
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : Arthur July 20, 2004, 09:10:48 AM

: Women Senators Balk at Controversial Nominee
: Arthur July 20, 2004, 09:10:48 AM,2933,124885,00.html

Check out Senator (from California) Diane Feinstein's comment:

"How can I or any other American believe that one who truly believes a woman is subordinate to her spouse [can] interpret the Constitution (search) fairly?" she asked during a debate Tuesday on the candidate.

Oh my, has it come to this?  Not that long ago, people would have asked the exact opposite.
In Diane's opinion, anyone who takes the Bible literally and believes that women were created to be helpers to men, is not fit to be a judge in the USA.

Well, I suppose it's not surprising considering that her and her girlfriend Barbara have somehow managed to be senators representing California for the past...far too long.


: Re:Women Senators Balk at Controversial Nominee
: summer007 July 20, 2004, 10:28:44 AM
Or anyone of the Assembly mind-set that could'nt think for themselves. Of course she's miscontrued this, as well as mis-interpreted it. But then again its the Worlds mind-set most woman wear the Pants in the Family. Sometimes just to be fair in Christian Families too. We'd all be lying if we said different . Think Betty!

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