
General Discussion => General Mayhem => : David Mauldin July 04, 2005, 05:38:06 AM

: Brazil Leader in the use of Alternative Fuel
: David Mauldin July 04, 2005, 05:38:06 AM
Why can Brazil do this and we can't????   They have gone over to using a fuel made from vegetables!!!!  Their automobiles run on crops they grow in their own country! Thus they are not dependent on foreign oil!!!  Their children don't have to die so their parents can power their SUV'S!!!  People in our country have been trying to do this but they are constantly shut out/down by Republicans (o.k. maybe a democrat is somewhat responsible) who are controled by the oil business! doesn't this make you angry!!!!?????  Why are we the richest country in the world and yet so backwards?????

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