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Author Topic: Quotes to Ponder  (Read 224327 times)
Mark C.

« Reply #405 on: March 26, 2008, 05:28:29 am »

Hi Yakomoto,

  I agree with your statement re. the "reconciliation of the two"----- the two being our lives and the full free gospel.  The bible does tell us that the truly saved should live holy lives.

  Very few bible believing Christians would ever try to deny the importance of free salvation or godliness, but as you say, the issue is how to "reconcile" these two and really understsand this issue.

  Those who try and solve this difficulty by stressing the believers need to "pursue sanctification" by a different means than God's grace find themselves using the age old method of heaping guilt, as did your rather contrived story re. the Preacher and the Bus Driver.

   There are some basic concepts that must be grasped if we are going to experience joy and peace in our lives, but our self determinations all fired up via guilt producing "you oughtta" messages is a poor substitute.

 1.) God has already reconciled us in Christ Jesus, and yet a full agreement between our actual lives and that salvation must wait until Heaven.       We could never make peace with God or make holiness "real in our lives" on our very best day of making good choices. 

   2.)  When I, like the new preacher in town, am all concerned with how much others see in me true holiness for--- "we are the only bible some will ever read"---- the focus is on "me" not the Gospel of grace that saves sinners.   We share the human failings of all those around us---- the only difference between saint and sinner is the Gospel, not my ability to perfect my character.

  3.) Guilt laced homilies create self introspection, even when you try to add in the idea that "God helps those that try harder" by giving his "provision."   Failure to perfect ones character in this theology can only be the "fault" of the believer due to the fact that God has promised "the victory".

   4.)  The above method produces the very opposite of what God's grace intends in our lives.   As I John 4:18 says, "The one who fears is not made perfect in love."  "Fear has to do with punishment", as in always trying to live up to standards of conduct to earn a sanctified life.  It produces anxiety, and depression (vs peace and joy) if I live in the constant awareness of my character flaws and that souls will be lost if I don't fix these flaws.  Why? because we are so far from expressing the perfect love of God in our day to day lives.

   I hope this leads to some helpful conversation.            God Bless,  Mark C.

                 BTW, Yakomoto:  With this name I imagine you are of Japanese descent?  Are you possibly now living in Japan?  Did you see the start of the Baseball season in Japan with the game between Boston and Oakland?


« Reply #406 on: December 18, 2008, 02:13:31 am »

There are some threads on this bb that always give me a good chuckle. There is one thread in particular that I read when I need a good laugh. It is called "The Great Carob Deception". It was started by paul hohulin on April 24, 2003. It is about the 9th last page under “Any and All Topics”. So if any of you want a good chuckle, I recommend reading the entire thread. Below is the quote of the first posting:

"The Great Carob Deception"

Dictionary Definitions evergreen tree of the Mediterranean area. 2. its long, edible, fleshy seed pod, used especially as fodder.

Fodder-coarse food for cattle, horses, sheep, etc., as cornstalks, hay, and straw.

Chocolate-a paste, powder, sirup, or bar made from cacao seeds that have been ground and roasted.

One of the deceptions perpetrated in brothers and sisters houses is what I call the great carob deception.  This is one deception that I didn't buy for one minute.  It took just one bite of a piece of a piece of carob and I knew instantly that it defininitely was not a chocolate substitute.  We were told that chocolate was poisonous and that carob could replace our cravings for chocolate.

It was quite entertaining to see the different concoctions that the leaders would come up with to make this substance more palatable.  The final recipe involved putting orange rinds, a lot of honey, a lot of lemon, and two cups of sawdust into a finished product that was basically carob particle board.  I actually saw people eat these bars.  Somehow eating things that tasted incredibly bad was a mark of some kind of spiritual attainment.  The worst part of the deal was that people that were trying to learn how to serve others would actually stick these things in your lunch whether you wanted them to or not.
It was very difficult explaining to other teachers at the lunch table at school, what the various substances in my lunch sack were.  The would watch with great incredulity as I would pull these nasty things out of my lunch sack.
"Are you going to eat that?" they would ask.  "No," I would say, "I have been trying to invent a fireproof coaster in case my coffee cup catches on fire."
I think the equation that some of these trainers operated on was that    more fiber = more spirituality
I remember worker's conferences where visitors from France or Africa would be in incredible pain because of all the fiber in the food.  One brother told me, "Paul it really hurts here," he pointed to his distended abdomen which was swollen from gas.  "Get used to it guy, your intestines will hurt all the time if you stay around here very long."
The Lord made animals like cows with five stomachs so that they could eat the fiber.  Then we can eat the cows and get the healthy benefits without the pain.  A lot of people used to say "No pain no gain."  My wise younger brother told me once "No pain no pain."

The Lord indentifies carob as pig food.
Luke 15:15-17 And he went and attached himself to one of the citizens of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he was longing to fill his stomach with the pods(I.e. of the carob tree, marginal reading NAS) that the swine were eating, and no one was giving anything to him.  But when he came to his senses, he said, he said,"How many of my father's hired men have more than enough bread, but I am dying here with hunger!

We know the rest of the story that Christ told, the prodigal son came to his senses, came back to the Father, and in celebration of his return they killed the fatted calf.(Red meat)

1.Carob is not a chocolate substitute, The Creator identifies it as pig food.
2.You can come to your senses and eat red meat
3.Be set free and eat chocolate.

Paul Hohulin
Joe Sperling

« Reply #407 on: December 18, 2008, 05:49:21 am »


Thanks-----I'm not sure I have ever read that thread before.  That post is very funny!   Grin
Joe Sperling

« Reply #408 on: February 13, 2009, 05:27:18 am »

"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible"  --Voltaire

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so
long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened
for us"   --Helen Keller
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 05:30:25 am by Joe Sperling » Logged
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