
General Discussion => General Mayhem => : David Mauldin May 03, 2005, 10:31:44 PM

: Bad Kitty
: David Mauldin May 03, 2005, 10:31:44 PM
My cat is ruining my marriage,

               My cat and my wife have had a power struggle going on since the day we all moved in together.  Rhoda (The Cat) seems to be selective about using her cat box.  On most occasions she has demonstrated good judgment in going outside and using her box.  Yet it always seems when we are gone for the evening or afternoon she "forgets"???  and decides to decorate the house. This has caused my wife a lot of grief and has encouraged me to get rid of it. I on the other hand I have tried many different options, more boxes, new cat door, new food, etc... Last Sunday after church, my wife and I found the home covered in it. I find I cannot keep negotiations moving.  I am getting rid of Rhoda!!!  I feel very bad about it! But there is no way around it. :'( :'( :'(

: Re: Bad Kitty
: Tony May 04, 2005, 12:25:47 AM

   Sorry to hear about that tempermental kitty (is there another kind?)   When my wife moved in, my first guide dog (black labrador) left a huge calling card in the middle of the living room floor.   Then when our first child was born...same thing and same place!   Coincidence we thought?  So, when our second child was born, we put some newspaper in the middle of the lr was shredded and he "saluted" the couch!   We got the point, he didn't deal well with change. <grin>
  He never went in the house prior to or after those three occasions.   I guess when you don't have the power of language and your disposal and you want to make a point...

C-ya, Tony

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