
Post Assembly Life => People Finder => : rylan January 08, 2004, 11:57:57 AM

: Jason Kappas?
: rylan January 08, 2004, 11:57:57 AM
Hello! Can anyone tell me where Jason Kappas is and if he is still in fellowship? Last I heard was that he got married recently. Who's the lucky lady? Please pm me if you have his email/phone. Thanks.

: Re:Jason Kappas?
: struggling along January 09, 2004, 12:11:56 AM
Jason got married a month or so ago in the supreme cult of the SF assembly controlled by Scott Testa.  I heard it was a really weird wedding because none of the people "in" were allowed to talk to anyone "out".  Must of been a real joyful time.  Not sure who he married but he's still in the assembly that has regular visits from GG because all the accusations were lies.  :P you know

: Re:Jason Kappas?
: matthew r. sciaini January 10, 2004, 06:36:39 AM

Jason married a woman in the San Francisco assembly by the name of Nancy Luna (well, now it's Kappas).  I saw her at Dan and Katy's wedding in Arcata back in April,  and when I told her that I was no longer in the assembly in Fullerton, that was the end of the conversation.   But some of the San Franciscans actually talked to me--particularly the guys who were staying where I was staying for the weekend.  

Matt Sciaini

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