
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : InterestingStats February 06, 2003, 08:10:29 PM

: interesting Stat
: InterestingStats February 06, 2003, 08:10:29 PM
Interesting that the top 10 posters have 61% of all posts to date.  What does this mean?

: Re:interesting Stat
: MichelleDJ February 06, 2003, 08:16:29 PM
Wow, anonymous guest, I'll bet that if you took it a little further you'd see that the top 20% of the posters post 80% of the posts!  It's magic!

Here's the situation, as I see it.  The top 10 posters are the most vocal and unafraid of The Consequences of Posting.  There are 10 to 20 "guests" here at any given time, and they are generally those remaining in the shadows.  Perhaps the Lord will give them whatever it takes to step into the sunlight and risk posting sometime, which is my prayer.  The most vocal posters continue to be vocal, I'm assuming, to reach out to these folks and be used by God in some way in someone's life.

I would have remained lost in the shadows - nah, actually, I was in the blackness - if someone in your midst hadn't been noisy and willing to take a beating for what he believed.  God uses the most unlikely people in the most unlikely circumstances to do the most incredible things!  

So, those who are vocal, remain vocal!  w00t!

(and those who are quiet ... come play in the sunshine!)

: Re:interesting Stat
: editor February 06, 2003, 08:19:07 PM
Yeah, its interesting.

Also interesting how 2 or 3 people spent all the money in the assembly.
Waht does this mean?

: Re:interesting Stat
: Kimberley Tobin February 06, 2003, 08:21:57 PM
It means that most are content to just read and comment quitely (without contributing - or posting as "guest" which doesn't count towards the top 10).  Noone has any room to complain if they won't get into the fray and POST.  We want people on the board to contribute.  The "Posters" are not tying the "lurkers" fingers behind the lurkers backs, preventing them from typing away  ;D!  Those of you who are refraining from contributing, what's holding you back?

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