horrible.  I just thought the book was much nicer.  The book was staged in the 1950's (or 1960's) and was more innocent while the movie was in the late 1990's or 2000.   The book did a good job with her Christian walk while the movie did OK sucubming to some silly "God want's me to be happy" lines.  Neither was disrespectful to Christianity, however.  Also, books as a whole do a better job giving a sense of time as well as getting into the character's thought life so you understand the rational of why something is happening.  Some of the things were changed and simplified in the movie (such as the play which was central in the book) because it would have taken too much effort to explain it to the audience.

Sparks seems to have a knack for writing love stories that both men and women enjoy.  The Rescue was a good read as well.  (Note:  premaritial sex alert >:D though not overly graphic)

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla March 09, 2005, 04:03:18 AM
The movie wasn't horrible.  I just thought the book was much nicer.  The book was staged in the 1950's (or 1960's) and was more innocent while the movie was in the late 1990's or 2000.   The book did a good job with her Christian walk while the movie did OK sucubming to some silly "God want's me to be happy" lines.  Neither was disrespectful to Christianity, however.  Also, books as a whole do a better job giving a sense of time as well as getting into the character's thought life so you understand the rational of why something is happening.  Some of the things were changed and simplified in the movie (such as the play which was central in the book) because it would have taken too much effort to explain it to the audience.

Sparks seems to have a knack for writing love stories that both men and women enjoy.  The Rescue was a good read as well.  (Note:  premaritial sex alert >:D though not overly graphic)
We all watched it (A Walk To Remember)...thought it was good

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla May 08, 2005, 06:03:26 PM
Rented the 'Incredibles' last family movie.

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: M2 May 16, 2005, 08:53:33 AM
"The Incredibles" was fun.

Watched "Hotel Rwanda" today.  It is excellent.


: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: summer007 May 18, 2005, 03:30:58 AM
Marcia, I really wanted to see "Hotel Rwanda" when it was here in theater's. I think because it's about genecide, it's like the Tolerance Museam I haven't visited, I would drive past it when I worked in BH always saying I wanted to go, but since the subject matter is depressing, no-one wanted to go. I do plan on renting HR soon Don Cheadle's performance is supposed to  be Incredible, speaking of which my son went to see several times.  Summer.

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla May 29, 2005, 04:06:25 AM
"The Incredibles" was fun.

Watched "Hotel Rwanda" today.  It is excellent.

Hi Marcia,
Rented" Hotel Rwanda".....It was excellent.

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark Kisla May 29, 2005, 04:10:49 AM
Looking forward to seeing  A&Es "Faith of my Father" on Monday pm.
It's about Sen. John McCain prisoner of war experience during the Viet Nam war.

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: Mark C. May 29, 2005, 10:00:17 AM
Marcia---May the force be with you! ;) ;)

  I saw it with my 82 year old mother (a big Star Wars fan), but Sindy hates it and would not come :(.

  It was Great!!!!!, despite all of George Lucas's attempts to make George Bush the evil Dark Emperor! >:D

  Action, action, action all the way through--- and very powerful drama too.  Well acted and good dialogue, very big inprovement from the last two episodes.

  Don't take little kiddies to see it though, as I think it would scare them to death.

                                 May God's blessings be with you,  Mark C.

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: summer007 May 31, 2005, 11:45:42 PM
Marcia, I saw "Hotel Rwanda" last night Great Movie. What struck me was when Paul see's the Press' footage and says to Joaquine Phonix I'm glad this is getting out when the world see's this they'll come to help then Joauquine says look when most Americans see this on the news they'll just say Oh, look at that and go on eating their dinner. How true. I remember praying for this missionary David to get out it was about that time '94 during the genecide, never found out if he made it or not. Also I wondered if the Tutsi were part of the Watusi the famous dancers that were  from the giants the tall trees they kept referring to cutt down. Interesting place. Also interesting to see betrayal and heroics at work.  Summer p.s. This thread 'Are t.v. ok?" is really telling re: How far gone some were in their judement. Its sad and kind of funny at the same time. p.s.s. I won't be seeing Star Wars any time soon, but my son went to the Mid-night opening!

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: M2 June 13, 2005, 01:54:18 AM
Hmmm.....I hadn't realized......

Think it will take me as long as it took Lucci?  ;D

Speaking of opera, we just watched Phantom of the Opera.  It is such an excellent production and the music is lovely.  If you don't have a surround sound setup watch it at the theatre.  I don't get off on opera, but I enjoyed this one.
MarkC have you seen the movie?  I have not seen StarWars III yet.  That is one I want to see at the theatre.

Moonie, careful who you take your singing lessons from.  ;)


: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: moonflower2 June 13, 2005, 06:52:45 AM

Speaking of opera, we just watched Phantom of the Opera.  It is such an excellent production and the music is lovely.  If you don't have a surround sound setup watch it at the theatre.  I don't get off on opera, but I enjoyed this one.
MarkC have you seen the movie?  I have not seen StarWars III yet.  That is one I want to see at the theatre.

Moonie, careful who you take your singing lessons from.  ;)


I enjoyed Phantom, too. Saw it in the theatre.

: Re: Mass Media... Do you think TVs are OK?
: outdeep June 13, 2005, 06:00:13 PM
I enjoyed Phantom, too. Saw it in the theatre.
I was impressed with the cinematography - the moving back and forth between black/white and color.  However, I found myself looking at my watch during the show wanting them to "get on with it" and I found it difficult to follow the words of their song.

I prefer Evita as an Andrew Lloyd Weber favorite.

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