
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : Vandyyke July 19, 2008, 04:25:37 AM

: Rich vs Poor Is it Genetic?
: Vandyyke July 19, 2008, 04:25:37 AM

Awhile back my wife and I were at a pretty high class restaurant, (Britas in Irvine) At the table next to us is
a mother and her son. They are obviously "well-to-do". He is about 11 years old and looks exactly like a Ralph Lauren advertisement. Polo shirt, topsiders, blue blazer, to add he has blond hair, blue eyes. (Now this is just the setting) As I nonchalantly listen in on their conversation I can't help but be impressed with the level of their conversation. He is talking about his classmates, curriculum, summer vacation plans... at what I would consider a very mature level. I also notice his table/conversation manners. He is maintaining eye contact, not chewing with his mouth open, etc...

   I can't help but contrast this scenerio with what I observe every day on my job. If the average *.*.S.D. student was sitting at this table he would be...making fart noises, spilling food all over himself, leaving the table every 5 minutes to walk around the restaurant, engaging in conversation with an array of vocabulary such as... "yea, no, yea, no"  I can't help but wonder, Are rich, smart, good looking people the result of good genes?
Are stupid, ugly people the result of bad?

Now I'm not trying to prevoke a controversy by being politically incorrect, but I would enjoy objective, reasoned responses.  (I'm asking too much!)

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