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Author Topic: An ex-missionary to China - DaIe Yuzuk1  (Read 18592 times)
matt sciaini

« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2003, 08:30:18 am »

Dear Dale:

It's been so long, brother!!! Much has and is happening here in Fullerton.  I trust it is of God, though it is weird for many of us (I am sure) to be awakened from our long sleep under George Geftakys.  

Please contact me.

cell (714) 928-3414 or e-mail.

Yours in Christ,

Matt Sciaini
Dale Yuzuki

« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2003, 11:38:23 pm »

Hi Matt, great to hear that you are being 'awakened from our long sleep' as you put it, and it's going to take a while before this gets sorted out in any long-lasting manner.

To quote Verne from another thread, I think he gets this right on (thanks Verne for some great thoughts here):

The failure of the ministry of George Geftakys is clearly attributable to the man's complete and unmitigated state of corruption.
His ability to damage and destroy so many lives on his way to God's clear rejection is however, attributable to a failure of LEADERSHIP.
Galatians 2 shows us how to separate the men from the boys. Paul reports in verse 11:

Now when Peter came to Antioch, I withstood him to his face because he was to be blamed

It is certainly true that more of the flock should have followed the dictates of conscience and departed after they had clear evidence unwillingness to address unscriptural and ungodly conduct.
Nevertheless, it was the God-given responsibility of the leadership to protect the flock and uphold the integrity  of the gatherings of God's blood bought people.
It is now evident that over many decades, George Geftakys:
Lied. Yet the leadership failed to withstand him.
Slandered. Yet the leadership failed to withstand him.
Preached false doctrine. Yet  leadership failed to withstand him.
Engaged in immoral conduct. Yet the leadership failed to withstand him.
Abused others. Yet the leadership failed to withstand him.
Refused to be accountable. Yet the leadership failed to withstand him.
Do I need to continue?
Acts 20 is indisputably clear: The safety and security of the flock is the responsibility of the local leadership. They are required to stand for the interests of God's people even against ungodly men who arise from their midst. I have no compunction with regard to painting with a very broad brush. The current state of this ministry is the responsibility of every single leader who knew what was going on and did nothing about it. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Subsequent repentance will not relieve them of that awful  burden I assure you. I am all for placing individual responsibility where it belongs. Let us also put spiritual oversight responsibility squarely where God's word puts it- WITH THE SHEPHERDS!

Anyhow, since you did not register with the board I don't have your email address. You can register or email me through my profile, my email address is

By the way it's nice to hear from someone still involved in Fullerton, they seem to be underrepresented here.

Believing the best,

« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2003, 09:19:41 pm »

Hi Dale

My name is Gary Wilson.  Do you remember we and my wife
Linda Wilson.  We are from Fullerton.

I remember you.  I can even picutre your face ( I don't have the
age updates in my memory banks) and your hyperness.  I think
mostly what I remember are two things:  Your joy and the obvious
thoughtfulness with which you communicated.  I always enjoyed your preaching.  It was always fresh and contained substance.
Your post concerning Shepherds is typical Dale.   State the case, present the agruement, draw the conclusion.  Thoughtfully done.

Much is happening here in Fullerton.  We are seeking the Lord for a new beginning.  There is promise.  But there is much that could hinder.

We need a new beginning - not a new pattern.
God can do it.  Pray for us.  I believe the natural tendency for many of us will be to seek that which is familiar.  Methods and structure are easy.
We need the Lord.  Pray for us.

I am constantly reminded of what conditions the Lord brought forth the church.  
It was after the failure of 12 leaders - One betrayer and 11 who denied Him.  All believers had been scattered.   Disappointment was rampant.  However, a risen Christ did a quick work in those ones and
the world has never been the same.  

However, these one's were willing to endure the process of waiting on the Lord.  Ouch, ouch ouch.
I also find it kind interesting that the Lord began his upper room discourse with washing their feet and instruction on loving one another.  Doesn't he say that will be evidence to others that we are truly His disciples, "That we love one another".
God is good.  God is simple.  Believe Him, allow Christ to be the center and love one another.  

Mind you, that is only my limited perspective.

I did enjoy reading your posts.  I have read a number of posts that seem to be either reactionary or shallow in their thought content.   Such a statement is not a denial of "truth" just how truth is stated or how specific truth may be made to apply to people in all situations.
I have read a number of posts where it is evident that their has been some thought given before writing.  To these - whether painful or encouraging, I am grateful.   I guess the bottom line is regardless of what and how others say things, we still are brothers and sisters in Christ.

I have put some posts out there but I think my posting days are drawing to an end.  Save maybe a quick hello to Christian's I haven't seen in some time.

Take care brother.  Feel free to comment.

Confused and Clueless in Fullerton, but seeking His contentment.
Dale Yuzuki

« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2003, 12:26:50 am »

Hi Gary, of course I remember you too and your wife Linda.

It's interesting to see how people remember you after many years. You describe me as hyper, another described me as intense, and a third remembers me as the guy to crashed his honda while racing in the Big Bear mountains.  Smiley

But that's another story.  Lips sealed

A new beginning is certainly needed, and God can certainly do it, although with man it is impossible. Your illustration is apt regarding the disciples, there is the possibility of something new.

The problem is one of being able to deconvolute a system that has real weakness, and is it necessary and worthwhile to endure this kind of pain? I consider the disbanding of the entire meeting, as has taken place in Champaign and SLO, to be the only realistic option. I know it is emotionally very difficult after so many years and so many relationships, but as far as needed healing goes, it needs to be done 'on the outside', getting others with a healthy perspective to intervene. And this can be done very effectively in the context of caring churches that are all around us.

Thank you for your words of encouragement, I'm sure they will be a help to others who are also still reeling from all this.

Do you consider your 'posting days coming to an end' because of the pain of waiting? I'd like you to reconsider that, as communication and consideration of other points of view are really important in this difficult time. Certainly feel free to contact me via email in my profile if you'd prefer.



« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2003, 12:39:13 am »

Just to be clear.  SLO has not disband (as of today).  We did go to Calvary Chapel on Sunday to worship.  Had a great time as most of us expected.  The Lord is doing great things there.  The Lord spoke to us (what a faithful God we have).  Some of us went up for prayer afterward.  We will have our prayer meeting on Tuesday and as of yet, I don't see why we will not open God's Word for the Bible study in Hos 6 on Wednesday.  Many things need to be adressed and changed, but at this point, God has not closed shop.

Tim Weaver
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