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Author Topic: Why Luke Robinson May Become a Future Assembly Leader  (Read 87386 times)
Eulaha L. Long

« on: March 26, 2003, 10:05:37 pm »

I'm not trying to offended you bro.  I'm just concerned about your posts and your insistance on hanging to Assembly doctrine and beliefs.  Open your mind, pray, and read the Bible for what it truly says, not just what your seminar notes tells you it says.

« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2003, 10:10:53 pm »

Dear Eulaha...

I'm not trying to offended you sis.  I'm just concerned about your posts and your insistance on hanging to ignorance and fantasy.  Open your mind, pray, and read the Bible for what it truly says, not just what the nearest billboard says...

I am going to receive quite a bit of retaliation for what I'm about to say but...please, oh wise Eulaha, tell me how Luke confirmed that he is holding on to assembly doctrine and beliefs...I would appreciate that immensely...I personally just think you are jealous of his firm walk with the Lord and you are trying to take him down with you...One reason he left this BB is because people like you post without using any reasoning or common sense...Try it for might get more positive feedback...Have a great day...

« Last Edit: March 29, 2003, 03:24:42 pm by Paul Robinson » Logged

« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2003, 03:27:39 pm »

By the way, Luke prefers MR. Assembly Leader to you!

« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2003, 08:34:31 pm »

Dear Mr. Assembly Leader,

What is your first order of business?

Are you going to reinstate George, David and Tim into different assemblies? How much will the donations to the treasury be this year. I know last year was alittle bleak.
Are you still going to claim you aren't paid clergy?

What name will you claim to call yourselves? Robinsonites!

« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2003, 10:45:19 pm »

What assembly are you from Matt?

Paid clergy? Oh yea, I am referring big time to the Geftakys and also the workers. Really, I don't mind paying the clergy. I just want the honesty in it. I remember George clearly stating that we don't believe in a paid clergy and why. Why lie about it? Why so much secrecy about where the money goes? Unless it is not being used for what they say....

Eulaha L. Long

« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2003, 12:44:28 am »

Wow, I'm off the BB for a week and look what I caused! Smiley

Paul-stop defending your brother.  Poor poor Lukey!  Did him get offended??? Tongue

Heide-how's it going?

Matt, when I lived in Fullerton, the leading brother I lived with had two vehicles, one relatively new and the other a brand new hot red convertible.  This leading brother had no job.  Who do you think paid for it, huh?
Mark C.

« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2003, 05:02:36 am »

Hi Matt.
  I'm afraid I don't understand all this hostility you seem to have toward Eulaha, and others who post on the BB.
  I don't think anyone said every leading Bro. in every Assembly was like GG and his family.  I was a leading Bro. in the Valley and was on the verge of poverty, or below the line all the time.
  I can also remember many very sincere, good people who were either leaders, or regular members.  The problem with those, who were otherwise good in the Assembly, is that they passively supported an evil system.  Zeal for God, that is not according to knowledge, is not for God at all.  I can admire the personal ethics of a Morman and yet have a strong disagreement with him in re. to his understanding of the Gospel, and his support of Mormon theology.
  I know the Assembly did not teach Mormon doctrine, but their understanding of the Gospel, the Christian life, and church government were twisted to the point that it damaged souls.  To the extent each individual Assembly accepted the direction of Fullerton, and submitted to it, they were a part of it.
  Who is more culpable?  Obviously, the ignorant and passive followers are the victims here, but now that we now know better, any defense of the old system is plain hard-hearted on our part.
  I'm not sure what you are trying to defend in your posts.  I tried to engage you once in a conversation but possibly you never saw my message.  
                     God Bless Neighbor,  Mark  
« Last Edit: April 07, 2003, 05:06:48 am by Mark C. » Logged
Kimberley Tobin
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2003, 01:32:46 am »


Mark was not from San Diego, he was from the San Fernando Valley.  He left the valley almost 12 years ago.  He was a very humble, gracious man even then, always preaching on the grace of God, you would do well to dialogue with him.

I don't believe people have been treating the Robinson brothers "very badly" on the bb.  I think what most people in their posts to the brothers have been trying to get them to do is to have objective reasoning.  To really think through what they were spoon fed from the time they were born.  I have had private conversations with Luke (to try and get away from the public forum) as I believe he is a very sincere young man.  Sincerity does not mean you are right, however.  I am concerned for their souls.  The basic doctrines that we were taught in the assembly were heretical and if anyone continues in that theology it will not, cannot produce fruit.  It is a doctrine of works and the bible is clear regarding this doctrinal point.  I hammer on this point consistently in my posts, as I believe it was the flash point for many (if not all) of the problems that were produced in the assembly.  When a believer begins to walk in the reality of salvation is all of grace, the liberty is tremendous (not an occasion to the flesh, but a liberty to walk in oneness with my creator.)  This is why I have been trying to reach out to at least one Robinson brother.  Sorry Paul, although I find you rather humerous, I don't see much spiritual dialogue ensuing and so haven't taken the time, not that you aren't worth it, you are.

« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2003, 04:48:43 am »

That does seem to be a problem with members who left the assembly in poor standing. We were marked. Funny thing is we are still being marked. We speak and we're branded for being bitter or angry. In order to understand us, you have to label us. I for one am no longer angry or bitter but I do resent how you talk to my sister. She endured alot in Fullerton and deserves alittle more respect than you dished out to her. Eulaha has come a long way from not wanting to talk about it, to finally talking. When you show that kind of courage Matt, I will show you the respect you deserve. Everyone has their own story, sometimes they aren't good ones, most of the time they are downright ugly.  

Unfortunately we all bear the mark from being involved with this assembly/cult and it will take some time to heal....


« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2003, 07:36:42 am »

I was under the assumption that Luke Robinson for next Assembly Leader started off as a joke. I personally would vote for him because he has enough charm and wit to pull it off. I'm glad that Luke is still on here and posting, he was an opinion and should share it. I haven't conversed with Paul so I don't know about him but I have enjoyed sparring with Luke. I might have come down on you too hard Matt. I think Luke is a big boy and can defend himself. He does do well on the other posts.

I wish I could remember what Luke wrote and said what he wanted to be called. Was it Lukites?

Daniel Teater

« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2003, 10:51:05 am »

Hello all,

Its been quite a long time since I bothered checking out the BB simply because I feel it served its purpose and turned into a slam session.  However, after talking with my two cousins: (the now infamous) LUKE ROBINSON AND PAUL ROBINSON, I decided to get on here and check it out.  Well I must say I was suprised to find this seperate folder in honor of my beloved cousin Luke. All I can say is that I coudln't agree more with you about him becoming a future Assembly Leader, matter of fact him and I (along with Paul) have decided to start off slowly by "outreaching" to campuses.  From there we hope to build a small but dedicated following of the doctrine of "Testimony To Jesus."  If you wish to support our endavours please e-mail me or send your money directly to me at:

              12345 I Love Money Blvd.
              Greed City, MO 63033

I appreciate all of your prayer and support as we humbly seek to further the kingdom of George....uh....I mean of the Lord.

« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2003, 08:58:56 pm »

Bravo Daniel,

You really ought to stay away from the Geftakys name tho. All the stigmas attached to it... Adultery, fraud, you get my drift. Be individuals for now, come up with some catchy phrase like "Iwantayourmoney." Claim to be european.

You are on a roll...


« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2003, 09:42:01 pm »

If you wish to support our endavours please e-mail me or send your money directly to me at:

              12345 I Love Money Blvd.
              Greed City, MO 63033
So by the state of "Missouri" do you actually mean the state of "Misery"? Grin
al Hartman

« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2003, 08:32:45 am »

     You are ALL totally insane!!!  That's what i love about you!

     Forget being Robinsonites...  the "-ites" thing has been  
 W A Y overdone!  If you're looking for a "hook" upon which to display your movement, how about calling it:

      The New Age Middle-Of-The-Week Gospel Latter Day
     Swiss Family Robinson and Cousin Evangelical Revival

     You can really capitalize on the "Swiss" angle by:

     1.] Serving Italian SWISS Colony wine for communion...

     2.] Make the communion loaf SWISS cheesebread...

     3.] Replace all carob in training houses with SWISS      

     4.] Require that all leaders have at least one meal a day
          of SWISS steak...

     5.] ...supplemented with a side order of SWISS chard...

     6.] In all cases of doctrinal dispute, be neutral, an
           internationally recognized SWISS quality...

     7.] Carefully time all ministry with a fine SWISS watch...

     8.] Buy Disneyland, and build your headquarters
          cathedral on the SWISS side of the Matterhorn.

     Maybe the pope will even lend you his SWISS guard to make sure you handle the offering properly (because we know what you've learned by observation).

Good luck (i SURE can't say God bless!),


« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2003, 08:06:54 am »


From the looks of it, it looks like Al Hartman himself is vying for the position of Future Assembly Leader.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2003, 08:32:15 am by MGov » Logged
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