
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : Joe Sperling May 02, 2003, 08:20:19 PM

: My Salvation Experience
: Joe Sperling May 02, 2003, 08:20:19 PM
I think it's always wonderful to go back and remember
when we first came to Christ. I'd like to hear some testimonies of how you came to know the Lord.

I was 17 and lived next door to a friend of mine. One day his conversation totally changed, and all he seemed to be able to talk about was Jesus and the end times prophecies.
My brother and I were sick of him after a day or two and started to tell him to shut up. But he kept talking until we both started to avoid him like the plague.

But one day the doorbell rang, and there was Jim at the door. I hesitated, but then opened the door. All he said was "Joe, there's still time" and handed me a "Gospel of John" from the Living Bible. It took a couple of days, but I picked it up and began reading it. Something began to happen as I read and when I got to Chapter 10 I read the words "My sheep hear my voice and they follow me.." I said out loud "I want to be one of your sheep" and I began to cry.

Something wonderful happened. It was like the lights when on inside and I was filled with the greatest joy I had ever known. I hadn't prayed a "sinners prayer"(though I did later anyway), all I had done was ask Jesus if I could be one of his sheep. It was like he said "You always have been Joe" because I indeed did hear his voice.

My brother and I had the habit of smoking weed at night but that night I told my brother "I'll roll a joint for you, but I don't want to smoke any." My brother asked why and I told him about my experience. He said "Oh no, not another one!" referring to my becoming a Christian.

I wish I could say that I faithfully followed the Lord from that time on, but it isn't the case. I fell away back into my old habits, became very condemned and wound up in the Assembly two years later.

But I ALWAYS remembered who the Lord was and I think that's what made me question so many things about the Assembly--things that just didn't ring true when I considered the Good Shepherd and his kindness to me.

I praise the Lord so much and thank him so very, very much for saving me and continuing to this day to be the Good Shepherd in my life.


: Re:My Salvation Experience
: Arthur May 03, 2003, 03:15:03 AM
Thank you for sharing, Joe. That was touching and worthwhile.

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