
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : tenderhearted May 22, 2006, 12:58:16 AM

: tenderhearted May 22, 2006, 12:58:16 AM

From the pulpit today, Pastor told us abit about the book. Also what one of the major star of the movie said. That although he believed that the Da Vinci Code book is fiction, he also believed that the Bible is fiction. He also believed that the marriage of Jesus and the physical descendants is possible.

Pastor also told us about some of the stats of people who are believing in the DaVinci Code Book
is around 60%.  There was one person that claimed that "'if it wasnt true they wouldnt of published it".

It is amazing although this book is FICTIONAL, sold as Ficton.  People are chosing to believe this book.

Pastor tie this information to be able to be prepared to answer people who are seeking the truth, and it will be Christians that people will be seeking answers from on this book.

Pastor's sermon was on Acts 8th, the live Philip, as an example, as Philip and the early Christian leaders faced in the 1st century.

Christian must be prepared:  Faith, prayer, Good News Gospel.

Pastor went on to say.  That Christians must be ready to give the Hope of the Gospel. Because books like the DaVinci Code and books like this , is a tool for Satan to take away that Hope from people. As North America is becoming a dark in its spiritual beliefs, Christians have an opportunity to be that light in the midst of darkness.

So I am asking... Are any of you facing questions from people over this DaVinci Book.


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